Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1160

Chapter 1160
Deng Bojun worked in Shi Xiaoren's Ministry of Health for a while in Conglong. In the early days of Bairen General Hospital, although there were professionals in public health to help, the daily operation of the hospital was more and more interfering with Shi Xiaoren and others. Clinical work.Even if everyone has a Ph. D. or a master's degree, they still need someone to do the miscellaneous work-officially called the general affairs, logistics and administration-this modern work with a certain degree of professionalism will not be able to take over by the native naturalized people for a while. of.

Originally, this job belonged to Zhao Yanmei's husband, He Ping.However, since the pharmaceutical companies under the Ministry of Health have continued to expand.It would be a pity for He Ping to stay in an administrative position as he had worked in a pharmaceutical factory, so he was transferred to the Ministry of Health's Pharmaceutical Equipment General Factory to work as a husband and wife with his wife.

In this way, there will be no one in general affairs.Therefore, the personnel department selected from the archives an otaku with the surname Deng who has been working as an administrator in a large library since time travel, but who has expressed strongly that "I am the most familiar with the medical and health industry", and he will be in charge of the Bairen General Hospital. General logistics work.

In the first half of his life, the otaku surnamed Deng was a complete loser.As the son of a professor at a medical university, although he has a wider range of knowledge than his peers and a highly divergent thinking, he didn't even pass the high school entrance examination.The professor saw that he was not a material for studying seriously, so he sent him to join the army. At first, he thought that no matter how bad my son was, he would always be able to learn the level of a military academy in the environment of the army, right?Unexpectedly, he was not good at being an operator in a certain compound, and he couldn't recite the number, so he hastily ended his one-year service.Go home and have a job for half a year.

The professor thought that he should find a way out with skills, and thought that he had been engaged in ophthalmology and refraction for many years. At least he had some reputation and connections, so he sent him to be an apprentice in an optical shop opened by an acquaintance, and prepared to learn to be a professor. The halo of a consultant opens an optical shop.Fortunately, when Deng's apprenticeship of three days of fishing and two days of posting on the Internet was about to get muddled, the university where the professor worked suddenly issued a current employment resettlement document in order to take care of the son of a certain big head who had retired from the army. The otaku with the surname Deng thus mixed into the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University, and became an outlier in the administration building.When Suicui's life was in trouble again, the otaku surnamed Deng resolutely participated in the time travel.

Deng Bojun's work in the medical department was not satisfactory in Shi Yuren's opinion - he was better than Guihuamin because he could at least communicate with Barrier-Free and knew what modern medicine was.Moreover, countless terms and complete sets of medical records can appear all the time, enough to fool the naturalized people.In this time and space, being a section chief is roughly okay.

Section Chief Deng is the busiest person in Bairen General Hospital. He is in charge of eating, drinking and drinking in the whole hospital and even the whole Ministry of Health. Basically, he will say "brother, I have something to do." do it."Naturally, he would not come to Hong Kong for no reason—the purpose of Shi Yiren's sending him here is naturally related to the inspection tour, and of course there is also the preparation work for the provincial and Hong Kong hospitals.

Deng Bojun smiled and said nothing, and followed Minister Shi.Everyone greeted him all the way to the Hong Kong Commercial Station building, and it was inevitable to have another social gathering, and finally sent him to the guest room to settle down.

Because Minister Shi is a senior cadre at the level of the people's committee, he has to deal with all kinds of affairs all the time, so this guest room is a suite, and there is an office besides the bedroom for the visiting elders to work and meet guests.

When Shi Yuren got off the ship, he was exhausted physically and mentally, but going to Guangzhou for medical inspections was no better than visiting the green and yellow districts. Although the Senate in Guangzhou is now almost semi-openly active, it is still an area ruled by the enemy, so it must be regarded as an orange. In the area, a group of people went deep into the "core area of ​​local rule of the Ming Dynasty" to carry out activities. Although Xiao Guo said that there would be no problem, he was still a little worried.

"Shiyuan." Deng Bojun is not used to the Soviet-style address of the Senate, but is still accustomed to using the old time and space address, which is not only enthusiastic but also shows that he is from the health system, "I have already arranged the visit to Guangzhou. Well, you are tired from the journey, rest here in Hong Kong for a few days before sending it out."

Shi Yanren said, "Is everything ready in Guangzhou too?"

"Yes, Zichengji is located in Guangzhou - I have already sent Li Mo to make a stand there."

Although Li Mo was one of the first batch of nurses, her academic level was not good, and she had never been able to pass the nursing studies, and it was very difficult to learn various professional courses.Shi Yuren felt that she might not have much potential for development in this area, and after spending half a day working hard, she was at the level of a nurse, so he simply transferred her to the general affairs department——after all, she could write and count, and her Mandarin was not bad. Bottom line is still rich.

This time she was asked to go to Guangzhou to play the front station because she can speak very good Guangzhou mandarin.

