Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1112 The stone man "bleeds"

Chapter 1112 The stone man "bleeds"

Only in the last few days, after the completion of the main hall that the craftsmen have been remodeling, Master Zhu came and brought this strange dress - but she is not alone: ​​everyone in the team who is under the age There are girls.Although Master Zhu talked to her alone, it was nothing more than asking her to practice the pipa well, and he didn't say anything special.

A young girl about their age was sent the next day.Take them to practice in the main hall every day: splits, leg press... The original brick floor in the main hall has been replaced with a floor, half of which is covered with blankets, and wooden poles are installed along the walls.

As a member of an opera troupe, practicing kung fu is also a daily kung fu.However, the new female teacher teaches very differently from other masters. Not only do traditional movements such as splits, leg presses, and lower backs, but also many new sets of movements.It's neither dancing nor singing, it's just that the posture is very good-looking.Every time I practice, there is also a soft musical accompaniment - I just don't know where to play it.Sometimes there is no accompaniment, and a small "tick-tock-tick" swinging piece is used to beat the time, and everyone is asked to move in time.

The female instructor didn't explain why she practiced like this, and everyone didn't dare to ask.The exercises are very strict.Practice for two hours a day, nothing can be shaken, except for illness, no one is allowed to be absent.

Practice consumes a lot, so they can get some sweet potatoes as snacks every day.The dietary fiber content in sweet potatoes is very large, as long as it is not too much, it will not make you fat, and it can also promote gastrointestinal motility.Furthermore, according to Zhu Mingxia's standards, the entire theater troupe is currently malnourished-of course, they don't have to worry about food and drink during the Taiping Festival, it's nothing more than good or bad quality, but in these days of chaos in Dengzhou, these weak girls have been starved to the point of death. All fell into shape.

In addition to practicing kung fu, the female teacher takes classes every day-teaching literacy and counting, and learning to write one's own name.Many people in the troupe don't have names, and some don't even have surnames. All the troupe masters get their stage names.Most of them took new names this time.Even the head teacher's own name has been changed—at least she didn't change her surname.

In addition to practicing skills and literacy, Zhao Jinghan also practiced hard on the pipa -- according to the score newly memorized by the class master.The class leader said, this is Master Zhu's order-all women in the group who can play musical instruments must practice these strange new songs hard.

These days the class master himself is practicing the music desperately, it seems that Master Zhu has given her some orders.Every night before going to bed, the class teacher has to teach himself again.

Because she had already been favored by Master Zhu, the class leader dared not reach out to hit her, and cursed with her mouth, but judging from her nervous and irritable demeanor, Master Zhu must want her to let everyone practice these songs well.

"Daughter, look, this is today's score..." Liu Yisi brought the score over with a flattering smile—she was originally unwilling to teach her the ability to write and recognize scores. Awarded.

"You rest for a while, and then practice for your mother... This piece is designated by Master Zhu to practice well, and you are my pillar..."

While talking, there was a strange whistling sound outside, which made people tremble all over.The three people in the room involuntarily raised their heads and looked out the window.

The howling sound came from the wilderness outside the city. Although it attracted the attention of the sentries and patrols on the watchtower at that time, there was nothing unusual other than that. Xue Ziliang, who was on duty in the city, immediately sent a team of Japanese and Korean security forces The mixed team went out, followed the sound and searched, but found nothing.

Hearing the report from the Japanese corporal who led the team, Xue Ziliang frowned: This whistling sound is too strange—it sounds like the sound of some kind of animal. The problem is that he visited many places when he was an American soldier. Jeju Island enjoys the sea, sunshine and women. I have never heard of animals that can make such sounds in Jeju Island: low, gloomy, full of a weird feeling that makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Captain Jin, what do you think this is calling?" He asked Jin Yongzhu who was in the duty room.As the captain of the "White Horse Brigade" and a Jeju military official, he is an active member of the leading party.Feng Zongze trusted him a lot. Out of a certain inertia, many elders did not trust intellectuals and leading parties who came from property owners, and basically believed in the theory of "the poorer the more revolutionary".

Jin Yongzhu also lived up to expectations, whether it was training or patrolling, he was the first one.Although I am illiterate, I am very active in learning Mandarin and can basically communicate in a simple way.

Jin Yongzhu stammered and said that he didn't know what it was calling-but he was a little sure that this thing was not an animal. He was originally a hunter, and he still lived on it after being exiled to Jeju. There are almost no animals on Jeju Island. He has never beaten or eaten.

But he stood up without hesitation and said, "I'll take someone to have a look."

