Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1130 Taibai Observatory

Chapter 1130 Taibai Observatory

The wide workbench is full of various tools and small professional equipment, jigs, vises, desktop lathes... Of course, professional watch repair tools are also indispensable.These are the things that a modeler would die with envy: some of them are high-end equipment that cost a lot of money.

In front of the workbench is a large glass window facing the courtyard. The glass is inlaid with an iron frame to ensure the strength of the glass and ensure that the window is large enough to provide sufficient light for the entire studio.

It seems that there is not enough light. There is also a large skylight on the roof of the studio, which is covered with wooden shutters, which can cast enough light without causing the sun to be too hot and glare.

On the walls of the studio are rows of small drawers and neat shelves like a traditional Chinese medicine shop.A wide variety of tools and accessories are stored in categories.These are carefully crafted by joiners specially hired from Guangzhou. The high-quality wood is all made of mortise and tenon structure without a single nail. The inside and outside are painted with tung oil and then dried thoroughly in the shade.Ensure the absolute safety of tools and components.

In addition to his workbench, there are four well-equipped small workbenches, which belong to Zhong Xiaoying and his apprentices.

Dr Chung spends most of his day inside his studio.On the side of the workbench is a well-equipped large-scale drawing board. In the old time and space, he didn't use a drawing board for a long time—he used CAD, but the foundation left by him when he was studying was still there, so he could draw with ease.All verification devices are drawn before proceeding to manufacture.The reason why he has to be so meticulous is not only his work inertia, but also the purpose of educating his adopted daughters and apprentices. Among the elders, there are many people who can use CAD, but those who have used drawing boards to draw pictures are very rare. few.

Dr. Zhong turned on the desk lamp and started to make his "complete knowledge copyright" meter calibrator.All the parts of this meter calibrator are self-produced by Lingao's industry at present or in the near future.

The amplifier used in this "completely independent knowledge and copyright" meter calibrator is an electronic tube - Lingao's industrial system can't produce this thing. Dr. Zhong's electronic tube was obtained from the warehouse of the Planning Institute: Wu De is very Solemnly tell him to use it carefully, because there are not many electronic tubes in the reserve.

As for the paper tape on the traditional meter calibrator, he switched to a frosted glass roller instead of paper, and tapped water on the frosted glass roller.For this reason, he specially ordered a batch of high-precision frosted glass rollers from Xiao Bailang.The principle is very simple, but it is not easy to assemble. Dr. Zhong is not a senior fitter, and his level of repair and grinding is quite amateur.The loss is very large, and more spare parts must be prepared during trial production.

When Zhong Xiaoying was working, he quietly began to sharpen tools on his workbench.As a watch technician, although there is a complete set of tools that can be purchased off-the-shelf, it still needs to be sharpened by yourself.Knowing how to sharpen basic tools such as tweezers and screwdrivers is the basic skill of a watch technician.

The tweezers should be trimmed to be flat and sharp, so that the gripping parts are not easy to cause the parts to fly around or hurt the parts, resulting in scratching the substrate and other parts.

The caliber of the movement screwdriver of each watch is different, and the caliber needs to be trimmed so as not to damage the screw.The thickness of the screwdriver depends on different screws. It is only acceptable to grind the screw so that the screw and the screwdriver can fit tightly and insert it to the bottom of the screwdriver.

Zhong Xiaoying is quite accomplished in this work, so now Dr. Zhong's tool sharpening is done by her.

"Go to bed first, it's already very late." Zhong Lishi said with his back on his back, "There's still a whole day of work tomorrow."

"My father didn't rest, how dare my daughter rest? My daughter is not tired. It's good to do something small for my father."

Zhong Lishi smiled silently: "Okay, then go to the observatory with me to have a look."

This is not a whim, Dr. Chung's idea has been submitted for some time.In order to facilitate his work, he needed to let his adopted daughter have access to the core equipment of the Senate.For this reason, he specially submitted the application, followed by a long wait-until a few days ago, he received the written document agreeing to the application.

Zhong Xiaoying's face turned red with excitement—the observatory has always been their "forbidden place", and she knew that no naturalized citizen could set foot there except the elders.

His father trusted him so much, he obviously regarded her as a real daughter.A wave of enthusiasm surged in Zhong Xiaoying's chest. She put down her tools, walked to Zhong Lishi's side and knelt down with a plop, and kowtowed three times: "Thank you, Father!"

Dr. Zhong was taken aback and almost dropped all the tools in his hands.Although it was abrupt, there was a burst of warmth in my heart, and I said softly at once: "Get up, there is no need to be so polite between us father and daughter."

