Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1157 Sisters

Chapter 1157 Sisters

In the middle of the night, Li Huamei——Li Chun stood in front of the door so familiar with his short life, hesitating, feeling such painful pressure for some reason.For a moment she felt a little lost in the meaning of her existence.

This European-style big house hidden deep in the alleys of the Portuguese neighborhood in Macau is always empty, luxurious and cold.An intruder would think it was empty until he was killed.

Even before the young lady went on a sailing adventure, it seemed that there were only the two of them in the house-the servants almost never appeared, and they only emerged from every corner of the house like ghosts when needed.

Li Chun never knew what the servants were doing, and she couldn't even call them all by name.Although the servants all called her "Miss Chun", she knew that she was also a servant in this big house, just like her mother and sister.

No one will ever know about the eldest lady.Even she, the "dearest sister" in the elder sister's mouth, didn't know.

Li Chun's hand was still hanging on the doorknob, hesitating.

The doorknob is equipped with a dial lock made by Italian craftsmen, except for the eldest lady, only she has this number.

For the sake of her favorite lady, she also boarded the sailing clipper, experienced countless physical and mental tests, and experienced countless difficulties and obstacles.

Li Chun took a deep breath for the last time and held it, pushed the doorknob, opened the door quietly, and stepped into the room.In the whole house, she is the only one who can directly enter the eldest lady's room like this.

When the door was closed, she let out a breath, and shifted her gaze to the eldest lady who was sleeping soundly on the bed.A large French-style ship is covered with luxurious silk bedding.She stood and stared at the woman on the bed, her feet curled up slightly, and her thick, curly hair was scattered on the pillow.Li Siya's chest rose and fell steadily, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.Li Huamei felt that this was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen in her life.

Her eyes are moist.When standing in front of my sister's bed, the feeling of "this is my only relative" became stronger.

Since the whereabouts of her own older sister disappeared, only this pair of unrelated sisters were left in the world, but they had sucked milk in the arms of the same mother.

"Sister Chun..."

As if feeling that someone was standing in front of her bed, Li Siya's eyes flickered and opened, looking at her with those pupils that were as clear and calm as spring water.

Li Siya gently pulled Li Chun over, just enough to make her sit on the edge of the bed close to her.Li Chun's black pupils and Li Siya's soft brown pupils stared at each other, her mind was filled with countless thoughts, so that she didn't know what to do, she just looked at her dear sister in front of her.

"You're back." Li Siya asked.

Li Chun lowered his head meekly: "Yes, miss."

"Call me sister.

"Yes, sister."

"Is the road going well?"

"It's going well." Li Chun said, "The wind is strong, and the Hangzhou is a good ship. This time I made a lot of money again, and I have also done the things that my sister took care of."

"I knew that Xiaochun was a reliable person." Li Siya put the drooping hair behind her ears, and then reached out to gently brush away Li Chun's silky black hair, "I told you last time Well, have you considered it?
"I will definitely do what my sister told me." Li Chun hesitated for a moment. This task was much easier than the many tasks that my sister gave her in the past, but she always felt that it contained great danger. "It's just If I go, it means that I will lose the possibility of free movement, and it will become difficult to contact my sister again."

Just a month ago, Li Siya talked with her, asking her to use the means of joining the Lingao Navy or a Southeast Asian company to break into the Australians, gain their trust, and steal their secrets.

"These sisters have arrangements." Li Siya was in a good mood.Not long ago, by chance, she mastered a secret.

"Sister Chun, I have some good news for you."


"I have already found out the whereabouts of the elder sister."

"What? Sister?!" Li Chun widened his eyes and grabbed Li Siya's shoulder.

"It hurts!" Li Siya pursed her lips artificially.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Li Chun quickly let go of his hand and lowered his head, "Sister, I'm too reckless..." She raised her eyes to look at her, and there were hot flames in her eyes.

The "sister" in Li Siya's mouth was her breast sister - Li Chun's biological sister.

It has been more than ten years since the eldest sister disappeared suddenly.Over the years, Li Chun missed her sister every day.

Although when the elder sister disappeared, Li Siya's parents used all the resources in their hands to track down her whereabouts, but all the replies were "unknown".Li Chun's parents fell ill and died one after another.

Sister Siya didn't want to go back to Portugal with her father, but stayed in Macau to inherit her father's business and continue to engage in this dangerous sea business. It must be said that she wanted to find the whereabouts of her eldest sister.Every time Li Chun thinks of this, he will be filled with guilt.

"Where is she now? How is she?"

Li Siya said: "She is in Lingao—in the hands of the Australians."

"What?!" Li Chun's eyes widened again, "I've been to Lingao many times."

