Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1150 Death of Westley

Chapter 1150 Death of Westley
The licensed investigative work still made little progress in the afternoon.Although the boys in the service company were full of enthusiasm, they never got any valuable clues.

So far, the basic investigation has restored Zhang Yanniu's route after leaving the base, and the only thing that can be confirmed is that he was still alive after leaving the hotel after 16:30 in the afternoon. After the whistle at 17:[-], he was last seen by the fishing boat pier in the commercial street - vomiting by the sea, according to eyewitnesses, but there was no one with him.

After that, no one saw Zhang Chenuniu again.

Now, people from the service company and the police station are investigating everyone who has had contact with Zhang Yanniu to see if they can find new clues.

Xu Xu returned to the office with the materials.He wants to rearrange his thoughts."String together" the mastered materials.

During this period, Ryan called and said that according to the results of his own re-autopsy, Zhang Yanniu had defensive injuries on his arms and hands.Should have wrestled with the killer before being killed.

He knew very well that the investigation would not be of much use. It had been more than 24 hours since the incident happened, and the murderer had enough time to escape.

But this incident has always puzzled Li Ke.So far, the killer's motives remain murky.

Based on his years of experience in criminal investigation, 99% of homicides are motivated - the so-called indiscriminate killing is a drop in the ocean.The murderer who killed Zhang Yanniu must have a purpose.

He had already ruled out love killings or robbery killings before, so revenge killings became the biggest suspect.Many people in the navy were born pirates. If you want to check the history carefully, they may not be innocent, and they may bear blood debts and vendettas.The murderer probably discovered that he was in Kaohsiung by chance before he became intent on killing.

But why the murderer stripped him of his clothes puzzled him.It is understandable that the murderer cut off his head-to vent his anger, but it is a bit strange to strip his clothes.

In his view, the only explanation for stripping off the clothes and cutting off the head is that the murderer did not want anyone to recognize who the corpse was.From a vendetta point of view, it doesn't make much sense.

What did the murderer do when he stripped his clothes?
Xu Xu was thinking hard, when suddenly a thought broke into his mind.He was shocked immediately: That's right, why didn't I think of it earlier!
He immediately jumped up, picked up the phone on the table and shook it violently a few times: "Connect to Qijin Base Command."

A few minutes later, the sirens of the port and the commercial area sounded at the same time, which was the navy's "emergency return" signal.Once this signal is heard, all naval officers and soldiers who have gone out on leave must return to the team.

Xu has a new inference: the murder is probably related to Zhang Yanniu's uniform!
He then ordered the orderly of the service company who was on standby: "Run immediately to find the company commander and say that it is my order: from 17:30, all naval soldiers who are active in the commercial street, downtown Kaohsiung and the port will be arrested. Concentrate escort Go to the base for screening!"

"Yes, sir!" The orderly saluted, turned around and trotted out.

Lian took off the holster hanging on the wall and was about to go out.Suddenly the phone rang again, and he quickly picked it up:
The call was from the police, and the news they reported fully confirmed his inference.

About an hour ago, the police station received a report from a navy soldier: his uniform was missing!

The soldier had asked for leave from the base a few hours earlier, found a "yellow card" in the commercial street, and went to the "inn" above the cooperative store on the commercial street.After finishing his business, he fell asleep as usual, and when he woke up, his uniform and navy dagger were gone.

The "yellow card" itself is fine-these yellow cards are individual prostitutes who have been "diverted" from Lingao, and the selection criteria is to practice in Lingao for more than one year to ensure that they do not have spies mixed in.At first the police thought it was an ordinary theft case, so they only asked about the "yellow card", but the yellow card himself fell asleep and could not provide more information.On-site inspections revealed that the thieves climbed up the downpipes at the back of the Co-op store, then pried open a window to get in.

The police who went to investigate later found a puzzling problem: the prostitute's own clothes, jewelry and even money were there.The only thing missing is the sailors.

The director of the police station came from Lingao, and had received police training in Fangcaodi, so he was from a professional class.This strange theft made him immediately think of Zhang Yanniu's murder: he was also a sailor, and he also lost his uniform.He immediately called Licensing to report the matter.

After listening to the director's case introduction on the phone, Xu Xu gradually frowned. Before the director finished speaking, he had completely confirmed his speculation.

These are two related cases-the murderer's purpose is to obtain the sailor's uniform, obviously they have some kind of political intention!

Xu Xu hung up the phone, and quickly shook the phone handle again.

