Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090
There are many officials and eunuchs in Laizhou City. In addition to Sun Yuanhua, the local prefect Zhu, Hong County magistrate, and generals of the guards, there is also Wang Daochun, the censor of Shandong Province. According to the historical trajectory, a large number of officials and generals will come to Laizhou in February. : Yang Yufan, the commander-in-chief who was defeated in Xincheng, Xu Congzhi, the new governor of Shandong—there is also Xie Lian, but now Sun Yuanhua is safe and sound, I wonder if it will be his turn to be the governor of Denglai.In addition, there are Xu Deshi and Zhai Sheng, the eunuchs who supervise the army, and so on.

Among the township eunuchs, there are also a group of former eminent eunuchs. The highest rank is Jia Yuxiang, who was the former deputy capital censor, and the lesser one is Zhang Xin, who has been a Jinshi in the fifth year of Tianqi and is now deposed at home... These people all participated in Laizhou. defensive battle.

These people are all good people, and my vote of "village bravery" is too heavy for "kun thieves"-although there is no news broadcast in Ming Dynasty, the officials are relatively well-informed. Guangdong has sharp-armed "kun thieves" "They probably have a vague idea of ​​this matter.It is not appropriate to show up in front of them because of emotion and reason.

Such a shrewd person as Sun Yuanhua, he immediately understood what Lu Zeyang meant when he heard what Lu Zeyang said.Although he doesn't know the future direction of history, he has already received the news that Xu Congzhi is going to enter the city.He completely agrees with the other party's reluctance to make too many details.

"I don't know where Lu Zhuangshi would like to stay?" Sun Yuanhua nodded and agreed to his request.

Lu Zeyang had already considered this issue on the way. If he stayed in the city, host and guest armies from all walks of life would gather in the city. Historically, host and guest armies seldom had a harmonious relationship. Not to mention the unavoidable entanglement, I have to spend a lot of energy to break the relationship in various aspects, which is very exhausting.

Moreover, the relevant intelligence predictions sent by the historical research team of the Great Library also mentioned that Sun Yuanhua is likely to lose the position of governor of Denglai—even if he continues to keep this position, there is still Xu Congzhi in Laizhou City, and Sun will be in the city very soon. It is difficult to maintain absolute authority. After all, my own troops are small. Without Sun Yuanhua's support, they might be used as cannon fodder.

It is the best policy to station outside the city based on emotion and reason.But this location can't be too far away from the city. If you are alone and can't play a role at critical times, you will lose your purpose of coming to Laizhou.So after thinking about it again and again, he expressed his willingness to lead the army to station in Guanxiang outside the city.The location is Guanxiang outside the south gate.

Compared with the Guanxiang of the other three city gates, the south gate is relatively remote. There are many ancestral halls and cemeteries of rich families outside the city. There are many empty houses, which is convenient for garrisoning troops.More importantly, it is relatively close to Hutou Cliff, the main harbor in Laizhou, which is convenient for the navy to respond from the sea.

In the Ming Dynasty, when defending the city, as long as conditions permit, the defenders must try to set up camps outside the city to directly defend the city gate.It is not surprising that Lu Zeyang asked Ying to guard the South Gate and Guanxiang to guard the city.

"It's okay to be stationed at the South Gate Guanxiang. It's just that you only have 100 people, how can you guard the South Gate Guanxiang?" Sun Yuanhua felt that the other party's willingness to take the initiative to ask Ying to guard the South Gate Guanxiang was courageous, but it was too much.According to his vision, there should be at least 500 soldiers stationed at the south gate, together with Xiangyong and strong men—it may not be enough. The large number of firearms in Dengzhou City are likely to be transported by the rebels to attack the city. I am afraid that [-] people will not be able to fill it.

"Your Excellency must also know that our firearms are sharp—" Lu Zeyang did not hide it, "The rebels are no more than a chicken wagger."

This is too exaggerated.Sun Yuanhua was a little displeased, and Lu Zeyang added: "If there are some surplus troops in the city, and a few hundred soldiers from the township are called to help in the battle, the villain will also be grateful."

The implication is that officers and soldiers are not needed, and Sun Yuanhua understands what he means.But when he thought of entrusting the South Gate Guanxiang to hundreds of township brave men, he hesitated, but then he thought that he didn't have many fresh troops in his hands, and the fall of Guanxiang would happen sooner or later.

Although the troops brought by Lu Zeyang are called Xiangyong, their actual combat strength will not be lower than that of Daming's soldiers—maybe even higher than them, otherwise they would never have defeated He Zhentai's army in Hainan.

"Okay!" Sun Yuanhua nodded, "You will be stationed at the South Gate." He pondered for a while, "The defense of the South Gate will be presided over by the students themselves."

"Your Excellency is wise!" Lu Zeyang thought to himself that Sun Yuanhua was indeed a sensible person.When defending the city, it was the practice of the Ming Dynasty that the main officials in the city were each responsible for one gate.In the historical Laizhou defensive battle, Xu Congzhi, Xie Lian and others were each in charge of one branch.Xu Congzhi was hit by rebel artillery during the battle of defending the city and died.If other officials were in charge, it would be unavoidable to doubt the source of this bravery. It would be much more convenient for Sun Yuanhua to be directly responsible.

