Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1200 Division

Chapter 1200 Division
As for the most critical item, the American silver, according to Sun Xiao's calculation of the sampling points of one of the boxes, the royal subsidy carried on the St. Louis should be 13 pesos.

"The information given to us by the intelligence agency is 232,569 pesos, so almost half of it is on the San Raimundo." Sun Xiao said.

"We should try to capture this boat!" Zhou Weisen felt that it was not enough.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Lin Chuanqing said, "We have to take into account that it is July, which is the season of high incidence of typhoons. If we continue to stay in this area, we may encounter storms."

Although the interception of the San Raimundo would be a perfect end to the entire Hunger Action, it would be a great blow if any ship was lost in a typhoon.

Lin Chuanqing is very familiar with the sea and knows that the possibility of encountering a typhoon in the Philippine waters in summer is extremely high, and as far as the ships of their fleet are concerned, once encountering a typhoon, it is difficult to escape unscathed.

But for Zhou Weisen, this is really a little bit. If such a big operation only ends in harvesting a boat and 13 pesos, it will definitely give some excuses to attack the elders who are not used to the house party and the North American sub-helm.

"I think we should try our best to try again." Zhou Weisen said, "at least get the silver on the second ship. Since they were separated six days ago, the San Raimundo is coming soon."

"Xiao Zhou, you have never been across the sea, so you don't know how severe the typhoon is. We don't have satellite cloud images or weather forecasts. Standing by in this ghostly place in the Philippine Sea this season is almost like committing suicide!" Lin Chuanqing habitually touched Touching his hair, "Whether it's 901 or H800, if you encounter a typhoon in such narrow waters full of hidden reefs, the ship will definitely be destroyed."

The two sides couldn't help arguing about this. Zhou Weisen believed that the weather radar warning on the Feiyun could effectively provide early warning for the formation. I can't save my life.

Among the veterans, Sun Xiao was half-hearted and full of inner conflicts—as a representative of the Planning Academy, he certainly hoped to catch as many as possible, but he also cared about safety; as for Lu Yang, the adventurous character of young people made him firmly stand Zhou Weisen's side.

In the end, Zhou Weisen's proposition prevailed, and the formation decided to continue to wait here, waiting for the San Raimundo.However, in order to reduce the risk, Lin Chuanqing suggested dividing the troops.

"Today's battle was unexpectedly smooth. A 901 can completely deal with the Galen ship. I suggest that Daishuang go first with the silver and the prisoners. Haifeng tows the St. Louis. Let Nongchao and Feiyun stay and wait. A boat will suffice. As long as you get the money, it doesn't matter if you want a boat or not."

"Take it away as much as you can—" Sun Xiao quickly added, "I took a preliminary look today, and there are a lot of goods on Galen, which is a great extra income for us."

"What about the coal on the Haifeng? You have to add coal when you return from the tide. It's better to let Daishuang drag the St. Louis back."

"No, in this case, it will be very troublesome once Daishuang encounters the enemy. Once it enters the battle, the St. Louis will have to be lost. The Nongchao is now full of coal, which is enough for maneuvering and returning. You can go back without coal by sailing under sail."

"I think it's not bad," Zhou Weisen agreed, "Let's keep some supplies and ammunition too, and leave more room."

Lu Yang didn't have enough fun. Although Nong Chao followed the flagship and fired many artillery fires in today's battle, because he was following the sailing, he couldn't give full play to the firepower, so he spent most of his time shooting soy sauce.

He really wanted to continue to catch the next ship, but Lin Chuanqing was the formation commander, and there was absolutely no possibility of returning first. As the captain, he couldn't ask to stay alone, so he sighed and expressed his obedience to the order.

"Then it's decided, adjust the goods tomorrow, and then let Daishuang and Haifeng go back first."

The main task of the second day is to move the silver box that has been loaded on the Nongchao to the Daishuang.The Marine Corps and sailors were so busy that they worked for most of the day.Taking advantage of this time, under the witness of Zhou Weisen and others, Sun Xiao opened the stern cabin to get the luggage.

The most valuable wealth on board is often stored in the stern cabin: the funds on board, the personal cargo carried by the senior crew members—often these are some high-priced commodities, and some captains will also hide the wealth they gained during their voyages in the captain’s cabin in the stern cabin inside.

As for the gorgeously dressed and noble female prisoner, she obviously also carried a lot of valuable luggage with her.

Sure enough, these boxes did not disappoint the Planning Institute.Several iron-covered oak chests were filled with silver and gold coins.

Although it is not as good as the silver from America, these alone are worth a fortune.

