Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172
Ping Qiusheng was very careful to hide it - or thought he was hiding the ambition of the new generation of Japanese shoguns.So he has always tried his best to appear as an "otaku culture lover".

Deep in his heart, he very much hopes to preserve the traditional Japanese culture and language, and let Japan continue on the original historical path—it is best to go all the way to Taisho, and then directly enter the very loving Heisei.The Showa spirit and so on are simply gone.

But he has never dared to mention this idea to anyone, which is somewhat "politically incorrect".It is difficult for Ping Qiusheng to figure out the attitude of the Senate towards Japan: it is neither the straightforward "Chineseization" of North Korea and Vietnam, nor the "final solution" of Southeast Asia without hesitation-it is an ambiguous one. A love-hate relationship.

Now, the fate of Japan rests in my hands.

With such complicated thoughts in mind, Ping Qiusheng boarded the transport ship to Jeju Island.


The bigger the boat, the less bumpy it is. Therefore, except for the veterans of the navy and the veterans who are in a hurry, most of the veterans who go to Hong Kong, Jeju and Taiwan on business trips prefer to take the H800. The larger hull can also be equipped with better living quarters: In the stern cabin, there are "advanced boxes" similar to the layout of soft seats on trains.

Ping Qiusheng went to Jeju Island at the same time, and there were two other elders.They are Huang Hua, who is preparing to start a war against Houjin Trade, and Li Yaoer, from the Council of Agriculture.

Huang Hua has been "on standby" since graduating from the intelligence training class—that is, continuing to work in the general machinery factory.Report to the intelligence bureau every week, chat and listen to lectures. The term of the foreign intelligence bureau is called "return to soup", which means to avoid forgetting the training content after a long time.

He has been waiting like this for more than a year, seeing that Jeju Island has fallen for a long time, and the Dengzhou Rebellion is coming to an end, and the expatriate mission is still far away. In the midst of disappointment, the mission of the expatriate mission was suddenly issued—— First go to Jeju Island with the ship, and then wait for an opportunity to enter the territory of the Qing Dynasty to carry out trade and intelligence work.

This strong man from Heilongjiang is currently full of excitement. He often stands on the deck looking at the sea, screaming at the sky from time to time, and is quite high-spirited to make contributions in the wilderness. He even said that he would sacrifice his life for it.

And Li Yaoer looked both excited and nervous.Ping Qiusheng saw that she had a good appearance and gentle appearance. Although she looked like 27 or [-] years old, she still looked like a bouncing little girl when she spoke. I don't know why Wu Nanhai sent such a girl to ask for her. Go to Jeju Island.

The journey was long and boring. Ping Qiusheng chatted with her and found out that she used to work at Caijingkou as an accountant in the finance department, but because she was not interested in accounting, she was interested in gardening and loves cooking.So I applied to be transferred to the Council of Agriculture—it happened that the Wudaokou system was vigorously promoting monetized settlements, and all departments needed full-time accountants, so Li Yaoer was officially transferred to the Council of Agriculture as the chief accountant.

Although she was still working as an accountant in the Council of Agriculture, and she had to clean up the accounts for many years as soon as she took office, and then there were countless calculations to be done, but at least she moved to a place that she was interested in, and she was pushed away from the office of the Council of Agriculture. The window, outside the window is a beautiful garden that blooms all year round: full of various herbs, herbs and flowers.

Working here is much better than the cold Bauhaus-style office building full of "industrial beauty" in Caijingkou.In her spare time, she can also tend the garden with Wu Chuqing, Liu San and his apprentice Fu Wuben and other people who love gardening, and live a very fulfilling life.So they clamored to live in the apartment of the Agricultural Committee of the farm.

Li Yaoer's husband, Mei Fa, is working at the Workers' Energy Committee, and it is too far away to work after living on the farm.After a day and night of negotiations between the husband and wife, Li Yaoer finally reached an agreement on the condition that the number of maids her husband could purchase increased from two to four.So the couple moved out of the apartment in Bairen Xincheng and moved into the apartment of the Agricultural Committee.

"Unexpectedly, you are really generous." Ping Qiusheng heard and sighed in the chat, it is good enough to allow the purchase of maids, and it is allowed to buy four!
"I told him at the beginning that as long as the priorities are clear, I don't care. But maids are maids, and they are not allowed to take concubines formally!" Li Yaoer said indifferently, "Anyway, which maid dares to do anything wrong If you want to, you can crush her to death with just one finger." There was a cruel smile on the corner of her mouth with a sweet and lovely smile, which made Ping Qiusheng's neck feel cold, and he realized that what she said was definitely not a joke.

"Besides, even if I firmly disagree, if he really wants to do this, can I stop him?" Li Yaoer said, "This is the virtue of a man! Liu San just dumped his wife— Instead of carrying this reputation and being thrown away, it is better to be open with conditions, and the controllability is much better."

