Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1119

Chapter 1119
"We are now holding an enlarged meeting of the Jeju Island Front Committee of the Senate," Feng Zongze said weakly, "the Jeju Island region should have five elders, but there are actually four. Attendees: Feng Zongze, Nangong Wudi, Xue Ziliang, Zhu Mingxia. One person asking for leave: Nick .”

He then glanced at the group of people around the table: all of them were expressionless.Feng Zongze only felt very bitter in his heart.He picked up the telegram he had just received and read:

Jeju Front Committee: Feng, Nangong, Xue, and Ni transferred to Zhu, the leader of the Northward Detachment
Telegram at 25 o'clock on March [-].

[-]. The riots in Jeju should draw your attention—when you start civil work in newly developed areas, you must pay attention to the counterattack of local forces.In particular, care should be taken to protect the safety of veterans, naturalized people, and local collaborators, lest morale be shaken.

Second, when carrying out civil affairs work, local personnel can be freely appointed.Regardless of the form of use, attention must be paid to its identification and control.So as not to become the enemy's internal agent or be involved in corrupt activities.Seriously affect our reputation.

[-]. Regarding the administrative setup of Jeju Island, according to the meeting decision of the Planning Institute and the People's Committee of Civil Affairs, Jeju Island will be regarded as a "new administrative demonstration area" and a "standard village" will be fully implemented.

[-]. The economic construction of Jeju Island should maintain the current situation and not expand the scale and types for the time being.

[-]. The preferential treatment and publicity work on Jin Wushun and Liushun's deeds generally agree with your opinions, and have been transferred to the Propaganda Department for handling.Regarding the matter of posthumous recognition of Jin Liushun as an honorary second lieutenant, according to the materials you reported, he was a member of the public service team before his death, and he did not join any form of military membership. This article is not allowed.

[-]. In the future, the current focus of Jeju Island's work will be to promote the strengthening of law and order throughout the island.Therefore, from the date of receiving the telegram, the rankings of the Jeju Island Front Committee are Xue Ziliang, Feng Zongze, Nangong Wudi, and Nick.Xue Ziliang is responsible for the overall work.

After Feng Zongze finished reading the telegram, he sat down with a lonely expression.Everyone in the meeting circled the telegram.

All the senators here know well that although the turmoil in Jeju Island is strictly speaking not a big deal, it is not a loss to the Senate. There are also pacesetter figures like the Jin family siblings, no matter how you say it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

However, from their private telegrams with their friends, colleagues, and superiors in Lingao, and through the internal publications "Venus" and "Weekly News" specially sent to the veterans, they already know that: the executive committee is likely to Take this opportunity to tap into the recent "localism" tendency.

This tendency has risen after occupying the whole island of Hainan, but Hainan is the main island after all, Jeju Island is high in the sky and the emperor is far away, and the surrounding environment is complex, so the degree of policy freedom granted is relatively large: what to do, you can always Find enough reasons to force the Planning Council to agree or agree to part of it.

In particular, several murderous theoretical articles published in "Venus": "A Clear-cut Stand against Localism" and "Expatriation = oil and water, who will supervise the power expansion of expatriate veterans".The first article was signed by Du Wen, and the latter was signed by "Independent Political Commentator".

One look at the two signatures of the elders on Jeju Island and you know it's not easy to mess with.

This time the telegrams sent by the Central Government Affairs Council and the Planning Institute proved that their estimates were correct.Of course, the telegram itself was quite polite and did not deny the work of the Jeju Island Front Committee.

Xue Ziliang stood up, he was really not used to this "Senate style" command system.But in the past few years, he has been listening and seeing, and he has roughly understood the operation rules and various subtexts of this copycat system.

Feng Zongze no longer presided over the work, and replaced him, indicating that the executive committee asked them to shift their work focus to "strengthening law and order."

A little embarrassed, he opened the folder in his hand, hesitating whether to say something his colleagues often said: "Thank you for the trust of the organization and the support of comrades", and finally decided not to say it, and went straight to the point , Talking about the next step of security warfare and specific implementation plan.

Feng Zongze listened absently.He was concerned about the progress of the 315 project.More and more evidence shows that Park Duk-hwan, whom he single-handedly promoted and entrusted with important tasks, not only has financial problems, but also is suspected of major treason.

From the prisoner's mouth, it has been confirmed that Zhao Minggui is the mastermind behind the 3.15 event, and his dark backstage is Jin Wanyi.Although Zhang Chengxue was a gift from Huang Yunyu, he was actually Zhao Minggui's servant.

The chain of evidence pointing to Pu Dehuan's rebellion has basically been completed, and it is only waiting for Liu Fuqing to catch them all in the next step, and intuitively obtain physical evidence and confessions.

After Xue Ziliang talked about the specific combat plan for the first phase of the public security war, Nangong Wudi began to talk about the work of setting up villages and reconciling armed immigrants. Feng Zongze didn't listen to it at all. He was in a daze until the end of the meeting. away from the office.

