Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1183 Discussion on Abolishing Cao Cao and Reforming the Sea

Chapter 1183 Discussion on Abolishing Cao Cao and Reforming the Sea
When Zhao Yingong went to see Zhang Pu, he showed off all the tricks, and now he showed it again.Shen Tingyang has studied this issue for a long time, and he couldn't help but be amazed by his grand arguments based on the classics - this Master Zhao really has the knowledge of "manipulating the world and applying it to the world"!
Water transportation in the past dynasties has always been a major event of the imperial court, which is costly and inefficient, and is often closely related to water control.Whether it was transporting grain from the Guandong to the interior of the Guandong in the Tang Dynasty, transporting grain to Kaifeng through the Yellow River in the Song Dynasty, shipping by sea in the Yuan Dynasty, or river transportation in the Ming Dynasty...every pile is a very complicated system engineering, involving all aspects of content, so since ancient times There is a special knowledge of "water administration".If it is not someone who is capable and willing to delve into it, it will be difficult for ordinary scholars to master it.

This Mr. Zhao was able to talk eloquently, and his insights were far beyond the knowledge of ordinary scholars from reading books.

"Sir, you really have sharp insights." Shen Tingyang stared at him and said, "However, although it is good to reform the grain and sea, the whole court may not be happy to see the success."

Zhao Yingong nodded: "Mr. is right."

Shen Tingyang caressed the armrest of the official hat chair, and sighed: "Shipping has all kinds of advantages, but there are three major difficulties, and it is always difficult to say it loudly in the court."

"Please sir teach me."

Shen Tingyang nodded, and raised a finger: "First, it's not easy to wait for the wind, saving little time."

Sea transportation is not as good as river transportation, you can paddle and row, especially for large-scale sea-going ships that transport grain, they must rely on wind and sea currents.The ancients had limited summaries in this regard, basically relying on experience.So once you encounter the wind or the wind is not in the right direction, you have to wait for the wind.This was nothing at first, but the navigation technology at the end of the Ming Dynasty degraded. Navigation relies on maritime landmarks, and direct sailing across the sea is not possible. It often has to follow coastlines or island groups.The issue of climatic winds is more complex.

"Secondly, the sea is unpredictable. In case of strong winds and waves, the ships will be damaged and the goods will be lost. Now Denglai and Tianjin are transporting food and salaries to Guanning, and the maritime transportation losses are huge. The court council has always criticized it."

Zhao Yingong had a disapproving expression on his face. There are winds and waves on the sea, and the technical level of ships and sailors is backward. There will always be various shipwrecks and cargo damage accidents when sailing. There is no loss in such a large drift in the inland waters. To put it bluntly, it is a mischief.

Shen Tingyang noticed his reaction, but he didn't discuss this issue any further, but directly talked about the third point: "Thirdly, there are a lot of people and boats to transport food by sea, and a large number of civilians will gather, which may cause trouble in the long run. It’s not as good as Cao Ding, who are all soldiers and guarded by guards.”

Zhao Yingong did not directly comment on these three difficulties, but instead asked: "What do you think of these three points?"

Shen Tingyang smiled slightly: "It's an exaggeration, it's nonsense!"

Zhao Yingong didn't expect the other party to speak so bluntly, so he couldn't help but greatly increase his favorability.He nodded immediately and said: "Mr. is right." He thought for a while, originally he was ready to refute each point one by one, but now it seems unnecessary, he thought for a while before saying: "The so-called shipping is difficult, in the final analysis it is nothing more than It’s just obstruction by vested interests.”

"Vested interests?" This new term aroused Shen Tingyang's interest.

"That's right, those with vested interests." Zhao Yingong nodded and said, "A canal runs from south to north, up to the princes of the imperial court, down to the gatekeepers of Yunding, those who get it on the surface, steal it secretly... those who eat the river along the way There are countless numbers, how can they be willing to abolish the water and change the sea?"

As Zhao Yingong spoke, he began to talk about the various disadvantages of the canal in sections: this is also a collection of background materials compiled by the large library that he has long been familiar with.Whether a ship of grain is going through customs to ask for gates or "crossing the Huaihe River"...everywhere you go to an official place, there are bad rules as usual, and you have to give red envelopes everywhere. There are countless people with money.

These are all kinds of benefits on the surface. Except for the second one, Cao Ding, the leader of the transportation, the small officials of the escort, and even the bearers who carry the rice and grain, all of them do not want to get benefits from the rice on the boat-they have something to do. It is driven by greed, and there is a last resort to have.The so-called "loss" along the way is even several times the positive amount.

As for the cost of repairing and dredging canal facilities and building and repairing water transport ships in order to maintain the river transportation, there are countless costs.This creates a huge vested interest group.

To fight against such a huge interest group, the court will not try unless it has to.However, even in the precarious 12th year of Chongzhen, after Shen Tingyang's successful sea transportation experiment, he still failed to abolish the water and change the sea. Although he personally achieved significant development in his official career, he still failed to benefit the entire Ming Dynasty. .

At this time, Shen Tingyang didn't know that his efforts would get such a result.Over the years, he has spent a lot of effort in researching Cao Gaihai, and he is not ignorant of the resistance of the court, but he never thought that he would face such a behemoth.Can't help but feel discouraged for a while.

