Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174 Envoys
And without further ado, it is already July, and after entering the summer, typhoons around the Japanese archipelago increase, and generally no longer go to sea and long voyages.

Zong Yicheng sent a small mission -- of course secretly.The shogunate is very vigilant against all kinds of Nanman people. If it is known that the vassal has contacted the new Nanman people in private, there will be another disturbance.

A Japanese sailboat sails slowly across the wind towards Jeju Island.It is said to be a Japanese sailing ship, but it is actually a Guangzhou ship made in China.However, Japan's shipbuilding industry is very underdeveloped. Generally, merchants on long voyages buy ships from China or Southeast Asia.

Because the ship is bought in a foreign country, the tonnage of the ship is generally not large. The load capacity of this ship is only 70 tons, and the full row is only more than 100 tons. It is a small ship, which is only equivalent to the third-level special agent of the Senate Navy. Boat - the smallest class of spy boat.

The sailors in Tsushima are very familiar with the hydrology of Jeju Island’s generation. When the invasion of North Korea failed, Zong Yizhi withdrew from Busan to avoid the pursuit of the North Korean navy and returned to the country via Jeju Island.

The ship was intercepted by patrol boats more than ten nautical miles away from Jeju Island-at the request of the Ministry of Colonial and Trade, the Second Fleet set up a blockade line in the Tsushima Strait, strictly prohibiting all ships from traveling between North Korea and Japan.

The envoys of Tsushima Shou are Zongyicheng's retainer Hofun Genchiro and Nagasaki businessman Takeya Munemasa. The Nagasaki family was originally a minister of Ukita Hideo. Yan Qilang, who had no special skills, went to the gate of Tsushima after several twists and turns, and was used as diplomatic cannon fodder. Fortunately, Japan was already at peace, and the diplomatic struggle between the daimyo was nothing more than some interests, and he would not embarrass the other party's envoy and lose his life.It's nothing more than the burden of running errands, and it's already a good job for this low-level warrior with a salary of only fifty shi - at least you don't have to pay for your meals when you are on duty.

Takeya is a distant relative and business agent of the Zong family—most businessmen also serve as diplomatic missions these days. Takeya Zong has dealt with Chinese businessmen in Nagasaki and can speak Chinese. ——According to the repatriated businessman, the group of people claiming to be Australians can speak Chinese—although the accent is very strange.And he had heard a lot about Australians.It is a second-hand "Australia Pass", so I was invited to help.

This mission is also what Takeya wants. Anyway, Australian goods are also very popular in Nagasaki.At present, only a small amount of Australian products are sold to Japan, mainly concentrated in luxury goods, and the price is very expensive.And almost all of them are in the hands of those Chinese businessmen.

The goods are scarce and pretty, so of course it's not the turn of Bamboo House to distribute them -- Bamboo House can only be regarded as a middle-level merchant in Nagasaki, and its status in Nagasaki's business district is not high.If he wanted to buy goods directly from Guangzhou, he had no connections in the shogunate, and he couldn't get a Zhuyin certificate to go to Guangzhou.Fortunately, I still have a boat, and I often use my family's relationship to go to North Korea privately to sell some goods.Seeking wealth and wealth, this time I took the initiative to invite Ying, sent people and boats, and also funded and organized a batch of tributes, and undertook the task of suing for peace in Jeju-of course, the envoy was Yan Qilang.

It was heard that the visitor was going to Jeju Island to see the "Australian", and the patrol boat sent armed personnel to board the small sailing boat to take over the main complaints, and then the messenger's boat was escorted by the patrol boat and sailed to Chaotianpu.

When Zhuwu was recruited by Zong Yicheng, he told a lot of stories about Australia that he had heard: Qiongzhou broke the Ming army, big iron ships bombarded Baietan, all kinds of "Australian goods", plus The merchants who were brought back complained emphatically about how the "four-pointed star flag ship" that hijacked them ran like flying, and how guns and guns were like Lin Yunyun... Although they are actually just spy boats and patrol boats-these are already in the sea. Ma Shouzhong's mansion left the impression that Australians are no less than Nanban.

Naturally, many people do not believe in this mythical story - they think it is too exaggerated.However, when the envoy's ship approached Chaotianpu, a row of H800s moored in the port, light black, with huge bodies swaying gently in the waves shocked the envoy quite a bit.

Among the Chinese merchant ships going to Japan, there are quite a few large ships with a deadweight of more than 1400 tons and a full row of nearly 800 tons. However, compared with the full row of [-] tons, the H[-] with its huge mast and beautiful shape is still a bit small.It is comparable to the Portuguese or Dutch Nanban sea ships.

Takeya has been a businessman in Nagasaki for a long time, and he is very knowledgeable in Japan. He has seen all kinds of Chinese sea ships and Nanman ships.

In terms of tonnage scale, the H800 is not larger than other sea-going ships, but a whole row of such large ships is moored, and the visual impact is much stronger than one or two large ships alone: ​​whether it is a Chinese maritime merchant in Nagasaki Port The boats were still Nanman boats, only one or two came every time.

Just around these big ships, there are many smaller ships moored.Even these ships were much larger than theirs--bigger than most ships they had ever seen.

