Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1152 The Second Murderer

Chapter 1152 The Second Murderer

"It's nothing wrong." Zhong Lishi saw his adopted daughter kneeling on the ground crying pear blossoms and rain, and couldn't help but soften his heart. "Wouldn't it be worse to let the murderer escape? If you want to avenge Westley, catch the real behind-the-scenes murderer?"

Zhong Xiaoying nodded: "My daughter is willing."

"Are you afraid of seeing dead people?"

Zhong Xiaoying hesitated for a while, and said: "My daughter is afraid, but it will make me not afraid."

"Okay, then you can help me pack my things and go get box No. 14."

Zhong Lishi packed his things and took Zhong Xiaoying out of the customs building.Because Westley's killing has been classified as a "political murder by hostile forces," the entire Kaohsiung's security level has been raised, and security guards have added guard posts at the gates.A carriage had already stopped at the door to pick up Zhong Lishi's father and daughter.

According to the standards of the Ministry of Health, the Kaohsiung Health Center responsible for the autopsy is a tertiary institution - there are veteran doctors in charge.But this veteran doctor is very watery: Ryan's job is to prevent epidemics.However, where there are veteran doctors, it is an indisputable fact that the configuration of medicines and equipment will be more advanced.

The Kaohsiung Health Center is also a prefabricated wood structure building.Quite a scale.What is more elegant is that its foundation is built with stones.There is a basement under the house.

A nurse opened the door to the basement.A deep slope leading to nowhere is displayed in front of Zhong Lishi.Zhong Lishi followed the nurse carefully carrying a leather bag, while Zhong Xiaoying followed behind him carrying a huge wooden box and a pair of wooden shelves.

At the end of the passage, the nurse opened the door.Inside is a large brick vaulted cellar.Strictly speaking, this is a semi-basement.The walls near the vaults have windows through which light can be cast.In order to prevent someone from peeping in the basement.There are shutters covered with iron gauze outside the windows, and it is strictly forbidden for idlers and others to approach.

Electric lights are on in the cellar—the health center is one of the few places in Kaohsiung City that has its own wind turbine.It was very cold inside, mixed with a pungent disinfectant smell.Dr. Zhong shuddered when he walked in.

In the middle of the cellar is a dissecting table.On the table lay a naked corpse.Along the wall is a row of storage cabinets.There are also some large and small glass jars with specimens soaked in them.Ren and Li Ke were already waiting inside. When they saw Zhong Lishi coming, they hurried forward to say hello, "Dr. Zhong, have you brought anything?"

Zhong Lishi pointed to Zhong Xiaoying, who was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and said, "Here it is, that thing...Xiaoying, put it on!"

Zhong Xiaoying flinched when she saw the corpse, but she still tried her best to calm herself down.Stand the wooden frame on the ground, and then install the wooden box on the wooden frame.From one end of the box, an organ-shaped skin pouch full of wrinkles was pulled out.A lens is mounted on a copper frame at one end of the skin.Zhong Xiaoying put a black velvet cover on the back of the box again, and said to Zhong Lishi: "It's packed..."

Zhong Lishi pointed to the tall object and said to them, "This is the camera I'm working on recently, and it's an engineering prototype."

Then several people were busy adjusting the stand so that the camera could look down on the corpse on the dissecting table.

The face of the corpse was serene, it seemed to be smiling, and it looked very strange under the light.Zhong Xiaoying plucked up the courage to look up and said to Zhong Lishi, "This is the assassin I killed."

Ren smiled at Zhong Xiaoying, pointed at the corpse and said, "You missed him at all."


"You said you fired a shot and the murderer sank, so Uncle thought it was you who shot him to death." Ren shook his head and said, "But he didn't have a gunshot wound at all, not even a scrape. ——"

"So I didn't kill him?" Zhong Xiaoying asked.

Dr. Zhong said with a smile: "Now you don't have any psychological shadow." Seeing the relaxed expression on the adopted daughter's face, he also felt a lot of comfort.Directed Zhong Xiaoying to get busy first.

Zhong Lishi set up a white cloth screen behind the camera, tried the angle of the light, and tried to illuminate the face of the corpse as much as possible.

Zhong Xiaoying shook her head: "The light is still not strong enough..."

"The shutter should be adjusted to one second..."

Zhong Lishi got into the black cloth cover behind the camera and adjusted the focus so that the image was clearly reflected in front of a piece of white paper on the film holder.Afterwards, he closed the shutter and said to Zhong Xiaoying, "Bring the film..."

Zhong Xiaoying quickly took out a piece of glass wrapped in black paper from the black cloth pocket in the purse.Zhong Lishi touched the darkness in the black cloth cover to remove the black paper on the glass slide, installed the glass slide on the negative film holder, and then pressed the shutter.Zhong Lishi carefully put the piece of glass in the black cloth pocket, and then got out of the black cloth cover behind the camera.

"Okay, I'll go back and rinse it out."

"Can we start?" Ryan asked.

"Okay. I'll take another picture after you finish checking."

