Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1201 Storm

Chapter 1201 Storm
Lin Chuanqing decided to abandon the boat, and everyone went ashore to take shelter from the wind—he is an old fisherman, and he is well aware of the severity of typhoons. Fishing boats sheltering from the wind will also be destroyed when they are hit by a strong typhoon, so follow the rules when sheltering from the wind No one is left on board.

"All abandon ship? Is it too dangerous if no one is on board?" Zhou Weisen became anxious when he heard this.

"My brother Zhou, if the typhoon swept past our heads, we would be lucky to save our lives. Do you still want a boat?" Lin Chuanqing lit a cigarette and took a few puffs.

"Haven't we already entered the sheltered anchorage..."

"You don't know much about typhoons." Lin Chuanqing shook his head repeatedly.Zhou Weisen didn't argue any more -- after all, the other party was the formation commander and an old sea dog, so he was right.

Lin Chuanqing immediately ordered some personnel to carry tools and materials to land immediately and set up a temporary camp on Samar Island.At the same time, the small boats, light weapons, radio stations, various controlled materials and many supplies and equipment on board were transported to the shore, and all preparations were made.Under the command of Lin Chuanqing, another group of people were making preparations on the ship, turned off the boiler, closed all the watertight hatches, and put all the sails and all the odds and ends on the deck into the cabin.Items that cannot be accommodated in the cabin are bound securely.Finally, Lin Chuanqing ordered to fill the bilge with water to increase the weight of the draft.Steady center of gravity.

Lin Chuanqing was very worried about the Feiyun. The full load displacement of the Feiyun was only more than [-] tons, and it might not survive the typhoon. materials, a temporary slideway was built.The mast and sails of the Feiyun were all unloaded, and the hull was pulled onto the beach and transported to a sheltered place on the shore.Secure with rope and anchor chain.

It was getting dark, and a fire was lit in the camp on the shore.Zhou Weisen and Lin Chuanqing stood side by side by the seaside camp, looking worriedly at the unsettled sea.

"I don't think you should sleep tonight. Everyone has to take turns to be on duty."

"Go and rest first, you will be on duty in the second half of the night." Zhou Weisen said, "I couldn't sleep in the first half of the night."

At this time, in the east of Mindanao, 400 kilometers west by south, a disaster is approaching the travelers.No one knew that the typhoon, often dubbed the "butterfly storm of the Philippine Sea," was the first typhoon of the year as it moved rapidly northward at 30 kilometers per hour east of the Philippine Islands.The typhoon's tenth-level wind circle has a radius of 100 kilometers, while the seven-level wind circle has a radius of 300 kilometers.For the Spaniards in Manila, they just brushed the edge of a seven-level wind circle. It is not a big deal in the Philippines, which is often hit by typhoons, so there is no special record.It is precisely because of this that there is no word about this typhoon in the materials of the large library.However, for Samar, it has destructive power.

Qian Shuiting was awakened suddenly.The wind was whistling in my ears, the heavy raindrops made my body hurt, and the temporary straw shed flew to nowhere.He got up in a daze, and found that the wind was so strong that he could barely stand, the fire had long since been extinguished, and in the dark night, only occasionally when there was lightning could he see shadows of swaying trees and a few half-lying people. silhouette.Even though he yelled loudly, it was covered by the wind.He can roughly feel that the wind is almost due north, blowing from the sea to the shore. Fortunately, the camp is relatively high and has not been hit by the waves.

He could barely keep his eyes open as the rain washed against his cheeks.He could only hear himself subconsciously saying "It's over, it's over"—the force of nature is too strong.

Suddenly, a particularly bright bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the sea directly. It was so bright that people lost their eyesight instantly, but it quickly returned to darkness, and the rumbling thunder lasted for more than ten seconds.

The wind and rain lasted until the next morning—although the time displayed on the watch was past six in the morning, the sky was still very dark, the wind and rain were still heavy, and the visibility was very poor.The wind blows straight to the coast, and a series of gray waves keep coming from a distance, getting higher and higher, and finally form a nearly ten-meter-high crashing wave, smashing on the coral reefs along the coast, and rushing to the coast.

The ship was no longer visible at the place where the Chaochao anchored, and on the beach on the coast, there were a lot of pieces of wood and broken canvas scattered here and there.Zhou Weisen's heart was twisted like a knife--looking at this, you know that the tide is more dangerous than good!
Although the Senate has not lost ships, it is the first time that Nengchao, which is almost a new steam-powered warship, has lost it!That alone overshadows their actions.He couldn't help secretly regretting why he didn't just return to the voyage and have a happy ending at the beginning, instead of being greedy for merit.

Hundreds of sailors and sailors gathered in the scattered camps devastated by the storm were tired and hungry, barely able to move in the force ten winds.Although Zhou Weisen and Lin Chuanqing were very anxious, there was really nothing they could do in this situation.In the mess, I only found some military dry food and the like, barely filling my stomach.