This large-scale assembly of ships is not to show off force, but the second fleet and the transport fleet are waiting in Jeju for the last sailing before summer-with the advent of summer, the arrival of typhoon season.Sea shipping will come to an end.Most ships including all steamships and the H800 will return to their respective home ports.According to the order of the Naval Command, all steam warships returned to Lingao for maintenance, H800 returned to Hong Kong for maintenance, and other sailing ships received maintenance and overhaul in Jeju, Kaohsiung and Hong Kong depending on the situation.

The navy's large-scale "summer break" is not only to avoid typhoons, but also to rest the team.

The intensive shipping and escorting that lasted for more than half a year made the ships and personnel of the Navy show fatigue. The performance of the steam-powered ships was not stable. There have been many accidents and they urgently need to enter the factory for maintenance. It also reached the extreme - due to the lack of reserve personnel, the sailors are overloaded.

The missions on the deck were suddenly silent.Such a group of "Pirates" or "Nanban" is definitely not a good generation-just the strength to directly occupy Jeju Island is probably not something that ordinary Nanban businessmen and pirates can do.

Ping Qiusheng didn't know that there was a second-hand "Australia Pass" in the envoy.But no matter what background the other party came from, it was natural for them to be indifferent for the first day or two, and they were arranged to live in the Chaotianpu post house.As usual, there are Australian and Song propaganda brochures in the room: half of them are paintings by Leibtrini and his students: the buildings and landscapes of Lingao, the majestic Fubo Army, the ships in the style of Hayao Nogami, the epic style Battle scenes——most of them are repainted by PS from the Warhammer 40K pictures privately owned by a certain veteran, and of course some things from the past time and space are also mixed in... In short, let’s talk after being shocked and dizzy.

Early in the morning of the third day, Ping Qiusheng summoned Tsushima envoys in the Chaotianpu business house.

"I am the guard of Yan Qilang, the envoy of the Kingdom of Ma, and by the order of the Lord, I ask you to wait..."

Ping Qiusheng was expressionless, thinking rapidly about the homework about Tsushima Zong's family that he had reviewed last night...

The country of Tsushima is not big, and the group of retainers is not small. After the decline of the former head of the family, Shao Er, the group of retainers fled to Tsushima. As the old man of the previous head of the family, the head of Xiaonishi lost his head and then came a group of wanderers. The retainers, and then there are scattered here and there by themselves... such as the Osafune Yan Qilang's family.

When there are more retainers, there will be too many people who eat finances—this is not the main problem, because the sources are complicated, and there are too many monks and too few food, there will inevitably be multiple mountains, competing for power and profit with each other.

Because Zong Yicheng was very dissatisfied with the old status of Yanagawa and Xu Zuo's families, and deliberately supported the foreign retainers who had no roots, Yan Qilang finally got a salary of fifty shi a year, lived in the longhouse in the castle town, and had to serve the public. Life is so hard that it is not much better than azugaru.According to the laws of the shogunate, samurai could not work part-time and had no land. They had to rely on their wives to take care of the merchants' children to support their families.As an envoy this time, all the outfits are borrowed from the master's family.

However, the Changchuan family had served bigwigs after all, and their arrogance was absolutely arrogant. Yan Qilang's two elder brothers both died of seppuku during negotiations, and he became a retainer only by daring to bluff.

"You are guilty!" After hearing his lengthy speech, Ping Qiusheng pulled his face and thought to himself: "Your uncle, I am even worse than you."

"This official is the envoy of the Taifu Temple, who is leading the coastal system. He promoted the envoy of Jeju City, and he was sent by the state. Your master is a servant under the four servants. How dare you send someone here! Could it be that your master is the one?" You came to start a war? Then I will order the navy to immediately arrest your and other ships, and tomorrow the fleet will set off to bombard Wakan! Trample Tsushima! Blockade Nagasaki!"

"Two adults calm down, and listen to what the villain has to say." Takeya Zongzheng was so anxious that he almost jumped up. If those "Australian black ships" really sailed to Nagasaki, Edo would definitely be shaken. up.

"I didn't come here to ask questions." Zhuwu said euphemistically, "The trade between our domain and North Korea has a long history, and there is no trigger for Australia. I don't know why they occupy Jeju Island and intercept my ship... "

"This Jeju Island was originally the land of our Great Song Dynasty. When the puppet Yuan Dynasty was destroyed by the puppet Ming Dynasty, it was stolen by the Korean barbarians. Today, I am in Australia and the Song Dynasty returned to the old territory. Do you have something to say!?"

"What happened in the past has nothing to do with me in Japan. It's inconvenient for me to speak nonsense. It's just that this ship is owned by this vassal..."

"You are both a vassal of Dongying and a vassal of Koryo to Ma. Our empire has no intention of conquering Japan. Does your patriarch want to be a Korean or a Japanese?"

"Tsushima is a Japanese vassal state, and North Korea is attached to the outside for power. My patriarch does not want to go to war with your ministry, and since my divine kingdom's own family, Kang Gong, all the great lords have taken the peace of the world as their own responsibility, and they can't restrain the big names. Provocation." Takeya knew that the opponent was powerful, so there was no point in being cruel, and he had to show his full "peace-loving".

(End of this chapter)

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