Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1178 Nintendo

Chapter 1178 Nintendo

After the formalities were over, the two of them chatted for a while. Mr. Zhou asked about Australia - although he lived outside the territory for a long time, he was still quite old in the north and south, and he was a maritime merchant. Go to sea, but the news is still well-informed.We must first touch the bottom of this Australian maritime business.

Ping Qiusheng understood Master Zhou's thoughts, so he recounted his previously compiled life experience, and then said that although his ancestors were Japanese, he is now a subject of Australia and Song Dynasty. Wish; secondly, there are many offenses in Jeju Island, and I have come to my house to sue; thirdly, Australia is a country founded on industry and commerce, and there are many exotic goods. I originally wanted to do some business with Japan, but I have been away from the country for a long time. Then he said some kind words.

Master Zhou nodded repeatedly, he was not in a hurry to speak.In his opinion, this so-called Australian maritime merchant who is a descendant of the Ping family is nothing more than talking nonsense and using the name of the Ping family.But it doesn't matter-it's human nature to climb up the ancestors, let alone want to do business in Japan.

But the meaning in this Master Ping's words is very clear, they want to do business with Japan.Although he has never seen the strength of the Australians while living in Japan, their reputation has spread to Japan along with the goods in the past few years.The Tang ships that came to Nagasaki and the sporadic Australian goods that were occasionally brought back by the Zhuyin ships from Daming were of high value, and they were almost robbed as soon as they arrived at the port.

Now that the Australian businessman came to his door, he naturally wanted to discuss cooperation with him. He was overjoyed and worried at the same time.After all, the Australian maritime merchants are a giant power no less than Zheng Zhilong, and it is hard to say whether they can take advantage of their east wind to go straight to the sky or be crushed to pieces.

Ping Qiusheng presented Mr. Zhou with ten cans of Lingaoyi’s pickles and two bottles of Guoshi Wushuang.Zhou Xingru is a native of Southern Zhili, so he was very kind when he saw this pickle, and Guoshi Wushuang made him wonder: he has never seen such a transparent glass wine bottle, because glass wine bottles are easy to break, and this wine In Guangzhou, the supply is in short supply, and people often buy it from the capital.Japan has never arrived in batches.

Can't help but secretly sigh that the Australians are really smart.Now that we are talking about business, the atmosphere gradually becomes more relaxed. We know that Australians are good at selling hot items, which are rare items. Now that he sees this Guoshi Wushuang, he knows why it is so popular. .

"I'm old and not talented. I still have some connections in the Dongying Islands, but I don't know what you sell, and how much do you need?"

Ping Qiusheng saw that there was a door, so he ordered the accompanying person to take out another exquisite paper box, holding out a thick book as thick as a photo studio album.

This large book bound in sheepskin is a product manual.The binding and drawing are all done by Trini, all patterns are engraved with copperplate, the paper is heavyweight paper, and the decorative printing is extremely gorgeous.According to the standards of this time and space, this manual can be called a piece of property.

These hardcover booklets are brochures and commodity purchase lists for distribution to potential trade partners during trade.In order to prevent someone from throwing it away, it is so exquisite and luxurious.

Just like the manuals in the Lingao shopping mall, the first half of these manuals describe in detail the data necessary for trade such as the appearance, performance, quality, and FOB prices of the goods that the Senate can provide.Some products are also accompanied by sketches drawn by lines-the surplus of photo paper is not enough for this kind of mass consumption, so we have to use this ancient and effective method in a simple way before the recovery of photography technology and equipment.In terms of practical effect, the Italian artist's work seems to be better than the crude photo printing of the printing house.

The last appendix of the manual contains information on the goods that foreign trade companies want to purchase.The content of each manual is adjusted depending on the region where the manual is used and the distribution target - some are in the content of the product, and some are in the pricing.For the convenience of Aboriginal people, the manual is printed in multiple languages.The book handed over to Zhou Xingru is traditional vertical printing.Anyone who has obtained these manuals and is willing to do business with Lingao can easily understand how to conduct transactions through this manual.

Zhou Xingru flipped through the big booklet, feeling amazed.He has come into contact with a lot of merchants. The first time he came into contact with them, he always came over with samples of real gold and silver to show him the goods on the spot. This kind of booklet was shown to him.The exquisiteness of this booklet, the detailed and realistic patterns, and the detailed introduction opened his eyes.

Especially the introduction of the goods, not only the details to size, color, material, weight, but also the packaging methods that can be adopted,
There are many types of goods, Zhou Xingru has roughly turned over, and the sales catalog is divided into five categories: food, daily necessities, weapons, textiles and agricultural tools.Under each category, there are many details, which are so dazzling that Mr. Zhou is dizzy.

He couldn't put it down and read it for a long time before he reluctantly put it down: "The nobles are really extraordinary!"

