Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1113: Case 315

Chapter 1113: Case 315

Although Xue Ziliang didn't have a clue, he still knew that the impact should be eliminated immediately. He told Jin Yongzhu to take a few people to clean up the stone statue, and then cleaned up the trees and weeds on the surrounding mounds.

But things were not as easy as he cleaned up the environment, and rumors soon began to ferment.

In the evening, the weather suddenly turned gloomy, dark clouds covered the stars and the moon, a strong wind blew up on the island, and fine rain began to fall.On this dark night, there was a gloomy wind blowing in the Fenggong team outside the city, the houses and shops of the Korean people, and even the dormitories of the Fenggong team and the White Horse team.

Rumors spread everywhere, saying that the bloodshed of the stone man was due to the perverse behavior of the Japanese kun, which aroused the wrath of the gods.Seeing that it was about to bring a catastrophe to the island.The strange sound of unknown origin is the omen, and now the sky is dark and the stars and the moon are dark.The stone statue bleeds because of pity for the common people...

All kinds of rumors were spreading everywhere. The common people and servants of the Li Dynasty were fed up with the oppression and imprisonment, and their mentality could not be changed for a while, and those who loved rumors were spreading rumors everywhere.They whispered mysteriously, spread rumors, and added branches and leaves according to their imaginations from time to time.The more it spreads, the more mysterious it becomes.They were terrified by the rumors, feeling that the island was facing disaster, and the whole Jeju City and its surroundings were shrouded in an atmosphere of terror.

The elders paid close attention to this matter. After Feng Zongze heard the rumors, he immediately called a meeting of the elders to discuss how to deal with it.At the meeting, everyone agreed that the rumor was strange, and it seemed to have a strong political purpose.Judging from the content of the rumors, it should be the remnants of the Li Dynasty on the island who did it.

Feng Zongze has been going smoothly in Jeju Island, and he has done a great job.In particular, the "Jeju bow and arrow industry" he single-handedly supported has achieved remarkable results in recent months.A lot of grains (although mainly miscellaneous grains) and Korean ginseng were brought back from the Korean peninsula trade.Although Korean ginseng is useless to the Senate, it can be used as a re-export commodity-Japan and Ming Dynasty have a great demand for Korean ginseng, and the price is high.

However, North Korea's demand for bows and arrows is limited. Although the imperial court has been strengthening its armaments in order to prevent the Donghu from committing crimes again, the overall equipment level of the Li Dynasty's army is not high, and the number of people is also small.Therefore, Feng Zongze has been thinking about developing new markets.For example, Manchu.

As a maritime node in Northeast Asia, Jeju Island can fully participate in the tripartite trade between China, Japan and North Korea with the help of convenient ocean currents and wind directions.Feng Zongze is not reconciled to just being a horse breeding base and a supply port on trade routes.He and Liu Xiang wrote many long letters, in-depth exchanges on how to develop "local industries".

Now Jeju Island needs people, land and land. Although the leading party members do not understand the language, they are very capable in their work.The local law and order is very calm.As for the other veterans: Nangong Wudi, Xue Ziliang, Li Haiping and Nick basically only care about their own business, regardless of civil affairs.Feng Zongze grasped the big and small matters, and he was full of wind and dust when he walked. He only felt that the aura of the protagonist was shining brightly.Ambitiously looking for an opportunity to go to the Planning Institute to "run the department" and plan to set up some industrial projects for Jeju Island.Suddenly, a "hostile group" will appear, making him feel like he has been hit on the head with a stick.

It's not that I'm afraid, but I'm surprised—I thought "everything is under control", but I didn't expect that the hostile elements had already secretly set up a layout.I was so ignorant that I didn't know until the other party started to do it.

It would be very ugly to think that if the hostile elements had a "Jeju riot", it would be very ugly to go back to Lingao-the "opposition" in the Senate who had to kick a few times if they had nothing to do, and then they would have to go back to Lingao. Hold a "hearing"...

Feng Zongze's first reaction was to "solve the case" immediately, but in retrospect, his internal security work has basically never been involved. In the past two months, he has not received a special commissioner from the Political Security Bureau... Thinking of this, Feng Zongze can't help but come to the conclusion In a cold sweat.

At the meeting, the Jeju Front Committee decided to take some precautionary measures.At the same time, we must take advantage of this opportunity to severely attack the arrogance of hostile elements.At Feng Zongze's firm request, it was decided that he would take charge of this work.

Immediately after the meeting, he notified the messenger to call Liu Fuqing, the special commissioner of the Political Security Bureau.

The Political Security Bureau sent a working group to Jeju, and their work was mainly responsible for the screening and "reliability assessment" of the refugees transferred from Shandong.

