Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1097 To Taicang

Chapter 1097 To Taicang

After Gao Xuan drank the porridge and ate two sticks of fried juniper, he reluctantly looked at the one next to Mr. Huang's. Mr. Huang always only ate one stick, and he would save the other stick for snacks with tea in the afternoon.

After all, Gao Xuan was young and had a good appetite, and he always felt that one radish would not be able to withstand it, so he had to drop a few more dried radishes, wrap them in paper and prepare them for tea in the afternoon.

The servants waited for them to finish eating and took the guys away.Everyone got busy, reviewing manuscripts, and writing manuscripts.Gao Xuan was recruited as a creative writer, and his job was to write novels specifically for "Shan Hai Jing Pictorial"—and there was also a special topic, Zhao Yingong appointed him to write special stories about strange things.If it is classified according to the old time and space, it is a fantasy novel.

Gao Xuan has never written a novel, but the editorial department has a library and reference room, which has a collection of various novels since the Tang Dynasty, most of which were bought by Zhao Yingong from bookstores in Nanjing and other places, and some very rare ones are from Lingao. Shipped in print.

What interested Gao Xuan the most were several locked bookcases, which were full of "Australian rare books" that could not be seen from the outside. Application.

Among them, what attracted Gao Xuan the most was a sword fairy novel written by a person named Huanzhu Louzhu, which made him unable to put it down-so much so that Gao Xuan had to go to the library to "study" during his lunch break every day.There are also many notebook novels dedicated to ghost fox stories in the bookcase.Among them, his favorites are the works of Ji Xiaolan and Pu Songling, two "great Australian scholars".Not only that, but Gao Xuan often draws nourishment from their works.In fact, many of Gao Xuan's so-called fantasy novels are rewritten and expanded by using these short stories.

Generally speaking, "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", "Notes from Yuewei Thatched Cottage", and "Zibuyu" are used as themes, while "The Legend of the Swordsman in Shushan" and "Nineteen Heroes of Qingcheng" are used as writing materials and teaching materials. .

Gao Xuan spread out the square manuscript paper dedicated to the company and began to write the manuscript.His task was 16 words a day and [-] words a month: the magazine was in great demand, and the articles he wrote could not only be published in "Shan Hai Jing Pictorial", but also be used to print pamphlets.From time to time, Tianshui Society publishes a [-]-mo booklet called "Story Meeting", which specifically publishes various market news and ghost stories.

"Mr. Gao, tomorrow is the deadline for this issue. The editor-in-chief asked you, will the manuscript of "Zombie Three Dozens Back Garden" come out at noon?" A child who was in charge of running errands for the editors came over and asked He——Zhao Yingong installed thick bamboo tubes between the floors as sounding tubes to convey simple messages.But when you go to the department, you have to rely on manpower to pass the word.

"You tell the editor-in-chief to give him the first episode before noon. I think this project can be serialized."

Gao Xuan dismissed the child and continued his zombie war.When the zombies rushed into the garden, Qingdouman got the bursting grass, and he could unleash four flying swords at a time, beating the zombies to pieces. Suddenly, there was a loud roar from outside, like the sound of a cannon, and a giant red-eyed monster came from outside the wall. Strange……

He sighed while writing—although he didn’t hate writing this, but he got a lot of money by relying on it, and it was the first time to support himself and his family by writing, after all, he felt that he was inferior to others, “It’s insulting to the gentleman ".

In contrast, he was very envious of the "editors" of the "Shi Wen Department" next door. As the name suggests, the old gentlemen of the Shi Wen Department are masters of stereotypes.Although these old gentlemen "observed the field" several times, they are still talents, but they are all brilliant when it comes to writing and commenting on contemporary prose, so Zhao Yingong hired them to compile a collection of contemporary prose, from the boy's examination, the township examination, the general examination to the imperial examination, All kinds of papers are collected, and they compile comments.

Zhao Yingong gave an instructive speech to these old gentlemen. At that time, there were many famous writers who compiled the anthology. Although these people were brilliant, they were not as appealing as those compiled by Jinshi and people from Juren background. Therefore, Zhao Yingong suggested that everyone create their own path: Not just simply compiling and commenting on those papers that won, but also selecting some that failed and analyzing why they failed.Then some papers that everyone thinks are good, but failed, are also picked out, and a separate set of comments is published.Every time there is an exam in a government school, after the exam, "Tianshui Weekly" will also publish an episode of current commentary: analysis of exam questions, master examinee's level, background environment analysis, etc.

These old gentlemen rely on this to make a living on weekdays, but their popularity is limited and their income is not high.Now someone provides a special place for them to do this with good food and drink, their sense of self-existence is greatly increased, and they are full of energy. Every day, you can hear them reciting the passages from those who are there.

It is roughly another time and space college entrance examination exercise set or application guidance materials

However, no matter how insulting and polite it is, it is not as miserable as writing a letter for someone else. As for what I wrote in Tianshui Club, I can avoid talking about it.

