Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1158 Patrol

Chapter 1158 Patrol
Wei Bachi's report on Westley's murder took a long time, and he spent a lot of time thinking about how to word this matter.Scribbled and changed, I deeply regret why I didn't take a subject like official document writing or media writing back then.

Although this matter is not worth mentioning in terms of consequences.However, the Senate feels disgraced to some extent. Compared with Lao Feng's "strategy to crush the counter-revolutionary riots in one fell swoop" in Jeju Island, and the glorious deeds of Jin Wushun and his brother, there is really nothing to discover on my side.

After changing his drafts several times, Wei Bachi finally decided to put on an attitude of "deep inspection". Not only could he not avoid the problem, but he had to focus on it—any thorns that the "devil kings" in the Senate love to pick, don't use them Choose, write it all out by yourself, and then do a "deep review".Fully "correct attitude".

Anyway, this Kaohsiung was built by him alone. At least so far, everything in Kaohsiung is running normally, whether it is population transfer, urban construction or economic status.He feels: Unlike some people in the Senate who have to kick three feet for nothing, the executive committee still values ​​the continuity and stability of administration-especially at the current stage of initial development.

"At the most, he would be scolded at the hearing—Han Xin was still humiliated in the crotch." Wei Bachi comforted himself while writing.

But simply having a "good attitude" is not enough.Feng Zongze was able to pass the test later, which is inseparable from his generous efforts in horse administration, "land reform" and the construction of standard villages.He has fully demonstrated that he has the potential to become a "capable member".You have to step up and show yourself.

The next day, the "Kaohsiung [-]nd Five-Year Plan" display board in Wei Bachi's office disappeared without a sound.Another display board with the words "Kaohsiung Farmland Development Plan" was replaced.

That's right, after a few hours of thinking, Wei Bachi decided to focus his achievements on the agricultural issue that the Senate was most concerned about and most troublesome.

"China's problem, in the final analysis, is the problem of food." Wei Bachi looked at the results of his and his life secretary's overnight surprise help.

Neither the Planning Institute nor the Council of Agriculture gave him a set goal for land reclamation.Wei Bachi set himself a goal of [-] mu, but now he decided to triple this figure: [-] mu of wasteland within a year.

Wei Bachi's decision to do so was not a slap in the face.In the previous stage, the work of land reclamation and sanitation in the Kaohsiung area was progressing relatively smoothly. Although the manpower wasted a lot—they were all slaves who died, and the loss of refugees was not great.And the efficiency of the whole land reclamation work was much higher than he expected.

He now has [-] permanent residents and [-] refugees—even if half of the [-] refugees are in the recovery period and cannot fully drive them, they can still do some light work.

As an agricultural development zone in Xinde, Kaohsiung must have limited support for agricultural technology, fertilizers and pesticides. Basically, farming depends on the weather, and the yield per mu is not high.However, the water and heat conditions here are good, even if it is conservatively estimated that the yield of 10 kg of rice per mu can still be achieved.If there are three seasons a year, there is still a lot of food that can be harvested.According to the conservative calculation of yield per mu by the Council of Agriculture, if 1 mu of farmland is planted in rotation with rice, sweet potatoes, and beans, at least 2 tons of grains, [-] tons of sweet potatoes, and several thousand tons of beans can be harvested.This food is enough to feed tens of thousands of people.If done well, Kaohsiung can barely support itself in food.

While thinking, the correspondent sent a telegram.

Wei Bachi was taken aback, thinking it was a notice from the executive committee asking him to return to Lingao for a hearing or "vacation treatment".Seeing that the cover of the telegram was from the Council of Agriculture, I was relieved.

The telegram was sent by Wu Nanhai, and the content was about his proposal to the Council of Agriculture last time: to send a number of sugar cane and sugar industry experts to Kaohsiung to prepare a reply for the sugar industry.Sugarcane, Taiwan’s traditional economic crop, is also a source of income—many immigrants from Fujian grow sugarcane. If they also open up part of the land to grow sugarcane to develop the sugar industry, the economic benefits will also give them extra points.

From the previous telegram exchanges with the Council of Agriculture, Wei Bachi realized that the Council of Agriculture was very interested in Kaohsiung's agricultural development-originally, his mind was not on this, and he wanted to build some small industries for Kaohsiung.At this time, agriculture became his life-saving straw, so the interaction with the Council of Agriculture also increased significantly.

In the telegram, Wu Nanhai showed great interest, saying that he would soon send veteran technicians to Kaohsiung.Moreover, he has already greeted Xun Suji of the Ministry of Light Industry, and he also expressed his willingness to set up a sugar factory in Kaohsiung, but the addition of a sugar factory needs the approval of the Planning Institute before the project can be approved.

"Grandma, isn't this asking me to run a ministry?" Wei Bachi read the telegram several times, a little uncertain.After thinking about it, I should be more honest now, and do less unnecessary things--plant the sugar cane first.

The emerald green waves rolled across the Qiongzhou Strait from west to east.An imposing and steady black paddle steamer, while puffing out clouds and fog, while spreading its sails, is advancing through the waves at a majestic speed.

