Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1159 Medical Insurance and Provincial and Hong Kong Hospitals

Chapter 1159 Medical Insurance and Provincial and Hong Kong Hospitals

The cabin where Shi Xiaoren stayed was at the end of the ship away from the engine room. On the wall facing the engine room, large bags filled with coconut palms were piled up—it was better than nothing. This was designed to protect the chief when the boiler exploded.In the eyes of members of the Senate, a series of self-produced steam-powered ships, including 854 and 901, which are regarded as "the pride of Lingao industry", are probably such a safe situation, and it is indeed the case.

At this time, Shi Xiaoren was sitting at the desk in the cabin, flipping through a thick book opened in front of him, with a look of displeasure.His complexion seemed to be unwell since he set off, not because of the seasickness he explained to the entourage, but because what was in front of him was not a book, but a copy of the book he had returned from his rounds to the last area. When Gao was resting, the civil affairs department handed over to him for review—or the detailed rules and regulations of medical treatment at public expense for naturalized citizens that he accepted.

When Shi Xiaoren communicated with veteran doctors from China, he would intentionally or unintentionally mention "Brother, when I was in the United States", but he never mentioned how he was restrained by medical insurance when he was practicing medicine in the United States. .Unexpectedly, traveling to the United States more than 100 years before the founding of the United States, it will still be covered by the Medicare Day, and it is still a brand-new Japanese law that is bound by the law.Thinking of this, Shi Xiaoren's mood was particularly bad.

In the second half of last year, at the enlarged meeting of the executive committee, the financial department proposed that a monetary settlement system should be adopted in the health system, and free allocation of drugs and equipment should no longer be implemented. Similarly, specific prices for all health services should be approved.

This is not aimed at the Ministry of Health: Cheng Dong, the chief financial officer, has mentioned the policy of monetization accounting in various agencies, enterprises, institutions, factories, and commercial units many times.This time it is considered a preliminary launch - the Ministry of Health is the pilot unit.

Minister Shi has no objection to the monetization calculation.After all, if you don’t engage in monetized settlement, the total amount of money issued by the fiscal port, the total economic output, fiscal expenditures, etc. will be without accounts.But what happened next was beyond his expectation.

There is no difficulty in implementing monetization accounting itself, it is nothing more than adding financial accounts.In the past, the health department was only responsible for collecting things, making things and seeing a doctor.Just report if you need anything.Now in this process, in addition to making a report, it has to be calculated as a circulation coupon according to the transfer price list.Of course, the calculated money is recorded in the account and has to go through the formalities in Delong.The impact on the Ministry of Health is that several accountants, cash registers and cashiers have entered.

Veterans and naturalized people also have more things to do when they see a doctor: in the past, when they saw a doctor, they had to register, but now they have to fill out a triple form.List the details and amount of medicines and diagnosis and treatment expenses, and then hand them over to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Finance respectively.For this reason, the three hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health have specially recruited a group of cashiers to take charge of this matter.

However, the following trend is not right: the Ministry of Civil Affairs then asked the Ministry of Health to formulate a clinical path for naturalized civilian common diseases, which is used to guide the diagnosis and treatment activities of naturalized civilian medical staff.At that time, the Ministry of Health didn't take it seriously. There were several large hospitals equipped with veteran medical staff. In addition to public health and epidemic prevention work, Guihuamin's medical business basically solved red wounds and daily headaches. At the same time, the Ministry of Health reorganized the content of the common disease manual issued to the naturalized civilian medical and nursing staff who had been taking a crash course for several months, and then handed over to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly issued a document based on the clinical pathway submitted by the Ministry of Health to guide the diagnosis and treatment activities for naturalized citizens who have public medical care.To be precise, it is to guide the diagnosis and treatment activities for naturalized citizens who have public medical care according to the clinical pathway submitted by the Ministry of Health, and to limit the cost.If there is no special reason, the patient who enters the path of treatment and withdraws from the path of diagnosis and treatment, all expenses that exceed the limit will be borne by the medical institution itself, and public medical treatment will not be paid.

The reason given by the Ministry of Civil Affairs is: because modern medical care is based on a huge investment in high-tech, according to the experience of the original plane, the growth of medical expenses is basically faster than the speed of economic development and the income of residents in the same period.

At present, the diagnosis and treatment activities of the Senate for naturalized civilian soldiers and employees are all included in the public medical system and provided free of charge.In the area under the control of the modern system of the Senate, the medical care provided to naturalized people who are not employees is basically half sold and half free. The above is the political superiority of the Senate.

The reason of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is: Although the overall medical service is still very rough, if there is no restriction on the payment of public medical care, the empire with technological leapfrog development is happening at every moment, and I am afraid that it will prematurely form a welfare that cannot be lost. The burden will affect the long-term rule in the future.

After hearing this reason, Shi Xiaoren immediately asked the Ministry of Civil Affairs: "Do starving ghosts need to worry about obesity?" He also "talked frankly" with the responsible comrades from the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Finance brought by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and "fully Exchanged views", "enhanced mutual understanding", "the talks were beneficial", and the two sides "fully reserved their opinions".

