Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114
The housekeeper told him: Zhao Minggui is the owner of this shop.But Zhao Minggui himself is Jin Wanyi's servant.

In other words, this matter has something to do with Jin Wanyi.

Liu Fuqing realized that this was the breakthrough.According to the case-handling thinking of the government office, if there is a clue, regardless of whether it is justified or not, the person is first detained and tortured to extract a confession.However, Sergeant Commander Liu had already learned a new way of handling cases in the training class of the General Political Security Bureau, and he also knew that the veterans like to "cut the grass and root out the root", and simply catching the offenders will not satisfy them.

The name of Kim Man-il has been recognizable from the first day they landed on Jeju Island.The staff of the Political Security Bureau are the ones who have the deepest understanding of the will and thoughts of the elders: the chiefs will not allow greater authority than the Senate at the grassroots level.The so-called "how can others snore and sleep on the side of the couch", the emperor of the Song Dynasty has always been this tune.

He had a keen sense of the smell behind the 3.15 project.It is not only necessary to "take a long time to catch big fish", the key point is to find out the "behind the scenes".Although Sergeant Liu had determined that the mastermind behind the scenes was probably related to Mr. Jin, he had already made up his mind that even if it didn't matter, he had to find something to do with it.

Liu Fuqing's caretaker called the leader of his monitoring team.

"Send all the North Koreans under your command." Liu Fuqing ordered, "Focus on monitoring the prostitutes, Zhao Minggui's house and his shop. Then send someone to monitor Zhao Minggui! See who has contact with him, find out these The details of people."


Liu Fuqing hesitated for a while: "Also, send someone to monitor Pu Dehuan! Find out about his activities. Then send someone to send a letter to Li Wanji, asking her to find a chance to come out to see me!"


Li Wanji was developed as an informer two months ago.Pu Dehuan feasted and had fun in a brothel, and she provided most of the information that she had a close relationship with businessmen.It is a pity that Zhao Minggui, Huang Yunyu and others are very vigilant, and prostitutes are not allowed to be present when talking about business.It is impossible to know what was discussed.

Liu Fuqing is an old official who has been in the officialdom for decades. The so-called "business" is nothing more than privacy fraud and collusion between officials and businessmen. In terms of the current position of "Pu Zhengguan", it is a crooked way. Money is easy.

Combatting economic crime and corruption is not the job of the Political Security Service - that is the job of the Cheka.Even if they found a clue, they could only report it to Cheka and let them handle it.However, because of economic problems and "hostile forces", this is their jurisdiction.

Liu Fuqing knew that Park's days as an official were numbered.He lit his hookah - the only old pleasure he kept.Start silently thinking about what to do next.

After Zhao Minggui instructed his subordinates to do the trick of dripping blood from the stone man, he and Huang Yunyu sent his subordinates to spread rumors everywhere. Seeing the panic in and out of the city, he knew that his trick had worked.He and Huang Yunyu divided the work. Huang was responsible for contacting Pu Dehuan and the Li Dynasty government on the peninsula, while he acted as the contact person of Mr. Jin.

After the rumors took effect, Zhao Minggui took two men and a few pony horses and walked out of the city early the next morning, pretending to be going to the countryside to buy bow materials.

Although there is a guard post at the gate of Jeju City, it is not registered, and it is very free to enter and exit.He took his people into the mountains, walked more than ten miles to a village near the foot of the mountain, and bought some bow materials.After making sure no one was following him, he headed to the nearby ravine alone.

He didn't expect that since he left Jeju City, a North Korean "entrustment" specially selected by the Political Security Bureau had been following him.He asked the mountain people disguised as woodcutters to follow Zhao Minggui from a distance.

He saw Zhao Minggui turning towards the barren hill, and under the cover of trees, bushes and weeds, he quietly followed him into the valley.

The peaks and mountains on both sides of the valley confront each other, casting shadows, dense and dark. "Entrustment" is very familiar with the environment in this area, and stares at him closely like a hunter tracking a wild animal.The valley is very long, getting narrower and narrower, and in some places there is almost only a line of sky, and the terrain is rugged.If he hadn't been told that he was also from the mountains, he wouldn't have been able to keep up with Zhao Minggui, who was familiar with the terrain and roads.

He followed Zhao Minggui for nearly half an hour, passed through the valley, and came to a small village.

There are only seven or eight families in the village. "Entrustment" is very familiar with the situation in this area, and knows that this place is a pastoral village of a certain landlord.The village is populated by the landlord's slaves and tenants.They have all gone out to work now, and there should be no one in the village except for the elderly and children.

After Zhao Minggui entered the village, he went directly to a better house at the west end of the village. "Entrustment" knew that most of the people living in this kind of house were "zhuangtou" and the like.It was inconvenient for him to follow him into the village, so he watched him from the hillside in the west of the village.