Zhao Manxiong specifically pointed out in the internal briefing: The biggest problem in the operation of the engine is that the refugees who are transferred may bring in some key members of the folk religion.Therefore, on Qimu Island, there are two sects of Lingao Catholicism and New Taoism to "clean out heresies".The political security team here on Jeju Island conducts a "review".Not only do we have to find out the fish that slipped through the net from among the refugees, but we also need to find out from among the former heretics who have converted their beliefs whether there are people who have changed their beliefs and are lurking.

Therefore, the political defense team on Jeju Island is very busy.The special commissioner Liu Fuqing who presided over the work was a naturalized cadre.He used to be a secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs in Nanjing, but he was exiled to the Leizhou Garrison because he cheated on the case files.

This person was developed into an informer in the purification camp, and because of his outstanding work, he worked as a full-time informer in the purification camp for more than a year.After training in the training class, he was sent to Danzhou to set up the reconnaissance network of the Political Security Bureau. Because of his excellent work performance, he was sent to Jeju Island as a special commissioner this time.

"Liu Fuqing, sergeant major of the General Political Security Bureau, special commissioner of Jeju, was ordered to report for duty!"

A half-old man with a wretched appearance appeared at the door, and the words that should have been very imposing came out of his mouth and became weak.

Feng Zongze briefly introduced the case and asked him to solve the case as soon as possible.

"You know, I still attach great importance to the internal security work. It's good that this case comes out, we need to do our work more solidly and carefully. What about the work I instructed you to do in the previous stage to improve the layout of the reconnaissance network? How is it?"

Liu Fuqing was a little surprised, because he hadn't seen Chief Feng for more than two months—only once when he first arrived.If there is any specific instruction, it is even once in the past two months.Fortunately, his business is mainly under the direct leadership of the Political Security Bureau. Regardless of Feng Zongze's management, he can work step by step according to the orders and work manuals sent.

After all, he is an old official of the Gongmen, an old fox who has cultivated to become a master, and he has already understood after a few thoughts.A "counter-revolutionary group" has emerged on the island, and has already put it into action. Chief Feng has not given any instructions on political security work in the past few months. Isn't it ugly to see the scene?Immediately understood, he immediately said loudly:

"Report: Chief Feng's verbal instructions have been implemented, please rest assured, Chief!" He then reported on the deployment and development of the intelligence network.Because the aborigines of Jeju Island are Koreans, he currently mainly recruits informers from local leading parties and refugee camps to organize an informant network.

"About this case——" Feng Zongze felt that the other party was very knowledgeable, and nodded, "I named it Project 315. Do you have any direction, and is there any suspicious person?"

"Report to the chief, there is something." Liu Fuqing said.He immediately reported that there was a big problem with the brothels in Jeju City.

"...Businessmen often gather and drink in it, and some of the island's big landlords and herdsmen's cronies are also active in it. There are guests and banquets every three days, and some local cadres also come and go frequently... "

He stopped talking a little at this point.The "improper behavior" of the local "leading party" is covered in the weekly internal security report.But Chief Feng never gave them specific instructions.He specifically reported the materials to the Political Security Bureau for this purpose, but Wumu did not give him an order on this.

When Feng Zongze heard that there was a problem and it was not a small one, he anxiously asked, "Why didn't you report this kind of thing to me in time?"

Liu Fuqing hurriedly said: "I reported it in my weekly report to the chief, and the chief gave oral instructions once. The chief is too busy with work, maybe I can't remember clearly?"

Feng Zongze thought to himself, what kind of thing is this?Then he immediately understood that the first half of Liu Fuqing's sentence must be true-it's just that he has been busy with "economic construction" recently and has been busy with affairs, so he hasn't read the weekly report of the internal security for a long time.

As for the second half of the sentence, it is 100% a lie - Feng Zongze thought.This guy is indeed an old official.He was silent for a while, and said: "You can handle this case with your heart. Just start from the brothel. I will take care of all departments and fully cooperate with you."

"Understood, chief!"

Liu Fuqing returned to his office—his office was in the compound of a fugitive businessman outside the refugee camp.He summoned Jin Wushun and asked her carefully about what happened at that time, the people she knew present and the appearance and characteristics of the talking buddy.Then they were summoned for questioning in turn according to the list of people present provided by her.Understand the situation at that time from various angles, and at the same time further expand the list of people present.By continuously summoning the people present, it was quickly found out that the person who spoke was Cui Changmin, an employee of a bow shop in Jeju City.

Liu Fuqing immediately reported to the housekeeper in Jeju, asking who the owner of the bow shop is.

In fact, he can ask Pu Dehuan directly about this matter.However, the materials obtained by Liu Fuqing showed that Park Dehuan had a relatively serious problem—he frequently went to and from brothels, and had close contacts with some big merchants and landlords on the island.For the sake of prudence, it's better not to alarm him: if he has a problem, it will be to scare the snake; if he is innocent, it will inevitably cause Chief Feng's displeasure: Pu Dehuan is now the leader of the leading party in front of the chief.

(End of this chapter)

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