While talking, the electronic timer on the table beeped.It is already 23:45.Go to the observatory to check the time before 0:[-].Dr. Zhong stood up and put a wooden box on the table into his pocket.

Zhong Xiaoying has already brought the windbreaker. There is a long corridor connecting the studio to the observatory, but it is not completely closed.When it is windy and rainy, it is inevitable to be hit by wind and rain.

Dr. Zhong put it on silently, and said, "Put on your coat too. It's windy outside."

"Yes, thank you, Father, for your concern." Zhong Xiaoying also put on the windbreaker, and took out a lantern to illuminate the front - there is no lighting in the long corridor.

It was raining and windy outside, dark and cold.The two walked through the corridor in the dark and came to the observatory.The observatory is a three-story red brick building. The brick square outside the main entrance is inlaid with bronze "the meridian of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty"-actually the 110th longitude line passing through this place.

The corridor leads to the back door of the observatory.Dr. Zhong took out a bunch of keys with him, found a key by hand, and opened the steel anti-theft door.

The bottom of the observatory is a space with a ceiling that goes straight to the third floor. The second floor is the Zouma Building, and you can go directly to the top of the third floor through the circular staircase.A simple observatory on the roof that can be opened manually.The best astronomical telescope in the hands of the Senate is installed on the observatory-of course, it is amateur-level according to astronomical standards, but it is an "artifact" according to the standards of this time and space.

Dr. Zhong seldom plays with that artifact. He usually pays attention to the transit instrument installed precisely on the 110-degree line of east longitude.The transit instrument can accurately determine the moment when a star passes through the climax by observing the star passing through the climax (passing the meridian circle of the observatory), so as to obtain the clock difference of the stellar clock, so as to determine the universal time, stellar right ascension and basic astronomical point longitude.

This object was invented in the 17th century, but in the current period, Lingao's transit instrument is the only one in the world.Not to mention it was made in the 21st century.

An important purpose of astronomy in ancient societies was timing.It is a mature method to use transit instrument as measuring time/determining latitude and longitude.Under the condition that the observatory uses manual observation, it can also achieve second-level accuracy.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has complete latitude and longitude data, coupled with astronomical software, can make accurate star tables.Coupled with the observation of the rising and falling time of the sun, it can provide timing accurate to the second level.Even with accurate atomic time in the 21st century, astronomical time is still needed to check.

These tasks have been done by Dr. Zhong himself so far.Astronomical observation is a very boring and time-consuming thing, and he can't spend time on it all day long.Otherwise he wouldn't have to do anything -- he still had radio projects to tackle.

Xiaoying is a very careful girl who can "sit still".He intends to slowly train her to do astronomical observations and teach her the principles of timekeeping instead of being a clock technician.

But today he didn't take her to the top of the building—it was very windy and windy outside, and it was impossible to use the transit instrument to observe the sky.He turned on the electric light, and the light immediately filled the entire space.

There are many high-tech equipment in the observatory that must use electricity, so the Planning Institute has generously installed a set of wind power and a set of solar power generation equipment here.Electric lights were also installed in the buildings for fire protection.

Take Zhong Xiaoying to the bottom of the stairs, where there is a door hidden in the dark, which is also the original anti-theft door.Opening the anti-theft door, Dr. Zhong turned on the light, which illuminated a downward staircase.


"Go down." Zhong Lishi said, and turned to lock the door.

The two walked down the stairs for more than ten floors, and Dr. Zhong turned on another electric light.They came to a wide room-this is a semi-basement with strong reinforced concrete beams and columns.Thick thermal insulation and moisture-proof materials are laid on the walls and ceiling.

In the room, different outlandish devices were placed on specially made shelves, all of which were covered with glass covers.Some of them she recognized were the clocks in the studio, while others she had never seen before, flashing red characters.

Dr. Zhong walked to the wall and looked at the temperature and humidity recorders on it—both products from the old time and space, used to monitor the constant temperature and humidity environment in the semi-basement.

In this basement, the most core thing in the timekeeping system of the Senate is placed: the reference clock.

There is not one reference clock, but several.One of them is the spare clock on the PHS base station, and the others are from the spare marine clocks on the Fengcheng ship.It accurately shows Beijing time and Greenwich mean time from another time and space.

Because of the importance of the time they record, these clocks have been placed in the special warehouse of the Planning Institute in Gaoshanling, carefully maintaining a constant temperature and an important reference time.Until the official establishment of the Taibai Observatory, all the clocks of the Senate were based on these benchmark clocks.

(End of this chapter)

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