It's midday and most people are at work.The streets were a bit deserted, the "requisition soldiers" choked with lime had their heads poked on sharpened wooden poles, and they were neatly lined up on the side of the street near the prison camp.Feng Zongze felt very uncomfortable every time he walked by.

In March in Jeju Island, it was still a bit cold, but Liu Fuqing was only wearing a plain cotton jacket - the chiefs called it a "shirt", the sleeves were rolled up high, the neckline was open, and the half-bald head was steaming , smoking a cigarette while looking at the interrogation materials just brought out.

Starting with the fifteen captives captured, more clues were dug up from interrogations.Although these fifteen people were all small characters, their hiding places from sneaking into the city to setting fire at night were suspected of being "enemies" that could not be removed.By interrogating the captives, they quickly dug up a number of shops and homes in the city that were related to Jin Wanyi and provided hiding places for the "righteous soldiers".Among them are some Fenggong team members and leading party cadres.

The search and arrest work began immediately. Liu Fuqing commanded the White Horse Team to search across the city and arrested hundreds of people.Whether it was family members or servants, they were all arrested and interrogated indiscriminately.He also went into battle himself, taking turns to "boil the eagle".

After a night of surprise interrogation, the suspects were roughly identified: most of them were innocent or not deeply involved.Out of prudent considerations, he temporarily detained this group of people in a refugee camp, waiting for the instructions of the chiefs before sending them out.

Liu Fuqing is familiar with the style of the Ming Dynasty's officialdom, and such a case is "conspiracy" in the Ming Dynasty.Those involved, regardless of master or slave, can be severely condemned.How big the incident is and how many people are involved depends on the thoughts of the officials in charge and the emperor.

He still doesn't know how the "Australian" handles such cases.Whether or not to take the opportunity to set up a big prison, it is still a breeze and a drizzle.

Because the context of the entire 3.15 case and the subsequent 3.20 riots has been clarified.Liu Fuqing decided to tidy up and report to Feng Zongze, and then ask for instructions on the next step-Wu Mu has given him instructions: "follow Chief Feng's instructions" in the detection and handling of the case.

Feng Zongze's arrival did not surprise him.From the telegram contact with Chief Wumu and the events of these days, he, a cunning old official, has roughly understood the joints.

Chief Feng is now anxious to clear himself of the charge of being careless in the internal security work.

He buttoned the collar, and then began to report the progress of the work in detail.

Zhao Minggui was the first to be arrested—the scouts from the Political Security Bureau identified him as the main backstage of the hostile forces in Jeju City.Facts have proved that this judgment is not wrong.

A large number of documents, letters, weapons and poisons were found in Zhao Minggui's shops and houses.There are even many different kinds of civilian clothing.

The most important thing is that the "current account" was found, which recorded in detail his various expenses for "public relations activities" in the local area.Park Duk-hwan is the number one spender.

In addition to Park Dehuan, several "Leading Party" personnel were also involved in the ledger.Including the Chaotianpu Port Authority, Horse Circle Management Office, Jeju Fenggong Team and White Horse Team, there are people who have socialized with him.Most of the money involved was small and not through him, and even the Political Security Service was not aware of it.

Because Zhao Minggui has been engaged in commercial activities for many years, he has established a commercial network throughout Jeju City and outside the city. Through this network, he can operate many things behind the scenes.

"It's really deliberate!" Feng Zongze almost jumped up.It seems that I attach too little importance to Zhao Minggui, a businessman!

"Where's Zhao Minggui's statement? What's new?"

"He refused to speak at first, but he finally recruited this morning." Liu Fuqing said, "But we interrogated him for several days and nights, and now he is a bit confused, and his confession is also confusing..."

"How about it, have you revealed his background?"

"Yes, he clearly confessed that Jin Wanyi instructed him to do all this." Liu Fuqing said, "A key person and Huang Yunyu were involved, but he has already run away..."

Feng Zongze knew this name. This person was the contractor of the bow and arrow industry in Jeju Island, and he had contributed a lot to his bow and arrow export business activities.Thinking that he still treated him quite falsely, and even planned to recruit him as a Huamin cadre—he couldn't help becoming angry and asked, "Run away?"

"Yes, he left Jeju after the 3.15 case. We checked the entry and exit records of Chaotianpu, and he went to the peninsula to do business."

"Lucky for him!" he said bitterly.

Liu Fuqing glanced at him, and secretly wrote "Huang Yunyu=over" in his heart.

"We have arrested his family members and associates. His big associate Cui Xuanze confessed that they have gone to the peninsula to communicate with the local officials of the Li Dynasty, and they have plans to counterattack Jeju."

Feng Zongze nodded and asked, "Has Pu Dehuan been arrested?"

"Not yet. He is an important local cadre, and I hope to get your approval..."

"I approve, arrest people immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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