Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1176 Two-pronged approach

Chapter 1176 Two-pronged approach
The two parties initially signed the agreement-the trade agreement will not be effective until the horses keep their seal, complete the appointment, and send hostages.The two parties agreed to send a ship to Jeju from Malaysia one month later.The previously captured Tsushima merchant ships would not be returned until the agreement came into effect. To show sincerity, the Jeju side released all the captives this time, and presented each with a suit of clothes, a pair of Australian straw sandals and two bottles of rum. I sent a glass lantern made in Lingao.Members of the mission also had their own gifts, and they also brought Zong Yicheng a set of bone china and a Lin Gaoyi revolver.

This revolver is a special edition - like the Nanyang rifle, it is a smoothbore cap gun.In terms of power and range, it is really mediocre, but the fire cap gives it an unprecedented rapid-fire effect.That's a big enough selling point.

"Sir, are we going to export swords to Fuchu Domain?"

"Not necessarily." Ping Qiusheng was vague.Japan is currently in a state of "quiet world", and there is really not much market for things like swords.

According to the ideas of some elders, including Ping Qiusheng and Skaide, they are planning to make a big vote in the chaos after the 1633 lock-up order.

Like the Toyotomi regime, the Tokugawa shogunate had a deep distrust of foreign Catholicism.For the Tokugawa shogunate, almost all the Chechitan daimyos belonged to the camp of the Western Army in the past. The shogunate has always worried that the Catholic faith will be used by foreign daimyos to launch a campaign against the shogunate, and then collude with the powerful southern barbarians.

The double distrust of politics and religion made the shogunate persecute Chechitan religion more and more.Because Kitakyushu is the main settlement of Chechitan believers, it is closely monitored by the shogunate. In 1628, Toshikatsu Doi and Tadayo Sakai, the veterans of the shogunate, "inspected" Shimabara County, Hizen Country, and burned 570 Kiritan believers to death at one time.

In 1630, the shogunate issued a "Prohibition Order": Chechitan believers were ordered to give up their faith within two months, otherwise they would be executed.With the hard work of Terasawa Hirodaka, Matsuura Tadanobu, Zongyicheng and other Kiritan daimyos, the "prohibition of religion" was finally suspended.However, in 1633, the third general Tokugawa Iemitsu once again promulgated the "Prohibition Order" and ordered Hizen Karatsu's 24 stone Daimyo Terasawa Hirodaka to cut his belly, and the Karatsu Fan was changed accordingly. The 1633 stone daimyo Matsukura Katsuya of Guishan came to the main temple and began the cruel persecution of Chechidan believers. Between 1638 and 1, as many as [-] Chechitan believers were burned to death by the Matsukura Katsuya, and the conflict became extremely intensified.

Although it is said that the Amakusa Rebellion took place in 1638, in fact, there were opportunities to incite Kiritan Ichikui during the entire period from 1633 to 1638.The foreign daimyos of the southwestern vassals: Satsuma, Changzhou and other feudal clans have always been hostile to the shogunate. Once the shogunate cannot suppress Amakusa Tokishiro in time, then the foreign daimyos who were brutally suppressed and dissatisfied by the shogunate—especially The daimyo of the Western Army who participated in the Battle of Sekigahara is likely to rise again.Because of the harsh "arbitrary politics" of the "Aoi Three Generations" period, many ronin from various daimyos who were changed will also echo-the number of these ronin has swelled to 1651 in the fourth year of Qing'an (50) after his death at home.It is estimated that there are not so many people, but there are always 30 to [-] people.

These ronin had no income and were burdened by their status as warriors. They held resentment in their hearts. Once there was a chance to rekindle the flames of war and gain fame and fortune, they would not give up.

With the chaos of war, daimyo and shogunate everywhere will need a lot of arms.In this way, the policy of expanding foreign trade, which was effective during the Warring States period, will be valued again, and the policy of locking the country will inevitably come to nothing, and various policies restricting the outflow of gold, silver and copper will also be relaxed due to the demand for arms-this point Ping Qiusheng is quite troubled, because the outflow of precious metals is serious, and the shogunate has restricted the outflow of silver and copper since 1616.

However, this wonderful plan involves a specific strategy for Japan-this is the final decision of the Executive Committee and the Senate.Therefore, Ping Qiusheng can only do some simple preparations and cannot invest too many resources.

He said to Zichuan: "There are other things you need to prepare for. The organization is going to send you back to Japan."

"Please instruct the chief!"

"This time, you want to make friends with Zong's retainers. If you get Zong's permission, next time you come to the boat, you will go to the opposite horse with the boat."


"After Tsushima arranges affairs, you will take their boat back to Nagasaki to do a few things: First, this time on Jeju Island, including in Taiwan before, more than a dozen security forces were killed or died of illness, and two The wounded want to go home, you have to send them back with their ashes, and bring the pension and medals of the empire to their families."

"Yes, thanks to the great kindness of the Senate."

"Secondly, you are going to inquire about a person. This person is your church member, and his name is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada. He may also be called Masuda Tokisada, Oyano Shiro, Ebe Shiro, and his biological father used to be a retainer of Konishi Yukio. , whose name is Masuda Yoshiji. Later he was adopted to Amakusa Jinbei. This person is about 11 years old now, and he may live in Nagasaki. He may have learned medical skills from the Dutch... This is his information, you must remember it in detail , You must memorize it backwards, now that Tokugawa has issued a ban on religion, you must pay attention to concealing your identity."