Zhao Yingong saw that his face was depressed, and knew that his words had already had an effect.If Shen Tingyang is as imposing as a rainbow and full of confidence, he will have to put a big question mark on whether he should intervene.Now he feels discouraged and feels powerless.

Feeling powerless and unwilling to give up your ideals, you will seek help.

"Sir, don't be discouraged. People above the court are the ones who can distinguish right from wrong." Zhao Yingong said, "As long as we can get their support, although the waste of water and sea can not be implemented immediately, it can always be implemented in stages."

He began to mention Zhang Pu's Taicang Bailiang transportation to Beijing. Zhang Pu has been talking about this matter-after he visited Long Beach with Zhao Yingong last time, Zhang Pu also became very interested in abolishing the water and transforming the sea.I have exchanged letters with Zhao Yingong many times to discuss the specific implementation method of this matter.So Zhao Yingong knew that Zhang Pu was already using his political power to promote this matter.

Shen Tingyang heard that Zhang Pu also had a similar idea, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Why? Tianru also has this idea?"

"Exactly, if the sky wants to relieve the suffering of the people in Taicang, abolishing the water and transforming the sea is the best strategy!" Zhao Yingong said, "It's just that many people in the court will only shake their heads when they mention the word "sea transportation". Good is just saying to be 'cautious'..."

Shen Tingyang also thought about it: Many people in the court are sitting and talking about Taoism. They are either ignorant of practice or pretend to understand. They are all absolutely correct nonsense. A sense of impending crisis.Can't help spreading his hands: "It's really useless!"

"So in this matter, besides Tianru running around, Master Shen must help..." Zhao Yingong then talked about the specific plan.

Specifically, Shen Tingyang compiled his own research results and sea charts into a book, and then submitted a letter to the court through acquainted officials, suggesting a trial run of Taicang Bailiang to change the sea-small-scale reforms are always more difficult than major reforms. Be smaller.

"As long as Taicang Bailiang is successfully transported to Beijing, the next step is to further send grain and salaries from the carrier to Liaodong—this is the most important issue that the imperial court cares about. If it is done well, the imperial court will naturally look at the shipping with admiration. At that time, we will talk about abolishing the grain and changing the sea." It’s just a matter of course.”

Historically, it was Shen Tingyang himself who wrote a letter to the emperor asking for a trial of grain transportation by sea.But this time he has not yet become a cabinet secretary.As a Guozijian student, of course, you can write a letter to the emperor, but it will inevitably give people the impression of being "crazy"-the bureaucracy hates people who play cards that do not follow common sense. If you do this, it is likely that no one will read the letter carefully.

Shen Tingyang naturally understood this truth, he nodded frequently: "It's just that the candidate for the letter is quite important."

Shen Tingyang also has many friends in the court, but once this matter is successful, his own shipping company will of course be the carrier of the grain transportation to the north, and the interests involved will be huge.It would be best if a courtier who had nothing to do with his family wrote the letter.

However, since Tianru is concerned about this matter, Donglin Fushe has a lot of candidates they can use. In this way, the chance of success will be a few more...

Thinking of this, Shen Tingyang couldn't help but secretly excited, his eyes touched the smile of the young man in front of him, and suddenly he "suddenly realized", he was really confused!This Mr. Zhao is full of words like "Tianru", he should be the talent of Mr. Xu Ge!
Xu Ge's hometown is in Shanghai, presumably this old Ge family is also interested in the matter of shipping grain.If Mr. Xu Ge intervenes in this matter...

Shen Tingyang could no longer hold back the joy in his heart.Immediately ordered: "Take care of the kitchen to prepare a table of banquets, and put them in the flower hall! I want to have a good talk with Mr. Zhao!"

Just as the servant wanted to go, he was stopped again: "Take care of the third aunt and ask her to cook some special dishes with her own hands. Then I will bring you some good wine from the study outside."

Zhao Yingong readily accepted the hospitality - he had a good impression of Shen Yuanyuan, and seeing that he was so forthright, he also wanted to make friends with him.

The two moved to the flower hall, where a banquet had already been set up.The Shen family is a wealthy family, and a table of wine and banquets is a small matter that can be handled immediately.The cold dishes and dried and fresh fruits for drinking were already placed on the table. The servants brought the wine, and the host and guest sat facing each other, and first toasted each other.

After a glass of wine, the relationship between the two parties is extraordinary.Zhao Yingong brought the topic to the sea.The Shen family is a big family in the south of the Yangtze River, and Shen Tingyang's family runs the sandboat trade on Chongming Island.Specially take the Beiyang route, transporting southern goods from Jiangnan to Tianjin, and then transporting northern goods back to Shanghai from Tianjin.At one time, the business was even done in Liaodong, and the business was very hot.

However, since the fall of Shenyang, the Shen family's Beiyang trade has also suffered a lot, especially Nanjing's silks and satins, which used to be sold to Liaodong, but now their sales have been greatly affected; Liaodong's goods have also been cut off.The Shen family's ships only went to Tianjin for trade.

(End of this chapter)

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