Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1093 Laizhou Situation

Chapter 1093 Laizhou Situation
Master Lu wanted to eat, so of course Fan Twelve had to serve.As the shopkeeper and chef of the restaurant, he is no stranger to making this kind of food - ordinary people can't afford decent fish, and this kind of delicious and cheap food is the dish that restaurants often cook.

Even so, sea intestines are still a bit cheap. In good times, common people seldom eat them. Most of them are used to feed pigs, and some people use them for fishing.Fan Twelve knows that although this stuff is cheap, it can enhance the freshness, so he always makes some sea sausage powder for seasoning, pretending to be soup.

Fan Twelve fully agreed, and hurried to the kitchen of the Wang family cemetery: a large part of the cemetery is the Yangzhai, and when the elders and wives go to the grave in the twelfth lunar month and go to the spring in spring, they have to stay here for a few days, so the facilities in the Yangzhai are roughly the same as those of ordinary rich people. Similarly, the kitchen is also very elegant, not only the pots and stoves are complete, but also the pots and pans are all available, even more complete than the guys in Fan Shier's restaurant.

The kitchen has been cleaned so Fan Twelve felt that "he couldn't get out of it" - it was too clean.From the moment they arrived in Guanxiang, this group of brave folks from Lujiazhai showed their astounding obsession with cleanliness.Everyone put down their bags on their backs. Except for those who were sentry and working, the only thing they had to do was sweep the streets, yards, and garbage: not only the resident sweeps, but also the streets and alleys in the Guanxiang.The piles of rubbish and floating soil on the street were also cleaned up, and even the potholes on the street were filled with soil and broken bricks and tiles.The whole room suddenly felt completely new.

Fan Twelve has lived in Laizhou for most of his life, and he has seen many people and things. Except that the prefect of Laizhou sometimes organizes Pingjia to clean the streets and repair roads because he welcomes imperial envoys and officials. There is no such thing as sweeping the streets.Sanitation on the streets is managed by the uprooting soldiers who "watch the streets", that is, sprinkle water on the streets, clear up roads and dump corpses, etc.

It is normal for the floor to be littered with rubbish, and it is not uncommon to defecate anywhere. For example, on the outer wall of his small restaurant, people often defecate in the street, making it extremely stinky.

Fan Twelve rubbed his feet outside the door, and then walked in cautiously. He saw someone busy in the kitchen. He thought it was a cook brought by the village braves, but when he looked closely, it was Mr. Lu Tuan.

Mr. Lu Tuan was busy working with his oil sheet around his body and his sleeves rolled up.Fan Twelve was so stunned that he couldn't even speak—this Master Lu is still cooking by himself? !

Based on his knowledge, being able to be the head of a village and pull out more than a hundred capable fighters at any time is no small figure on the ground.

I didn't expect him to work in the kitchen himself, it's a bit confusing--looking at the general appearance of this ball, it's thin-skinned and white-fleshed, and it doesn't look like someone from a bitter background.

Seeing Fan Shier come in, Lu Zeyang greeted: "Come, help me clean up the sea intestines!"

Another purpose of Mr. Lu Yuan when he went to Haimiao Port was to eat.He got his wish and saw the two delicacies he had coveted for a long time-sea sausage and mackerel meat.Although it is now frozen at sea, it is also catching up with the season of harvesting the sausage. Lu Yuan has been yearning for this taste for a long time, but Lingao neither produces this nor anyone knows how to make it. Same.Now that they are sent back to Jiaodong Peninsula, they naturally have to feast on them.As for the engine work, let's talk about it when we are full.

At present, Lu Zeyang instructed Fan Twelve's opponents to cook - the cooking of modern people is somewhat different from that of Ming Dynasty people, especially in terms of heat and seasoning.Immediately instructed Fan Twelve to do the work with the knife, chop the fish and adjust the stuffing.

Fan Twelve wanted to please "President Lu Tuan", so he cooked a few more dishes besides sea intestines.He originally thought that Lu Tuan would always want to drink, but he didn't want anything, and directly stuffed a pot full of fried sea intestines with leeks into his stomach.Still wanting more, he asked Fan Twelve to cook more than 50 dumplings stuffed with mackerel balls as snacks.

"Bring it to the hall in a while." He ordered and moved to the bedroom with a map, calipers and a notepad to consider the policy.

"Come on! Look at it." Fan Shier knocked on the side of the pot, and regained the feeling of a shopkeeper.

Lu Zeyang chose a room on the side of the hall as his own bedroom - this is the Yang residence part of the Wang family cemetery, the housing facilities are very elegant, there is an earth fire dragon, and the orderly lights a fire, and the whole room is as warm as spring.It's a pity that his life secretary is an accountant, so he can't serve as a professional and versatile female orderly.Thinking of this, he immediately considered that after returning to Lingao, he would choose one or two big girls from his hometown in another time and space to be his bodyguards.

