Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1115 In the City

Chapter 1115 In the City
After listening to the entrusted report, Liu Fuqing roughly understood that the small village was the enemy's contact point, and immediately ordered a team entrusted by the North Koreans to monitor the place 24 hours a day.

The conversation with Li Wanji also yielded a lot of new information.Although Li Wanji didn't know what they talked about specifically, she provided information about the close relationship between Park Dehuan and Zhao Minggui.The most important point is that she once heard the sisters in the brothel say by chance: Pu Dehuan has had good luck: Master Jin is going to marry his wicked daughter to Pu Dehuan.

Based on this alone, Park Duk-hwan's career as the number one leading party is gone.Liu Fuqing knew that it was not that simple.Liu Fuqing is well aware of the mystery of power rent-seeking. It is not surprising that Park Dehuan has mastered power and used it to benefit himself.But it now appears that there are political issues beneath the economic issues.

Given his current status and ability, Master Jin would not spend such a large amount of money on him.He opened the file cabinet and found Park Dehuan's file folder.It has collected a lot of materials about Park Deok-hwan's "economic problems" reported by informers.After careful calculation, he thought that the price paid to him by Mr. Jin in the past was already considerable, and there was no need to pay him another daughter.

Although the status of the evil girl is very low, she is also a member of the Jin family.Once married, it means that the interests of both families begin to be bound.This is a very strange thing.You know, in Lingao, the Senate stayed for more than two years and defeated the siege of the whole province of Guangdong.

It is really suspicious that the local emperor, Mr. Jin, is so active.

Liu Fuqing thought about it for a moment, and then expanded the monitoring scope of Pu Dehuan to everyone he had contacted in the brothel. Finally, he included Pu Demeng on the monitoring list.

Then he went to see Feng Zongze with what he knew.

Feng Zongze looked through it, and when he saw Pu Dehuan's name appearing from time to time, his eyelids twitched violently.He couldn't help knocking on the table violently: "Pu Dehuan! Damn it!"

It's not that he didn't know that Pu Dehuan had financial problems, but he didn't ask any more questions because he wanted to make people think that there was soup for them to work for, thinking that he had given him a big favor, and he should stop in moderation.I didn't expect Park Duk-hwan to be so bold!It was actually involved in the "counter-revolutionary riots."

Thinking of his trust in Park Dehuan, Feng Zongze felt quite betrayed.His face was gloomy and he didn't speak.Thinking about whether to arrest Pu Dehuan immediately.Liu Fuqing was careful not to speak.After a while, Feng Zongze asked what the Political Security Bureau planned to do next.

"We have arranged surveillance personnel to monitor the following people." He reported the specific monitoring measures in detail, "I will report to you immediately if there is any abnormal situation."

After Liu Fuqing left, Feng Zongze hurried to Xue Ziliang and told him about the situation.Xue Ziliang has received special training in anti-guerrilla warfare and anti-riot. Based on intelligence, he judged that the other party is likely to take action in the near future.

"The enemy has already seized the opportunity." Xue Ziliang said, "We don't know what they want to do. However, judging from the rumors they spread, the enemy is likely to take some large-scale terrorist actions to further exaggerate the atmosphere... "

"You mean a human bomb?" Various 21st century news images immediately appeared in Feng Zongze's mind.

"No, they don't have this ability, and they may not even have a concept." Xue Ziliang shook his head, "The most likely ones are arson and poisoning."

These two methods are relatively simple, and can cause great social impact.

"I'm here to issue an order to immediately upgrade the alert level." Xue Ziliang took off the holster from the wall, "Upgrade to orange."

Orange is the warning status of "imminent attack", which has never been issued except that it was issued in Lingao before the second anti-encirclement campaign.

After the warning was issued, Nangong Wudi immediately ordered additional sentries and mobile sentries to be sent near important buildings such as wells and grain depots, and all naturalized people received an order to raise their alert level.According to the pre-prepared plan, once the red alert is issued, all the naturalized people must hold weapons and go to the designated place to gather or stay on guard at the same place-the whole city "tighten the outside and tighten the inside".

Two other counties were also notified to raise their alert levels.Feng Zongze knew that in terms of his own strength, nothing that would shake the foundation would happen.It is also because of this that if a serious loss occurs, I will lose all face.

Today is Sunday——since the "Great Song Dynasty" arrived on the island, they began to implement a calendar system completely different from that of the Ming Dynasty, and also adopted a weekly work and rest system every seven days.Of course, no matter whether it is the naturalized people or the local Fenggong team, there is no such thing as a rest on Sunday, but on this day, the working hours of insignificant departments and construction sites usually end two hours earlier. Markets will also be organized to sell all kinds of "Australian goods" shipped from Hong Kong, mainly various daily necessities, cotton cloth and silk.Mountain people and herdsmen will also sell various local products in the mountains.

