Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1155 Cretia's Choice

Chapter 1155 Cretia's Choice

"Take these eight ships," Xu Xu drew a circle centered on these eight ships on the berth map, enclosing more than a dozen ships around, "arrest them all and interrogate them one by one, and search again on the ship!" He said Emphasized the tone, "Especially when searching for cylindrical objects, all bamboo poles are sawed open for inspection!"

"Yes, sir!" The harbor director didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to mobilize the manpower.

But their actions were still too late. When a sailor took apart a long pole, a short woman jumped into the sea suddenly, and immediately surrounded the sampan that had been waiting for orders. When she fished it out, the desperate fugitive suddenly sank.

"Not good!" Xu Xu could see clearly, could there be a fourth murderer?While directing people to strictly control them, he searched for suspicious people around him.

However, the recovery of the body proved that there was no fourth person.This dark-skinned, short woman had a wooden stick stuck in her palm—she committed suicide in a hopeless state of escape.

After being identified by the fishermen around, this person was a handyman on a fishing boat.After interrogating the ship owner, he learned that he was a handyman recruited at the dock when he was sailing in Fujian.This woman claims to be Danhu, speaks Cantonese, and the fisherman's work is very quick,

The body was sent to Ryan for forensic examination, and the police searched the entire fishing boat and found that the wooden blowpipe was embedded in a pole, and the blowing arrow was fixed on a fan-shaped wooden hairpin.Put it on the bun.The tip is covered with a small bamboo tube.It looks like a row of sword-shaped wooden hairpins that Fujian women often wear on their hair.

"Our police officers are too amateurish," he sighed as he faced the corpse in the basement of the clinic.

If it was him or anyone with a slightly professional level, this woman should be included as a suspect.But the fact is that she has not been on the list of suspects.

"I think her face is very strange—it doesn't look like a Han Chinese." Xu Xu looked at the face of the deceased.

"It's hard to say that Danhu are Han people." Ren said casually, "They were originally native peoples in southern China, and they are far from the Han people in terms of blood."

"No, this person is definitely not Danhu." Xu said that there are many soldiers from Danhu in the navy, and their physical characteristics are particularly obvious: thick arms, big hips, wide waist, hard waist, and bipeds. The formation of all is related to their activities on the ship all day long.But the woman had a small body, with thin arms and legs.The feet are not turned inward either.

"And she doesn't have any tattoos on her body," Xu Xu pointed at the naked corpse, "Danhu has no tattoos." He looked at it for a while, "I think this person's appearance is a bit similar to that of South Asian blood."

It is impossible to find out who the deceased was, and the luggage recovered from the fishing boat has no point of entry: ordinary coarse cloth for changing clothes, some scattered copper coins and silver.Obviously, this person was very careful not to carry anything that might reveal his identity.And judging from the fact that she committed suicide because she couldn't escape, the power behind the scenes should not be underestimated.

Li Xu frowned, the most important clues were cut off, and the whereabouts of the second uniform was also unknown—he felt that the uniform had probably been destroyed, probably sunk in the harbor or simply burned. None escaped, and the clothes would not escape by themselves.

However, all the clues collected point to Zheng Zhilong.

The next step of work has gone beyond the scope of his work.It is necessary to ask Lingao for instructions.

Westerly's funeral took place in Kaohsiung on the third day after Franz von Boncourt's arrival from the Grand Councilor.Because of the hot weather, the body could not last long, so it was buried in a Catholic ceremony in Kaohsiung according to the request of Bangkut who came from Dayuan.Wei Bachi wanted to win over, and instructed Dermot to make a big deal of it.There should be more candles for the ceremony, more candles for the Remembrance Mass, in a word: everything is complicated.The priest Dermot almost died of exhaustion.

Both Wei Bachi and Zhong Lishi, father and daughter, attended the funeral ceremony.Boncourt did not show an expression of grief. Although he was as pale as a dead man from the moment he heard the news of Westley's death, he maintained a calmness under extreme restraint from beginning to end—almost indifferent.It was Kretia, who cried and passed out several times. At the funeral, she wore all black mourning clothes, her eyes were red, and her blond hair reflected her haggard face.

"He has been looking forward to seeing a new world..." Cretia choked and said as she put the bouquet in her hand on the coffin.Zhong Xiaoying couldn't help crying when she heard the sound.

The newly installed customs bell rang, echoing over the cemetery along with the church's death knell.

After the funeral, Wei Bachi had no choice but to visit his family members.Then he paid a special visit to Huygens.

