Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1131 Li Siya's Return

Chapter 1131 Li Siya's Return

Dr. Chung's timing/timekeeping plan for Lingao is to use these well-maintained spare clocks as the reference clocks of the observatory.Use the observation time of the transit instrument every day to compare.When it is found that there is a large error in the time measured by the clock and the transit instrument, the clock time is changed.Combining the two gives a long-term accuracy of 10^-8.

He silently removed a board clip hanging on the wall.When the astronomical time cannot be used for proofreading, the reference time adopts the Greenwich Mean Time brought by the old time and space.Dr. Zhong recorded the time of other timers at zero o'clock in Greenwich, took out the quartz clock he brought from his pocket, and checked it carefully.

"Father, this is..."

"Xiaoying, you are now in a confidential place of the Senate." Dr. Zhong said in a very serious voice, "Everything here, unless I allow you to speak out, otherwise you will not be able to confide a word to outsiders until you die. Do you understand? Otherwise, you will die without a place of burial—even being a father can’t save you.”

Zhong Xiaoying was terrified, and quickly knelt down and said, "Daughter knows, daughter swears to heaven, without father's approval, she will never tell anyone about this place! Otherwise, heaven and earth will perish!"

Zhong Lishi nodded. For a girl like Zhong Xiaoying, talking about the "Senate Secrecy Act" is not as realistic as taking an oath.He said: "Get up! Come here now, my father will now teach you and me the secret of time passing from the Australian sages..."

In Anping Port, there are many ships ready to sail.Most of them are Cantonese ships and Fuzhou boats of different sizes, and there are also a few Western-style sailing ships mixed in. There are many masts in the harbor.

In an unobtrusive place at the corner of the pier, an inconspicuous medium-sized Guangzhou ship is moored. The waterline of the ship is very deep, and it seems to be full of cargo, waiting to set sail.

The sailors scattered on the deck in twos and threes, looking very leisurely.Below decks of the ship, a secret meeting is taking place.

The dark, smelly cargo room below deck was emptied of two chairs.In one of them a young woman was seated, wrapped in a black cloak, with a hood drawn over her head so that her face was almost lost in darkness.Only by the sound of her voice did she know it was a young woman.

Sitting across from her was a man also wearing a cloak.The little light that came in through the hatch showed that although his face was covered in grime, he was young.He seemed equally afraid of being recognized, hiding his face with the corner of his cloak
"I have work to do for you. Listen carefully," the man said.

"I'm all ears," said the woman,
"A big blessing ship transporting immigrants to Taiwan is mooring under the Anping Fort. This ship will sail to Bengang early tomorrow morning."

"So I must go to that boat to-night?"

"Leave immediately, that is to say, you have to go as long as you agree. This ship will unload in the evening, and some of the cargo will be transferred to that ship—you take the opportunity of unloading to disembark."

"Okay, now you can talk about the mission you want to entrust to me."

"Your mission is simple: make the Dutch and the Australians enemies - fight each other with swords."

"The easier the task, the harder it is to do." The woman commented, "How long will you give me?"

"The sooner the better," said the man, "my lord's expectation is within three or four months."

"It's too difficult," the woman said.

"3000 taels of silver."

The woman refused straight away: "5000 taels."

"Three thousand and five hundred taels." The man raised the price.

"5000 taels. Not a single penny less."

"Three thousand, eight hundred taels, the most -- I will give your ship a free command flag for one year." This flag is very valuable, and you can get at least 800 taels if you sell it to any merchant at a discount.

"4000 taels, plus a flag. That's the price."

"make a deal."

"Pay 1000 taels first." The woman said, "The rest will be paid after the work is done."

"No problem." A smile appeared on the man's face: "My brother said that you are a jaw-dropping strange woman—this time you will definitely not let us down."

"Don't dare." Although the woman's face can't be seen clearly, it can make people feel that she is smiling like a flower at the moment, "Please tell the general, I am willing to serve him wholeheartedly."

"Then I'll hear the good news." The man let out a restrained laugh.

The ship swayed, and the sunlight projected from the hatch grazed her cheeks—it was Li Siya.

She looked plumper than before, and there were fine wrinkles around her eyes.The life spent at sea for many years among the major powers is a sharp weapon to wear down a woman's beauty.

