Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1096 Tianshui Society

Chapter 1096 Tianshui Society

Section 330 IX

"You mean you want us to win over the Donglin Party?" Li Yan said with great interest.

"That's right," Yu Eshui nodded, "Strictly speaking, it's Fushe."

"Fushe has Qingliu's public opinion in their hands. As long as they stop their large-scale attacks on Sun Yuanhua, Sun Yuanhua's political life will be saved. Is that what you mean?"

"That's what it means." Yu Eshui said, "Although the officials are not controlled by Donglin, Fushe's Qingliu name has already gained a lot of momentum in the ruling and opposition parties. Before his death, Zhang Pu had faintly controlled the ruling and opposition parties. The ability of public opinion, the ability of this clear stream cannot be underestimated."

"However, can Fushe help with this?" Wang Ding was skeptical.What they are doing now is, to put it bluntly, similar to what the American lobby groups are doing. Fushe is equivalent to a certain powerful political party.

In the final analysis, in order to successfully lobby, one is to confess interests, and the other is to exchange interests.

Wang Ding felt that from the perspective of stakes, it was hard to say that Fushe would come forward to help Sun Yuanhua in order to protect Zhou Yanru. Donglin and Fushe may not necessarily form a unified view on whether Donglin will be hit hard after the downfall.

From the perspective of benefit exchange, the Senate has nothing to exchange for the benefits of Fushe.What Fushe is most concerned about is to gain power in the court and the local government. For this reason, Fushe does not hesitate to make pre-arranged arrangements in the examination room to obtain academic titles for its own people.In contrast, the Senate currently has very little influence on the court—unless it is a war.

"No, there is a great possibility that Fushe can save Zhou Yanru!" Jiang Shan said, "Wen Tiren is Donglin's deadly enemy. If Zhou Yanru is driven out, Fushe will lose all of its influence in the cabinet center—this will affect the important party. Rejuvenating the Ming Dynasty is a disaster for the restoration of society that pursues to refresh the government."

Historically, after Wen Tiren drove away Zhou Yanru and became the first assistant, Donglin's power in the court was hit hard.Not only did Wen Tiren oppose Donglin everywhere, but the eunuchs who were designated as "reverse cases" also continued to fight back.In order to reverse this declining trend, Fushe spared no effort to help Zhou Yanru come back into the cabinet after seven years.

It can be seen that Zhou Yanru is Donglin's main ally in the center.Especially in 1631, Zhou Yanru made a great "contribution" to the restoration of the society in the general examination. Zhang Pu would not fail to understand the value of having a well-intentioned cabinet chief assistant.Jiang Shan believed that as long as he explained the interests to Zhang Pu and others, the two parties might cooperate.

Li Yan said: "This task can be handed over to Zhao Yingong - he has established friendship with some key personnel of the Fushe in Hangzhou. It is absolutely possible to use these relationships to approach Zhang Pu and perform persuasion work."

"Isn't it a little strange for him to come forward, what is his motive?"

"Don't forget that Zhao Yingong is also a core member of the Church in Hangzhou, and Sun Yuanhua is a Catholic. It is appropriate to come to the rescue out of fellowship with the church."

"Immediately send power to Hangzhou."

Due to the Little Ice Age in Hangzhou during the first month, not only the small rivers were mostly frozen, but there was also thin ice on the banks of West Lake.

Although the weather is cold, the streets are still lively.After the fifth day of the lunar new year, all the shops have opened, but those who have food for the night are busy visiting relatives and friends for New Year's greetings.

Zhao Yingong is now one of the "celebrities" in Hangzhou.His Wanbi Bookstore has become a well-known cultural salon in the city since Zhang Dai and Fang Yizhi visited successively. Not to mention the big and small scribes in and out of the city, even ordinary people in the city know that Wanbi Bookstore is an "interesting place". place".

In particular, some scholars of Fushe in Zhejiang, under the leadership of Fang Yizhi, often come here to gather to discuss "the study of things"-Zhao Yingong obtained the "Light Theory for Beginners" and other books presented to him by Zhang Dai. The effect is very good, successfully attracting this group of scholars who are concerned about Gewu to Wanbi Bookstore.Thus achieving his goal of getting close to the core figures of Fushe.

"The year is almost over." Gao Xuan sighed when he stepped on the steps of Wanbi Bookstore—compared to the first time he came to Wanbi Bookstore at the beginning of last year, his complexion was much better, and the clothes on his body had also changed. Neat, holding a bamboo fracture fan in his hand no matter whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, he looks like a scholar.Apparently, he had eaten well and dressed warmly recently, and lived a comfortable life.

Ever since Gao Xuan accepted the offer from Wanbi Bookstore and became a contracted writer, he earned two taels of silver a month—the originally embarrassing days have improved a lot, and his voice in front of his father-in-law and brother-in-law has also become much louder.

