Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1118 Rescue

Chapter 1118 Rescue
Pu Dehuan opened the door and hurried to the yard, only to see a fire in the direction of the stables outside the city, which had already reflected the sky red.Gunshots rang out one after another, mixed with the neighing of horses and the barking of dogs.His heart trembled, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Zhang Chengxue approached him quietly, and she looked at his back: In this position, if you stab him directly in the back of the waist, he will die without even making a sound...

She was trembling with excitement, and couldn't help but want to touch the dagger under her skirt. Fortunately, she restrained her desire in time, thinking that he still had to save his life with regret.

"Master, Yeliang, don't stand in the yard." She put a piece of clothing on him gently.

Pu Dehuan didn't answer in a daze. At this time, several gunshots rang out in the city, and then, there were whistles, footsteps and passwords on the street outside.From time to time, rows of torches passed by outside the wall.He knew from the accent of the password that not only the Fubo army, but also the Japanese team and the White Horse team were dispatched—something big happened in the city obviously.

All of a sudden, arson, assassination, riots and even the more terrifying counterattack of the imperial army... all kinds of terrible thoughts flooded into his mind.

For a moment, tremors spread from the whole body to the teeth, rattling.It was Zhang Chengxue who could see clearly, knowing that this person's idiot nature was fully exposed, and it might be troublesome to stay outside, so she stepped forward to comfort him and helped him to rest in the room.

Under the command of Xue Ziliang, the whole city is under martial law.Originally, a curfew was announced on the streets of Jeju City at night, and a large number of armed personnel will be dispatched to patrol and interrogate.For a while, the four doors were closed tightly, and every house in every street closed their doors and locked them.

The commotion inside and outside the city lasted for less than an hour.The number of volunteer soldiers mobilized inside and outside the city this time was not large, less than 300 in total.More than a dozen of them sneaked into the city and prepared to set fire to it.According to the assumption of Huang Yunyu, Zhao Minggui and others, when the horse pen outside the city catches fire and the horses startled, the Japanese will definitely send people from the city to come out to reinforce them. If there is chaos in the city, they can take the opportunity to set fire to poison.Unexpectedly, the team that went to burn the horse pen collapsed immediately—the volunteer soldiers who originally intended to take advantage of the chaos in the city to carry out sabotage activities were arrested one after another as soon as they were dispatched, and they stubbornly shot dead on the spot.

The gunfire had completely subsided, and Xue Ziliang led the patrol team to inspect various important places in the city. He was particularly worried about internal disturbances such as "camp screams" in the refugee camp. necessary casualties.

Although the military and political chiefs of Jeju Island are not themselves, the fewer casualties, the better.The front committee members are all in the same boat.

When he was patrolling the refugee camp, he met Zhu Mingxia. Zhu Mingxia was wearing a stab-proof vest, an [-] steel helmet, and an SKS rifle in his hand. He looked like he was facing an enemy.

"Is there any loss in the city?" Seeing Xue Ziliang coming with a patrol team, he asked hastily.

"No, all the gangsters in the city have been caught—or killed. A sweep of the city is beginning now."

"Then I will trouble you in the city. I want to take someone out to see the situation in the stables." Zhu Mingxia said.Although there are strong troops outside the city, four to five thousand local so-called "righteous soldiers" are nothing more than scarecrows, but Nick, the veteran who lives in the horse pen, expresses "high concern" both emotionally and rationally.

Zhu Mingxia led the patrol team to open the city gate and went to the stables outside the city. Outside the stables, the flames on the burning wooden shed and the grass had been extinguished. Nick was sitting in the yard outside the office holding his Glock pistol. , surrounded by his disciples.Seeing Zhu Mingxia coming, he was obviously relieved.

"Is the horse pen safe?" Zhu Mingxia asked.

"All safe, no damage except for a couple of wooden sheds. Just some horses that were frightened and being calmed down," Nick said.

He didn't send anyone to search further, Nick presumably decided it would be good to drive the enemy away.However, there is nothing wrong with sending a small army to search for this black light.

"It's a pity that there were casualties!" Nick sighed, "I was careless!"

When Zhu Mingxia walked into the sluice room, the fire had already been extinguished—the students rushed in to fight the fire immediately after discovering the fire: not only the sluice equipment that Jin Wushun tried his best to protect was intact, but the house only damaged the doors and windows.

Jin Wushun was unconscious, and Jin Liusun had died.When the people around saw Zhu Mingxia approaching, they stepped out of the way one after another.Zhu Mingxia walked in and took a look. There were bloodstains all over the ground, and the bodies of two "righteous soldiers" were still lying on the ground.One had a brain burst, and the other had knife marks all over his body.It's been a long time since I saw it.

The handwheel and the screw were stained with blood, and half a burnt rag was hanging there.The rough bench was broken and covered with brains and blood.

