Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1094 Mr. Kitayama

Chapter 1094 Mr. Kitayama
Even so, Wang Daochun is still a hidden danger.Therefore, Elder Lu Yuan had another task: to remove all persons who might be unfavorable to Sun Yuanhua and the Beishang detachment.

In the fierce city defense battle, it is quite normal for the senior officials who came to the front line to die in battle.Xu Congzhi was shot and killed in the Laizhou Defense Battle.Among the several special investigation members in the Laizhou detachment are snipers who have this secret mission, and carry out necessary "targeted elimination" at any time according to the situation.

The red debris of the firecrackers was scattered all over the ground, trampled by people, and soon became a part of the black mud on the street.Although these years have been bad, natural disasters, military chaos, bandit chaos, and the invasion of the East... there are bad news from all directions. After all, it is still a new year, and Beijing is the best place for the capital. The market is still very lively. It's the Lantern Festival, and the street is filled with crowds of people and clouds of ladies and gentlemen.It's just that the refugees and beggars all over the ground painted a dark color on this scene of the Lantern Festival.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Ning Ningyun was returning to the shop outside the front door.These days, he has been busy visiting guests, both business partners and running around on missions-his financial expansion plans have temporarily stalled.

It is no longer difficult to ensure that Sun Yuanhua is not dead-Sun Yuanhua escaped in time and washed away the suspicion of rebellion.But judging from the current state, it is still quite difficult to keep his official position.

After Governor Sun Yuanhua ascended to Lai, according to the practice of late Ming official circles, whenever an official reached a certain level, or was a senior member of one party, his official voice would plummet. There are always impeachment posts to expose this person as a heinous villain, and any little thing will be infinitely magnified to the extreme.Freedom of speech has reached an unprecedented height. From cabinet bachelors to expatriates, there is no one who has not been scolded bloody by the speech officials.Although Chongzhen had 51 phases during his reign, although he had various shortcomings in his own personality, the constant noise from the outside did seriously affect his judgment.

To maintain an unshakable opinion of someone in the midst of noisy scolding, probably only Yang Sichang can do this, and Hong Chengchou is also one of them, but he hastily sent troops to aid Jinzhou in the end. It cannot but be said that there is fear of the "public opinion" of the government and the opposition. The ingredients that affect the emperor are included.

In the end, it can be said that in the Chongzhen Dynasty, all ministers who were capable and dared to do things were basically destroyed in this wonderful atmosphere of "freedom of speech"
When Ning Yun was receiving training at the "farm", it was repeatedly emphasized that he must pay attention to the "public opinion" of the officials - not only can it influence the emperor's judgment, but it can also form a strong atmosphere of party unity and dissent in the court, so that dissidents do not hesitate to Dare to speak.

The most frightening thing is that this kind of public opinion is often "three views are upright", occupying the commanding heights of public opinion, and it is difficult for even the emperor to refute.Qingliu's public opinion even controlled the government to a certain extent, resulting in the tragedy of the Ming Dynasty.

In the end, Emperor Chongzhen would rather sit in Beijing and wait to die than move the capital to Nanjing—even the prince didn’t dare to send him away secretly, and lost the last chance for backup. It has to be said that these three views are correct.

"Opening your mouth is for the country and the people, and you are full of righteousness. In fact, you are not full of male robbers and female prostitutes!" Ning Yun is someone who knows the subsequent historical development trend, and knows the civil servants in the late Ming Dynasty. Many evening festivals are not guaranteed.Many people also became slaves of the three surnames.Looking at their faces now, I feel even more unbearable.

Ning Yunyun just visited an important person--this person's status is not high, even very low: a domestic slave.But he is a well-known figure in the capital.Many officials in the DPRK and China even called him "Mr. Beishan" when they saw him.

But this house slave is not an ordinary person. Even Eunuch Yang, who always thinks that Ningyun Yun is very awesome, is very polite when he sees him, even the etiquette is too great.

This person is the servant of Zhang Yixian, the eunuch who is currently in charge of ceremonies in the palace.

From the fourth year of Chongzhen, the abolished practice of sending internal eunuchs to the army to supervise the army was resumed, and the power of eunuchs in the palace began to rise again.Moreover, Zhang Yixian, who is in charge of the Supervisor of Rituals, is currently the most popular. Because he is proficient in planning and economical, the emperor ordered him to check in with the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry. .The authority is like the governor of foreign officials.People in the capital say that this is almost the same as Tu Wenfu when Nine Thousand Years was in power.This has caused great controversy between the DPRK and China since the end of last year.In particular, the officials of Yuanhu and the Second Ministry of Industry were ashamed of being subordinates of the eunuchs, so they went to Shuli to report that this matter could not be done.

But Ning Yun knew that civil servants could not change the emperor's wishes in this matter, so he accepted Wu Kaidi's suggestion without hesitation, and followed Zhang Yixian's path through Eunuch Yang.