"Lingao is very big, and there are so many people. What's more, you are an outsider." Li Siya said, "How much range of activities can they give you?"

"elder sister--"

"One of mine, I saw her in Xuwen a month ago, and came with the doctor who came to visit the doctor from Australia. She seems to be a doctor now..." Li Siya said, "He deliberately pretended to be a patient to go to the doctor to get closer Look—that's her."

"Really?!" Li Chun couldn't be more excited.

"That's right. He even asked quietly." Li Siya smiled, "The eldest sister has changed her name to Li Mo now. She looks very good, and we are all aunts."

Li Chun was so excited that he couldn't speak, it was like a dream.

"I didn't expect that our sisters would meet again one day." Li Chun said with a sob.

"She's an Australian now, I'm afraid she won't be able to go back to Macau, otherwise my sister would really like to invite her back home for a reunion..."

Li Siya easily persuaded Li Chun's plan to break into the Australians.In fact, she has much more information than she told her breast sister.And the most important piece of news is that Li Mo is now in Guangzhou - just a stone's throw away from Macau.

With a breast sister who is devoted to him, it is not a problem to control this big sister who was rebellious at the beginning.Li Siya's father told her before returning to Portugal: In fact, Li Chun's sister was not kidnapped, but eloped with someone.The man is the "treasurer" of a pirate gang.

This matter is disgraceful, and it will not help the cooperative relationship between the two parties if they fall out-the most important thing is that Li Chun's sister is not willing to come back at all.So Li Siya's father kept this secret and only told Li Chun's parents.The result can be imagined.

"As long as you listen to my sister, our family will be reunited." Li Siya caressed the smooth black hair of her breast sister, "We also have a lovely niece..."

"Well, well," Li Chun held back tears, intoxicated by the illusory happiness of "reunion", "I will listen to my sister's words well."

Birdsong is twittering, dawn has come, and sunlight penetrates into the house through the skylight, bathing everything in sleep.Li Siya's trembling eyelids finally opened, and everything around her came into view.

Li Chun had already left—followed her orders and went to Lingao—all that was left was a few long strands of hair on the pillow and the faint fragrance from the sheets.She had already left——there was a touch of sadness in her heart, as if she had lost something important.

Li Siya got dressed under the service of the Andaman maids and came to the breakfast table.Just as she was about to start her breakfast, someone brought her a letter.

The envelope was sealed with sealing wax, and there was no word on the cover, only a few symbols.Li Siya's complexion changed drastically when she saw it, and she quickly opened the envelope.

The letter was written in Portuguese with only a few words, but the content inside made her feel as if she had been struck by lightning.

The task of assassinating the Dutchman has been completed, but one of the two killers sent was captured alive. The worst thing is that the Andaman maid she sent to undertake the task of extermination died.

This incident shocked her a lot. She didn't expect her maid to be exposed. This maid is sophisticated and capable, can speak fluent Cantonese, and understands various secret words and customs of people in the water. She often pretends to be Danhu for activities.She was the most capable maid under her command——unexpectedly, she was lost in the hands of Australians!
This loss made her almost unable to eat, and the loss of such an important man was a major blow to her.

Now that Li Shun has been arrested, it may be a matter of time before Lin Shimao confesses.

But it doesn't matter.Her plan was very thorough. She pretended to be an Australian soldier and killed a Dutchman—and she was also the son of a senior East India Company businessman.As for whether the Dutch will turn against the Australians for this, this is not her business.

As for the dirty water being led to the Zheng family because of the clue of Jinjiang's Lin Shimao, it doesn't matter—as long as it doesn't lead to her.

No matter who you work for, you can't get yourself burned.This is the most valuable experience Li Siya has gained from years of experience at sea.

In an instant, more than a dozen thoughts were circling rapidly in her mind, and the maids waited quietly, acquiescing in silence.It wasn't until she packed up the letter, picked up the spoon again and started eating raw fish porridge that the maids started to move again.

"Tuoluo," she ate a few mouthfuls of porridge, and greeted a maid, "you go to the pier immediately, tell them to prepare a small boat."

 I found that many people don't know what a breast girl is.

  Li Chun (Li Huamei) and Li Siya are not related by blood.Some people think that Li Chun and Li Siya are half-sisters, which is wrong--in this relationship, Li Chun is called a concubine sister, not a breast sister.

  Milk (brothers and sisters) is a kind of servant in the family of the big family in the past.A title enjoyed by the mother as nurse to the young master.They are like “brothers and sisters” with their breast-feeding hosts, and they enjoy certain preferential treatment. They often grow up together with their breast-feeding hosts and have a deep relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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