Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1156 Continuation of the Sarajevo Incident

Chapter 1156 Continuation of the Sarajevo Incident

"Miss Cretia, you didn't leave?" Zhong Lishi asked.

Kretia put her arms around Zhong Xiaoying's neck and said to them, "You all want to thank Xiaoying..." Zhong Xiaoying wiped her eyes that were red from crying, and suddenly burst into tears.

"I must find out about Westley. I have already told my father that I can stay here until he comes back from Japan." Cretia said, "Please let me help .”

"Okay." Zhong Lishi nodded.It's good that Xindao is like this, with the suffering master as a witness, it is more convincing than his own unilateral investigation.

"Come on, let's go home." Zhong Lishi said, he suddenly realized that he had slipped the tongue - there is still a guest here, so he quickly said, "...well, let's go back to the customs." He asked again Cretia: "You should live in the commercial building, the rooms there can still be lived in. We will bear the expenses."

"No, doctor, I'll go back to the customs house to live—if you don't mind, I want to live with Xiaoying: I hope to learn Mandarin day and night." She said, "I hope to continue my studies in Westley , continue to learn from you."

Dr. Zhong was greatly moved. This girl had never shown interest in science, and now she suddenly had such a wish, apparently to "inherit her legacy."

Regardless of the era and culture, the strong-willed will always be respected.Zhong Lishi couldn't help being in awe.

"Okay, I'm sure I will do my best to impart knowledge to you."

"Then what are we doing now?"

"Well... let's do something very important to life and science first—eat breakfast."

Xue Ziliang on Jeju Island received an order from Beiwei: the whole team immediately moved to Kaohsiung.

Although the order was only a simple sentence, all the veterans on Jeju Island knew that cleaning up Zheng Zhilong was on the agenda.

Kaohsiung already had a team: the Qianshui Association team.The special investigation team is "the sharpest sword of the Senate". It is already important to assign one team to one direction. Now that there are two teams, the purpose is self-evident.

Feng Zongze breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, this shows that the attention of the Senate has been diverted from Jeju Island.Of course, Jeju Island contributed a lot of cattle and horses to the Senate, which is also a great contribution.Cattle, in particular, have been shipped to Hainan and Taiwan in large quantities to support agricultural development.Although the horses are still in the process of "inventory recovery", the Army's first combat light cavalry squadron has been formally formed in Jeju Island.The first all-mule artillery company and the first cavalry artillery company that do not need to replace the animals are also being formed.

Feng Zongze knew through his friends in Lingao that the army is very satisfied with the work on Jeju Island.In particular, Dongmen Chuuyu talked about the experience of forming a security force in Jeju Island at the meeting of the general staff, which was "very good".The small Jeju Island, with a local population of just over 3, has already contributed [-] soldiers of the White Horse Army. Now two companies of them have been shipped to Kaohsiung, and they have undertaken a lot of simple but important collaborative work: Watching, patrolling, maintaining order, and acting as laborers when necessary...become an important internal defense force in the local area.The pressure on the northbound detachment was greatly reduced.

In addition to the bonus points from the army, the active activities of the Guanglei faction, and the research reports that Du Wen has been sending out after he went to Jeju for research.These reports were either posted on Venus or Lingao Times.It also gave him a lot of opportunities to show the positive image of the Jeju Front Committee.

Here on Jeju Island, Li Chao showed no signs of launching a counterattack.Xue Ziliang commanded the detachment to cross the sea to carry out several powerful reconnaissances, and the whole process was like a stroll in the garden.The longest time, Xue Ziliang took a dozen people to tour more than half of Jeolla-do, which lasted more than half a month, and did some surveying, mapping and reconnaissance work on the roads and piers in the coastal area of ​​Jeolla-do.During this period, hundreds of North Korean soldiers and civilians were killed: from officials and Liangban to soldiers and Xiangyong.Captured several fortresses.Martial law was caused in the entire Jeolla Province, and finally the entire unit returned to Jeju Island safe and sound. Not only were there no casualties, but even bullets were not used much.

This action completely dispelled Feng Zongze and others' concerns about Li Dynasty's counterattack: considering Li Dynasty's grassroots control level and tragic social and financial situation, it is really hard to imagine that they can muster enough counterattack forces and support this campaign.

There are indications that Feng Zongze, the chief executive of Jeju Island, has survived the current crisis.In order to further gain the support of the Senate, he cooperated with Zhu Mingxia to secretly select suitable women from the Korean people in Jeju Island according to the maid scoring standards formulated by the general office, and prepare to send them to the maid school.

Although there are very few Korean women on Jeju Island who can catch the eyes of the elders, after all, they have a population of tens of thousands, and moreover, they are somewhat exotic—it is good to have elders.Even if only a few can be selected in the end, it can fully express that foreign personnel like myself "always think about what the elders think".

The Jeju Island Front Committee held a banquet to send off Xue Ziliang in Jeju.After the lively meeting, Xue Ziliang moved to Kaohsiung with his unit and equipment on the H800 transport ship.

