Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184
Shen Tingyang was very happy to see that he was very interested in sailing, and he was quite knowledgeable in his speech. These days, few scholars are interested in this, so he couldn't help but feel a sense of bosom friend.

Talking about the Beiyang route, Shen Tingyang said that in fact, this route has been operating, but in the past due to the influence of the sea ban and Japanese pirates, there were not many people running the ship.

The Beiyang route starts from Shanghai, exits Wusongkou, sails eastward, and after reaching Sheshan, takes the road to Tiechashan, and after reaching Chengshan, turns westward to Zhifu Island, and then arrives in Tianjin a little north. The total journey is [-] miles .

Generally speaking, it is still navigating according to the needle path, using sea landmarks to sail zigzagging along the coastline, so it takes ten days to sail in a downwind environment, plus the time to wait for the wind, it takes about fifteen days for a one-way trip, plus loading and unloading time per day. It takes about forty days to go back and forth.Low enough by modern standards.However, compared with the one-way shipping speed of the tank ship which takes several months at every turn, it is still very efficient.

Zhao Yingong thought in his heart that if he provided the navigator and the modern route map, the mileage and speed would be greatly reduced - the modern Shanghai-Tianjin route has a total voyage of only 1300 kilometers - and the efficiency would be greatly improved.

"Now the Beiyang business is getting worse day by day." Shen Tingyang drank a few more glasses, and he is a bold person, so he can't help telling the truth after drinking, "The ground in the capital has been ruined by the Tartars, and there is famine everywhere. It’s very difficult to do business.”

Fortunately, as the capital city, the capital, as always, concentrated the consumption power of the whole of China, and the enjoyment of luxury and luxury by the dignitaries and eunuchs was not affected by the chaos outside the city walls.This enabled the Shen family's north-south goods business to continue.

However, even so, the sand boats owned by his family are a bit too much, and he feels that he is not full: there are more than 100 sand boats in the bald head, not counting the small and medium ones.Therefore, part of the ships have been changed to do business along the Yangtze River from Shanghai to Wuchang and Hankou.

"It's not easy to do business in the Yangtze River. The water bandits don't matter, and there are even jerks at the docks. Now I take care of the people in charge. I only transport goods and don't do business, so I can save endless troubles."

"If Caomi can be transported by sea, wouldn't Ji Ming have to make a huge fortune." Zhao Yingong complimented.

"Where, where, even though Brother Tianru is willing to come forward, he can only be sure of this matter. If you can get Taicang Bailiang by sea, my brother's feelings are enough." Shen Tingyang shook his head and said.

"So, if the imperial court loosens up on this matter, brother Ji Ming will definitely serve him with all his might?"

"It's natural!" Shen Ting and Yang Keng said, "It's of great benefit to the country, the people, and myself, so I must do my best." I have been planning this matter, so I read and read the shipping charts and shipping books of the previous dynasty. If I want to transport grain, I am not bragging. My brother prepares a hundred large ships, which can transport 40 million shi of rice at a time. The whole south of the Yangtze River transported more than 100 million shi of grain from the north to the north, and it was transported back and forth three times. Why do you need thousands of water boats and tens of thousands of grain chiefs to serve you!"

Speaking of this, he is full of pride, so he inevitably has to comment on the disadvantages of the times: "Just talk about Guan Ning's food and salary, and now it is shipped from Tianjin to Dengzhou first, and then from Dengzhou to wait for the wind to transport Guanning. If it is up to me, why bother?" It’s so cumbersome, just ship it directly from Tianjin! How much manpower and material resources will be saved! I’m not bragging, if the imperial court can outsource both the water transport and the Guanning military transport to my brother, at least half of the expenses can be saved!”

Zhao Yingong nodded frequently, thinking more than half!It doesn't even take a tenth of it to be shipped by the shipping company under the Senate.

If it wasn't for the shortage of shipping capacity and the need for a legal brand to go ashore to solicit business, there is no need to contact you at all.

"Brother Ji Ming is really heroic!" Zhao Yingong laughed, "It's just the affairs of the imperial court, which can only be handled carefully, and there is no need to rush."

"Of course." Shen Tingyang said with a smile, "If this matter can be settled, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Zhao Yingong thought it was just a handicap for cooperation.The plan on how to participate in all aspects and how to distribute dividends will be unveiled here.

He had thought about it many times, and asked the big library to help him as a reference.Generally speaking, there is no need to distribute benefits to Zhang Pu, because Zhang Pu's starting point is mainly to "relieve the disaster" for the grain households in his hometown of Taicang, as long as he can do it, he can get points; It is enough to donate some money to the church in Shanghai.In fact, it is the distribution of benefits between the Senate and Shen Tingyang.

But on the bright side, he still has to pull the banner of Xu Guangqi's family.So he proposed a plan: the two parties set up a joint venture shipping company, and the name would be jointly funded by the Shen family and Zhao Yingong—the Shen family could use the boats as cash to buy shares.