Li Siya is not short of money to spend, and she has no ambition to invest a large sum of money. Taking risks and playing tricks are her entertainment-she enjoys it very much.

She doesn't really hate or dislike Aussies, though she's vaguely annoyed at Aussies -- because she's not valued by Aussies: whether it's love, admiration, or hatred.Li Siya always felt that she played a lot of tricks on the Australians, seduced various forces to be enemies with them, and even kidnapped the leader of the other party.The other party should hate her to the bone.But so far, there is no discernible hatred of Australians towards her.

Of course, her interest in Australians goes far beyond that.Since connecting her younger sister with the Australian, she has obtained a lot of first-hand information, but the question she is most interested in: "the proof of the Seven Seas Overlord"-what is it, has never been given any clues.

Even the veterans of the navy and trade who had the most contact with Li Huamei never revealed a word. Li Huamei dared not say this word in front of them, for fear of scaring the snake.Although she didn't need to be so careful with ordinary sailors and soldiers, these people knew nothing about it.

In any case, the name of "Certificate of the King of the Seven Seas" is related to the navy, and the Australian navy is well known for its strength.Through her tits, Li Siya can get a lot of news about the strange equipment newly equipped by Australians.She thought that these things might be proof of some kind of approval, or some kind of authority.

Australians are likely to have obtained the "Certificate of the King of the Seven Seas"!She thought so, and once personally sailed down the South Seas to explore the seas further south, trying to find traces of the Australians going north.

However, this expedition did not bring her any new information.In addition to seeing many deserted green islands, there are natives who don't wear clothes.The Dutch navigator she hired told her clearly that even if she went all the way south and crossed the Tropic of Cancer, she would not find any Australia, there were only some deserted big islands.

After returning from this unsuccessful expedition, Li Siya turned her gaze back to Lingao.She realized that the power of the Australians in the South China Sea cannot be contained in the short term in the foreseeable stage. If you want to really find out the details of the Australians and the "proof of the seven seas tyrants" , the only way is to send someone to mix in with them.For this reason, she began to prepare after returning from overseas voyages.

In the process of expanding the power after victory, it is easy to send people into the Australian team as businessmen or contributors to obtain information.She wants to know:
The Australians' powerful equipment and the secret of the "Certificate of the King of the Seven Seas", if possible, how to obtain this power and certificate.The origin and destination of Australians: why they abandoned the motherland that gave them great strength and came here, and what purpose they want to achieve.The Australians didn't explicitly say they want to conquer the mainland, but many people are paying attention to them. Li Siya wants to use this to judge their next move.

My breast sister has already connected with them as a businessman, but the businessman doesn't pay much attention to it.Especially Li Huamei's background made the other party always wary of her.In order for her to further gain trust, she must make greater contributions to Australians—or have greater use value.

But this does not happen overnight, and the other party is very shrewd, it is not easy to obtain such an opportunity.So she thought of another way of thinking.

She learned from the nurse that the Australians were recruiting women as their maids according to a certain standard-their so-called maids were concubines.Although the aesthetic taste of Australians is very different from that of Ming people.But judging from the various standards they put forward, the purpose of these maids is self-evident.

Then it is the best way to find a few women and send them to Lingao completely according to their standards.She can control these women by controlling the family.

When men are most relaxed and vigilant in bed, they are likely to say anything to the woman they love in order to show off.Even if they didn't, they would get much more news than Li Huamei for the few words they heard on weekdays.

In addition to maids, it is also an excellent breakthrough for Australians to recruit refugees and sailors in large numbers.Ordinary refugees are useless, but they are very interested in teenage orphans. It is said that a large number of them are educated after being taken in, and many jobs are held by young people.These children will inevitably be the confidantes of the Australians in the future, and they can get a lot of information.

Before that, she was very happy to create a little confusion for the Australians - the so-called muddy water is easy to fish.If the Aussies can clash with the Dutch and lose some manpower, they might not be too picky about replenishment.In addition, in the strategy planned by the Zheng family, she has her own plan.If successful, I will be one step closer to the Australian secret.

Zheng Zhilong is by no means an opponent of the Australians right now - this is Li Siya's judgment.Their eagerness to provoke a conflict between the Dutch and the Australians is a manifestation of their lack of confidence in their own strength.Of course, the existence of Liu Laoxiang also made it difficult for them to act as they wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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