Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173

Ping Qiusheng imagined that ships returning from Japan could sail to Jeju Island first, and then return to Shanghai after loading Korean ginseng on Jeju Island. After selling in Shanghai, they would be loaded with local cloth, silk, and daily necessities, and then shipped to Japan for sale.

However, whether the facts can be as he thought, has to be proved by practice.Especially the most important part of the trade with Japan: Shanghai still relies heavily on Zhao Yingong's work.After all, ships, cargo sources and docks all depend on him to organize.Before he set off, he had already written a long letter on this issue, which was sent to Hangzhou Station by a special person.

Although Lao Zhao didn't have much friendship with him, he would not let this kind of meritorious dungeon go.

However, Ping Qiusheng couldn't wait for Lao Zhao's work, so he decided to put aside his Five Islands strategy for now, and start with the most convenient Tsushima route.

The main family on the island of Tsushima between the Japanese archipelago and the Korean peninsula has a national stone as high as 10 shi.But in fact, the land in Tsushima is small, and the food production in the enclave is not even 2 shi.A large part of this so-called 10 shi is actually economic income from trade with North Korea.

Throughout the Tokugawa era, although Japan pursued a policy of sequestering the country and only opened a port in Nagasaki, Tsushima has always been able to conduct trade with North Korea and Qing Dynasty. This trade channel has nothing to do with the shogunate in theory, and there are not many restrictions.It is channel available immediately that is convenient.

The Zong family is considered a tumbler in the history of the Warring States Period in Japan. During the invasion of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the governor of the Zong family, Zong Yoshitomo, and the father-in-law, Xiao Nishiyuki, engaged in double-faced warfare and launched a war of aggression against Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The first peace negotiation failed and the second The second invasion of the court bears the unshirkable responsibility. As a result, because Toyotomi Hideyoshi died of illness, he escaped questioning.

When it came to the Battle of Sekigahara, the Zong family joined the Western Army with Chief Konishi. Whether it was General Toyotomi who fell to the Tokugawa Clan, or his own allies Ishida Mitsunari and the Nishikoku Daimyo, they did not look good on the Zong family.When the Western Army was defeated, Ishida and Konishi were beheaded, but Zongyizhi was forgiven by Tokugawa Ieyasu.It's much better than Kobayakawa Hideaki's life.

Of course, in a sense, the good fortune of the clan may also be related to the insignificance of its neighboring countries.For the rulers and powerful daimyos of Japan's four islands, Tsushima is just a barren island far away from the mainland, just as the daimyos of Hokkaido only need to kowtow in time to show their loyalty, and no general will think of dealing with them.

But there is still work to be done to bring the country to its knees.In history, after the failure of Japan’s invasion of Korea, the Zong family negotiated peace with North Korea privately. It was originally a rebellious thing. However, with the disintegration of the Toyotomi regime, the Tokugawa family won the world——Tokugawa Ieyasu did not participate in the invasion of Korea. He was not keen either, so the clan's peace negotiation became a credit instead.

In 1607, the Tsushima Fan and North Korea signed another trade agreement, and the relationship between Tsushima and North Korea was quite good: Tsushima Fan was a vassal of the Li Dynasty, and it was also regarded as a feudal town of the Li Dynasty, so it was able to set up in Miura, the southern peninsula of Korea, which was also closed to the country. Wakan.The trade between the two sides is quite frequent.

Ping Qiusheng knew that this trade was actually one-sided.North Korean business groups generally do not send ships to Japan, mainly merchants from Tsushima send ships to North Korea for trade-so it is impossible to count on North Korean ships.

In addition, the trade between Japan and North Korea, in addition to the Chinese goods re-exported by North Korea, is North Korea's handmade products, medicinal materials, and furs-these are not the main products of Jeju, so the ship from Tsushima will not go to Jeju for several years.

If you want to wait for a Japanese merchant ship to visit in Jeju, you really don't know how many years you have to wait.

The first thing is to let Tsushima's ship come over.Anyway, with the current strength of Ausong in the Yellow Sea, it is a matter of thought whether to let whose ship come or not.

So before Ping Qiusheng's departure, Skaide set out to find the Ministry of the Navy and asked the Ministry of the Navy to order the squadron on Jeju Island to intercept the trading ships sent by Tsushima to North Korea in batches and capture the ships.In the order, it was specifically instructed that the captured Tsushima businessmen and Zong's retainers should be returned, and ordinary crew members and passengers would be given preferential treatment if they put down their weapons, so as to ensure the safety of the ship's cargo as much as possible.Ships and cargo were detained on Jeju Island awaiting disposal.

The basic skills of the navy are arresting ships during inspections, so when Ping Qiusheng arrived in Jeju, three or four ships of the Zong family had already been arrested. Now Ma Shouzhong should know that there is a big bandit intercepting his own. vessel.

As the domain's biggest source of income, it is impossible for them not to resolve this matter.Both Skaide and Ping Qiusheng are very sure of this point.

After Ping Qiusheng arrived, he entertained and perfunctory with the military and political veterans on the island as usual.Feng Zongze knew that Ping Yuan came here to develop trade between Japan and North Korea, and he was very enthusiastic about Ping Qiusheng——If this plan comes to fruition, Jeju Island will become an important trade node, not to mention how much benefit it will bring, just in The establishment of a local processing industry to process export products made him laugh even in his dreams - he wouldn't be sprayed by a group of veterans for his hard-working bow and arrow industry.