Zhang Yixian is a celebrity in the palace, and now he is the Prime Minister of Household Workers. Not only does he have a high status, but he is also very busy with affairs.Not to mention Ning Ningyun, a businessman, even a eunuch like Eunuch Yang who is on the edge of the core power of the court is not easy to see.

Fortunately, power is used for rent-seeking, and this has been the case since ancient times.Since I have no time or energy, I naturally have a group of confidants to do these things on my behalf. "Mr. Beishan" is Zhang Yixian's family slave who specializes in handling such things.

It's not that Ning Yun has never considered going directly to Xu Guangqi, Zhou Yanru and others, but his identity is rather embarrassing. Besides, among the cabinet ministers, Zhou Yanru and Xu Guangqi all support Sun Yuanhua. Xu Guangqi's son and Sun Yuanhua are relatives of their children. Ru was also the person who personally supported Sun Yuanhua as the governor, and received a large number of ermine gold beads from Sun Yuanhua.Sun Yuanhua himself had already sent people to walk there to find a way.I don't need to spend too much thought on myself, it's better to help secretly.

In contrast, it is much more convenient to go the way of eunuch by yourself.After Eunuch Yang heard about his request, although he was surprised, he did not refuse.After seeing the precious gift presented.After pondering for a while, he sent a little eunuch to take him to meet Young Eunuch Yang.

Little Eunuch Yang took him to the mansion of this "Mr. Beishan".The scale of this Mr. Beishan's mansion is very large - it is not inferior to that of Eunuch Yang's mansion. The concierge is full of people of all kinds waiting to meet, including many officials.Ning Yunyun sat on the cold bench for almost an hour before he was interviewed. Judging from the envious eyes of others, it must be thanks to the blessings of the two father-in-laws that he was able to meet people in an hour.

Ning Yun continued his main work in Beijing: kowtow and giving money. After presenting a batch of rare "Australian treasures", "Mr. Beishan" listened to his request, and then politely served tea to see off the guests.

Although people have seen it and money has been spent, Condensed Cloud has no idea whether it will work or not.Although the "Australian treasures" presented as gifts are not rare in Lingao, but in Daming, these treasures are worth about 3000 taels of silver.This is a huge sum of money in Daming!When Zhou Yanru Qifu re-entered the cabinet, the funds for activities in the court were only 1 taels of silver.

Using "precious goods" worth 3000 taels of silver to help Sun Yuanhua protect his official hat is not a small investment.If you can't do it, although you are ordered to do things, you will still have the impression of "not doing things well".

"What do you think about this matter?" Although Ning Yun wanted to reduce her dependence on Wu Kaidi, she still couldn't help asking him who was waiting in the sedan chair.

Wu Kaidi was silent for a moment and said, "It's always between five and five."

"So low?" Ning Yun has always felt that things that are not [-]% sure are basically impossible.

"Master wants to protect Sun Huodong," Wu Kaidi said in a low voice, "It's not enough to entrust an internal minister, the court also needs to take care of it."

"I know that. I'm asking, will Zhang Neixiang help with this?"

"Master, don't worry, since Mr. Beishan accepted your post and received the gift list, it means that Zhang Nei has no taboos about this matter—otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even see Mr. Beishan."

"So, Zhang Neixiang agrees?"

"Whether he agrees or not, he has to look at the next step." Wu Kaidi whispered.

This does not mean that nothing is still finalized.Condensed cloud thought.But he also knew that following Zhang Yixian's path could only go so far.The next step is to find other ways.

Ning Yun's sedan chair went back to the Beijing branch of Delong Bank outside the front door. This place was originally a pawnshop, but after it was converted into a bank, it basically maintained the original layout.It's just that the screen wall with the word "Dang" in front of the door has been demolished, and a large gold plaque is hung on the front door, which says "Delong Bank".Below is the facade of the three bays, only the middle bay is open.The stone counter and iron grating inside can be seen.If you get closer, you can hear the faint sound of abacus and talking.A glass skylight is installed on the roof, so the entire Qianzhuang is brightly lit, but there are fences everywhere: including the ceiling is made of iron fences.Security work is in place.

Seven or eight guys are busy behind the counter. This is the shop of Delong Beijing Sub-branch. The business in the shop is very simple: deposit and withdrawal, joint bank exchange and small loans.The business volume is not large.But profits are relatively stable.Enough to meet all the expenses of the bank.There is a small courtyard next to the store counter, which is specially used to receive wealthy and status customers.

Ning Ningyun usually goes to the store first when he comes back from the outside to see if there is any problem.But he didn't care about it today, and ordered the bearer to directly carry the sedan chair in through the side door next to the main gate of the bank.Until the moon cave gate of the inner house.He took his cronies with him and immediately entered the inner study courtyard that handles confidential matters.

(End of this chapter)

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