"Where, Mr. Zhou is too famous." Seeing his expression, Ping Qiusheng knew that the matter was more than half done, and immediately clapped his hands again, and the servant brought another reinforced box.

As usual, there were some novelties in the box: glass mirrors, bone china and so on. Mr. Zhou was amazed to see it, and the businessman's mind suddenly came alive.

Master Ping's every move fully demonstrated his sincerity.This is very attractive to Mr. Zhou whose business is in decline.He doesn't have many ships, and his capital is not as heavy as that of Zheng Zhilong and other large sea merchants. If he can become a land-based importer, it will be a stable and stable business.

"I don't know how Mr. Ping plans to market here?" Although Mr. Zhou's heart is surging, he still maintains a calm and friendly smile after years of experience. After all, on this Fukue Island, he is the host, and the Australians are the guests. There is a lot to do in the middle.

"It will take a lot of trouble for Master Zhou to make it happen." Ping Qiusheng said very sincerely.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Master Zhou also looked like a generous elder.

So the two of them laughed wickedly.

The two parties then discussed "in-depth and close cooperation" and agreed that the two parties would establish a joint venture business office in Fukue Island, which would be handled by the Zhou family.Australians are responsible for the infrastructure investment and personnel, and the Zhou family is responsible for purchasing local land, managing the personnel of the feudal clan, and the joints leading to Edo.

The new shop was named Nintendo, and Ping Qiusheng was very satisfied with the name. Qiao Yuan always asked for a half-hearted protest, but it was easily rejected.

The total share capital of the shop is 10 taels of silver.The Zhou family accounted for 23%, with cash as shares; the Senate accounted for [-]%, with cash and goods as shares.According to the old practice of Guangdong Zishi Enterprises, Qiusheng distributes dividends according to [-] shares, of which three shares are reserved for employee benefits, and the profits of the remaining [-] shares are distributed with the Zhou family according to the amount of investment.

The Zhou family will help find the manpower currently needed by the business in the local area—although there are plenty of people in Jeju Island, after all, to do business on Japanese land, you still need to know a little Japanese.Ping Qiusheng specifically requested that it be best to use local Chinese. Zhou Xingru said that recently the feudal lord was building a city in Shitian, and most of the local manpower was requisitioned to the construction site. It was not easy to find Japanese labor.In the end, two young men were recruited, both around 15 years old.According to Mr. Zhou, he was the illegitimate son of a sailor and businessman of Ming Dynasty, and his mother was Japanese.Here, the ships of the Ming Dynasty came and went frequently in the early days, so naturally there must be many species left behind by the people of the Ming Dynasty.

The two boys said they were Chinese, but they were actually more fluent in Japanese than Chinese.Ping Qiusheng was not very satisfied at first, but after hearing that they could read and write Chinese characters, he felt that they could be made, so he stayed.Master Zhou also found a few local Japanese women to be his daughters for them, who were responsible for the daily purchases. After all, this is not Daming, and it is nothing for unmarried women to do things on the street. After all, the locals are more familiar with the ground.

When Qiao Tianzhi heard that there were Japanese girls, he immediately said that he would choose by himself. Of course, he was disappointed in the end and let go of the pick—this height, this skin, these teeth... almost broke through the sky.At the moment, he told Ping Qiusheng that he wanted him to find some local little girls from Mr. Zhou in order to implement Guangyuan's plan.

"It's easy, but there's no way to repay the bill." Although Ping Qiusheng is not a fellow, he also agrees with the point that the maid should be "raised from a young age"—the island is wearing a broken kimono, unkempt and barefoot. There are a lot of little girls from fishermen, but there is no proper reason to buy a few and raise them. Since the old incident, everyone has become more cautious about this kind of fake public welfare.

So this matter was put on hold for the time being.Master Zhou bought several abandoned samurai houses near the port. These houses are all high-quality wooden structures with large areas, and almost all of them are equipped with earthen warehouses with certain fireproof functions.As a temporary dormitory and warehouse, it can barely be used.

The natural hydrological conditions of the port of Fujiang Island are very good. When Wang Zhi crossed the coast of China, it was the main base of Chinese pirate sea merchants.Blessed by the frequent exchanges of businessmen from the Ming Dynasty in the past, the port here has complete facilities and wooden trestles, and the H800 can directly unload goods on the trestles.

The settlement here is complete, and the first ship of goods as equity capital has also been shipped from Jeju Island.Including large quantities of table salt, sugar and candies, mirrors, glassware, bone china, Chinese herbal medicines and cloth.There are more than a dozen naturalized people arriving with the ship-this group of people will become the backbone of the Japan station.

After the staff arrived, Ping Qiusheng appointed Qiao Tianzhi as the interim general manager of Nintendo, responsible for redecorating the newly purchased house and renovating the pier by the way.As soon as the goods arrive here, the business will be officially opened.

(End of this chapter)

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