The siren did not disturb the mood of the group of people in the cooperative restaurant.Several people finished their tea, saw that it was getting late and decided to go back to eat first——Dr. Zhong is said to be cooking "cold food dishes" today.Everyone is ready to taste it.When going out, Zhong Xiaoying and Cretia fell behind because they decided to buy a new dress.Westley and Mr. Priest strolled down the street.

At this time, a drunken soldier walked up to him and bumped into Westley.The soldier yelled at Westerly, "Hey! Red, are you blind?"

Westley didn't answer either—he just shrugged his shoulders apologetically: "Why don't you speak?"

The soldier still refused to give up and leaned over

Priest Dermot shook his head, signaling Westley to ignore the drunk.The two continued to move forward, but he didn't want him to suddenly pull out the navy dagger that he carried with him, stabbing Westley twice in the back of the waist, and Westley immediately fell to the ground with a scream.There was immediate commotion in the streets.The drunk man stabbed Westerly, and swung his dagger at Priest Dermot, who fell down with a scream.

Cretia and Zhong Xiaoying were walking this way, stunned by what happened before them.Zhong Xiaoying has learned martial arts at home, and her movements are very flexible.She rushed forward with a stride, and saw the soldiers who had caused trouble running away.

Zhong Xiaoying pulled out a 1630 revolver—in order to ensure her safety, Dr. Zhong asked someone to teach her how to shoot, and even applied for a pistol specially for her.But she didn't shoot: there were too many people on the street, and shooting would hurt innocent people.She gritted her teeth and chased after him.

All of this was seen by Cretia.Cretia regained her composure, and hurriedly looked at Westley lying on the ground, only to see a large pool of blood dripping from Westley's body, and then touched his mouth and nose with her hands, and he was already out of breath. .Cretia immediately collapsed to her knees.

Zhong Xiaoying chased after the murderer all the way. At this time, the harsh whistle of the police had already sounded in the whole commercial street. Zhong Xiaoying knew that all the entrances and exits of the commercial street were being closed, and even if they could escape the gates, they would be in the wilderness. Yelu is looking for death.

The murderer ran wildly towards the fishing boat pier.Zhong Xiaoying followed closely behind.She didn't know why this sailor would kill—but she had a hunch that this man didn't look like a sailor.

You have to catch it alive!
The other party ran to the fishing boat pier and plunged straight into the bay. He dived more than ten meters in one breath before showing his head, and immediately swam through the waves. It was obvious that the water quality was excellent.Zhong Xiaoying didn't dare to jump down to chase after her—her water skills are not too bad, but compared with the opponent, she is far behind, and she may not be the opponent's opponent in the sea.She stomped her feet anxiously—there were patrolling naval sampans at the entrance of the port, but there was no way to notify them to come and intercept them.

There are quite a few fishing boats in the bay, and this commotion has already caused many people to come out of the cabins to "watch", and Zhong Xiaoying shouted: "Catch him!"

But the fishermen saw that the person swimming was a soldier, and the one who was yelling was another girl in "Kunren" clothes.

Seeing that the murderer had almost swam out of the effective range of the pistol, she no longer cared about "catch it alive". According to the shooting posture learned in Feiyun Club, she raised the gun with both hands, squatted slightly, and pulled the trigger after aiming.

Almost at the same time, the swimmer spread his hands and sank immediately.

"Killer!" A scream came from the fishing boat.The entire fishing boat pier was also in chaos.

Zhong Xiaoying managed to get away from the pier. The security forces on duty on the pier stopped her because they couldn't speak Chinese.Wait until the police arrive to get away.She hurried back to the scene of the incident.I saw Cretia kneeling on the ground in a daze, holding Westley's head tightly in her arms.Looking at the priest again, he was also motionless.

After hearing the news, the security forces soldiers and the police had already formed a human wall nearby.

Unexpectedly, Priest Dermot swayed and got up from the ground at this time, Zhong Xiaoying hurried over to help him.

"How are you, Priest?"

The priest groped up and down for a long time, but found that he hadn't hurt a single hair.He couldn't help but took out the cross on his neck, kissed it with his mouth, and made a cross on his chest.

"God bless..." As he spoke, he quickly checked Westley's breathing again, and shook his head helplessly. "My poor child..."

As he spoke, he began to mutter the scriptures.

At this time, Lian and Dr. Zhong also came, and the priest was praying to Westley there.Li Xu's face was extremely ugly - he never thought that such a big case would happen right under his nose!

Zhong Lishi asked Zhong Xiaoying, "Why don't you rush to the hospital? Is Westley still alive?"

"The foreign monk said that he was out of breath, and he was saving Westley... A good person just died like this..." Zhong Xiaoying couldn't help having a sore nose and shed tears. These days they get along day and night, He was already a good friend, but he died unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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