When the entire Tianshui club was busy starting a day's work, Zhao Yingong had already boarded the boat to Taicang.Although the main characters of Fushe are all in the south of the Yangtze River, and they often meet in Hangzhou, but now it is the first lunar month, except for Zhang Dai, Fang Yizhi, who has the best relationship with Wanbi Bookstore, has returned to his hometown in Tongcheng, and Sun Chun is also at his home in Nanxun.Fortunately, he knew from Zhang Dai that Zhang Pu was at home in Taicang when he came back from Beijing during the Chinese New Year.

Zhao Yingong hurriedly hit the iron while the heat was hot, and asked Zhang Dai to introduce him to Zhang Pu.

Zhang Dai was originally a lazy person, and he was even more lazy to move during the first month.But on weekdays, I often go to the Wanbi Bookstore for entertainment and gatherings. I feel that I can't save face, so I called my own boat and went to Taicang with Zhao Yingong.

Zhang Dai's boat is extremely sophisticated: he is a person who values ​​enjoyment, even the plants and trees around him are meticulous.Not only are the decorations on the boat exquisite, the crew is beautiful, even the maids and servants who serve are also handsome and considerate.However, Zhao Yingong had something on his mind, so he couldn't care less about it.

Zhang Dai saw that he looked dignified all the way, as if he was preoccupied. Halfway through the berth, Zhang Dai asked someone to go ashore and hold a banquet to drink with him to relieve his worries.

He is a very smart person. Although he has seen Zhao Yingong's various "Australian style" enjoyment in Wanbi Bookstore on weekdays-it is really not comparable to the royal relatives, but in his bones, this Zhao Yingong who vaguely claims to be a descendant of Zhao Song The master is a very simple person, and I am afraid he was not born in a wealthy family.

"Brother Yin Gong, there is no rush for this matter." Zhang Dai probably knew that the purpose of his trip was to help Sun Huodong, and comforted him, "Tianru has always respected Prime Minister Xu, and Sun Huodong is a member of Prime Minister Zhou. Will definitely help."

Zhao Yingong nodded with a strong smile—the possibility of Zhang Pu helping is indeed very high, but does he really have the ability to influence public opinion?Even if there is, can swaying public opinion change the current court proceedings?It's all unknown.Immediately sighed: "I'm just doing my best."

"Exactly, as long as you do your best, the destiny cannot be violated." Zhang Dai laughed, "Sun Huodong's future has its own destiny. We are just ordinary people, how can we get a glimpse of the secret of good fortune? Let's drink first!"

Zhao Yingong recalled his words, and felt that his mood was very different.Instead of worrying about whether the task can be completed, it is better to let go.I am just a time traveler, not God.It is not necessarily invincible to drive cheating devices.Thinking of this, I always felt that there was a piece of lead pressing on my heart, so heavy that I had no interest in doing anything, but now I felt relaxed.Looking at the winter scenery in the south of the Yangtze River that is slowly receding outside the window, the wine is also in full swing.

"Okay, drink," he relaxed, and his tone became lighter, "I wonder if there is any good wine?"

"Of course there is Lanling wine..."

"This is not good," Zhao Yingong said with a smile, "I have wine with me."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Dai is also very fond of wine - Li wine already existed in the Ming Dynasty, but it was an imported product enjoyed by a few people.Even Zhang Dai rarely got it.

At the moment Zhao Yingong took care of Fenghua and took out the wine he had brought on board.

The wine is packed in a glass bottle, and the bright red liquid is radiant in the glass bottle. Zhang Dai has drunk it in Wanbi Bookstore, and knows that it is the most advanced "Australian wine". Brewed by Wu Nanhai in partnership.

Lingao couldn't grow grapes for wine making, so they used fruit grapes, which tasted sweet and sour, which was more suitable for the taste of people at that time.

Seeing that the maid had brought out the wine, she immediately took out a set of "Australian crystal cups" and poured wine for them.This set of cups was bought by Zhang Dai from Zizhenzhai in Guangzhou.

"I don't know what can I drink?" Zhao Yingong said.

The servant girl who was waiting on the side quickly returned: "There are ducks."

Then set up the cups and chopsticks, and first serve the wine and small dishes.Then came the hot dishes: a small porcelain jar with duck soup stewed in clear water. The duck meat was tender and creamy, and the duck soup was fragrant and mellow.Steamed white fish with a plate of lees, no lees, but the smell of lees is tangy.There are a few slices of ginger on the fish, which is very fresh and tender.Very cleverly done.Sure enough, the enjoyment of the family is different.

The two talked while drinking, mostly talking about the restoration of the society.Zhang Dai doesn't like to talk about government and state affairs, but he is quite interested in talking about personnel affairs in the society.Zhao Yingong intends to collect more information about Fushe, so he doesn't interrupt him.

From Zhang Dai's mouth, he knew many details about the establishment of the Fushe and the holding of the meeting, as well as the political ambitions, personalities and relationships of the only characters in the Fushe.This is extremely useful material for him to start his court work in the future.

Zhang Dai drank a few glasses and was already slightly tipsy: Farm wine is made from fruit grapes, so a lot of white sugar is added for auxiliary fermentation. It is easy to drink but the alcohol content is not low.

Asked about Zhao Yingong's future plans, Zhang Dai advised him to try to pass the provincial examination in Jiangnan.

(End of this chapter)

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