As for the sent Xiangyong, Lu Zeyang is confident that he can control all of them. They will be used as migrant workers first, and then they will be directly added to the advancing column in the end.

"It's just that there is still a lack of guards at the south gate..." Sun Yuanhua remembered another thing. Anyway, Lu Zeyang is just a "citizen" and has no fame at all. He is responsible for the defense of the South Pass. easy.He no longer has a trusted general in his hands, which makes him a little embarrassed.

"You can ask General Zhang Tao to defend the South Gate," Lu Zeyang said.Seeing Sun Yuanhua's surprised face, Lu Zeyang immediately whispered the news that Song Guanglan, Wang Zheng, Zhang Tao and others were rescued.

"My lord, don't worry, we have already left them on the island temporarily, and we will escort them to Laizhou after they rest for a day or two." He said meaningfully, "It is natural that several adults were able to fight out of the chaos at that time. He is a person who understands righteousness and reason, so you don’t have to worry about it..."

"Very good!" Sun Yuanhua was overjoyed. The rescue of these people was of course good news to him, who was almost a bare-bones commander, but they knew more or less about their capture.Now Lu Zeyang's words are very clear: these people are ready to hide the experience of being captured.Everyone is on the same line, as long as they speak in unison, naturally there is no need to worry about being captured.

At that moment, Sun Yuanhua gave him a few more instructions, and then he asked an aide to bring him to see Zhu Wannian with his handwriting: Anyone who is brave enough to enter the city to defend the city must register with him and report the number of people and weapons, so that the government can issue a report. Give food and military pay.At the same time, add some weapons according to the situation.

Walking on the south and north avenue of Gulou Street in the county seat of Ye County, looking at the dilapidated Laizhou government office not far away, Elder Lu Zeyang Lu Yuan still couldn't help but feel an absurd sense of disobedience.

Although there is only one word difference in their names, Lu Zeyang and Lu Yang are not related at all: Lu Yang is from Ningxia, and Lu Zeyang's family is from Shandong. To be more precise, Laizhou City, Yantai, Shandong, which is now Ye County, the capital of Laizhou where Sun Yuanhua is located.This was also the critical moment when the Senate was carrying out the engine operation, and finally liberated him from the heavy audit work of the Cheka and sent him to the front line of Laizhou.In terms of familiarity with the scenery of Laizhou, no one in the entire Senate can surpass him. Not to mention anything else, only the Laizhou dialect among the special investigation team soldiers and hidden intelligence agents was taught by Elder Lu Zeyang himself.

Although there were also deserters or refugees from the three eastern prefectures, such as Huang Ande, among the naturalized people, most of them were from Dengzhou prefecture further east, that is, the Yantai area of ​​Weihai later.The dialect there is so different from the Laizhou dialect that you can distinguish it with your ears. This is also a headache for the executive committee in the planning stage of the engine operation. If there are no naturalized people from Laizhou He had no choice but to bring Lu Yuan to the dead horse as a living horse doctor for training.Fortunately, the population composition of Laizhou did not change much from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the entire Qing Dynasty, and the dialect was well preserved. Therefore, Lu Yuanlao’s teaching of Laizhou dialect, according to the feedback of the engine, is "good effect".

In fact, in the preparatory stage of the engine operation, Lu Yuan wanted to go back to his "hometown" in the geographical sense to take a look, but he was neither a military member nor a dispensable soy sauce crowd.As a graduate of the accounting major of Xiamen University, Lu Yuan is still a scarce financial and accounting professional even in the financial department with abundant talents. Moreover, he is one of the few people who have worked in the National Taxation Bureau and the Audit Bureau, and he is familiar with the organizational structure. Dong and Yifan have always used him as their main labor force. In the initial stage of the Cheka and the State Administration of Taxation, Lu Yuan has always been on the front line.And the engine started to catch up with the year-end accounting stage of taxation, and Lu Yuan felt that he had almost returned to the days when he was an intern at the firm: from morning to night, cup after cup of coffee, he was busy with a mountain of year-end reports in the smoky office. Desperate...

Lu Yuan, who was so busy that he was jealous, naturally missed the opportunity to send the first batch of personnel. He himself had a lot of opinions on this. The reason why he gave up his ordinary life as a civil servant to participate in the time-traveling was naturally because he wanted to make a career.Mr. Lu Yuan has a big ambition: follow the example of Song Ziwen, the God of Wealth, to establish a Senate version of the Tax Police Headquarters, or an armed financial guard!

The tax police is a powerful department established for the purpose of anti-smuggling and tax evasion. It is set up in Russia, Italy and other powerful countries, but not in China. The tax inspection bureau only has the right to check accounts and crack down on tax evasion. It belongs to the Economic Crime Investigation Section of the Public Security Bureau, which is not even as good as the customs, at least they have full-time anti-smuggling police.Of course, the pinnacle of the tax police is the Tax Police Headquarters of my uncle Song Ziwen. Of course, this is impossible under the Senate system.However, following the example of Italy, the establishment of a small-scale, paramilitary "armed financial guard" is still quite a favorite of several family members of Caijingkou. With the expansion of strength, Yifan also feels more and more that his It is still necessary for the department to grab the barrel of the gun, otherwise the name Cheka will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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