Li Yaoer's theory made Ping Qiusheng speechless, he found another topic, "What are you going to do in Jeju?" Ping Qiusheng was very curious about it.

"To develop ginseng resources." Li Yaoer said, "I am very interested in ginseng and have learned a lot of professional knowledge. Isn't ginseng a special product in North Korea and Liaodong?"

Then she talked endlessly about all kinds of knowledge about ginseng identification, planting and extraction—very unpopular, and I don't know how she, a girl studying accounting, would like this kind of cold knowledge.

"The conditions in Jeju Island are relatively difficult."

"It doesn't matter, I like to travel by nature, and I am not afraid of hardships. I probably inherited my father's gene of adventurousness." Li Yaoer said urgently and quickly, "I used to be a senior travel friend, and I have been to many wild mountains and mountains."

She said and stood up excitedly: "I am super excited when I think that there are still many great rivers and mountains in this time and space that have not been polluted and transformed by humans!"

The convoy stopped briefly in Kaohsiung, replenished fresh water, unloaded another batch of cargo, and then sailed to Jeju Island, and finally sailed into Chaotianpu Wharf smoothly in early June.

After Ping Qiusheng landed, he immediately started planning his trip to Japan.

To carry out trade with Japan is a policy set by the Senate long ago. In the past, due to the lack of a suitable departure port and the scruples about the strength of Zheng Zhilong, Liu Xiang and the Dutch, this trade has not been carried out.Now that Jeju Island is in hand, the Dutch are considered half allies. The forces of Zheng Zhilong and Liu Xiang are choking each other, and the strength of their own navy has risen sharply. The silver and red copper have long been coveted.

Skade gave him instructions that in addition to trying to develop trade with Japan, he must also infiltrate Japanese society to a certain extent, establish a trade and intelligence network, and do a good job in intelligence collection.Get ready for the next day's work.

"It's not enough to just set up a business in Hirado, and the shogunate is also very suspicious of the Chinese." Skade said, "In the beginning, the Chinese could rent and live scattered in Japanese residential areas in Hirado, but they were banned later. .If we only set up a shop, we will be no different from the foreigners in Guangzhou Shisanhang.”

Skaide originally wanted to ask him to search for food in Japan to supply the refugee camps in Jeju Island, but Ping Qiusheng thought it was impossible.The entire northern part of the East Asian continent in this time and space is affected by the climate of the small glaciers. Whether it is Ming Dynasty, North Korea, or Japan, the food production has been decreasing year after year, so he said at the time that this is impossible-even if some food prices can be obtained. It will not be cheap, and it is still a question whether the shogunate can allow exports.

Fortunately, since the Council of Agriculture sent Wan Lihui to grow potatoes in Jeju Island, the food supply in Jeju Island should be relieved soon.This is no longer a matter of urgency.

For Japanese trade, Ping Qiusheng believes that it is unreliable to rely on the export of goods from Lingao - Lingao's industrial products are limited by their production capacity, and they consume a lot for their own use. In addition, they need to travel thousands of miles north, costing This one becomes unacceptable.It is the most ideal way to purchase various commodities and export them to Japan through Shanghai Station Jiangnan.After all, these products have been popular in Japan for a long time.A simple processing industry can also be established in Jeju Island to manufacture some primary Australian products to open up the Japanese market.
As for the trade with North Korea, his idea is to exchange the medicines he brought from Lingao for North Korean ginseng and kapok cloth.North Korea in this time and space does not have much consumption power, but a large number of medicines, including the antifreeze cream developed by Lingao, are still very marketable in the current north.Ginseng was a commodity in both Japan and Ming Dynasty, and kapok cloth was a staple of Japan-North Korea trade—there was a great demand for textiles in Japan at that time.

Ping Qiusheng submitted a report to the executive committee, suggesting that the trade of slaves should also be based on such items. Firstly, there is no shortage of money for slaves, and secondly, Huang Taiji is very resistant to the trade of luxury goods.But no matter what the policies of these countries are, medicines are always needed, especially for this kind of militaristic and bandit regime whose economy is built on war and robbery, the demand for red medicine is particularly huge.If you want to exchange the population of Liaodong without large-scale food supply, patented medicine becomes a very good product.

The raw materials of the finished medicine can be directly obtained from North Korea, or imported from Daming. The advantage of Jeju Island is that it is very close to North Korea, Japan, and Daming.Some low-cost medicines can be considered to set up factories in Jeju Island.

On the trade route, although the route from Shanghai to Hirado is fast and convenient, with the addition of Jeju Island, a superior transit point, the trade route has a variety of choices, and a certain degree of triangular trade can be carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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