Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1132 Guo Huai 1

Chapter 1132 Guo Huaiyi
Li Siya got off the boat in Bengang and went to meet Guo Huaiyi.

Although the Bengang area in Tainan appears to be the sphere of influence of the Dutch, in fact the Dutch have no actual control here, only one missionary point.Most of the Fujian immigrants here were arranged by Yan Siqi and Zheng Zhilong. In addition to paying poll tax to the Dutch to obtain the protection of the Dutch by force, they were basically controlled by the chiefs of Chinese villages, large and small.And these people all obeyed Guo Huaiyi, the leader of the Han immigrants in Tainan.

On the surface, Guo Huaiyi is just the head of Youchehang Village, a local immigrant village.In fact, it is Zheng Zhilong's agent in Tainan.This is no secret among Fujian immigrants.Even the Dutch are well aware of Guo Huaiyi's strong influence among the Chinese.

Li Siya disguised herself as a man, and under the escort of someone sent by Zheng Zhifeng, she came to Luoyouchexing Village without anyone noticing, where she met Guo Huaiyi in a mansion full of southern Hokkien style.Guo Huaiyi was a middle-aged man, who looked no different from a local landlord in southern Fujian: he had dark skin and deep wrinkles.He is also very kind in dealing with people.

Although Li Siya was in Taiwan for the first time, she was always well informed.She knew that Guo Huaiyi had been ordered to come to Tainan to preside over the resettlement here since the time of Yan Siqi.

However, Zheng Zhilong does not attach great importance to Taiwan.Since he took control of Anping, he has opened up a direct trade route to Japan. He is not very interested in Taiwan, a trade transit point. Apart from encouraging immigrants from southern Fujian, he has not spent a lot of thought on how to increase his actual control over Taiwan. ——Of course he doesn't have the energy right now.

Due to the lack of support from the mainland, Guo Huaiyi had to rely on himself to organize self-defense.His policy is very simple, submit to the Dutch in general, pay the poll tax to the Dutch, provide labor, and at the same time provide the Dutch with a variety of Taiwan's trade goods-most of Taiwan's main export products are deerskins from southern Fujian immigrants hunters or small traders who ventured and traded with the natives.This made the Dutch regard the Hokkien immigrants in Tainan as "useful people" and were willing to use force to protect the Hokkien immigrants.The previous Governors of the Chamber of Commerce spared no effort to crusade against the aborigines to a large extent to ensure the labor safety of the immigrants from southern Fujian.

Of course, the Dutch's own strength is also very limited, and sometimes they can't take care of themselves, so in a small way, he can only encourage the villages to form townships to defend themselves bravely.The Fujianese who immigrated to Taiwan are basically from the southern Fujian region. They have a strong regional color, and the immigrants often migrate in clans.It is easy to form small group villages with regions and clans as the core.Many local tyrants were formed.

The local tyrants who immigrated from southern Fujian continued to control the grassroots society in Taiwan until the Qing Dynasty recovered Taiwan, and it was even more serious than that in the mainland.Coupled with the serious problem of malaria, foreign officials and servants are often not acclimatized, and die of illness before serving their terms of office.In the Qing Dynasty, one prefecture and two counties in Taiwan had no control over the grassroots, and it was even dangerous to send government officials to the countryside to handle errands.Lin Shuangwen, who later rose up during the Qianlong period, also had this background.

Guo Huaiyi is the leader of this local tyrant group, and Li Siya knows very well that he and Zheng Zhilong have the same status in the "big gang" and have great prestige and power, but they are not strictly prohibited.

So she decided to talk as little as possible to Guo Huaiyi, only talking about things related to the mission.

She showed Zheng Zhifeng's token, Guo Huaiyi stared at it for a while, and immediately invited her to the inner courtyard for tea, and the two started a secret conversation.

Guo Huaiyi already knew Li Siya's reason for coming.As early as a few days ago, a messenger brought Zheng Zhifeng's letter.He has been waiting for her arrival.

What Li Siya was most concerned about was the specific situation of Australians in Taiwan—Zheng Zhifeng only told her that the Australians brought a large number of immigrants in the Dagou area, and built a large number of castles.

"Girl," Guo Huaiyi pondered for a moment, "I'd better take you to the local area so that you can see it with your own eyes. Otherwise, it's hard to explain it with just a few words."

Li Siya felt that this was all right, after all, she had to see it with her own eyes before she could make a specific plan, so she agreed immediately: "That's fine. I need Mr. Lao to send some capable people to lead me the way."

"It's not in the way, it's convenient." Guo Huaiyi said that the immigrants from southern Hokkien here have had a lot of contacts with Australians who beat dogs recently.It is easy to find a few guides who are both reliable and familiar with the situation.