"Yes!" Zichuan didn't know why Ping Yuan suddenly became interested in an 11-year-old ronin, but an order is an order.

"You just need to find him, you don't need to contact him. Although the Zong family converted, they also secretly sympathize with Catholicism. You can find reliable believers who still believe in Che Chi Tan secretly among the Zong family's retainers and establish correspondence with Amakusa. In the future, we must useful."

"Yes." Zi Chuan suddenly felt his eyes sour, and it really was God entrusting him with a great mission in his dream.

"The villain will die forever."

"The last thing is to see if we can recruit enough ronin," Ping Qiusheng said. "The security forces have decided to add six more Japanese companies. You can go and see if there are any suitable ronin—they can't be too old." Yes. Preferably under the age of 30."

"Yes!" This last task is the easiest.Zi Chuan thought that the ronin he knew who had nothing to eat had a hundred if not fifty.And then through them to find people, it is not a problem to attract 2000 people.

The shogunate strictly forbade the Japanese to go abroad, and the Japanese who had gone abroad were not allowed to return to the country, otherwise they would all be executed.Therefore, this matter must be carried out in the background of secrecy.

"District [-] can't resist shocking things..." Seeing Tsushima's messenger ship go away, Zi Chuanxiu heard a sentence that he couldn't understand at all when Elder Ping was full of melancholy...Maybe his Chinese is not good enough. .

But Ping Yuan can't just nest in Jeju Island.There are enough patriarchs in Jeju Island.He came here to carry out trade with Japan with a two-pronged approach. Now that the Tsushima one has been inserted, the other must be inserted as soon as possible.

"Pack up our luggage, we have to go." Ping Qiusheng said to his life secretary Ping Lingzi.

Ping Qiusheng stood on the deck and looked far away, Fujiang Island was already in sight, this is a Chinese-style sailing ship.The boat was captured by the Navy from the vicinity of Long Long, and there were fewer than 50 people on board.The hapless sailing ship was detained by the navy in the Tsushima Strait more than a month ago - the ship was supposed to go to Busan.

At that time, the task of the navy was to capture the ships of the Fuchu Domain, but the fire chief and the general who interrogated the ships knew that they were not the ships of the Tsushima Zong family, but from the Wudao Zhou family.

Because the sea merchants who looked like Chinese were captured, Jeju Island did not dare to make decisions without authorization, and immediately sent a report to ask for instructions.

A telegram was sent to Lingao, and Ping Qiusheng immediately sent a telegram after learning about it: "All people, ships, and goods are detained."

For the Zhou family, all veterans who are familiar with this period of Sino-Japanese trade history know this person.In the 15th year of Qingchang, that is, in the 38th year of Wanli (1611), Zhou Xingru, a native of Jiangning Prefecture who set off from Fujian to Japan for trade, received a personal seal from Tokugawa Ieyasu in Junfu, and it was unimpeded from various ports in Japan to Nagasaki. .This kind of Zhuyin certificate was issued by the shogunate to Japanese maritime merchants. Zhou Xingru's ability to obtain it shows how much Ieyasu attached importance to him at that time.

Zhou's operating site in Japan is the Goto Islands in Japan.The so-called Goto Islands are an archipelago in the northeast-southwest direction off the west coast of Kyushu Island, under the jurisdiction of Nagasaki Prefecture in modern time and space.Including the 5 islands of Fukue, Kuga, Naru, Wakamatsu and Zhongtong, and more than 140 nearby islands.This place is very close to Nagasaki, the main foreign port of Japan at that time, and has many natural ports and anchorages. It is an important place for maritime merchants who trade with Japan to rest their ships.At that time, the Five Islands Islands, as the main stronghold of the Chinese in Japan, had considerable influence.

This time, the boat of the Zhou Group was transporting swords and swords to North Korea in exchange for ginseng. Because the goods were not much and the journey was not too far, they only sent a sailboat of about [-] tons and a few small boats accompanying the ship.Unexpectedly, as soon as the cargo ship arrived in the ocean of Jeju Island, it ran into an Australian speedboat and was captured without any suspense.Although they were interrogated continuously after being taken ashore, they didn't know what this group of strange characters wanted to do.Until the Australians told them that they were going to Japan with the ship, they still couldn't figure out what this group of people were thinking.

Ping Qiusheng has his own set of arguments: after he claimed to be the Hengwu Ping clan, his ancestors led the remnants of his tribe to the mainland after the Puhe War in Tanzhi, drifted all the way to Fujian, and settled in Fuzhou.After the Mongolian army came to the border, the Ping clan followed Duanzong and the officials and people all the way south, crossed the sea from Yashan, passed Champa, Siam and finally arrived in Australia. It has been 350 years now, and I am the No.20 second generation of Pingqing Shenggong Sun.When the ancestor was there, he never forgot to return to his homeland, and Ping Qiusheng's Japanese sounded strange at the time, which made people somewhat skeptical about his statement.In this way, along the way, the relationship with the local people has become cordial.

(End of this chapter)

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