Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1088 Removing hidden dangers

Chapter 1088 Removing hidden dangers
According to the report of the civil cadres, there are women and men in the troupe.The Senate needs these women, but not the men behind these women.In the old time and space, any prostitute group was secretly controlled by pimps: Wenzhou Shampoo Girls, nightclubs everywhere, and so on.Without the escort of these people, they would not be able to operate at all.This time and space troupe is a mobile brothel, and the middle-aged men in the troupe are the ones who control this group of actors.These women have been oppressed and controlled by them for a long time, and they have a habit of dependence and fear on them, so these men must disappear.

"Take them away and hand them over to the military court, and punish them as a bandit organization." Zhu Mingxia instructed the orderly.

The gallows was built when Qidao Island began to take in refugees—the arbitration tribunal issued two warrants, authorizing the Beishang detachment to set up a military court on Qidao Island and Jeju Island respectively, as a legal basis for temporary disposal.

A court martial is set up in this refugee camp for the sole purpose of intimidation.With nearly 1 people gathered together, without strong violent means to maintain order, it will become an out-and-out hell on earth.

Once in use, the gallows were never empty, and the body of a hanged prisoner would not be taken down until the next unlucky one was hung.

An hour later, the orderly sent the verdict—Zhu Mingxia was also the president of the military court.

He looked through the materials: the order was clear, the evidence was solid, and the indictment, testimony, and confession were all available.In addition to the crime of bandit organization, a series of crimes such as human trafficking, intentional injury, illegal detention, illegal torture, and gang fights were added.Of course, it was strange that such troupes did not have such things at that time.

Zhu Mingxia nodded in satisfaction: The boys memorized the law really well.In this way, everything seems reasonable and legal-"ruling the country by law" cannot be abolished.

"In the name of the Senate and the people, I order the following people to be dealt with as necessary." He signed his name behind this line, and handed the document to the orderly, "Execute immediately."

Zhu Mingxia felt in a good mood after executing people who shouldn't exist.He looked out from the window: In the small square beside the village, livestock such as dead cows, horses, and mules were being skinned. At night, they were going to use the meat of these livestock to improve the food of the northbound detachment. Apart from being full, they are no different from refugees.There are very few fresh vegetables here, let alone meat.

Even Zhu Mingxia himself hadn't eaten fresh meat for a long time. Seeing this scene, not only did he not feel disgusted, but he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.At the moment, he took care of the orderly: "Tell the cooking team, get some steak first, and then get some radish and beef balls! There are also beef gluten, pepper, pepper, and cumin..."

While talking, Lu Wenyuan and Chen Sigen also came, and both of them were full of enthusiasm: they had just prepared a telegram to be sent to Lingao, reporting this important victory, and at the same time requested to increase the frequency of dispatching ships.

The telegram let Zhu Mingxia read the signature and then it can be sent in the name of the former finger of Jeju Island.Although this is not a great victory, it at least shows that the Beishang detachment has established a firm foothold in Shandong, and the engine operation is running normally.

"If the boat doesn't come in time, hundreds of people will freeze to death when the snow falls in a few days." Lu Wenyuan said with some regret, "It would be a waste for us to capture so many prisoners."

"Last time, Zhao Yingong sent a telegram, saying that he was trying to solve it—how would he solve it?" Zhu Mingxia was also very worried about this problem. "It's hard to get a lot of people, so don't toss a lot of people to death."

He didn't have any objection to the telegram. As a military officer, even if he didn't brag about the words "command well", he couldn't get away.

After signing, Lu Yang came and reported that all the corpses had been discarded.

"It's over—my big hair is covered with blood, and I need to wash it well..." He complained, "Is it just to bury it? It's like fertilizing the land—"

"It's so cold, it's too difficult to dig a hole." Zhu Mingxia shook his head and said, "Besides, if you don't do it well, you have to consider the plague and groundwater pollution. It's better to throw it into the sea: You can think of it this way, bury it in the ground It is used as fertilizer, and it can be used as fish farming when thrown into the sea. Anyway, the veterans have established themselves in Jeju and Shandong, and large-scale development of local fishery resources should be put on the agenda soon. This will not only solve a large amount of food problems, but also supplement emergency Missing protein. What a wonderful thing!"

Lu Wenyuan laughed: "Zhu Sir, your level of comprehensive utilization is not high. If the gang from the Planning Institute were here, they would definitely shave the head of the dead, sterilize them with high-temperature steam, and weave them into blankets and insoles to keep out the cold; Throw biogas digesters to decompose, produce biogas for refugees to keep out the cold, cook food, use biogas slurry to fertilize fields, and feed the residue to pigs, and throw it into the sea to feed fish to start fishery production..."

"Stop talking, I'm about to vomit." Chen Sigen frowned, "You told me that I don't even want to eat fish."

