Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1089 Laizhou City

Chapter 1089 Laizhou City

Laizhou Prefecture School, the highest institution in Laizhou Prefecture, is now the temporary Denglai governor's office, and Sun Yuanhua is stationed here.

At this time, Sun Yuanhua was sitting in the signing room, with a worried look on his face.The tea on the table was already cold.

After escaping from Dengzhou, Laizhou has become the most critical location under Sun Yuanhua's control.Whether the rebellion can be controlled within the scope of the East Three Prefectures and ensure that the rebels will not become another wave of "rogues" that cannot be contained, in the end, whether Sun Yuanhua's personal future and even his life can be turned into safety depends on whether the city of Laizhou can be defended. Living.

These days, Sun Yuanhua has been devoting himself to planning the city defense every day.However, things are not easy to handle.

As the governor of Denglei, he was not the governor of the Qing Dynasty who could be listed as a prefecture, county magistrate, prime minister, and civil affairs chief of the province. He was more in charge of military affairs.Sun Yuanhua's own title is only the imperial censor of the fourth rank, and the appointed title of governor is "Governor of Denglai Local Commander in charge of military affairs".He didn't even have the title of Minister of the Ministry of War.Compared with Yuan Keli, who also served as the governor of Denglai, who "appreciated the military affairs of the east and managed the food and payment", Yuan Keli had much less power.If it was at the level of Dengzhou military preparations in the Qing Dynasty, it would have little say in interfering with local personnel and financial rights.It can't be compared with Yu Dacheng, the governor of Shandong who has been deposed by the imperial court.

In terms of rank alone, Zhu Wannian, the prefect of Laizhou, is also fourth rank.If the magistrate doesn't deal with him, he can completely ignore him or even ignore him.

Fortunately, Zhu Wannian has a good view of the overall situation and is quite capable of doing things.Ever since Sun Yuanhua entered Laizhou, everything has followed his lead.The people of Hong County in Ye County are all good in character and talent. Everyone helps each other for a while, raises food and salaries, and practices village courage, which boosts the morale of the people in the city.

However, the defense force in the city is still very weak.Including the original garrison, military households, the defeated soldiers scattered in the Denglai area, and the newly recruited Xiangyong, the entire Laizhou defenders are no more than 3000 people.

Among these people, there are very few professional soldiers who can fight.Although there are some soldiers in the military households who can fight, most of them are vulnerable, and they don't even have complete equipment. They are pure scarecrow troops.Most importantly, he lacks experienced and skilled generals to lead his troops.Although a guard officer like Baihu Bai Zhongren is loyal and brave, he has no experience in battle.Therefore, Sun Yuanhua has been preparing and mobilizing new forces to enter the city to assist in the defense.

However, so far no troops have entered Laizhou.Although Huanglong has promised to send troops, it is still unknown when they will arrive.Sun Yuanhua has been worrying about it day and night.Bad news came one after another. First, Huang County fell, and then news came from Jinan: Yu Dacheng had been deposed and questioned.Xu Congzhi, the former Shandong Wude Bing Dao, took over as the governor of Shandong.

The latter news made him especially uneasy: when it comes to the seriousness of the problem, Yu Dacheng's crimes are far less than his own. Even he was deposed and questioned.

Although Yu Dacheng was not considered his political ally, after the fall of Dengzhou, he was quite helpful, and they cooperated well with each other.It may not be so easy to talk to another governor of Shandong.

Xu Congzhi is known to Sun Yuanhua, but his specific nature and whether he can help each other are all question marks.And once the imperial court decides to attack, Xu Congzhi, as the governor of Shandong, must go to Laizhou to direct the strategy.There is a problem of cooperation between the two sides.

Sun Yuanhua has been on the front line of Liaodong for many years, and he knows the importance of his colleagues: officials and generals of the Ming Dynasty have been tricked to death by their colleagues countless times.

It's a pity that he has lost all his staff in Laizhou now, and Yu Dacheng even helped him find Bingbi's master.Now I want to find someone to discuss countermeasures, but there is no one there.

Firstly, it was too late to recruit staff. Both his own safety and future were unpredictable, and no one would be willing to be his staff.

As for the big and small officials in the city and the gentry and literati who participated in the defense of the city, they only cared about how to defend Laizhou, and they didn't care about the future of him, Governor Sun.

Even if there are thousands of anxieties, they can only be hidden in the heart—Sun Yuanhua has become more and more devout towards religion in this difficult situation at home and abroad. Since God rescued him from the abyss of eternal doom by the hands of the Australians, the city of Laizhou and its own The danger can probably be passed.

Although he was somewhat wary of Master Lu and the others, after thinking about it, the only ones who could help him now were them.Thinking of this, he cheered up and prepared to write a letter to Master Lu, asking him to make a special trip or send someone to Laizhou for an interview.

Some of the servants that Lu Wenyuan sent to him at the beginning brought pigeon coops, and even sent someone to write letters: Master Lu asked Cheng Lingsu to continue to serve him, and if he wanted to write a letter, he asked Cheng Lingsu to write it for him.Originally, Sun Yuanhua would not write such a confidential matter by himself - once it is lost, it will be a great disaster.

Every time Cheng Lingsu contacted Qimu Island, he used a kind of potion, and after writing, it was just a blank sheet of paper--this is not uncommon, Sun Yuanhua knew about reading books, but even if he watched Cheng Lingsu write, he couldn't read it. Understand: What she wrote is not words, but symbols.