Seeing a half-torn strip of cloth still clutched in Jin Wushun's blackened hands, Zhu Mingxia let out a deep breath, feeling a little moved: He has always held a pragmatic attitude towards the people of this time and space.He cared about their loyalty only so that they could be driven by the Senate.The various political work methods and theories used are nothing more than a kind of "art" on the road to global hegemony.

However, for a simple sluice room, the two siblings are willing to fight with their lives.Such simplicity and great loyalty made his heart touched.

A health worker was bandaging Jin Wushun, and he asked in a low voice, "How is the injury? Is it dangerous?"

The health worker said: "I was cut three or four times on my body, but none of them were deep enough. There was a puncture wound on my forearm, but it was fine. I just lost a lot of blood and had second-degree burns on my hands. I'll wait for Chief Feng to see the details." You'll know it later."

"Go and tell Chief Feng that I'm right, and you will save her at all costs. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I will tell you!"

When Zhu Mingxia returned to the city, he saw that some prisoners had already been brought in—people from the Political Security Bureau would handle the interrogation of prisoners.He went to the army camp to check again.After a lot of tossing, the sky is already bright.But Zhu Mingxia didn't feel sleepy, so he wiped his face and went to see Jin Wushun in the clinic.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to this ugly-looking woman—he only knew that she was the daughter of the captain of the White Horse Team, and she was very good at work, and she was a good seedling of a naturalized civilian cadre.But what happened last night made him have a strong interest in her.He hoped that she would survive well: such a determined and loyal naturalized citizen is a rare talent...

A loud bugle sounded from the city gate, followed by the "morning cannon" that opened the city gate.Crowds of common people and members of the Fenggong team walked to various construction sites and factories outside the city.Soldiers of the Fubo Army sang songs and lined up in the street.The whole city started a new day as if there had never been a battle.

The damage caused by the riots at night was almost negligible, and of course the results were not great.More than 50 "righteous soldiers" were killed and hacked, and 15 people were captured alive.Several packets of poison intended to poison the well were seized.All the "hostile elements" in the city can undoubtedly be dug out through the interrogation of the prisoners.

Zhu Mingxia estimated that these people's homes were probably local shops.But the specifics are determined by the Political Security Bureau, anyway, they can't escape - the gate of the city has strengthened the investigation, only the local people and the Fenggong team who serve the Senate and have a pass can freely enter and leave Jeju City, ordinary people are allowed to enter and not to leave .

As a result, the security war on Jeju Island may have to be launched in advance-Zhu Mingxia originally planned to wait for the Political Consultative Conference to formulate a plan according to the meeting situation before launching it, but now it seems that this is not necessary.

When he walked into the health center, he saw Feng Zongze and several nurses and health workers were busy.The nurse is cleaning and suturing Jin Wushun's wound.Jin Wushun's face was pale, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he hummed softly from time to time because of the stimulation of the disinfectant.

"How about it?"

"The injury is not serious..." Feng Zongze was wearing a white coat with his sleeves rolled up, exuding a smell of disinfectant, "But it was severe enough, with seven cuts and one stab. It's fine. But the blood loss is too much..." He pointed to the hanging bottle, "I don't have plasma here, so I have to use glucose saline. I don't know if she can survive it."

"It's not life-threatening, is it?"

"It's hard to say, if you don't have a blood transfusion, it will be five or five." Feng Zongze said, "I injected her with tetanus and antibiotics. Infection is not a big problem, but..." He said and pointed to her hands that were cleaning the wound.

"Second degree burns on both hands - I have no ability to treat them." Feng Zongze said, "Maybe it will involve skin grafting, all of which can only be done in Lingao General Hospital..."

"Then transfer to another hospital as soon as possible. For blood transfusion, can you do on-site blood donation?"

Feng Zongze hesitated for a moment: "To be honest, I'm not a doctor. I'm just the owner of a pharmacy. I can't handle surgical matters—and besides, there's the blood type problem: we don't know what blood type she is."

"Can the nurse test it? It should be very simple."

"Indeed, but the nurse doesn't seem to have much confidence in the blood type..."

Zhu Mingxia knew that these nurses were all trainees in rotation, and it was natural to hesitate when encountering such joints that could lead to death.But in the current situation, I'm afraid we can't help but wait for experienced nurses to come.Then he said: "Send a telegram to Shandong first, and send a special boat to bring Dr. Xie here. If you can't wait, let them try it first—we must save her life."

Feng Zongze nodded heavily: "I will try my best. As soon as she stabilizes, I will send a boat to take her to Lingao."

Zhu Mingxia came out of the ward and was about to leave when he suddenly heard suppressed sobbing.Turning around and looking, I saw a figure of a man squatting in the corner of the yard, his shoulders were twitching.He knew that it was Jin Yongzhu, and he couldn't help feeling sour. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, so he walked away quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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