At the wine table, he made a decision to allocate three houses to him in the newly built customs building in Chaotianpu—anyway, there is trade and there are tariffs.Then he patted his chest and said that he wanted people and people, and he wanted things to give. All in all, the Jeju Island Front Committee unconditionally supports this trade action.

Ping Qiusheng moved in with his subordinates and luggage, and the Japan-North Korea trade working group opened silently.He is not doing anything now, and is wholeheartedly waiting for people from the Zong family to come to his door - losing a few large ships is no small matter for the Zong family, let alone trade with the DPRK is the lifeblood of the Zong family's economy.

If there is no overseas trade, under the tossing of the two major policies of the shogunate, the "hands-on account" and "hand-passed invitations", the finances of poor vassals like Tsushima would have been ruined long ago.The first three shoguns of the Tokugawa shogunate were known for their strict laws, known as "arbitrary politics" in history.This policy reached its climax in the Iemitsu era, when the shogunate reduced and changed the titles of daimyo and minor daimyo at every turn, eliminating many vassals.Although the main family and the main family had received a promise from the Tokugawa shogunate that they would never change, if Edo knew about the fact that the route was cut off by "Japanese pirates" or other pirates, maybe the three generations of shoguns who were recently in charge of the government would be changed directly, even if they did not. Changyi, this excuse can also make him cut seppuku, and then send retainers over to "assist the young master".

However, it is impossible to attack Jeju Island only with the strength of Tsushima, and it is impossible to solve it by force. After all, Jeju Island is the territory of the Li Dynasty, so it is impossible for him, the "foreign vassal" in name, to come Fighting, I am afraid that the pirates will not be resolved by then, and the relationship with Li Chao will collapse.

Since war is not an option, the attitude of Tsushima Fu Chufan towards the unknown armed gangs occupying Jeju Island has naturally become very hesitant. The chief family elder Yanagawa Tiaoxing, represented by the elder family, controls the entire Japanese diplomacy with North Korea. The overall situation is that the faction with vested interests in the trade between Japan and North Korea naturally does not want to cause side effects, and advocates ignoring the forces on Jeju Island, so as not to stimulate the Li Dynasty.

The head of the family, Zong Yicheng, was not yet 30 years old at this time. At the same time, the Zong family was also a foreign domain of Joseon in name.

But ignoring them won't solve the problem, especially since the pirates have already blocked the route. Even if the seized cargo is gone, should we continue to send ships to North Korea?
The Ministry of Colonial and Trade and the Great Library did their homework in advance, and they understood the little things in the Tsushima domain, and adopted a strategy of soldiers first and courtesy first-intercepting and detaining ships from Tsushima first, and blocking the route to Japan.As a result, the Waguan in the dynasty was left alone overseas.Waguan is just a small market with no agriculture. If the trade is cut off, the Japanese will have no livelihood, and riots will be difficult to end.

More than 100 years ago, the Li Dynasty closed the Miura Japanese Museum to prevent Japanese pirates, which led to the Waguan rebellion.Thanks to the full support of Zong's troops, the Waguan people were saved from being completely wiped out. Although Zong's family was useless in Warring States Japan, it was much stronger than Li Chao's war scum. Li Chao could not sustain long-term conflicts and reopened soon. trade with Japan.But today's clan does not have the confidence - after several wars in the 16th century, the strong men of the Tsushima domain were almost lost.

In the 16th century, the Zong family was repeatedly involved in the melee of the main family and ally, the Shao Er clan in Kyushu and China. The losses were not small. In the end, the Shao Er clan was defeated, and the Zong clan's own enclaves in the mainland were also depleted.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded the court, Mingzong Yoshitomo negotiated with Li Chao to "undercut the Ming Dynasty", but in the end they failed to negotiate, and there were many frauds and deceptions, and they were exposed.To show his loyalty, Soyoshitomo mobilized all the men aged 16-53 in Tsushima during the first invasion of Korea, and put together an army of 5000 people to follow Kato Kiyomasa and Konishi Yukyo-chan to land. Like other wars, the fishermen of Tsushima lost more than they won when they landed and suffered heavy losses.By the time of the second invasion of the dynasty, the Zong family only managed to cobble together 1000 people.

Nowadays, it is naturally impossible to launch an offensive war independently with the power of the clan, not to mention that the returning retainers and businessmen have already added fuel and vinegar to the pirates' "big black ship", "big blunderbuss" (artillery) and iron cannons. The Zong family suspected that the other party was some kind of new Southern barbarian rather than a simple pirate.

The Zong family eats the bowl of rice from the Hi-Chao Pipeline as a junior daimyo, otherwise they don’t need to pay attention to the Australians.In the end, although seven were reluctant and eight were unwilling, after some discussions, they finally decided that just like when North Korea sent a "thief-detecting envoy" to Tsushima to try and negotiate a peace, the Zong family also sent a "thief-detecting envoy" to Jeju to negotiate. As long as any hero from Jeju can release the ship and lift the blockade, other things can be discussed.

(End of this chapter)

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