Organizing fairs and invigorating markets is the consistent practice of the Senate in local administration. It is not only to obtain local materials on the spot, increase the economic attachment of local people, but also to understand various information.

This Sunday was as lively as ever.There were many more people in the market than usual.Shops and restaurants opened early.The newly opened restaurant was buzzing with people, and several large pots were placed in the courtyard along the street, cooking multigrain rice and miso soup.Porcelain vats were filled with bright red kimchi—this kind of novel kimchi brought by "Wa Kun" immediately conquered the local people, and many people began to learn how to make "Da Song kimchi".The demand for red chili powder on the island suddenly skyrocketed.

This restaurant and several nearby grocery stores were opened by Feng Zongze instructing the local North Korean Leading Party. In addition to activating the economy, the purpose was to try to promote circulation coupons.Since circulating coupons are to be promoted, there must be recycling channels.Otherwise its credit cannot be established.

Small vendors carried heavy packages on their backs, carrying miscellaneous grains, vegetables, seafood, fruits and various local products, and came into the city one after another from all directions.Set up stalls and scramble to sell.Zhang Chengxue carried a bamboo basket produced in Guangdong, walked here and looked there, asking prices along the stalls like a housewife shopping.

Zhang Chengxue is now the maidservant of Pu Dehuan's family, but actually Zhao Minggui and his gang are pawns placed beside Pu Dehuan.As for the marriage of Mr. Jin's evil daughter, it is simply nonsense.However, before Park Dehuan loses his use value, they need to arrange someone beside him who can monitor and control him at all times.

Since Zhao Minggui went to the mountains to meet Jin Dahai, news came back soon.It was said that Zhao Minggui and others were going to do something in the city, first poisoning the well, and then setting fire to it.But don't kill people - unless it can be disguised as "violent death" or accident.Because it needs to reflect the meaning of "God's punishment".For this reason, Jin Dahai will send several people to the city.

According to Zhao Minggui's instructions, Zhang Chengxue went to the market to spy on whether Jin Dahai's people had entered the city.She asked about the price for a while, and picked things up for a while, but she was actually focusing on searching for people with special marks.

Zhang Chengxue is Zhao Minggui's servant.When the plague was prevalent on the island, her whole family fell in front of Zhao Minggui's shop. Zhao Minggui gave a few doses of medicine and saved the whole family. Since then, Zhang Chengxue has become Zhao Minggui's loyal servant.She does what the master tells her to do, without ambiguity at all.

Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she found three peddlers with backs on their backs coming in front, the one walking in front was very young, the last one was a skinny old man, and the middle one was a middle-aged man.On the surface, it is no different from the surrounding mountain people who came from the mountains.

Zhang Chengxue hurriedly looked at their feet, all three of them were wearing straw sandals with blue cloth strips tied around their trousers.The rope of the straw sandals was inconspicuously dyed black.

She hurriedly stood aside and watched as they found an open space, spread their furskins on the ground, and began to sell them.They sell dried mushrooms from the mountains.Zhang Chengxue hurried up to ask the price, and pretended to choose for a long time.Bought some to go back.

The three of them sold out the dried mushrooms, went to the restaurant to have a full meal of miso soup and brown rice, and then sat in the tea shop for a long time.As soon as it got dark, he slipped into Zhao Minggui's shop.

Jin Wushun was wearing a newly issued naturalized uniform, a satchel, and a canvas belt, and walked on the road majesticly—her hair had been cut short, and she looked no different from a female naturalized citizen.The father and daughter of the Jin family have been officially included in the establishment of naturalized civilian cadres because of their "high awareness" and "unwavering".They are no longer "temporary workers" of the leading party outside the establishment.

Jin Wushun is now a "women's officer". Originally, Feng Zongze planned to send her and a group of "young activists" to study in Lingao, but the current situation is relatively tense, so this matter has been put on hold for the time being.However, Jin Wushun has known a lot about Lingao through his contacts with other naturalized cadres, and he is full of longing for this "sacred place".

She took a team of Fenggong team members to the stables outside the city, where Nick needed a lot of labor.For this reason, a group of Fenggong team members are recruited every week to help with various rough jobs in the stables: cleaning the power house, cutting grass, cutting hay and so on.Also help with leveling the land, digging ditches...preparing it for good pasture.

After sending Fenggong's team members to the stables, she went to a small house on the outskirts of the racecourse by herself - a new pond was built here to store the spring water flowing down from the mountains, and then the clear water was sent into the stables for the horses to drink through channels.A water gate and a small house to guard the water gate were set up for this purpose.

Jin Wushun's brother, Jin Liushun, was in charge of guarding the water gate at the racecourse. When she approached, Jin Liushun was cleaning the iron runner on the water gate.

(End of this chapter)

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