Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1153 Fingerprint

Chapter 1153 Fingerprint
Xu Xu carefully picked up the dominoes with his gloved hands, picked up a magnifying glass and observed carefully: because of the texture of the dominoes, they can often leave very clear fingerprints.

Under the magnifying glass, he found that the fingerprints on the dominoes were very clear.He nodded with satisfaction.

Permission to open the cabinet.He took out his forensic toolbox - he didn't bring it from the old time and space, but Lingao made it himself.

Extracting fingerprints can be extracted with scotch tape in the old time and space, but in this time and space, you have to use another brain.Xu Xu took out a small bottle of toner and gently brushed it on the dominoes.

Fingerprints clearly appeared on the dominoes.There are three fingerprints worth extracting.From his toolbox, he took out a small slide of glass wrapped in tissue paper, made to special specifications, similar to the glass slides used in microscopes.He carefully unwrapped the package, made sure that the glass was clean and free from dirt, and took out a little glue from a small bottle: the basic raw materials were beeswax and rosin, which could ensure transparency while maintaining the viscosity.He used a cotton swab to cover the glass as evenly as possible.Then he carefully glued the fingerprints on the dominoes with this piece of glass, and pasted them on a piece of white cardboard.

In this way, he quickly extracted three fingerprints. Although the fingerprints were all incomplete, they were enough to provide a comparison.

There were fingerprints attached to the autopsy report, and he compared them one by one with a magnifying glass.Soon a new discovery was made.

One of the three fingerprints was not that of the deceased!

Xu was greatly encouraged by this discovery.The fingerprint of another person on the domino is probably left by the murderer's accomplice!
Dr. Zhong has been watching, seeing Xu Xu's happy expression, he knows that there has been a breakthrough in the case.Asked: "How is it? Is there any progress?"

"Maybe we got the suspect's fingerprints." Xu Xu was very excited, "This way we can accurately find the murderer!"

Zhong Lishi looked at the dominoes with great interest, and he remembered that Zhong Xiaoying would sometimes play Pai Gow by himself when he was free at night—since he knew how to play, maybe he could see some other tricks.Immediately suggested that Zhong Xiaoying be called to see this physical evidence.

Permission is all right—although he doesn't think it makes sense.But it's also inconvenient to brush Dr. Zhong's face.Immediately, someone was called to invite Zhong Xiaoying.

Zhong Xiaoying put on her gloves, looked at the domino carefully, and said to Xu Xu: "This is a card for gambling..."

Isn't it nonsense to think about it?Zhong Xiaoying saw what he was thinking, and added: "I mean, this is a card used by gamblers."

Xu Xu nodded and asked, "Do you have anything to say about this card? For example, what code does it represent?"

Zhong Xiaoying said: "If they use the points of this card as a code, I won't know. But—" She took the card, looked at it carefully, and said to Xu Xu: "This card is for gamblers. It's useful, they often fake casino cards to play tricks." She
"Look, there is a mark on this card..."


"The people in the casino are naturally not fools. In order to prevent others from cheating, they all put some kind of mark on their cards. The cards look exactly the same, but in fact they are different from each other. But clever gamblers often even The marks can also be imitated, so in fact this method can only guard against beginners..."

After a while, Zhong Xiaoying pointed to a corner of the card and said to Li Ke: "These gaps are man-made. There must be a casino with the same gaps on the cards. This person must be a frequent visitor of this casino..."

Xu Xu took out a magnifying glass and took a closer look. Sure enough, there were a few tiny nicks on the corner of the card. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to notice it.

"It's really you." Xu Xu admired, "If it weren't for you, we really didn't know there was such a trick in it."

"Uncle's reputation is too high." Zhong Xiaoying said modestly, "There are many casinos, and it's useless to just know it's a casino and where it is."

"At least there is one more clue." Li Ke didn't take it seriously, "I didn't expect you to know a lot!"

Zhong Xiaoying smiled wryly: "My elder brother is a gambler like his life - if it weren't for this, maybe he would have lost so quickly..." She said with a very lonely expression.

After seeing off Dr. Chung and his daughter, Xu Xu considered it again and again and decided to conduct a comprehensive scan of all the foreign fishermen and sailors stranded in Kaohsiung and compare their fingerprints one by one.

He informed Ming Qiu and Wei Bachi of his plan.Of course Ming Qiu asked him to "do things cheaply".As for Wei Bachi, this will be even more enthusiastic to express his "full support".

"Don't worry, I will fully cooperate with you in this matter." Wei Bachi made a heartbroken expression, "What happened in Kaohsiung shows that our work has not been done properly and we have failed the trust of the Senate. I'm very sad." As he spoke, he made a painful gesture.