"What is the attitude of the Dutch towards the Australians?" Li Siya was most concerned about this matter.

"The governor is very worried about the Australians." Guo Huaiyi said, "It can even be said that he has trouble sleeping and eating."

Hans Putmans is very concerned about the immigration action of Australians beating dogs.The first is the Aussie's formidable delivery ability.In less than half a year, Australians have transported [-] immigrants to Dagou.We must know that the immigrants from southern Fujian started from the Yan Siqi era, and the immigration activities that lasted for more than ten years did not bring so many immigrants.Moreover, with the immigration came a steady stream of building materials and a large amount of supplies.

The Dutch changed their fifth governor in Taiwan and have just built a decent castle.The Australians have built a fortress larger than Zeelandia since they landed, and 80% of the work has been completed in less than half a year.At the same time, they also built docks, dredged ports, and reclaimed a lot of wasteland.

Neighbors with such terrible efficiency and sea transport capacity are less than a few dozen leagues away, so it is no wonder that Hans Putmans has trouble sleeping and eating.

"...More than ten days ago, the governor invited us to the business hall for a meeting, asking us to be more careful about Australians." Guo Huai said with a smile.

"Oh? What did he say?"

"It's nothing more than asking us to be more careful, and it's best not to have too much contact with Australians." Guo Huaiyi said, "The Dutch are very afraid that the Australians will pull me over. In this way, no one will work for them and buy deer. And no one pays the poll tax anymore."

"Do Australians have such an idea?"

Guo Huaiyi shook his head: "No. They never sent anyone to solicit. It seems that they are not interested in us at all." He said with great interest, "Many people here are attracted by it, to do business and work. I have everything, and if there is anything else, I just ran over."

"So Australians are completely open to beating dogs?"

"That's right, anyone who wants to can go to them to work and do business, even if they want to settle down." Guo Huaiyi said, "It's free, they are free to come and go. I heard that the Japanese on Dayuan's side also ran away. I went a lot."

"Why did the Japanese go?" Li Siya was a little surprised.

"Because Hans Putmans forbade the Japanese to pray according to their Jesuit rites, but to pray according to their Dutch 'true Christian' rites, the Japanese have always had objections. Now the Australians have Jesuits Missionaries, and a small church. A lot of Japanese ran over."

"There's such a thing!" Li Siya realized more and more what the Dutch chief was worried about. The Japanese were very important to the Dutch chief.Although they were not as economically important as the Hokkien immigrants, they were an important source of sailors and soldiers for the Dutch.

Now the hands of the Australians have reached here-these Australians are really good at poaching corners!
Li Siya has more and more urge to meet Australians again.

She was very satisfied with what she got to know: the Dutch people in Dali are full of worries and fears about the Australians.And she knew that since the East India Company opened business offices in Hong Kong and Hainan Island, a large number of Chinese goods were re-exported from Guangdong, which dealt a heavy blow to the trade of the officials.

When the East India Company set up a business office in Taiwan, facing unpredictable partners and enduring all kinds of inconvenience and continuous losses, it was because of the role of the procurement window for trade with China here that the company needed to attract Chinese businessmen. To sell various commodities urgently needed by the company.

But now, Hong Kong and Sanya can already meet most of the company's needs—if it weren't for the advantages of the senior staff in absorbing Fujian's export porcelain and indigo nearby, as well as their role as a trade base with Japan, otherwise it would be of little value up.One can imagine the mood of Taiwan's chief executive whose importance has been declining.

In both public and private matters, Hans Putmans has no good feelings for Australians and is easily provoked.

As for the Australians, Li Siya believes that since they are also rising maritime hegemony, they will not be full of friendly feelings towards the Dutch.In the final analysis, their current trade cooperation is a kind of mutual benefit, and there is no mutual trust between them.

Perhaps within the two sides, there are attempts to open fire on each other, severely injuring or even destroying the opponent in one fell swoop.Li Siya had served for the East India Company, spying on the intelligence of the Australians, so she knew very well what the Dutch were thinking.

"Is there any important person from any company in Dayuan Port recently?"

"I don't know, I don't go to Dayuan very often." Guo Huaiyi said, "If you want, I will arrange for someone to investigate tomorrow."

"Okay. In addition, if possible, I would like to go and see the master in person first."

Guo Huai sized her up and said, "With all due respect, Miss Li is a bit too conspicuous..."

In a place like Taiwan, it is not uncommon for ordinary women to show up in public—especially women in southern Fujian are often still an important labor force.The problem is that Li Siya is of Chinese-Portuguese mixed race, her appearance is different from ordinary people, and she looks like a woman from a wealthy family.

Li Siya smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll just put on some makeup. Make sure no one can tell."

(End of this chapter)

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