"Mr. Huygens," Wei Bachi said sincerely and sadly, "now we have found out that this matter was not done by our soldiers—it was done by a certain force across the Taiwan Strait. The intention Instigate the friendly exchanges between the Senate and the Republic. We deeply regret this, and extend our sincere apologies and condolences to the family of Mr. Boncourt. We will work hard to bring the murderer to justice. In order to thoroughly investigate the reason behind this case The real murderer."

"I also deeply regret this matter," said Huygens in German, and he had to add some diplomatic remarks that the matter would not affect the "friendship" between the Republic and the Senate.At the same time, he also hoped that the Senate could catch the murderer Yun Yun who killed Westley as soon as possible.Westerly's murder really shocked him, and he felt sorry for the child's sudden murder.But he doesn't think the matter has much impact on the larger level of diplomacy.The deceased was just a young man, neither an official of the Republic nor a high-ranking officer of the East India Company.

Hundreds of citizens of the Republic of Seven Provinces die every year in East Asia-Southeast Asia due to various reasons, and a considerable part of them are killed.If Westley was not the son of Bangcut, a senior official of the East India Company, his death would not have caused the slightest wave.

As Zhong Lishi and Wei Bachi estimated in advance, although Franz von Boncourt was distraught, this incident will not affect the cooperation between the East India Company and the Australians—since the East India Company can transfer the blessings of the predecessor Governor Mosha sent the Japanese to be tried and imprisoned in exchange for trade, and the death of an official's son is nothing.

But for the Senate, this incident is a "bad influence"-not so much that it has any serious consequences in the overall situation, it is better to say that it hurts the glamorous and noble self-esteem of the senators.So less than three days after Xu Xu's report was submitted, an instruction telegram from the executive committee came from Lingao: "Xu Xu will be in charge of forming an investigation team to thoroughly find out the truth of this case."

Wei Bachi's attempt to sneak past was also shattered, and the executive committee asked him to "immediately submit a detailed, accurate and objective report on the process and handling of the incident." This order was issued to Li Ke, Zhong Lishi and Renn at the same time.

"Damn, this is asking everyone to write exposing materials back to back!" Wei Bachi cursed after receiving the telegram.Needless to say, I had offended Li Ke and Dr. Zhong at the beginning—especially Dr. Zhong, and Xiaoying was his darling.Now these two people don't take the opportunity to make themselves black...

I don't know if my original "dispelling anger socialization" has been done well?Wei Bachi felt a little uncomfortable sleeping and eating. This great situation in Kaohsiung has just begun, and his grand plans and ambitions are still on paper, so don't ruin your great future just because of this matter.Wei Bachi thought that he had to do more work with these two people...

In the early morning of the next day, Cretia packed her bags and left the church—after the incident, she had been praying for Westley in the church.Today is the day when Mr. Bangcourt leaves Kaohsiung to return to Dayuan. In a few days, they will leave for Japan.

Dr. Zhong, father and daughter and priest Dermot came to see him off.Zhong Xiaoying's eyes were red, Zhong Li stepped forward and said: "Miss Cretia, we feel very sad about Westley. But we did not protect Westley well, and we are also responsible. We will definitely investigate In the end, I will give you and Boncourt an explanation."

Cretia hesitated for a moment, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and walked into the carriage without saying a word.Watching the carriage drive farther and farther towards the port, Zhong Lishi and Priest Dermot couldn't help but heaved a long sigh.

Cretia came to the fence outside the pier and was about to pass the customs when she suddenly heard a woman calling her behind.Turning around, it turned out that Zhong Xiaoying was chasing him.Seeing her friend's reluctance, and thinking of the happy time she spent with Westley and Xiaoying these days, Kretia couldn't bear it anymore, and threw herself into Zhong Xiaoying's arms and cried bitterly.

After crying for a long time, Zhong Xiaoying said to Cretia: "You are leaving and I must come to see you off."

Cretia replied in a low voice, "Thank you..."

"Miss Cretia, I will definitely help you find the murderer..." she whispered.

When Cretia heard this, she couldn't help being moved by Zhong Xiaoying's words.Her heart gradually calmed down, she thought for a moment, wiped away tears for Zhong Xiaoying, and said to her: "I see, you wait for me here..."

Zhong Lishi and Priest Dermot stood on the bell tower of the church and looked at the Dutch speedboats moored at the pier.With the bell of the customs bell tower.The Dutch speedboat slowly left the pier.Looking at the shadow of the sails of the Dutch ship going away, the priest involuntarily made a sign of the cross, Zhong Lishi let out a long sigh.The two were about to leave when they heard the sound of horseshoes, and a carriage was approaching from the port.

The carriage stopped at the door of the church, and Zhong Xiaoying and Cretia got out of the carriage together.Zhong Lishi was taken aback when he saw this, and hurried down from the tower to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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