Gao Xuan is an "editor" and also a staff member of the book workshop. The clerk in front of the door didn't greet him, and let him walk through the hall and go to the "editorial department" at the back.

The editorial office is located in the "Wanbi Building", which is a small three-story building with "Australian style" blue bricks and a garden.There are more than a dozen rooms upstairs and downstairs, which are used by editors, writers, proofreaders and a full set of "reading, writing, editing and proofreading" teams--Zhao Yingong specially established the "Tianshui Club" in Wanbi Shufang.

The main task of this publishing house is not to edit and complete the books printed by Bi Shufang - those are all printed on paper imported from Lingao, and do not require any editing work.In addition to proofreading some of the traditional book samples shipped from Lingao, the publishing house's main job is to edit various popular books, especially magazines.

These popular books are all printed by lithography. This printing method is fast in plate making and has both pictures and texts. It is very suitable for small-scale and multi-batch printing business.China's first popular magazine, Dianshizhai Pictorial, was printed using lithographs.It was from Dianshizhai Pictorial that inspired Zhao Yingong's publishing business ideas.

However, his scope of business is much wider. There are three types of magazines that are published on a regular basis, each targeting different groups of people. Most of them have the fame of Juren and Xiucai, and some are Jinshi and have served as officials.The situation is good, and many people have long been famous. They are the middle and upper class among scholars, and they have a considerable pursuit of spiritual life.

"Tianshui Life Weekly" is divided into four sections: commentary on current affairs, reading thoughts, culture and entertainment, and anecdotes.The positioning is roughly the routine of the old space-time triptych or Phoenix: it has a certain level and depth, and it is also a popular book.

Zhao Yingong knew that although the crowd was positioned as middle and high-level people, they were well-known and influential in the intellectual class, and the reading habits of this group of people would inevitably affect many people.Just as young white-collar workers always unconsciously imitate business elites, if you put in effort to gain popularity among the target audience, this magazine will radiate to the entire intellectual class.

As for the introduction of science and technology, Zhao Yingong put it into anecdotes for the time being—it will not happen overnight to change the ideas of scholar-bureaucrats, and to popularize new ideas to traditional intellectuals who have no basic scientific concepts but think they have knowledge It is too difficult, so it is better to change their ideas from the humanistic point of view.

The second type is "Wanbizhai Pictorial", which is a pirated version of "Dianshizhai Pictorial" in different time and space, with pictures and texts mixed, and pictures are the main ones.The content is mainly overseas anecdotes, social anecdotes, and natural science popularization, and the target group is urban citizens with certain economic capabilities.The content is easy to understand.

Both pictorials use 16 pages and are beautifully printed. Because they target a higher level of people, the prices are also higher.Zhao Yingong launched a third type of magazine aimed at the lower classes: "Shan Hai Jing Pictorial".This kind of pictorial reduced the cost of paper and printing to the greatest extent, using cheap paper, and making lithographic plates was relatively simple.The format is reduced to 32.

The content is mainly social news, mixed with folklore and social novels, supplemented by a small amount of popular science knowledge.It is mainly expressed in the form of comic strips - there are very few "texts", only a few sentences, not only in vernacular Chinese but also in vulgar characters.This is an excellent pastime reading for ordinary people who can't read much or even can't read at all.

Hangzhou is a commercial city with a large number of people engaged in the tertiary industry and a well-developed civic culture. The urban commoners have a great demand for entertainment. "Shan Hai Jing Pictorial" such "comic strips" are meeting their requirements.

Zhao Yingong hired a group of down-and-out literati to work for the publishing house at the price of one or two to two taels of silver per month, calling them "editors".Some are engaged in writing, and some are specialized in painting.

Gao Xuan walked into the yard, and the servant at the gate was sweeping the floor, seeing him coming in, he hurriedly called him respectfully: "Mr. Gao!"

Gao Xuan nodded politely, and asked, "Is the master here?"

Zhao Yingong would come to the "editorial department" every three days in the morning to "guidance the work", and it was almost time to come today.

"Master is not here today," said the servant.This made Gao Xuan a little surprised. Although Mr. Zhao usually behaved a little strangely, he did things very well. He would not change his habits under any special circumstances.

Gao Xuan entered the small building on his own, and came to his "office room".The sign on the door reads "Ministry of Social Affairs".This department is dedicated to writing social news and market stories.It is also the department with the largest number of local scholars.

The room had been cleaned and the windows were clean.Several rows of desks in the old space-time style were placed face to face, back to back.Let the elders feel very familiar as soon as they come in.However, all the four treasures of the study are placed on the table.

Several "editors" have come to the office, and everyone has seen the ceremony one by one.As soon as Gao Xuan sat down, a servant brought breakfast.

Mr. Zhao is a very nice person, because most of the editors come from poor families, so he always provides breakfast to the "editors" who come to work every morning. It was enough to warm the heart and lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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