Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1116 Jin Lushun

Chapter 1116 Jin Liushun

Jin Liushun was cleaning the machine on the lock room—the so-called machine was just an iron handwheel screw gate, which was used to control the amount of water in the pond.This is the most common water conservancy facility in Lingao, but it is "high technology" in Jeju Island.Because of Jin Liushun's young age and his talent for hands-on ability—Nangong Wudi once saw him make a slingshot, which was not inferior to the mahogany slingshot made by himself with a full set of woodworking machinery—so he was assigned to work here. I plan to send him to Lingao to study after the situation stabilizes.

Jin Liushun was very happy to be assigned such a position, and felt that it was a great trust.Wipe the machine with a broken rag every day whenever you have time.Get the whole lock room clean.

Seeing that his younger brother was cleaning, Jin Wushun also helped wipe the dust with the rag.

"Sister, why did you come here?" Liu Shun felt puzzled.My sister seldom comes to the stables.He knows that his sister is now "an official" and has a lot of things--very busy.Most of the work in the horse pen is manual work, and women workers are generally not needed, so my sister rarely comes.

"I'm here to send the Fenggong team members on shift."

"Is this matter also under the control of my sister? My sister is really getting bigger and bigger." Liu Shun said jokingly.

"The situation has been unstable recently, and my lord father asked me to take a look at the situation - the horse pen is outside the city."

She had just given the order to strengthen the guard with the White Horse team personnel stationed in the stables. According to the latest instructions, the "enemy" is likely to carry out sabotage activities in the next few days.

Jin Liushun laughed: "There's nothing to worry about." He pushed the window, pointed out the window and said, "Don't say it's on the edge of the city, even if it's not on the edge of the city, it's not a problem—it's good that the horse pen is stationed." Hundreds of troops, who is so blind to die?"

The baggage teaching team and the cavalry teaching team were stationed in the horse stables outside the city after they landed. As the number of horses received continued to increase, there were too many people to accommodate them, so they opened up No. [-] and No. [-] horse farms in other places outside the city. Out of some people, horses.

But even so, there are more than 100 Fubo troops in the No. [-] racecourse.Although most of them are apprentices, at least they are people who have received basic infantry training for three months, and all of them are equipped with rifles-it is like committing suicide to attack the racecourse.

"You can't say that. The situation is a bit chaotic now. Some people want to play tricks secretly. You are more than half a mile away from the field. There are wilderness on all sides."

"It's okay, Japanese pirates... No, the Japanese patrols will patrol here every half an hour." Jin Liushun said indifferently, "...Look, they are here."

On the dirt road outside the sluice, a group of Japanese security forces passed by on horseback. Their swords were hanging on their horses. The soldiers all wore "array hats" and cavalry cloaks, looking majestic.

In the past, when the people of Jeju Island saw such an image, they would be scared out of their wits and run away.But this time, the siblings felt that they looked very kind-these were the people who protected them, they were the chief's minions, and they were of the same kind.

"Be more careful." Jin Wushun said, looking at the big iron wheel, "This is a sluice, and the chiefs said it is a very critical machine..."

"No, if the sluice here breaks down, all the accumulated water in the pond and dam will be lost, and the water tanks in the several horse pens below will not be able to supply water, and it will be difficult for the horses to drink water." Jin Liushun said and pointed to the wall. The bow, arrow and machete hanging on the top, "I have to be on guard, not bragging, don't try to move this sluice if three or five people come!"

"I know you can do it." Jin Wushun looked at his younger brother's body that was getting stronger and stronger-now he was full after every meal, and his originally weak body began to become stronger.

She opened the window and looked around, and found that on the other side of the sluice was a causeway, blocking the river, and on the other side of the river was a place surrounded by fences.Although the twilight is getting darker, it can be seen that there are several new tower-like things inside, round like big barrels.

"what is that?"

"It's a newly built fodder field," Jin Liushun said, "but there isn't a lot of grass in it—I heard from the chief that it will not be used until the field where the grass is planted is harvested. Now there are some hay piled up in it."

"Grass still needs to be planted?"

"Yes." Jin Liushun nodded, "Boss Ni said that raising horses is a great skill..."

He began to talk about what he had learned recently.Seeing that my sister was very interested in the big iron wheels in the house, she talked about many new terms he had just learned: screw, universal joint, lever... These things are new things that he is very interested in, and they are also things he has always known. Haunting the "little gentlemen" and begging for their explanations.

As he said that, he took out a small waterwheel model from the basket as if offering a treasure——the sluice room was called "a house with four walls", and there was only a rough bench. Jin Liushun hung a basket on the wall for storage.The waterwheel was made for him by a student of the Fangcaodi teaching group. A fan driven by the waterwheel is used as a teaching aid to illustrate hydraulic work.