Ren took out the mask and said, "Everyone, put on the mask first." He took out the autopsy form and said, "Xiao Xu, you are a police officer, so you should understand..."

"Okay, you say I'll fill it in." Xu Xu took it.

Ren leaned over to look at the corpse. Although he majored in epidemic prevention, he was also a graduate of the medical school, and he was no stranger to anatomy.

"The deceased was a male, aged between thirty and thirty-five. He was growing normally, well-nourished, and of solid build." Ryan said while observing the appearance of the corpse, "the muscles were loose." He then rolled his eyelids and said: "The pupil is equal to a circle, with a diameter of 35 cm." He pried open the already stiff jaw and observed the lower teeth.

The deceased had dark skin and thick hands and feet. He was obviously a working people who came and went in the wind and rain.

"He's a sailor or a boatman." Ryan looked at his hands and feet. "His palms have calluses from long-term rope pulling, thick calluses on the soles of his feet, and bent thumbs—this is the trace of scratching the deck with his toes with bare feet for a long time."

The deceased had many scars on his body, most of which were sharp weapon wounds.Evidently this was a man of courage and ruthlessness.

Ren carefully observed the corpse, and suddenly he shouted: "The cause of death has been found!"

He took the tweezers and pulled out a thin wooden pick, no bigger than a toothpick, from under the corpse's elbow.

Xu Xu and Dr. Zhong immediately joined together.

"Blow dart." Ren said triumphantly, "The cause of death is arrow poison." He looked at the blow dart carefully, "I thought the deceased's expression was very strange just now, no wonder!"

Dr. Zhong knew that there were many kinds of curare, but the basic cause of death was muscle relaxants, which acted quickly.

Although the cause of death had been found, out of caution, Ren still dissected the corpse.Dr. Zhong's father and daughter reluctantly persisted until after watching the disembowelment, and then retreated out respectfully, leaving only Li Ke and Ren to complete the whole process.

The autopsy results revealed nothing new.Ryan stitched up the incision.The two walked out of the basement, and Ren led a group of people to his office on the second floor of the health center. He took out a box of cigars, and several men smoked one by one.

"This man is Danhu," Xu said. "His unique shape of the thumb and the thick skin on the soles of his feet are characteristics of boat people."

There are many sailors from Danhu in the navy, and their physical signs are probably very familiar.

Ren, however, shook his head: "If he was born in Danhu, his physical condition is a bit too good." He pointed to the autopsy report, "This person's teeth are not worn to a large extent, and it is obvious that the quality of the food he eats on weekdays is good. And obviously not a malnourished person."

"It wouldn't be surprising if he was a core member of the pirates—such as the little boss or the 'treasurer's' confidant." Li Xu has done a lot of research on the organization of the pirate gang, "and the scars on his body, Must be a desperado."

"So the murderer was a pirate." Dr. Zhong interjected.

"Nine times out of ten." Xu Xu nodded, "Most likely he was instigated or bought to do this, but he didn't expect to be silenced!"

"Then the other murderer is still in Kaohsiung!" Zhong Lishi stood up and said excitedly.

As soon as the incident happened, the docks and all the city gates were closed, allowing entry and no exit.No matter who the murderer is, he should still be stranded in Kaohsiung.

"Of course. Otherwise, why do you need a second uniform? It means that there are at least two murderers." Xu Xu said, "The other party may have a backhand."

Xu Xu returned to his office, took the autopsy report, and began to use sketches on white paper to restore the scene when the murderer was shot and killed by a blow dart.

The blow dart was found behind the left elbow and the arrow entered his body obliquely at [-] o'clock with a downward angle of incidence.It shows that the archer is on the left upper side of the murderer.

As for the distance, the effective range of blowing arrows is at most ten meters.So the person who shot the arrow at that time should be sitting on a small boat not far from the murderer.

Due to the timely closure of the port, all ships at that time were still stranded in the port.So the second killer is still in the port!
At this moment, an evidence box containing all the items recovered from the deceased was brought in.Xu put on gloves and looked at each piece carefully with a magnifying glass.

Just looking at it, suddenly Dr. Zhong came.

"Well, do you have any clues?"

"One thing." Ke Xu found that Zhong Lishi was very enthusiastic about this case, and after thinking about it, he understood: Zhong Xiaoying was deeply involved in this case-Dr. Zhong was very affectionate and eager to get rid of Xiaoying.

There were not many things in the box: a few circulation notes, some loose silver and copper coins, and military ID cards for cows.The negotiable certificate and military certificate should have been obtained from Zhang Qianniu.Just as the dagger that stabbed Westerly to death was also obtained from Zhang Yaoniu.

The only thing of any value is a domino.

The dominoes are very ordinary, Xu Xu knows that this is a Pai Gow: made of bamboo and ox bone, it is very delicate.Xu Xu knew that gambling was strictly prohibited in the navy, and that gambling had never been involved in Zhang Yanniu's disciplinary action.So this card must be a personal item of the slain murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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