People who are hunters often travel through mountains and ridges, eat and sleep in the open, often go to inaccessible places, and sometimes risk their lives, so they are quite polarized.One type of people is extremely superstitious, worships gods everywhere, and has a lot of taboos; the other type of people has no taboos and is afraid of nothing.Kim Yong Joo is in the latter category.

Xue Ziliang also thought it was weird, so he planned to send some special investigation team members to lead the way for further investigation. Just as he was about to give an order, the guard suddenly reported: Jin Wushun is here. If there is something urgent, please report to the chief.

Moreover, his wife, daughter, and son are all working now, and the whole family is leading activists.Jin Wushun was young and smart, and she learned Mandarin much faster than her father. Feng Zongze also gave her the title of "Civil Affairs Officer", which was spread as "anecdote" among the Korean people in Jeju City for a while.

Because of her ugly looks, Jin Wushun has been discriminated against and ridiculed all the time, so she has a kind of fanaticism almost admiring the veterans who appreciate and promote her. Everyone was surprised.

On this day, she brought a few members of the "Women's Fenggong Team" to the canal repair site to deliver meals—a special commissioner from the Agricultural Committee had come to Jeju Island from Lingao and started the field construction of the first local state-owned farm.

After delivering the meal, she brought people back to the city, and before she reached the gate of the city, she saw a group of people around a mound outside the city, discussing a lot.Seeing that many of them were Fenggong members, Jin Wushun quickened his pace and walked up.

When I got closer, I saw that there were several "Dorhalubang" outside the city gate-the five sense organs of the stone statues were bleeding.The Fenggong team members and ordinary people surrounding the stone statue were talking about it.Some people find it strange, some people find it scary.She felt that this was very strange, and looked around, and found that although it was only half a mile away from the city gate, it was a blind spot for observation because of many raised mounds and miscellaneous forests.

When she walked here in the past, she had seen people come here to burn incense and bow down.But she has no perceptual knowledge of this stone statue - because there is no such stone statue on the peninsula.She asked the locals out of curiosity, but the locals themselves couldn't tell.

But no matter what, everyone still has a lot of affection for the stone statues, thinking that they are local guardians.From time to time, people would come to burn incense and worship the gods, but now the five sense organs of the stone statue suddenly bleed, which is really too weird.She stood aside and listened quietly, not in a hurry to speak.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard an old Fenggong team member excitedly say: "It's terrible, there is going to be a catastrophe! The stone statue is bleeding, it's terrible! Our Jeju is about to suffer a bloody disaster!"

Someone interjected, "I'm afraid God has been angered by what he has done recently..."

When Jin Wushun heard this, he hurriedly looked for the speaker in the crowd, but he couldn't find it.

"It shouldn't be...everyone is safe and sound..." the old Fenggong team member said anxiously.

"Since ancient times, high and low have been predestined by destiny. Some people insist on acting against the sky, and they are still building large-scale construction projects on the island... I am afraid that they have offended the gods... It is a crime."

Vague but very clear words came out from the crowd.Jin Wushun suddenly felt that the words were wrong, and when he looked carefully, he found that the speaker was a man who looked like a peddler or a shop assistant, hiding in the crowd and speaking.

This remark caused great uneasiness in the crowd.Everyone understands that the so-called "acting against the sky" refers to the "Da Song", or "Wakun", who landed on the island a few months ago.

To say that almost all the people present have received their benefits, but the people of the Li Dynasty have been oppressed and imprisoned so deeply that it cannot be reversed by a few months of publicity. Feelings of terror.

Under the influence of her father, Jin Wushun is a person who does not believe in ghosts and gods. She originally wanted to stand up and refute it, but thinking of this matter is very strange. When Chief Feng taught them in class, he said to be vigilant and always guard against the "remnants" of Li Chao counterattack.

"...So I came here to report quickly." She told the whole story in one breath.Xue Ziliang is a "banana", and he doesn't quite understand the routine of "counter-revolutionary elements using feudal superstition", but this incident reminds him of a tactic played by the US military in the Philippines when it launched a law and order war: discarding disguises in guerrilla activity areas to be killed by vampires. The dead bodies caused mass panic and escape among the people in the guerrilla zone, and had a very good effect on disintegrating the social foundation of the guerrilla army.

"How did you get the blood?" Xue Ziliang asked.

"I took a closer look later, and it must have been done on purpose." Jin Wushun said, "The blood is very fresh, and it shouldn't have been long since it was put on."

Xue Ziliang opened the map, and the location of the stone statue was indeed a blind spot of the lookout post - because it was not an important place, so he didn't clear the sight at the beginning.

The location is not far from the road, and it is a place that extends in all directions, and anyone can do this.

(End of this chapter)

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