In fact, the prospectus is not fictional.Zhao Yingong is indeed planning to raise shares in Jiangnan - this is the place where Daming's wealth is concentrated, and it would be too sorry for the old rich if they don't dig out the money hoarded by them.

"The share capital is easy to talk about, but I don't know where is the right place to set up the name?" Shen Tingyang asked, "Brother has a lot of houses in Chongming, so we need to allocate a few houses. It is also easy for boats to get on and off the pier..."

Zhao Yingong shook his head, "The south of the Yangtze River is a country of water, and grain households use small boats to transport grain. If it is transported to Chongming, the small boats cannot withstand the wind and waves of the river, and there will be an additional layer of transshipment procedures. It is better to directly set up warehouses in Shanghai County to collect grain."

Shen Tingyang thought so too, and besides, Xu Ge's hometown is in Shanghai, he is the number one gentry in Shanghai, no matter whether it is official or private parties, he dare not provoke him, he is indeed a very good umbrella-you must know that once the Taicang Bailiang is allowed to be shipped by sea , I don’t know how many rascals and scoundrels who depend on the river to eat the river will be offended. It would be much better to have this umbrella.

"I just don't know when this matter will be settled." Shen Tingyang sighed.If this cannot be done, these plans will all fall through.

Zhao Yingong felt that the time had come, and said, "I'm afraid it won't work if there is no business. I heard that the sea trade to Dongying can be quite profitable. I don't know if brother Ji Ming has thought about it?"

Shen Tingyang was startled, and suddenly realized that the other party had an Australian background, and for a moment did not know what the other party's intentions were, so he said vaguely: "Sha Chuan has never been overseas, and there is no needle available." He drank again Taking a sip of wine, he pondered, "It's not that I haven't thought about it. Thousands of brothers under my command want to eat, but Dongying is a place of birth after all..."

The Shen family is the overlord of the Beiyang, and they can count on living on the Yangtze River.But the sand boats did not enter the canal, nor did they go south to Fujian and Guangdong.Although this is not an express rule, it is a "hidden rule".The line of trade with Japan has always been operated by sea owners in Fujian. Although the merchants in Nanzhili can go to Japan to do business as long as they are willing to pay Zheng Zhilong for the flag, but they do not have the firepower familiar with the sea route. Second, I don't know how many joints have to be opened up, so I dare not rashly get involved.

Shen Tingyang said: "This business is not something that ordinary people can do. I heard that if you want to go to Japan to do big business, you have to invest at least 1 taels of silver in order to prepare a big ship, plus the goods on the ship. If there are pirates or strong winds, the 1 taels of silver will just go to waste.”

Small businessmen don't need so much, they can go out to sea by boat with a few hundred taels of silver.But according to the views of the people at the time, this was taking their lives to fight each other.Although Shen Tingyang's vision is much broader than that of ordinary people, it is difficult for people's thinking to escape the times.For him, doing business in Japan is a very risky thing.

He pondered: Zhao Yingong's words seemed to indicate that he had the idea of ​​intervening in the trade with Japan.When I mentioned this matter to myself, it was nothing more than seeing that the sand ships under his command could be used-but the trade with Japan could not be done with only ships.

Zhao Yingong said in a deep voice: "To tell you the truth, Master Shen, my younger brother went out to sea and traded with ships since he was a child, and he made friends with some overseas businessmen. He is also familiar with sea routes. Especially he got the secret navigation method from the Australians, no need for needles, and he can measure the position by observing the sky You can go on a long-distance voyage. My younger brother starts from Shanghai and takes the fastest sea route, and ten days is enough to go to Dongying. As for the money, my younger brother can also afford it."

Shen Tingyang is dubious, he knows that Westerners don't use needles to navigate, and there is another method of observing the sky, which can determine sea routes in the vast ocean, but he has never seen it with his own eyes.If Zhao Yingong understood it, he wouldn't be surprised, but he said that there is the fastest sea route, and he can reach Dongying in ten days, which is a bit bragging.

He had heard people say that to go to Dongying, one must go to sea from Fujian, otherwise the needle route would be useless.Could it be that Master Zhao has another needle?If this is the case, isn't this Mr. Zhao holding an unprecedented source of wealth in his hands?This is unbelievable!

Thinking of this, he carefully observed Zhao Yingong's face and eyes to see if there was any deceit in them.However, the other party is calm and confident, and does not seem to be fraudulent.

Zhao Yingong knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "I know Brother Ji Ming will not believe it..."

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's too much—" Shen Tingyang thought about what to say.


"Words are serious! Words are serious!"

Zhao Yingong smiled: he came up with a plan, he rented four large sandships from the Shen family himself, including the sailors on them, and he paid for the trade with Japan himself.

"How much is the rent, Brother Ji Ming just ask."

Shen Tingyang looked at him for a moment, and said decisively: "What are you talking about. I don't want a penny for the boat rent. It's just that this trip to Japan will be counted as a share."

(End of this chapter)

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