Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1177 Five Islands

Chapter 1177
None of the Chinese on board took his so-called descendants of General Ping seriously—the Chinese are not familiar with Japanese history and have been familiar with this trick of clinging to their ancestors since they were young, so they just let it go.In contrast, Japanese sailors who are very interested in family names and family blood inheritance are very interested in this.

Seeing that Fukue Island in front of him has gradually emerged on the surface of the sea, and he has been standing on the railing, intending to shape its "historic moment", Hirayaki sang a Japanese song in a low voice:
通りませ通りませ (pass through it pass it)

Tenjin Yuanへと Zhiru Xidao (The trail to Tenjin)
ご Opinion ご Useless 通れぬとても (It is difficult to pass without an opinion)

この子の十の御祝いに (the ceremony for the child to be ten years old)
両のお扎を入めに进ず (worship offering double charms)
我が中こわきの通しかな——(Can my tiredness reach directly)

Zi Chuan and other cadres of the naturalized people who accompanied them to the Five Islands respectfully listened to Chief Ping's singing with insufficiency of tone--the Japanese naturalized people obviously had no sense of discomfort, and the naturalized people in Guangdong and Fujian all listened with strange patience. with.

Because this is a business cooperation, there are not many accompanying people.In addition to his own life secretary, two guards drawn from the special investigation team and several business personnel, there is also a veteran named Qiao Tianzhi.

This Elder Joe is very young. In the old time and space, he was an unsuccessful code farmer and a successful otaku.Old Qiao Yuan was bored as a code farmer, and cameo as a hacker.As a result, unsuccessful hackers had to run away to another time and space to avoid being checked by the water meter.Old Joe, like all old programmers, stayed in the big library after D-Day to do data work.Also write program codes for the Executive Committee and various departments.In particular, the Planning Institute has a great demand for the secondary development of the database.

Elder Qiao Yuan worked in the library for three years in obscurity, and bought a maid during the period, but he soon got tired of the maid—the maid was too far away from his imagination.Boring work and a boring maid, Qiao Tianzhi's small universe finally exploded - he decided to go out for an adventure, so he signed up for the Japanese work.Fortunately, he has special skill points: English and Japanese.Especially the latter, although Qiao Yuan has never taken a Japanese professional class, but thanks to years of otaku culture, he has learned to be able to watch animations and Japanese dramas directly.

All they carried were simple medicines, weapons and a radio.Ping Qiusheng himself is a medical major, and later engaged in the construction industry. In addition to Japanese, he also has a little knowledge of Korean. He still has the ability to build an information station in Japan.This time, I just took this opportunity to get online with the Zhou family, and I just took a ride with the wind.

The five islands are now under the rule of the Fukue domain.The feudal lords of the Fukue domain are the Goto family.The Wudao family in Kyushu is a pirate family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, or the navy family.The Goto Navy has been active in this area since the Genpei War. They are typical Japanese coastal powerful people. They are also among the "Japanese pirates" that have gradually emerged since the Yuan Dynasty.

In this way, the Goto family lived a life of half pirate and half fisherman, which has been passed down for 21 generations.The 21st generation leader Goto Xuanya once led the Goto navy to participate in Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Korean strategy.After the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, he maintained his neutrality in the battle of Sekigahara, so Goto Genya was able to celebrate the eighth year of Qingchang (1603), and obtained a seal from Tokugawa Ieyasu, and officially became the first lord of the Fukue domain, becoming the 15000 shi The name of the outside sample.

Hirayaki remembers that the lord of the Fukue domain at this time was Goto Mori, the second generation. The adopted son of the Goto family killed his opponent in a political struggle 18 years ago. The first generation lord Xuan Ya's biological son Ohama Mizumi.In order to consolidate power and rectify the retainers in the domain, Sheng used it for 20 years, and now it has come to an end.

Ping Qiusheng prepared a nice gift for him, a steel decorative sword made by Lin Gaoyi, a pair of oval vanity mirrors and a glass Buddha statue. Can know the weight of this gift.

Ping Qiusheng put away his thoughts, the boat had already arrived at the pier of Fujiang Island, and after a lot of busy work, it finally landed. There was a young man waiting at the pier long ago. Before the big ship departed, an official was sent back to report by a small express boat. , just come.

"Master Ping, my master has already prepared a sedan chair." Tong Shi greeted for a while, and saw a small sedan chair for two people coming out of the nearby shed. It was said to be a sedan chair, but it was actually a Japanese-style driving cage. Looking at the figure and demeanor of the bearer, I think it is undoubtedly the Japanese.Although going to the country does as the Romans do, but Ping Qiusheng looked at his stomach, and finally declined the kindness of the visitor, and decided to walk. First, he heard that the Zhou family's business house is not far from here, and second, he came back from Japan in this time and space. Along the way Also check out the market here.Tong Shi knew that the temper of the Australians was not good but strong, so he followed this man.