The north wind was blowing hard, and the bushes were swaying non-stop.Zhuo Tuo curled up, waiting for Zhao Minggui to come out.

Zhao Minggui entered the house——Although this village is not owned by Master Jin, the landlord and Master Jin have always had contacts.The relationship is pretty good.So he chose this place as the place of communication.

This place looks like a deep mountain and old forest, but it is not far from Jeju City.Because of the rugged terrain, most people wouldn't come here—most locals didn't know there was such a village, and it was a natural place to hide.

The one waiting for him in the house was not the head of the village here, but another servant, who was also one of Master Jin's cronies.Its name is Jin Dahai.

Jin Dahai is a Taoist of Hamgyong in Hokuriku and a pariah of Baiding.Born with big arms and round waist, Kong Wu is powerful, he was originally a bandit.After being captured, he was exiled to Jeju Island as an official slave.Because of his outstanding military strength, he was favored by Master Jin and became his private slave.

He has been waiting here for Zhao Minggui for two days—he is a person who can't sit still, and waiting for two days without leaving home has made him full of irritability. The news, he had already gone back.

Seeing Zhao Minggui come in, he said impatiently, "Why did you come?"

"It's hard to do what the master ordered, and I have to sneak out when people are not paying attention..."

"Damn your mother!" Jin Dahai sneered, "You bastard, I think it's eating, drinking, and having fun in the city, and women have delayed things! There are only a few hundred Japanese pirates. Shit."

Jin Dahai has always envied and hated Zhao Minggui: mixed in the colorful world of Jeju City as a master: someone waits on him, eats, drinks and plays casually, and is played by women in prostitutes.Although he is considered a famous person in Master Jin's stockade, when it comes to enjoyment, he just has a good house to live in, and he has wine and meat to eat every day.The maidservants of the lower class can play with them at will.Although these girls have to lie down if they want her to lie down, and they have to take off their clothes if they want her to lie down, but all of them are like dead fish, and they can't even hum. Lovely, understand style.

Zhao Minggui felt contemptuous in his heart when he saw that he was speaking arrogantly.This rough embryo!He sat down by the firepit without showing any signs of expression, and said, "You said it lightly! Even a few hundred pirates are enough for us to drink a pot."

"Say something quickly," Jin Dahai waved his hand in dissatisfaction, "Master is waiting for me to go back and talk."

"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry." Zhao Minggui walked for a long time, and his stomach was already empty.Deliberately trying to pretend to be Joe in this rough billet.

Jin Dahai had no choice but to ask someone to bring food and wine.There is nothing delicious in the wilderness, just the local wine from the farm and the wild animals for hunting.

The two chatted while eating and drinking.

Zhao Minggui gave a detailed account of the current affairs in the city, especially explaining that his "stone man bleeding" trick and spreading rumors have achieved great results. Now people in the city are in panic, including the White Horse team There are signs of faltering.

"...and then?" Jin Dahai asked.

"Then? Then it's up to you." Zhao Minggui said.

"I don't know when the imperial army will arrive. Wouldn't it be courting death to mobilize volunteer soldiers now?"

"You know what!" Zhao Minggui spit out the pheasant bone in his mouth, "That's not what I said! People in the city are panicking now, and they need to be given some more medicine to make them mess up further, otherwise everyone will have to wait for a few days to see There's nothing wrong with it, isn't all the tricks I did before all in vain?"

Jin Dahai thought for a moment that this was indeed the case.He nodded and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"You go and report to the master, just say that you have to send someone to attack him in and outside of Jeju City recently. Burn down some houses, kill a few wakuns, and then kill a few of Jin Yongzhu and his gang who are helping the wakuns to do things. To scare the monkey..."

"What am I supposed to do? You can do this kind of trivial matter by yourself in the city—you still have to disturb the master!" Jin Dahai didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, these are trivial matters, and there is no need to bring someone to do them by yourself. .

"Fart your mother." Zhao Minggui sneered, "You said it lightly! Do you think the Japanese are all vegetarians? They are all ghosts, and the customs are also strictly guarded. Only by a few of us doing it in the city, 100 years No way! You people are usually raised by the master with good food and drink, but now you will be soft-hearted if you see the real Zhang?"

Jin Dahai was a rough man, he was aroused by his few words, and he said carelessly: "Don't worry, as long as the master gives the order, you can do whatever you want, no matter what! Killing a few Japanese pugs is not easy. Don’t have to say, I have a piece of arrow in my hand, and the discipline will kill one of them..."

He boasted, Zhao Minggui interrupted: "Stop bragging. Go back and report to the master! It's urgent, send someone to the city tomorrow to send a letter of approval!"

"Success!" Jin Dahai nodded, "Send it to the brothel?"

"No, there are so many people in the brothel, I'm afraid the Japanese have noticed it long ago. Just send someone to bring some dried beef tendon to my cabinet." He paused, and then urged, "Bring a message!"

(End of this chapter)

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