"Okay, let's stop complaining about the Planning Institute. I want Xiaolu to send a boat to contact Sun Yuanhua tomorrow," Zhu Mingxia said, "One is to give him gifts, and the other is to see if we can help him strengthen the defense of Xialaizhou Kong Youde and the others have suffered such a big loss, they will fight Laizhou even more fiercely."

"The headquarters has already sent power. They will soon send a veteran to be responsible for Laizhou's defense and Sun Yuanhua's liaison work. Let us find an appropriate opportunity to help him establish a relationship with Sun Yuanhua." Lu Wenyuan said.

"Huh? Could it be that this person is not me?" Lu Yang was greatly disappointed.

"You'll be busy soon—you're the captain of the navy, not a diplomat. What do you want to do with Old Sun Pao if you don't do your own job?" Chen Sigen gave him a malicious look.

"All right, I understand." Lu Yang could only nod his head, "I respect Mr. Huo Dong very much..."

"It's not good if we respect him. We just need to respect him." Zhu Mingxia said, "In this case, we have to find a suitable opportunity. Either we don't give the gift first, and give it together when someone comes—let him See you."

"Agreed, we need to find the right time." Lu Wenyuan nodded, "Today is January 24. In a few days, the rebel army will fight the officers and soldiers led by Yang Yufan and Wang Hongtong in Xincheng. So I think we There is no need to rush there. When this army of officers and men is defeated and the people in Laizhou are in a state of panic, it will be easier to see if you go.”

Another effect is that Yang Yufan and Wang Hong lost the battle, but Sun Yuanhua won the battle, and reporting it at the same time is of great benefit to alleviating Sun Yuanhua's guilt.

"Unexpectedly, you are very thoughtful," Chen Sigen praised, "I think this is feasible."

Zhu Mingxia also agreed.Everyone unanimously decided to "give gifts" after the officers and soldiers had suffered a defeat.

Zhu Mingxia also ordered to form a ranger team, ready to wait until January [-]th after the rebels finished beating the officers and soldiers to "collect the ocean."It would be nice to even get some dead horses and mules back.

After beating the rebels, they were depressed for a few days. The three people on Qidao Island were waiting for the rebels to contact them, but the special investigation team who went to Dengzhou to investigate came back, and they brought some prisoners.

Seeing these sluggish figures wrapped in dirty cotton robes in the yard, Lu Wenyuan immediately knew who they were.

These are the original officials of Dengzhou who were captured after the city was broken: Song Guanglan, Dengzhou Military Preparer, Wang Zheng, Liaohai Supervisor, Zhang Tao, General of Fubiao...

According to the report of the special investigation team, they discovered that these people were sent out by the rebels during surveillance. The rebels were very polite and not only sent people to escort them out of the city, but also gave each of them a few mules, servants and luggage.

The special investigation team had received relevant orders a long time ago, so naturally they refused to let it go.Immediately sent people to follow and monitor, and when the group was far away from the city, they launched a surprise attack, eliminated the escorting rebel cavalry, and captured all the rest.

A brief interrogation of the captured rebels and servants proved that these people were the captured Dengzhou officials.

"You guys did a good job." Lu Wenyuan patted the team members on the shoulder vigorously, then turned his head and said to Chen Sigen, "We must give credit to them!"

"No problem!" Chen Sigen nodded with a smile, "Good job!"

The arrest of these officials will remove one of Sun Yuanhua's biggest troubles. The so-called "unified caliber" is also very important.

"Send all these people to the stockade to bathe and change clothes, then check their bodies, and prepare a banquet later to make them calm down." Lu Wenyuan took care of his subordinates, "Return their luggage and servants, but they are not allowed to be free. Activities. Put them all under house arrest!"

When Dengzhou City was broken, most civil and military officials either surrendered to the rebels or committed suicide.Those who do not surrender and commit suicide like them are very few.This made these officials the main evidence of the court's suspicion of "surrendering the enemy and rebellion" after they were released by the rebels.However, for the senators, the motives of these people’s unwillingness to commit suicide are not surprising at all: most of these people are Catholics, and suicide is a felony for Catholics, and the Pope must personally pardon him after death.

There are so many high-ranking officials who believe in Catholicism gathered in this small city of Dengzhou. Sun Yuanhua really regards his fellow believers as his most reliable assistants.Speaking of it, it is a bit like a small Catholic group in Dengzhou.

However, Zhu Mingxia understood his approach very well: Sun Yuanhua's new system was not something ordinary officials and literati in Ming Dynasty could understand and accept.It is also justifiable to engage in small groups.

Although these officials are useless, they are Sun Yuanhua's best allies: they are colleagues in Sun Yuanhua's career and church members, and they are now facing the same crisis.It is easy to be persuaded to cooperate.To help Sun Yuanhua is to help oneself, and they will not understand this simple truth.As long as they understand the current situation, they will speak according to the plan prepared in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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