There are guards standing guard outside the room—the elders are still very careful about their own lives.Elder Lu Yuan burped and paced up and down the room with his stomach full. After eating and drinking, he became more cheerful and even optimistic about the future.Since it is God's will, I will wait for a month. The most urgent thing is to quickly implement my ideas on paper and send them back to Lingao as soon as possible, so as to win the support of several bigwigs in the financial department at the enlarged meeting of the executive committee, so as to facilitate the proposal passed.

Thinking of this, Lu Zeyang stuffed two more dumplings into his mouth, and yelled to the orderly outside: "Make a pot of tea, it's too salty!"

After staying up on the kang until midnight, the eloquent "Laizhou Bay Shipping Situation Investigation Report" with more than [-] words was finally released.With this report, I will have sufficient information to start the PPT, and I will show my extraordinary ability when I hold an enlarged meeting.As the saying goes, whether the work is good or not depends mainly on the report——Old Lu Yuan tapped his numb thigh with a look of color: "Finally, I have lost my mind, and the next step is to see Cheng Dong and Yifan's activities in the Senate. But in front of me, I still have to help Old Man Sun guard this Laizhou City!
With the powerful Qianduo company guarding his side, Lu Zeyang was not worried about the safety of Laizhou City. Historically, there were only more than 1000 scattered reinforcements. The team defended the city.Now that he has made up his mind to use Laizhou City as a temporary winter settlement for refugees, it is necessary to work hard on city defense, at least to preserve the core part of Laizhou City: the four passes and four corners.

From the map, Laizhou Fucheng is a north-south rectangle. The part outlined by the city wall is roughly equivalent to the area enclosed by the four streets of Wenhua East Street, Wenchang South Road, Wenquan East Street and Laizhou South Road. Outside the four city gates in the north and south, there are also quite prosperous Guanxiangs - now this place has been "strengthened and cleared" by Sun Yuanhua, most of the residents have gathered into the city, and there are many vacant houses, which are suitable for use as refugee camps.The premise is that they must be able to be under the protection of the artillery range - but right now there are only two mountain grenades available.

There are 36 general cannons in Laizhou City. Although they are not as good as Hongyi cannons, they have also played a great role in defensive battles in history.With these cannons, the rebels did not dare to press too close.

Zhu Mingxia also promised that if necessary, as soon as he called, he would send reinforcements to respond to Laizhou from the sea, and one or two companies could maneuver from the sea to Hutouya or Haimiao Port to land, and they could easily catch the rebels by surprise.If the situation is favorable, it is also possible to take the opportunity to fight a war of annihilation and capture prisoners.

Compared with Sun Yuanhua's uneasiness, the veterans actually despised the combat effectiveness of the rebels: from the moment the rebellion flag was raised, the little bit of organizational discipline that this army originally had had long since disappeared.Of course, under the banner of Ming Dynasty, they were nothing more than a group of old soldiers who served as soldiers.Take away the fine equipment and a large number of horses on the surface, and what is left is a group of ordinary bandits who raped and plundered for their own benefit.Although some of them hold deep-seated hatred for Shandong people and the government, more people just want to get gold, silver and women.

This kind of army bullies the people, and it is okay to fight against the corrupt officers and soldiers. No one is willing to fight hard when they encounter the tough city of Laizhou, which is strictly defended. Back then, there were only a few thousand old and weak soldiers in Laizhou, and they withstood tens of thousands. The rebel army, besieged with a large number of firearms, defended for more than half a year, nothing more than relying on the enthusiasm of the people in the city to "defend their homeland" and fight against the enemy.

As long as the rebels are hurt and the first wave of vigor is gone, the opponent's next attack will not be violent. In order to maintain the morale and loyalty of the subordinates, the generals of the rebels have nothing to do but let their subordinates waste their lives in the Laizhou territory. There is no better way.This also adds more opportunities for the Senate to collect refugees
Of course, the specific combat arrangements still need to be discussed with Xiong Qianduo and his officers. Sending a memorial of "loyalty to the emperor and patriotism" into the capital will inevitably add to the chaos. This kind of "unified caliber" work still needs the help of Sun Junmen.

So he decided to have as little contact with local bureaucrats as possible except for Sun Yuanhua, and even Sun Yuanhua should be rarely seen so as not to attract attention.Especially Wang Daochun, who has a bad impression of Sun Yuanhua, and believes that Sun is the main culprit for the great change in Dengzhou.In history, Wang Daochun said in his performance on the [-]th day of the first lunar month of the fifth year of Chongzhen: Kong Youde attacked Shandong and broke through seven counties in less than six days. Dengzhou fell again on the tenth day. It was caused by Yu Dacheng's bribery and indulgence.This kind of argument is because when Dengzhou just fell, the rebels stole the seal of the governor of Denglai, and issued notices everywhere asking the state capitals to send food and salaries to Dengzhou. Everyone suspected that Sun Yuanhua had also rebelled.

Now, due to the intervention of the Senate, Sun Yuanhua got out of trouble in time and showed an active siege attitude, so Wang Daochun did not present this important memorial to Sun Yuanhua.

(End of this chapter)

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