Shi Yanren nodded, he knew what Deng Bojun's plan was: This kid may not be a little rich as a section chief, but he is very creative in making money.This time when he came to Guangzhou for his rounds, Deng Bojun volunteered to come to the front station, and even made the rounds plan by himself.Shi Yanren was delighted before taking a look at it before leaving: "You are determined to build the Provincial and Hong Kong General Hospital."

Originally, round visits were a relatively "simplified" thing, mainly for medical treatment, and by the way, some outpatient minor surgeries and the like.Whether it is staffing, medicines, or equipment, it is quite simple.

However, the manpower and material resources allocated for the rounds in Guangzhou this time are obviously higher than those in Hainan and Leizhou.If it wasn't for Shi Yanren's disapproval, the Planning Institute would definitely not be able to pass, and Section Chief Deng might show off the mobile operating room in Guangzhou.

"I'll just take a day off. I don't know how many days the Octopus will be ready?"

"When I went to see Elder Shi just now, he said that it would take at most two days." Deng Bojun brought up a folder as he said, "This is a draft plan for the establishment of provincial and Hong Kong hospitals. Please read it first."

Shi Yanren took the proposal and looked at it. After reading it, he smiled: "Xiao Deng, your provincial and Hong Kong hospital is quite like a private hospital..."

Deng Bojun took his seat.Frowning, and grinning upwards like a smirk, this is his characteristic "half-smiling half-serious" expression, and said in a soft voice: "You know the situation facing the Ministry of Health now. The people in Wudaokou are eyeing it like a tiger, and they say it all day long. The country’s finances are very tight, there are many aspects that need to be taken care of, and the expenditure on the health system is too large... You must understand the meaning behind this monetization accounting and the reform of the medical insurance system that you pushed back... I guess, next time One step at Wudaokou must come up with a hospital operating index or something, forcing our public hospitals to generate income so as to reduce funding for the health care system."

When it came to business indicators, Dean Shi couldn't help cursing a few words starting with F in anger, patted the table and said, "This is nothing but nonsense, what business indicators are you talking about? It's enough if the funds are not wasted. Why bother with so much? Public office Public welfare units such as hospitals have to be fully managed by experts, and they must be thoroughly public welfare! What is the business index if you mess with shit? If it doesn’t become the chief of the general affairs department! This kind of thing should be criticized. There is actually someone willing to come and hold it?!"

Deng Bojun waited for him to finish cursing, and then said: "You are right. Public hospitals must adhere to the principle of public welfare for 100 years. But the gap in funding will definitely increase in the future. I think Wudaokou is We will never let it go. The Planning Institute is willing to open this hole this time, to put it bluntly, let us raise funds for medical treatment—”

Shi Xiaoren interrupted Deng Bojun's words, and said, "Don't talk about these digressions. You are doing such a drastic industrialization of medical treatment - what about advanced wards, special care... Isn't it clear that you want to serve the big landlords and big bureaucrats?" Serving? I am afraid that it will violate the guidance of the Senate to expand its influence and win the hearts of the people."

Deng Boyun said confidently: "The guidance is an opinion, the key depends on the effect. Let's open a hospital here, no matter how you say it, it is hundreds of times better than the half-witch and half-doctor doctors in this time and space. As long as people can be cured, It is to expand the influence of modern medicine and win the hearts of the people—not to mention the medical loan.”

"Medical loan?" Shi Chang was delighted, "You are going to work in the Planning Institute. Based on the business line you set, I am afraid that most people have to sell their houses and land to be cured, and then sell themselves as contract slaves for a lifetime. "

"Indentured slaves are better than dead. Besides, being indentured slaves for the Senate is much better than being tenants for the landlords, isn't it?" Deng Bojun said calmly, "Besides, this is also for Wudaokou Those gangsters have good calculations and give us some tribute, so that they can reduce our burden on the budget-wouldn’t they be the most happy to have loan business.”

Shi Yanren thought that although he spoke in a cloudy manner and spit everywhere, his words were very reasonable.At that moment, he drew a circle above his name on the document and handed it back to Deng Bojun.

"Multiple approvals are required, so you don't need to be in a hurry." Shi Yanren said, "You have to delay in the Senate for a while."

"Yes, of course. For such a big matter, we must be more cautious and cautious." Deng Bojun nodded repeatedly, and then casually said: "In order to reduce financial expenses, this provincial and Hong Kong hospital can invest in multiple sources of funds, not necessarily We have to rely on full financial allocation." Deng Bojun finally showed his trump card, "We can open up a part to private capital. We can operate in the same way as the Guangzhou Great World project. Individual veterans can also invest..."

Shi Yanren thought that he was waiting here. He considered for a while and said, "The source of investment is not something I can personally control. It still depends on the wishes of the Planning Institute and the Central Government Administration Council."

"Yes, yes, of course this must be done in accordance with the spirit of the Senate." Deng Bojun smiled like a flower, "Shiyuan, you rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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