Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1151 The Murderer

Chapter 1151 The Murderer
Dr. Zhong wanted to go forward to comfort Cretia, but seeing Cretia holding Westley's head with tears in her eyes, he didn't know what to say for a moment.After Priest Dermot finished his prayer, he ordered several church servants to carry Westley's body back to the church for the memorial service, and asked Zhong Xiaoying to accompany Cretia.

"Priest Dermot, are you alright?" Zhong Xiaoying couldn't help being surprised when she saw that the murderer also stabbed the priest, but seeing that he was fine.

"God bless..." The priest took out a small scripture that he carried with him from his arms, and the knife poked a deep hole in the scripture.However, the scriptures are very thick and bound in sheepskin, which effectively resists this thorn.

The priest was still in a state of shock, and his speech was a bit incoherent, not as smooth as when he was chanting sutras.Xu Xu knew that it would be of no use to ask for a while, so the caretaker escorted him back to the church first.

"Add a sentry at the entrance of the church." Xu Xu ordered the director of the police station, "Send special personnel to protect Huygens 24 hours a day! Tell him not to leave the business hall for a few days."

His face was livid, and there was something wrong with this matter.He put on his gloves and silently explored the scene.The dagger that assassinated Westley was thrown on the ground. This is the standard dagger issued to sailors by the Navy-in fact, it is a sailor's knife.

The dagger was covered in blood.Immediately after stabbing the priest, the murderer dropped the knife and fled.Xu Xu took out a kraft paper bag containing physical evidence, and carefully put away the dagger.

In addition, there were no valuable clues left at the scene, and it was impossible to protect the scene well in the chaos after the assassination.

Xu Xu returned to the office and saw that Wei Bachi, Zhong Lishi and several other senior officials had come.Wei Bachi has been socializing with Huygens these days - Huygens did not come to the Far East to "increase knowledge", he came to the Far East with a clear purpose.

Although Wei Bachi did not know his specific purpose, there is no doubt that the purpose of Huygens' East Asia trip was to collect specific information about East Asia. After he arrived in Kaohsiung, he did not miss any opportunity to talk to the elders. Although his poor Chinese proficiency had to rely on translation, the overall impression given to Wei Bachi was that Huygens was a person with a strong thirst for knowledge—he was interested in everything and was willing to communicate with the elders.even in Dr Chung

Of course, diplomats are naturally responsible for the government's overseas eyes and ears since the day they were born, and Wei Bachi doesn't shy away from this.He even thinks this is a good opportunity-to fully demonstrate his strength to the Dutch and open up more trade opportunities-to prevent them from fantasizing.

As soon as Wei Bachi entered the door, he trembled with anger, slapped the table and asked for permission, "Which army bastard did this! Pull it out and shoot it!"

Xu Xu shook his head and said, "The murderer is a fake!"


Xu Xu introduced to him the two cases that happened yesterday and today.

Wei Bachi was furious, and slapped the table again: "What are you doing to eat! Why didn't you send someone to protect the foreign guests? Just let a furry boy lead them around!"

Xu Xu was already in a state of desperation, but when Wei Bachi roared, he couldn't help but get angry, and he responded without hesitation: "Old Wei Yuan, please pay attention to your attitude! I am not the director of the Kaohsiung Police Station, I am a member of the Navy Department." And the leader of the Foreign Intelligence Service, in charge of the intelligence work of the engine operation. Local security is your area of ​​responsibility."

Wei Bachi was hit by him, choking so hard that he couldn't speak, his face flushed like a fighting cock.Dr. Zhong hurried out to smooth things over.

"Everyone, don't be angry. The matter has already happened. It is useless for us to quarrel here. Let's think about how to find out this matter first."

Kaohsiung's mistakes this time are obvious: they did not send guards to such important figures as Westley.Both Dr. Zhong and Wei Bachi focused their attention on Huygens, and did not pay much attention to the personal safety of the Dutch teenagers, let alone that someone would specifically target them.

This matter is not big or small.Although the Dutch are not afraid, Wei Bachi's task given to him by the Senate is not to fight the Dutch.If it really gets into trouble, it will never be in your own interest.

Wei Bachi was like a deflated rubber ball. He unbuttoned his collar and sat down on the sofa: "What do you say!" He suddenly remembered something: "In a few days, the officials will send a boat Pick them up, and now there is no one alive!" He shook his head and sighed as he spoke.

Dr. Zhong thought that Bangkut had taken pains to bring the child to East Asia to be vaccinated for vaccinia, hoping to let him grow up safely, but he died like this—the trip to Kaohsiung became his death talisman instead.There is really a sense of nothingness that is unpredictable in the world, and I can't help but let out a long sigh.