After noon, the wind and waves gradually subsided, and Lin Chuanqing estimated that this place had entered the eye of the typhoon.A roll call was ordered and it was discovered that 11 people were missing in last night's storm.Lin Chuanqing ordered to make time to cook and clean up the camp, and at the same time organized personnel to check the situation by the water, find out the status of the Nongchao, and see if the missing person could be found by the way.

At this time, the rain has lightened and the visibility is better.Zhou Weisen led the expedition team to walk less than 200 meters along the coast and saw the Chaochao.The 901 gunboat had capsized, turned over and ran aground on a coral reef more than 100 meters from the coast, and all the masts and chimneys were broken.

A 130mm main gun fell from the deck and was deeply inserted into the reef, only the muzzle was exposed.The wreckage of a typewriter fell into the sand, and the barrel had been twisted into a pile of strangely shaped steel tentacles.

The expedition team searched along the coastline. In addition to the broken wood and various rags on the ship, they also found several broken corpses. Some of them could still recognize the uniforms of the sailors. These people should have been hit by a storm in the middle of the night. Sometimes people were accidentally swept into the sea by wind and waves—people were thrown directly to the coast by huge waves, and hit the rugged and hard coral reefs on the shore, with almost no hope of surviving.

Zhou Weisen went to check the Feiyun again—the Feiyun suffered no loss on land, although its hull also moved in the strong wind.Mendoza was still in shock all night, and had been hiding in the tent to pray. This time, seeing Zhou Weisen came back, he threw himself into his arms like a bird returning to its nest, and a vote of Spanish poured out like a tide.While talking, he held his face and gnawed wildly.

Zhou Weisen had to try his best to comfort his wife, thinking that this Latin ocean horse is very neurotic...

During the second roll call in the afternoon, the number of missing persons dropped to 6. The others lost their way at night and returned to the team one after another after dawn.

It wasn't until another morning that the wind and waves basically calmed down. Taking advantage of the low tide, they rowed a small boat to the Chaochao to check the damage to the hull.

The Chaochao was overturned on the reef, the hull was flooded in many places, and everything on the deck was swept away.It may be a very big project to repair-it is a very big project just to straighten and get out of trouble, not to mention the damage to the hull and the deformation of the keel.They are completely powerless against a ship that has capsized.

"Now, we have become Robinson Crusoe." Zhou Weisen said despondently.

"Fortunately, there are quite a few of us, with all the weapons and equipment and radio stations, so we can temporarily be the island owner here. It won't take long, and the navy will always come to rescue us." Lin Chuanqing disagreed, "Besides, the Feiyun is intact. If there is a boat in it, you will not be afraid."

"We immediately sent back power and asked them to send a ship to rescue."

They then called together officers and non-commissioned officers at all levels to discuss how to persevere.Then manpower was assigned, some of them rebuilt the camp, some of them went to the wreckage of the Tide to see if they could recover some supplies, and some of them went to the island to cut some wood for building materials and fuel.The rest of the people searched for the missing on the coast, packed up the corpses for sea burial, and packed up the broken wood and dried it on the shore, preparing to use it to make a fire.

At the same time, the atmosphere of Lingao's executive committee seemed calm but extremely depressing like the eye of a typhoon.Members of the Executive Committee and Chen Haiyang of the Navy are anxiously waiting for the news here. Since the afternoon of July 7th, after receiving the telegram from the Feiyun to return to shelter in advance, people from the Executive Committee and the Navy Command have been in Lingao The main station is waiting for the telegram.But they have not waited for any telegrams from Feiyun and 16. Only two returning ships are still reporting their itinerary, and they have passed the Balingtang Strait.

They waited until the morning of July 7, and they couldn't wait any longer.

"It seems that something really went wrong, and it's a big deal. Otherwise, there won't be any news from both ships. Is it really a typhoon?"

No one answered the possibility that everyone was reluctant to mention before, until Ma Qianju broke the silence: "Old Chen, can you send a rescue team? Or wait for Shuang to return or send 8154 directly."

"901's self-sufficiency is insufficient, so we can't let them go back to check the situation. Besides, without Daishuang's escort, it would be very dangerous for Haifeng to tow a Galen. The 8154 fishing boat has insufficient fuel, so it can't go so far. .”

"The Haitian is waiting for preparations in Hong Kong, why not stop the preparations and go to the Philippines first." Chen Haiyang said, "The Haitian is not used intensively, and the preparation needs are not particularly urgent."

He Ming said: "Bei Wei is leading a team to train and conduct activities in Xiangshanao. They can be transferred to the ship. Be prepared for unexpected situations."

"But they are not familiar with the seaway and the situation."

"That's it, let's send the report."

(End of this chapter)

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