Fukue Island is where the feudal lord of Fukue resides. It is relatively densely populated, the market is relatively prosperous, and the roads are smooth. It can be seen that some effort has been spent.From time to time along the way, there are some grass sheds, where scattered fish and vegetables are placed, and no meat is seen. Since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the upper-class nobles of the Japanese no longer eat meat under the influence of Buddhism, and gradually the whole people do not eat meat.Therefore, although the appearance of the vendors along the way is not starving, they are obviously malnourished, described as dry and thin. Most of the men are under 1.6 meters tall, and the women are even shorter. Many of them are only 1.4 meters tall. look like.

However, since Toyotomi Hideyoshi, there have been no nationwide wars in Japan for decades. The benefits of social stability are obvious, unlike the decline of Ming Dynasty.Although the living standards of the common people are not high, they don't have the expression of a frightened bird who is afraid and precarious.This made Ping Qiusheng sigh -- he would rather be a dog of peace than a man in troubled times.That's right.

Behind the sheds are some larger Japanese-style houses, all of which have only one floor. From the style, they look like commercial buildings, but there is no bustling atmosphere in Lingao, not even the atmosphere of ordinary ports in East Asia at this time.About 500 meters ahead, Ping Qiusheng noticed a long house on the right hand side, and it seemed that there was still room to enter.

"Is this where the local deputy is located?"

"This is the residence of the masters of the Wu family." Tong Shi replied.

"Why does it look like no one lives here? Don't the gentlemen usually stay here?"

"That's not true. After Jiangchuan Castle, the feudal lord's residence, was burned down in the 19th year of Qingchou, the Ministry of War Lord built a front house in Ishida, and asked all the retainers to move to the newly built Ishida Jin house. Naturally, there is no one here. Tong Shi was not surprised by Ping Qiusheng's question, "The front is my master's building."

Sure enough, less than 50 meters in front is a courtyard.This courtyard is very conspicuous: the traditional Chinese-style buildings are somewhat incompatible with the buildings here-very abrupt.

Tong Shi led the group of them to the door.The gate of the courtyard was opened, and a young man came out to greet him, and said in a slightly awkward Nanzhili official dialect: "Master has been waiting for a long time, please come from Australia to sit in the flower hall first."

Entering the courtyard, it has a different style. The style of space-time architecture coupled with Japanese-style courtyards and plants makes the passage through the dark passages exquisite.The flower hall is in the first courtyard. Although it is a Chinese-style building, it is indeed in accordance with the layout of the Japanese-style courtyard.Sitting from the inside, the outside is actually the gate, but the middle is partitioned by some plants, so you can't see the outside.The two special investigation team members stood behind, and Ping Qiusheng sorted out his thoughts.The servants served some tea as usual.Not long after, I saw two young men coming out surrounded by an old man. The old man was about 60 years old with gray temples. , it seems that this person must be Zhou Xingru.

After sitting down for a few minutes, Zhou Xingru heard that the Australian also called himself a sea merchant, but his behavior was quite different from that of a sea merchant. These days, the crew on the ship saw the Australian repairing the sea in Jeju Island. Building roads in the city, building canals to open up wasteland, and all the general affairs have been reported to the master one by one.Master Zhou also experienced some things this week, and he knew that the intentions of this group of maritime merchants were not small-not to mention, he directly directed at them to occupy Jeju Island, and his courage was higher than that of Wang Zhi back then.

Of course, Li Chao is not a powerful character, but Australian maritime merchants can make such a determination to do such a big business, which is beyond the capabilities of ordinary people.

With such an understanding, Master Zhou naturally spoke cautiously and read his words and demeanor. From time to time, he also asked about the affairs of Australia and Ping Qiusheng's ancestors.

Mr. Zhou was born in Nanzhili, so he has much more knowledge than Fujian's maritime merchants.He knew very well that his foundation was shallow and that he was an outsider among maritime merchants, so it was difficult for him to resist the rising Fujian and Guangdong maritime merchants, so he followed the shogunate very early, obtained the shogunate seal, and could appear as a Japanese merchant ship at any time , this benefit of being able to change identities is beyond the reach of other maritime merchants.Therefore, he was able to maintain his share in the chaotic maritime pirate gangs in the East China Sea for a long time.

However, Zheng Zhilong's self-importance gradually revealed in the trade with Japan made Zhou Xingru feel more pressure.His relationship with the shogunate is indeed very good, but Zheng Zhilong's relationship with the shogunate is also very strong.What's more, Zheng Zhilong's strength-whether it is financial resources, military strength or the number of ships, is far superior to himself.

If Lao Zheng wants to eat alone, there is really nothing he can do.

Now, out of nowhere, an Australian sea merchant came out of nowhere, and he stayed in Jeju Island and wouldn’t leave—Master Zhou knew very well that whether it was Jeju Island or Lee’s North Korea, there was nothing worthy of this group of people. Where the capital is, they spend this capital, and the only thing they want is the big fat piece of Sino-Japanese trade.

(End of this chapter)

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