Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091
Mr. Lu Yuan’s proposal coincides with him, but under the current trend of “engineering in power”, it is unlikely that the proposal will be passed directly to the Senate: the reputation of Caijingkou may be better than that of the “Law Club”. The good of several litigants is limited.It’s not as good as saving the country with a curve. Lu Zeyang’s plan is: he will go to Shandong to work in the field, first use his own local advantages to gain a foothold in the engine operation, build a good relationship with the Intelligence Bureau and the military, and improve the status and status of the financial port in the Senate. Influence, and finally wait until the time is right to make a decision. Yi Fan thought about it and went to plan with Cheng Dong for a long time, and finally agreed.So Mr. Lu Yuan was "seconded" to the Foreign Intelligence Bureau for half a month of training. A few days after Sun Yuanhua came to Laizhou, he also hurried over.

The guiding ideology of the Senate for the defense of Laizhou City is: it can be defended, but the rebels should not be too desperate to give up attacking the city.The best result is that the rebels hoarded heavy troops for a long-term siege, and small groups of rebellious soldiers looted everywhere. When the imperial army arrived, the entire Dongsan Prefecture was corrupted, and power was in a "vacuum" stage, which facilitated the development of the engine operation.

Under such circumstances, it is natural to not send the army of the northbound detachment directly to help defend the city-the local bureaucrats and gentry in Laizhou may not agree, and Sun Yuanhua cannot bear this responsibility.However, it is still necessary to arrange a small team to enter the city with heavy firearms and directly attack the rebels in a critical moment, so as not to cause the situation to be broken if the city is really broken, which can be regarded as a big favor to Sun Yuanhua.

After research, the front finger of the engine decided to separate a company to carry heavy fire suppression equipment such as mountain howitzers and typewriters to the city wall of Laizhou, and provide direct fire support. Lu Zeyang is the commander of this unit and is fully responsible for the city defense and communication of Laizhou. matters.

For this reason, Lu Zeyang specially went to a stockade where the Lu family gathered, imitating the way Taiwanese veterans returned home to visit their relatives, went to the patriarch's house and took out the forged "genealogy" from the big library to make connections first, and added a silver bullet offensive to the authentic dialect , so that the patriarch first recognized himself as his "nephew" in a daze, and then the members of the special investigation team dressed as domestic servants took control of the patriarch and the whole family of the main elders of the clan.Then he "coerced the patriarch to order the whole village" and announced that Lu Zeyang would be the "deputy head of the regiment".Even if the Lujiazhai fell into the hands of Lu Zeyang.He recruited a few local youths from the local township braves, and disguised the cannon carts with canvas, and the Laizhou detachment of the northbound detachment turned into the "native" township braves of Lujiazhai.

Lu Zeyang followed his staff to Zhu Wannian's place to report. Zhu Wannian knew Lu's village, and he spoke local dialect, so he didn't suspect it, so he immediately registered the number of people.The Xiangyong and soldiers who entered the city, in addition to providing food and grass according to their heads, each also had a reward of one tael of silver.Therefore, most people from all walks of life have falsely reported the number of people.

Zhu Wannian opened his eyes and closed his eyes on this matter. Now is the time for the soldiers to work hard, so they can't be stingy with money.Laizhou's ability to defend has a lot to do with the fact that the big gentry in the city used money to reward the soldiers generously: the defenders in Laizhou were lured by the rebels at the beginning, and they were already preparing for internal chaos. The action is to keep Laizhou from being captured by the rebels.

Lu Zeyang brought a company of people, as well as gunners, special reconnaissance team members, and local braves from Lujiazhai. The total number of people added up to more than 140 people, and 150 people were reported immediately, which is very frugal.

Zhu Wannian immediately told the scribes to distribute silver, grain and firewood for 150 people.Documents issued to receive grain and grass.He asked him if he needed additional weapons, and Lu Zeyang said that he didn't need them for the time being: the weapons and equipment were sufficient.

Zhu Wannian was very surprised when he heard that he took the initiative to ask Ying to guard Nanguanxiang—it is a very risky thing to guard a stronghold outside the city, and it is almost an abandoned son. None of them survived.Seeing that the visitor was calm and composed, talking and laughing as usual, he couldn't help secretly admiring him.

"It turns out that the Lu family has such courageous and brave children. The folks are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons." Zhu Wannian praised, seeing that Lu Zeyang was naked, he asked whether he should be given a cotton armor.

"Thank you for your love, my lord. The grassroots don't need this." Lu Zeyang said carelessly, "It's inconvenient to move while wearing armor, which is not conducive to fighting."

Zhu Wannian praised him a few more words, and sent another person to take him to Nanguanxiang to meet the defense.

The Guanxiang has been "hardened and cleared".The people and valuables had already entered the city, and Ding Zhuang formed a team to close the gates of all the streets and alleys under the leadership of Nanguanxiang Paijia.All the entrances and exits of the streets and alleys facing the outside were sealed with masonry soil bags-although it was not very useful, at least it could delay the attacking enemies.