"Sister, look," he said as he put the small water wheel into the ditch, and the water wheel turned, driving the fan to turn quickly.

"It's fun." Jin Wushun also looked at this exquisite wooden model with great interest.

The chiefs are very knowledgeable no matter what they do.Seeing that her brother was still standing in the ditch, she looked at the waterwheel with great interest and said, "Sit down and rest for a while, don't play anymore—the water is still cold now."

"It's not a plaything, it's 'energy', it's the 'power' of water, the 'power' of wind, and the 'power' of fire—those who don't use oars to make their sails in Chaotianpu, who run away will be scared." A ship of black smoke is the joint force of water and fire..."

Jin Wushun nodded, she didn't understand everything she said to her brother, and she didn't really want to understand it.But seeing his younger brother chattering endlessly and looking so excited, he was completely different from the chaotic and rough boy who only knew how to play with slingshots, shoot rabbits, and touch fish.

"It doesn't matter if you can, or if you can measure it, come out of the ditch quickly!"

"It's okay, a little work - there's nothing to do here all day long, just guard the gate. I'm going to get sick." Jin Liushun said nonchalantly, "I have to read more."

"Can you read and recognize characters?" Jin Wushun was very pleasantly surprised.Their family is Bai Ding, a pariah from generation to generation. In the Li Dynasty, it was a great treason for pariahs to read and write.

"Yes, when I'm not on the night shift, I go to the night school every day. There are a few elementary school students there who are very knowledgeable. Not only can they teach how to read, they know a lot of things." Jin Wushun said enviously, "It's Da Song who came here!"

The first batch of "Department of Education" composed of high school students from Fangcaodi School has arrived in Jeju.They went to Jeju and Taiwan in batches. In addition to serving as civilian and technical personnel, they also used their free time as teachers to literacy for the refugees in the purification camps.

The talents of the local leading party and the Fenggong team can also enjoy this treatment-after all, they must master the Chinese language in order to effectively use it.

Jin Wushun is also studying in a literacy class. Although his Mandarin is not bad, his ability to read and write is a bit vague.

Her brother took out a roll of paper from a basket on the wall and opened it: she recognized two of the four characters on this roll: "Jeju".His younger brother read: "Jeju News".

"Jeju Shimbun" is a folio tabloid compiled by the former committee of Jeju Island, which is aimed at local people in Jeju and refugees in refugee camps.Published irregularly.After the Jeju local manuscript was written, it was sent out by radio, and the "Lingao Times" agency was responsible for the specific editing and printing and publishing.

The people who wrote the papers were basically veterans—guihuamin cadres were not yet able to write reports according to the "composition of veterans".Because the target audience is illiterate and semi-literate, the choice of words and sentences should be as simple as possible, and the words should be as few strokes as possible.The content is mainly based on local news, various administrative orders and simple teaching science content.Part of the content is excerpted from "Lingao Times".

The headline on the front page of the newspaper is "Walking Express" in black and bold, which is roughly the newspaper summary of Lingao Times.

"The No. [-] blast furnace in the Maniao Industrial Zone has been successfully ignited this week!"

"The construction of the third phase of the Workers' New Village of Bopu Commune started today and is expected to be completed by the end of June. After completion, 120 housing units will be provided for workers, which is expected to greatly ease the housing difficulties of workers..."

"On the [-]th of this month, the gunboat Chunchao was officially launched at the Bopu Shipyard. Rear Admiral Chen Haiyang, head of the Naval Command Department, attended the launching ceremony..."

These news from "walking" are both strange and novel to them.However, this made the leading parties feel that they are not alone - there is a happy paradise outside the miserable world they live in, although this world is so far away from them,

He read the front page news.The front-page news was about the upcoming first political consultative meeting in Jeju Island.The content is very simple, more like a "notice".Even so, the siblings still have a vague understanding of many words in it, but they only know that the chiefs are going to ask everyone on the island to come to a meeting to discuss what to do with the island's affairs in the future.

Because Jin Wushun is a "cadre", she has participated in the study of naturalized civilian cadres several times. Regarding the significance and importance of this meeting, she heard from her superiors at the meeting and knew that it was a top priority.Because her whole family has been tied up with the "Chief", "Senate", and "Great Song", she is very enthusiastic about this matter and wants to find out what is going on.

The two of them were reading the newspaper with their heads leaning against their heads. It was already dark, and it was pitch black outside, and the neighing of horses could be heard not far away.There was a melodious bugle sound in the night-this is the signal for the army supper.

At this moment, there were loud footsteps outside, and several dogs in the racecourse barked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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