Then came treasures from the New World: emeralds, rubies, diamonds, and sea pearls from the Caribbean islands;

As for the magnificent costumes embroidered with gold and silver thread in large quantities, the high-quality cloth made of feathers and cotton yarns, the high-quality woolen cloth and silk, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Sun Xiao kept counting, registering, and packing boxes all day, and it took him a whole day to complete the registration.The treasure obtained from the stern cabin was 25000 pesos in silver coins alone, and 2000 escudos in gold coins.There are also more than 100 silver bars and 20 gold bars.Zhou Weisen estimated that most of the silver and gold bars were out of New Spain illegally, because there was no stamp on them.

"If I'm not mistaken, these are not the only belongings. There should be a considerable part of them stored in the cargo hold of the St. Louis. After I go back, I can translate the loading list and have a very clear list. Other cargo, for us There are not many useful ones, so they can only be resold.”

After counting and packing, this batch of treasures was also loaded onto Daishuang.After some tossing, there are more than 200 captives who have not been buried at sea.They were taken aboard the Haifeng and locked in the emptied coal bunker.

The Daishuang transferred some of the supplies and ammunition to the remaining flagship, and left behind a rowboat on the St. Louis for the convenience of landing.Then it and the Haifeng took advantage of the light wind blowing from the southeast, spread their full sails, and dragged the St. Louis, which had lost a mast, to the north.

The Nongchao stayed where it was and waited, while the Feiyun continued to sail forward to search for the San Raimundo—since the two ships were separated six days ago, this ship will appear in five or six days At the entrance of the strait.

So Feiyun continued to conduct radar searches east of the strait, while Nongchao sailed slowly westward along the San Bernardino Strait, measuring the channel of the strait along the way.

Early the next morning, when Zhou Weisen wanted to check the surrounding weather conditions, he found that the weather radar was broken, but the navigation radar used as a sea search radar was still good.Zhou Weisen was helpless after scolding. After all, he hadn’t turned on the machine for three years. Although he tried his best to maintain it, the unused weather radar on the Feiyun could only be in a state of resignation, and it was not dismantled. You've been lucky enough to get parts to repair other radars.

Zhou Weisen woke up Lin Chuanqing, who was in charge of the night shift, who had just gone to sleep, and told him the situation.

"I'm afraid of something like this! It's not safe now, and if the weather changes a bit, it will be over!" Lin Chuanqing, who had big dark circles under his eyes, was very upset.

"It's okay, didn't it mean that Manila didn't experience any disastrous weather at this time in the historical records? It seems that this plane is still very regular, and there hasn't been any big butterfly effect."

"In the end, it's better to be safe. In my opinion, our range of activities should not be in the open sea. If we move back to the east mouth of the strait, the San Remondo should not be able to escape. At night, we should stay near the shore Break down, anyway, the radar gives us a few hours of interception warning time, it is still no problem."

"Okay, should I send a telegram to inform Lingao first?"

"of course."

Both Lingao and Daishuang on the return voyage received the telegram.Everyone is somewhat uneasy.The Executive Committee sent a telegram, advising them not to continue waiting for Manila Galen if they found that the weather had changed, but to return immediately.Lin Chuanqing felt that something was wrong, so he proposed to hold a meeting to discuss the situation.

That night, the four veterans held a meeting on the Feiyun and decided to return immediately—it would be very unwise to stay here after losing the weather radar, the last warning system.

That night, Lin Chuanqing noticed some cirrus clouds drifting sporadically on the southern skyline.His brows could not help but wrinkle.Early the next morning, Zhou Weisen on the Feiyun felt that something was wrong. There were more clouds, the wind increased to about level 4, and the wind direction changed from the southeast wind that hadn't changed much for more than ten days to east by south.

"Could it be a typhoon?" He couldn't help worrying.After a brief meeting with Lin Chuanqing, the two decided to return to the voyage immediately. If the wind strengthens further in the afternoon, they will look for a safe haven near Samar Island.

Before noon, the wind force was already close to level 6, blowing out long white waves.Lin Chuanqing judged that the typhoon had formed and was rapidly approaching this area—they were already under the influence of the typhoon's periphery.

Based on the average speed of 9 knots of Feiyun and Nongchao, it is impossible to leave the typhoon circle before the arrival of the typhoon—the speed of the typhoon is at least [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, and sometimes it can reach [-] kilometers.Now we have to find shelter from the wind.

The formation rounded the North Cape of Samar Island, and near a coast facing northwest, the two ships anchored 200 meters apart.Fortunately, the wind direction is easterly, and the waves at the anchorage are not big.

(End of this chapter)

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