"If we let Bangkut know that his son was killed, and he was beaten to death by the 'senatorial soldiers'...he will fight us with his life!" Wei Bachi shook his head and sighed repeatedly.

Boncourt was a senior businessman of the East India Company, and was on an equal footing with the Governor in Batavia.No matter how you say it, it can't promote the cooperation and friendship between the two sides.

"The Dutch people's feelings are nothing, if you don't accept it, come and beat it!" Fang Jinghan said nonchalantly, "Just detain the little Yangma, declare war immediately, capture the big men and kill all the white skins! Anyway, it's embarrassing!" Xiao Fang said recently Influenced by Liu Zheng: I have no interest in Huygens and Westley, and think they are "worthless white-skinned humanoids".Only Koyo Marc Retia has some value to the Senate.

"Isn't this fulfilling the enemy's wish?" Wei Bachi said, "People wish we could fight the Dutch." He waved his arms and said excitedly: "Of course we are not afraid of the Dutch, but now is not the time to deal with them "Furthermore, I can't swallow this breath even if I'm being tricked by others like this and I have to follow the routine of others honestly!"

Dr. Zhong said: "There is a conspiracy in this matter!"

"It's very likely that Zheng Zhilong did it," Xu said.This idea appeared from the moment he arrived at the scene of the murder—the whole case was too purposeful, and it smelled of framing from beginning to end.

According to the principle of reasoning: Whoever is the biggest beneficiary of the case has the biggest suspicion.Zheng Zhilong is obviously the biggest suspect.

"The Dutch should not be so easy to be fooled. The methods in this case are too low-level." Wei Bachi said, "The purpose is obvious."

"Wrong, this method is very advanced." Xu said, "Everyone in the street saw it. It was one of our sailors who killed someone, and this sailor was drunk—or, he seemed to be drunk. .”

In other words, the form of framing is "passionate killing", not "deliberate murder".If it is said that the Senate deliberately murdered Westley, it is unreasonable both emotionally and rationally, but it is completely reasonable for a drunk sailor to kill in the street.

From the perspective of responsibility, Westley was killed by a member of the Senate on the territory of the Senate.This is now a well-known "fact", at least hundreds of people have witnessed this "fact".

If the Senate wants to clear itself of its crimes, it must try to solve the case and find out the real culprit—and there must be evidence.

With the management level of pirate gangs and even the government in this era, it's hard to tell if this hand is full of mouths.Even the British navy in the nineteenth century might not have been able to defend against this trick.

Xu said regretfully, "Unfortunately, the murderer is already dead!"

Wei Bachi jumped up again and complained to Zhong Lishi: "Dr. Zhong, why don't you teach your goddaughter how to play with guns? This shot killed the murderer! Didn't it kill the enemy for the enemy!"

"Isn't Xiaoying afraid that he will run away..." Zhong Lishi was a little at a loss for words - I really can't praise Xiaoying about this matter.But at that time, there was really no good way to do it in a hurry-their communication methods were still very backward, and they couldn't notify the patrol boats at sea in the first time.

Of course, if Xiaoying hadn't fired the shot, the murderer might have escaped unscathed.It was the same thing for them to have him run away as to be shot.

"I think, you spoil your goddaughter too much." Wei Bachi fanned his fan angrily, "Educate her well!"

Zhong Lishi was full of slanders against Wei Bachi, but he really couldn't make any excuses for this matter.

The phone in the room rang suddenly, Xu Xu quickly answered the phone, the call was from Ren, the murderer's body had been transported to the health center, Ren planned to start the autopsy in an hour, asked Xu Xu and others if they wanted go and see.

"I'm going!" Xu said.

Dr. Zhong said, "I'm going too!"

Wei Bachi shook his head: "I won't go. I'll take care of the aftermath first, and then explain to Huygens." He shook his head weakly, "We'll discuss how to deal with this matter later. "

Fang Jinghan was not interested in dissecting corpses either. It happened that Liu Zheng had recently found a leading party on the commercial street and was about to go on a field trip. He asked Fang Jinghan to discuss the trip plan first, and he left.
Zhong Lishi returned to the customs' residence, ready to pack up the necessary equipment.As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhong Xiaoying kneeling on the ground with tears in his eyes, and he couldn't help being surprised.

"What are you doing?"

"It's all my daughter's fault, she accidentally shot and killed the murderer." Zhong Xiaoying cried and said, "Please forgive me, Father."

"Don't cry, get up." Zhong Lishi waved his hands, "How do you know the murderer is dead?"

"My daughter sent Cretia back to the store just now. When she came out, she saw Uncle Ren leading someone to collect the murderer's body. He said that my daughter's shot was to help the bad guys 'kill people and silence'. My daughter knew it was wrong. , please forgive me, Father!" She was regretful and sad, and she couldn't help crying on the ground as she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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