Some people piled up firewood and clear oil in each house, and were prepared to set fire to the Guanxiang if it was lost. Although the Guanxiang was a must-guard area, no one thought that the Guanxiang could be guarded for a long time.Therefore, the strong men and Pai Jia all had sad faces - as the strong men of Nanguanxiang, Pai Jia probably had no chance of returning to the city, and they were buried here with the officers and soldiers stationed here in all likelihood.

The staff called the local Pai Jia Fan Twelve, which made him follow the arrangements of "Lu Zhuangshi".

Fan Twelve is the owner and cook of a small restaurant in Nanguanxiang. He is considered a moderately well-to-do man. File matter.

There are many advantages to being a card armor, so Fan Twelve must also do some things to be scolded behind the scenes-but it is generally within the tolerance of the local residents, and the official affairs are also willing to give the local people a head, so The reputation is not bad.Small money money also engaged in some.

Unexpectedly, the rebels would come to attack Laizhou, coupled with the news of the various atrocities committed by the rebels in various places, Fan Shiru's heart was like frying oil: he still has a whole family, although they have all been sent to the city, but how can this Laizhou go? If you can't defend the city, you have no idea, and if you die in the battle of defending the city, your son is still young, and the property left behind will either be destroyed by the war or be taken away by others. It is not impossible for the family to become beggars and refugees— ―So he has been sluggish these days.

Lu Zeyang saw that the armor looked like he was waiting to die.So he comforted him a few words, and boasted about himself to reassure him: Nanguanxiang is safe.

"People are in the customs room, I will fight to the death to protect the customs room!" Lu Zeyang said proudly.

"That's what a strong man says, but a young man can trust it." Although Fan Twelve didn't seem to be "trustworthy", he was still trying his best.Lu Zeyang's guarantee was worthless to him: each of these hundreds of people had only one knife and one gun, and although everyone carried a gun, they didn't even have armor. They looked like elite soldiers in a hundred battles—besides, they were nothing more than brave men from the Lu family village.

However, they were brought here by Governor Sun himself. It seemed that the officials in the city attached great importance to them, and Fan Twelve dared not neglect them.

"Now take me for a walk inside and outside the closed room, I want to survey the terrain."

Led by Fan Twelve, Lu Zeyang walked around inside and outside the Nanguan Chamber, and finally chose the royal cemetery of a large family as the place to garrison fortification.

The terrain of this cemetery is high: it is on a high hill.Divided into Yin and Yang houses.It is surrounded by dense trees, surrounded by small rivers, and has a high wall itself.With a little modification it is a proper fortress.Moreover, the terrain directly controls the road leading to Moon City.If the rebels wanted to attack the south gate, they would be side-fired by the firepower of the Wang Family Cemetery, and they would not even be able to rush into the gate.

Less than a mile south from Nanguanxiang is the Yenan River. It is now freezing and lacks defensive value.Lu Zeyang planned to let Pai Jia dig another trench outside the customs room, and set up a refusal horse to delay the actions of the rebels.

After the arrangements were made, Lu Zeyang took Fan Twelve back to the Wang family cemetery.A command post has been opened inside the ancestral hall.A large map of Laizhou hangs on the wall, and a sand table model of the Laizhou area in a box is being assembled on the table: including a large-scale sand table model of the whole city and a small-scale Laizhou terrain model.

A fire had already started in the house with the portable tin stove that I brought, and the main hall of the tall and cold ancestral hall was suddenly warm as spring.Fan Twelve looked at the stove curiously——this stove is really beautiful and light!I don't know where it came from?

Lu Zeyang asked him to sit down and said, "We are all in the same boat now, and everyone has to take care of each other."

Fan Twelve hurriedly stood up, and said sincerely, "Master Lu! What are you talking about, you are our backbone now, and the people in this room are all pointing at you!"

"Where, where, I'm not an official of the imperial court." Lu Zeyang knew that his polite words were flattering, but they were always very useful, so he couldn't help smiling: "How many people are there in your strong team?" It's a big plan for defense, I want to know the details of everything - you are the master, I am the guest, I have my own measure in everything."

However, when it comes to employment, regardless of ancient or modern times, there are disadvantages. Lu Zeyang said it specifically to avoid the other party's suspicion.

This kind of strong men from sixteen to fifty, temporarily recruited from the common people, does not have much combat power when defending the city, but it is a good labor force.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to tell how many people there are for a while." Fan Shier said with a smile, "I've run a lot in the past few days, so I'll tell you the truth: the number of people who reported to the county government was 320, but in reality there were about 280 people. [-]."

It's equivalent to embezzling the rations of forty people every day--Lu Zeyang thought to himself that this guy is quite black!
"...Your old Mingjian, I have no choice but to..." Fan Twelve "complained", "Everyone knows that it is good for the card armor to control the young men's team. All the gods and villains dare not offend, and they all score points. Moisturizing..."

"It's okay," Lu Zeyang said with a smile, "That's what it should mean. Fan Paijia doesn't have to take it to heart."

(End of this chapter)

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