At the beginning of disembarking, he received the second order before he sat on his buttocks: "Take a rest for three days. The team will immediately start the island landing and urban raid combat education."

This order is too obvious.Xue Ziliang thought this was a clear gesture to kill Zheng Zhilong.

Although in formal procedures, as a unit commander, he has no right to intervene in specific strategic decisions, but at Fengshan Fort—this is the army base in Kaohsiung, and the special investigation team headquarters is located at the foot of Fengshan—he and Qian Shui A full exchange of views was conducted.

"This is no secret among the elders in Kaohsiung." Qian Shuixie said, "The Senate does have this intention."

Xue Ziliang was a little curious: "Why did you suddenly think of attacking Zheng Zhilong? Didn't we pass through the Taiwan Strait harmlessly for a long time?"

Qian Shuixie smiled and said, "You don't know about the Sarajevo incident a few days ago, do you?"

Xue Zihao asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

So Qian Shuixie told him about Westley's murder in detail.Xue Ziliang shook his head again and again: "Are you looking for death!"

"That's right." Qian Shuixie said, "Although the matter has not been thoroughly investigated, it is clear that Lao Zheng sent people to do it. It turns out that this is nothing, but a Dutch boy died, and the Dutch believe it or not It doesn't matter if we kill people—unless they don't plan to do business with us. Those people in the Senate think that they have always been wise and powerful, so how can they bear this anger. Even if they don't kill Lao Zheng this time, Enough for him to drink a pot."

He then expressed his opinion: "I think it's time for this piece of meat to be eaten."

Xue Ziliang whistled lightly: "It seems that we will be busy soon."

Xu Xu was struggling at this time: to investigate further, he had to go deep into Jinjiang County to find Lin Shimao—this was the only clue they had now.

But to land on the mainland and go deep into the interior, this is not easy.Zheng Zhilong's hometown, Anping City, is in Jinjiang County.Jinjiang is tantamount to Zheng Zhilong's heartland.

Zheng Zhilong, an outsider like himself who is unfamiliar with the place and speaks with a strange accent, will get news as soon as he shows up in Jinjiang-this is called self-introduction.

They didn't even know where Lin Shimao's casino was.It's just that according to Li Shun's account, it's outside the North Pass in the county seat.This kind of casino has neither a name nor a reputation, and it is impossible to find a door without acquaintances.Of course, for this matter, as long as the Intelligence Bureau's intelligence network in Quanzhou and other places is used: the outlets of the Shanhai Lianglu system can provide necessary intelligence support, and it is not a problem to find out the specific addresses and activities of the people, but it is necessary to "thoroughly find out the truth." , I have to confess when I saw Lin Shimao.

After thinking about it, the only way to do this is to ask the special investigation team to be Mrs. Feng again, go to Jinjiang County to "take out the bed" of Lin Shimaolin, and tie him directly to Kaohsiung for interrogation.

Xu Xu immediately sent a power to Lingao and reported his thoughts to Jiangshan.Soon Jiang Shan replied to express his agreement to use the intelligence network to collect relevant information.Licensing then issued specific instructions to the intelligence network system of the Shanhai Road in Quanzhou.

A few days later, a traffic officer arrived in Kaohsiung with a fishing boat from Quanzhou and sent detailed information.

Lin Shimao, who was allowed to investigate, was a local toubob in Jinjiang—according to modern terms, he was the leader of the underworld, who mainly ran a casino and a pawn shop.The casino is just outside the North Gate of the county seat.This person not only runs a casino, but also raises a group of thugs.It specializes in providing paid services for people. It depends on how much the employer is willing to spend whether to injure, maim, or kill.In addition, Lin Shimao's other main business is selling stolen goods for pirates and selling all kinds of contraband, so he has always been in close contact with pirate merchants.

After Zheng Zhilong took over Anping, Lin Shimao was not an official subordinate of the Zheng family, but was equivalent to a role of "national people" in the Warring States Period of Japan: he could maintain a certain degree of independence, but once he needed his services, he would never refuse.

But in recent months, Lin Shimao had no contact with the Zheng family.Basically, he was doing his old job: opening a casino and selling stolen goods.He is not only an outsider in the system that the Zheng family is building, nor is he very important.

Xu Xu thought: The Zheng family probably didn't contact him directly—there were people coming and going in the casino, as long as they sent someone to deliver a letter to him.

The intelligence agent also sent a detailed map of Jinjiang County, which marked the detailed locations of Lin Shimao's residence, casino and other "business establishments".In addition, it also provides his daily activity route and life rules.Xu Xu felt that this was enough to carry out the kidnapping plan.

But he was also a little worried, since Lin Shimao and the Zheng family were connected, his sudden disappearance at this juncture would alert the Zheng family?
On second thought, whether the Zheng family is vigilant or not, their fate is already doomed.Thinking of this, he called out: "Prepare the car, I'm going to Fengshan Fort!"

(End of this chapter)

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