Although its speed has left all the ships in its path behind, the black smoke and white steam from the chimney are not thick, and the speed of the paddle wheel stirring the sea is not fast, which shows that its boiler and The steam engine was not working at full capacity.

On the mainmast of the ship, the dazzling flag jumping in the wind is the blue morning star flag.

This paddle steamer built entirely of teak wood has a standard displacement of 500 tons, and it was considered a "big ship" along the coast of China in the 17th century.

Its appearance does not have the standard painting like other ships of the Senate: light black, but maintains the original color and pattern of teak.There are no gun emplacements lined up on the deck.There is no such simple appearance as the ships belonging to the Senate. On the contrary, there are many exquisite exterior decorations in many details, and the most conspicuous carving is the figure of an octopus.The shape of the palace lantern on the stern building also highlights the Chinese flavor, showing a "peaceful" appearance.

This is the "cruise ship" - "Octopus" built by Lingao Shipyard for Guangzhou Station.It is specially used for Dongzhu Guo's "luxury and lust" in Guangzhou to show the strength of the Senate.

Because it needs to go deep into inland waters, the tonnage of the Octopus should not be too large—in order to reduce the workload, this "luxury cruise ship" was designed and built for "Guo Dongzhu" on the basis of the 621-ton Type [-] paddle tugboat built in Lingao. ".Because it is mainly in the inland river and the Pearl River Estuary area, the speed requirement is not high, so the engine with a smaller horsepower is replaced to reduce the volume of the boiler, steam engine and coal bunker.

On this very luxurious ship according to the standards of this time and space, there is a medical team headed by Shi Youren, the people's commissar of health, on board.

In order to expand the influence of the Senate in the entire Hainan Island and Guangdong.Since the beginning of the year, the Health People's Committee has started to form a tour medical team: composed of several veterans in the health department and outstanding personnel from the naturalized people, it began to tour the counties of Qiongzhou Prefecture.

The scope of the inspection tour covers the entire Hainan Island area, including Leizhou and Guangzhou.Needless to say, Leizhou, Xuwen and Haikang counties have been "high-level" under the tireless infiltration of Leizhou Station.The reason why I want to join Guangzhou is mainly to prepare for the launch of the Raiders in the Pearl River Delta region during the Second Five-Year Plan.

Guangzhou is the continuation of this big inspection tour, and it is also the last stop of this inspection tour.After the battle of Chengmai, the advantages of the Senate in medicine spread throughout Guangdong through the treated wounded soldiers of Ming Dynasty and the onlookers on the battlefield.

Some shrewd businessmen in these areas began to think of "Australian magic medicine".As for the production, sales and circulation of modern medicines in the Senate, except for some of Runshitang's Chinese patent medicines that are sold and exported through private channels, all of them are allocated through the unified deployment of the Planning Institute.It is mainly used through the health system. Except for a very small amount of "special needs" proposed by overseas stations, there is no export arrangement-not enough for personal use.

However, according to the intelligence feedback from Guo Yi and others, at least in Guangzhou and other places, there have been some Runshitang Chinese patent medicines that are not in export batches.There are even some products from pharmaceutical factories of the Ministry of Health that are not on the export list at all.

To make matters worse, counterfeit products appeared.In addition to the counterfeit Runshitang Chinese patent medicines that have already appeared, there are even more magical items: Guangzhou Station sent a cardboard box of honey rice flour pills to the Ministry of Health. A line of small characters: The imperial medicine workshop in Lingao Mansion of the Great Song Dynasty, specially needed by the Yuanyuan Court of the Great Song Dynasty.

What surprised the elders the most was that the characters printed in these lines of woodblock carvings were all simplified characters, and they were arranged horizontally from left to right.The binding style clearly imitates the modern products manufactured by Lingao.

Sulfonamide is the most effective antibiotic they have mass-produced so far. It has always been known as a miracle drug, and businessmen would think of counterfeiting it.

Medicines are different from ordinary commodities, and counterfeiting can delay illness and even cause death.Once the counterfeit medicine spreads, it will seriously affect the reputation of modern medicine and have a serious impact on future health work.

This situation has aroused the great attention of the health department.

So the Planning Institute and a group of heads of the Ministry of Health thought together several times, and decided that instead of formulating a series of measures to prevent modern medicines from being leaked and smuggled through the medical system at all levels, or uniting with other departments to take many measures to combat the black market, it is better to lead by example and bring Australia The opening of medical clinics beyond Lingao not only expands the influence of the Senate and modern hygiene concepts, but also cracks down on counterfeit and shoddy products.

What's more, the naturalized medical personnel produced by the Ministry of Health, when they returned to practice medicine at the grassroots level, still had the deeds of giving patients oral iodine. With the knowledge and literacy of the natives of the plane, all the medicines they exported were of great value to them. prescription.The Ministry of Health is really worried that the signboard of "Australian magic medicine" will be smashed if some medical personnel trained by the elders themselves are not sent to guide the indigenous people to use medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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