In the evening, he went to the construction site of the Customs in person, and had a friendly discussion with Dr. Chung about the construction of the Clock Tower of the Customs and other projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology in Kaohsiung for more than an hour, fully expressing his admiration for Dr. Chung. Of course, I did not forget to praise Zhong Xiaoying's "wisdom and courage".

Early the next morning, Ke Xu led a large group of heavily armed soldiers towards the pier.This is the entire base service company.

The pier, like the commercial street, has been completely blocked since the incident, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.Wei Bachi dispatched a large number of North Korean security forces to guard and control all entrances and exits.Those who have landed must stay in the inn, and those who have not landed must stay on the ship, and they are not allowed to walk around at will.

"Hurry up! The first row goes over there! The second row blocks the intersection! Quick!" Following the order of permission, the soldiers of the service company quickly controlled the key points of the pier and surrounded them like iron barrels.People who were already terrified were overwhelmed when they saw this scene.

A naturalized man climbed onto a pile of goods, grabbed a tin microphone and shouted at the person on the fishing boat: "Everyone, don't panic! Don't panic! We are ordered to investigate the case and will not endanger everyone's personal safety. Please go ashore immediately. Then they lined up in order of 20 teams and accepted the inspection..."

He repeated this passage over and over again, and the security forces, according to the orders issued in advance, took big sticks and began to direct the crowd to line up on the shore.The people on the pier began to do as he was told.After a while, 20 long lines gradually formed.The soldiers began to search the people on the pier one by one according to the instructions of the license.At the same time, let everyone leave a fingerprint of the same finger that took the fingerprint.

Suspects were pulled out from time to time to prepare for the next step of screening, and the people waiting for the search couldn't help feeling a little worried. Although no one dared to speak, the sense of oppression in the air reached its peak.

After searching all morning, more than 200 people were searched and evidence was collected, and more than a dozen suspects were detained.

Allow someone to check the suspect first, and compare the fingerprints by yourself.

Comparing fingerprints is a boring and inaccurate thing.Before there was an automatic computer fingerprint comparison system, the probability of finding criminals by fingerprints was very small—even if criminals had left fingerprints in their records, it would be difficult for fingerprint comparison personnel to compare the matching person from the vast sea of ​​file cards.Therefore, in the past, fingerprint comparison was mostly used to identify criminals.

Fortunately, the number of people checked is limited, and only one fingerprint needs to be compared.Even so, comparing fingerprints is still a very heavy work.

The hard work paid off, and when he compared the [-]th person, he found the matching fingerprint.

"It's him!" Xu Xu called out, and he immediately said to the policeman on call: "Arrest No. 111 immediately! Send it to the police station!"

"He has been arrested..." said the policeman.


"He has a set of Pai Gow dominoes in his carry-on luggage—you have taken care of him. Anyone who has Pai Gow dominoes and hollow bamboo and wood pipes like flutes will be detained and screened."

"Great." Xu Xu thought that he would be more worthy now, "Send him immediately!" He remembered something, and added, "The others on his boat were also arrested together."

"Yes, Chief. What about the other suspects?"

"Send it too." Xu Ke decided not to let go of any suspicious clues.

Wei Bachi and Zhong Lishi were discussing the progress of the investigation in the police station, when they heard a few shouts from outside, two policemen tied up a man and pushed him to Nanhai's office.

Wei Bachi asked, "Have you found him?"

"That's right." Xu Xu was very excited. This breakthrough has been grasped, and the case will be solved just around the corner. "There are still a dozen suspects. It will take some effort to interrogate them all!"

But the one whose fingerprint matches must be the key object.He told him to send the person to the interrogation room immediately, and prepared to interrogate him in person.

Wei Bachi and Zhong Lishi want to participate in the interrogation in order to show that they will do their part.Licensing had no choice but to agree.

"I have also learned interrogation techniques, so I can interrogate you first." Wei Bachi was very enthusiastic.

"Okay. You first ask him about his basic situation, and the origin of the dominoes he carries with him."

Xu Xu still had a lot of things to deal with, especially he had to conduct an investigation on the person on the fishing boat where the suspect was, in order to get the background information of the person before starting the key interrogation.He knew that Wei Bachi had read a lot of books, so he could be regarded as a bit dry in his stomach.

Wei Bachi asked someone to pour a glass of water for the suspect, and then said to the man with a pleasant face: "Don't be afraid, our Song Dynasty is a society ruled by law, and we won't do anything to you. I have something to ask you, please answer us truthfully." ..." Wei Bachi roughly asked the man's name and occupation.I know that this person is named Li Shun, from Fujian.A guy who does odd jobs on a fishing boat.When asked specifically about the origin of the card, Li Shun didn't want to talk about it, but refused to tell the real origin of the card, only saying that he used it for entertainment.

(End of this chapter)

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