Just as he was about to call Cheng Lingsu to write for him, Sun Yuan came in and told him, "There is Yong from Lujiazhai Township in Pinglidian who came to guard Yufu City..."

Sun Yuanhua waved his hand: "Let them go to Zhufutai first: tell them that they don't have to worry about the salary, and I will go to check them tomorrow." meaning.

"Responding to my lord's words, the leader of Xiangyong said that he was entrusted by Master Deer of Qimu Island to bring a letter to Master..."

Sun Yuanhua regained his spirits and hurriedly said, "Please!"

The person who came was a young man in his thirties, wearing a six-in-one cap filled with cotton and a cotton robe.But seeing his tall and strong body, the sideburns that were faintly exposed under the hat, and the way he walked, Sun Yuanhua immediately came to the conclusion: this is a gangster!
However, when the other party opened his mouth, he spoke in Laizhou dialect: "Lu Zeyang, the deputy head of the Lujiazhai Township of Caomin Pinglidian, pays his respects to your lord!" He said with a deep bow.

Just by doing this, Sun Yuanhua knew that the other party must be a gangster.

It's just that the Lu family village in Pingdian is a relatively large village in the local area. Although the Lu clan is not a gentry in the local area, it is a local aboriginal clan.The history of living in this place is nearly a thousand years, and there are famous people in all dynasties.Especially in the Song Dynasty, there were prime ministers such as Lu Mengzheng and Lu Yijian, so they were very powerful in the local area.

How on earth did this person assume the name of Lu Jiazhai?And this name made him doubtful: Lu Yang didn't look like this: he was obviously a young man with fine features.

"The strong man is exempt from courtesy." Sun Yuanhua raised his hand, "Your surname is Lu...huh? Lu Yang?"

"The villain is Lu Zeyang, not Lu Yang." The visitor shouted, "Caomin is a native of Laizhou!"

After arguing for a long time, he was not alone, Sun Yuanhua thought to himself how many people are there in the Kun thief?This Lu Zeyang speaks Laizhou dialect, and claims to be from the Lu family village in Pinglidian. He has probably been lurking here for many days.

Unexpectedly, this gangster has already set up such a situation under his nose without making a fuss!Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly startled.

But the other party came with courage, which shows that the deer owner is very dedicated to the safety of Laizhou.Nodding his head at the moment, he said with a smile: "The strong man is indeed from a famous family, how many people have he brought this time?"

"One hundred strong and brave people."

Sun Yuanhua was slightly disappointed: What can 100 people do?However, the opponent has a strong army on Qimu Island. These 100 people are naturally elite, and it is not without merit to have a hundred elite guards.

Probably aware of the other party's thoughts, Lu Zeyang added: "The villain brought all the heroes of the hundred villages with bird guns, adults can rest assured!"

Sun Yuanhua has seen the cannons of the ships on Qimu Island, and after the Battle of Chengmai, he has obtained the patterns of the gun thieves' firearms, and learned that the gun thieves' firearms are extremely sharp, especially their bird guns, which are far better than those of the Ming Dynasty. The bird gun is a hundred times.I heard that there are bird guns, so I feel a little relieved.

Lu Zeyang then submitted a letter to Sun Yuanhua.Opening the letter, there were some ordinary words. After a moment of surprise, she immediately understood that the caregiver called Cheng Lingsu and asked her to translate the letter first.

The content of the beginning of the letter was not special: first of all, it told him that Lu Zeyang was sent to jointly defend Laizhou this time, and that Qimu Island would definitely do its best to keep Laizhou safe; Sun Yuanhua's eyelids twitched when he saw the following: the letter said that they had wiped out a few days ago He captured a group of rebels who were "running offenders" in Huang County, and beheaded more than a dozen people under the rebel general Mao Chenglu.In addition, more than 2000 rebels were killed.The captured heads of major generals, captured documents, seals and banners will be transported to Laizhou with Lu Zeyang, please make good use of them.

Sun Yuanhua couldn't believe his eyes, and couldn't help but carefully read it again from top to bottom. After confirming that it was correct, he suppressed his emotions and asked, "Is that true?!"

"No lie." Lu Zeyang nodded, "What the letter said is in my car..." He was afraid that the other party would not believe him, so he added: "Master General Mao must have seen it..."

"I can trust it!" Sun Yuanhua could no longer restrain his excitement, got up and walked back and forth several steps: This victory came too timely!Right now, the Denglai area is full of gloomy clouds. A beautiful victory can not only boost morale, but also greatly increase the chances of getting rid of crimes in the court.

The owner of the deer villa is not only capable, but also very loyal, and Sun Yuanhua can't help but greatly increase his impression of the thieves.He even has a good impression of this impostor Mr. Lu Tuan.

He whispered: "Thank you for your kindness. Sun will never forget your benefits!"

Lu Zeyang nodded: "Your Majesty Sun is serious. I hope you will rise up every step of the way and live a long life!"

Sun Yuanhua smiled slightly, and said loudly, "Master Lu, where do you plan to be stationed? What are your requirements? As long as the students can do it, they will do their best."

Lu Zeyang thought that what Lu Wenyuan said was indeed right, these heads were indeed what Sun Yuanhua needed most.So he proposed to be stationed independently.

 Explanation: After being reminded, it was found that the historical Mao Chenglu was not in Dengzhou at this time, but should be in Dongjiang.

  In addition, some people pointed out some errors in the geographical direction in the article. There is indeed such a problem, and the map was not carefully checked when writing.Thanks for pointing it out.

(End of this chapter)

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