Minister Shi knew very well that some people in the financial department were responsible for this incident—as for their purpose, it was nothing more than the "sound social insurance system" that they had been actively advocating.

Shi Xiaoren's opinion is: the health system of the Senate's medical activities for the naturalized people is still very primitive, half of the common internal medical treatments are primitive to the point of view of the veterans are comfort therapy, which urgently needs to be vigorously developed.Setting such and other economic restrictions on primitive medical activities early will definitely limit the development and progress of the Senate's medical career.Medicine is a science with strong practicality, and prematurely restraining the hands and feet of practice is not conducive to improving the level of medical care.

He is ashamed to say that doctors are actually a kind of skilled workers, and the more they practice, the better they will be.Therefore, Minister Shi especially emphasized the great truth that true knowledge comes from practice, and then extended to the fact that the medical activities that only serve the elders are inexperienced, and the medical development of the Senate will be stagnant-in the future, the elders...

What's more, the modern materials and medicines needed by the medical institutions under the Senate all depend on planned allocation. Although it has been changed to monetized settlement, the essence is still the nature of full appropriation.If public medical care is refused to pay, where will the shortfall be made up?The expansion of the financial gap will inevitably affect the maintenance and self-upgrading of the entire health system, and it will be difficult for the health department to "serve the Senate wholeheartedly."

These remarks obviously aroused the "high attention" of the Senate, so this matter is now considered to be stranded.But Shi Yanren was still unhappy - it seems that Cai Jinkou has a sense of certainty about medical insurance.

After leaving the Qiongzhou Strait, the Octopus joined the two patrol boats departing from Haikou and formed a small escort formation to Hong Kong.

According to the plan, the Octopus will be moored in Hong Kong for a few days to clean up the ashes and make the final touches. Then the Octopus will choose a good day to sail along the Pearl River to Baietan, and officially hand it over to Guo Yi as his yacht.

According to the plan, the Octopus will be moored in the waters of the newly built Guangzhou World, as a display and symbol of Australian civilization and way of life.

After the Octopus anchored, a group of veterans from the Hong Kong base came to greet them at the pier. Although the Central Government Affairs Council, the General Office of the Executive Committee and the Cheka jointly issued several documents, requiring the veterans stationed abroad to reduce the need to reduce the reception of business trips, visits, and passing veterans. The activities sent to them have greatly reduced the expenses of "three publics", but all the veterans stationed abroad hold the idea of ​​"there are many people who are polite" or "the monks in the capital are good at chanting scriptures", and entertain the "comrade veterans" Intensified.Eat and drink a lot, plus various local gifts.For a while, the wind of "looking forward to a business trip" and "seeking a business trip" flourished.

The way to deal with the reduction of expenditure in various places is also very simple: the elders have a large amount of dividends every year, which is just a number stored in the bank, and there is nothing to say about directly spending it on the financial department and the Cheka.For this reason, Wu Nanhai's cafe sends a large number of "special packages" of high-end consumer goods such as kvass, rum, and cigars to various overseas stations every month.

Hong Kong Station is no exception here. Due to the engine operation, there are many veterans in Hong Kong: including the Planning Institute, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the Army and Navy.However, they are all in the nature of business trips, so there is no need or need to come to greet them.Appearing on the Central Pier No. [-] were two senior veterans stationed in Hong Kong: Luo Chen, the captain of the Hong Kong Land Reclamation Team, was at the head, and Hong Hong Yin, the business representative of Hong Kong, was beside him.In addition to the two of them, there was another unremarkable young man in a neat cadre uniform with a briefcase in his hand.

When Shi Yanren got off the diving board, Luo Chen, Hong Hong Yin and others shook hands and greeted each other.The two greeted each other with care, very attentive.Minister Shi knew very well that the reason why the two of them were so enthusiastic about him was not only that he was a "monk in Beijing", but also that he was fighting for a project: to be precise, it was the planned "Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital".

The idea of ​​setting up a provincial and Hong Kong hospital in Guangzhou or Hong Kong has a long history in the Senate.has recently been put on the agenda.

On the one hand, this is naturally for economic purposes, and on the other hand, it also has the meaning of expanding the influence of the Senate and modern health care—similar to sending a patrol medical team.

But for the Ministry of Health, the main benefit is that there are a large number of patients who can pay for themselves to train newbies in the health department.At a time when the cloud of the current medical insurance system has begun to loom, this plan is very attractive to Minister Shi.

"This guy Shi Jiantao is really mean. If you want to get a carriage, you will say that there are no horses-there are no horses on Hong Kong Island except for the shipyard..." Accompanied by the voice came a short and fat figure. Deng Bojun, the chief of the medical department of Bairen General Hospital directly under the Ministry of Health, is the only one among the veterans of the health department who does not have a degree in medicine, medicine, health care, nursing, or biology—no, no education at all.

(End of this chapter)

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