Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1202 San Raimundo

Chapter 1202 San Raimundo

Then someone sent a telegram.

Hearing that it was a telegram from Feiyun, several people cheered up and circulated it quickly.

"...The tide capsized and broke. The Feiyun is intact. Sailors and seamen died and 6 people are missing. They are currently setting up camp at the northern tip of Samar Island and waiting for rescue. Location: east longitude..."

Hearing this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief: the senator is the most precious asset, and now it is not the same as in the past, the power of the senator has been blown up, and if one is really going to die, it is inevitable that some political faction in the senate made a fuss Great opportunity for an article.

"It's not a small price to lose a 901 gunboat." Ma Qianzhu said with a blank face, "Fortunately, the spoils are very rich."

"I'm afraid someone is going to go online again." Qian Shuiting had mixed feelings in his mind—this action was proposed by him, and Zhou Weisen was in the formation, so it can be said that it is closely related to his interests.Having just experienced the joy of a complete victory, and now receiving the news of the total loss of a gunboat, it is like riding a roller coaster—fortunately, Zhou Weisen and his wife are safe and sound.

Chen Haiyang said: "Although it is a pity to lose a gunboat, since it is an operation, there is a possibility of loss." He stood up and said, "Actually, I think this loss is inevitable based on our technical conditions. It should be put on the line. It is even more necessary to oppose this kind of unhealthy trend that has to be used to make troubles! If you really want to avoid the typhoon, then the navy should not go to sea in summer and autumn. This robbery operation itself is risky If the typhoon comes before the Spanish ship is caught, then all the guys in the Senate who voted for this action will all be pulled out to criticize? Which navigating country in history was not beaten in the wind and waves, and who was bad? There are a lot of ships lost in the weather, this is an inevitable fate. No one wants to see the naval merchant fleet of the Senate become a duck in a flower pond in a greenhouse?!"

Chen Haiyang seldom gave such an excited tirade. Obviously, he has long disliked the current "evil tendencies", so he took this opportunity to explode.

Wen Desi said: "I also think that this matter is beyond the scope of the line. The loss of a ship is just a few natives who died. We can rebuild the ship and re-train the people. We are people who want to do big things. How can we So timid? I worry about my pots and pans all day long." He waved his arm, "I hate certain comrades the most. Whenever something happens, I immediately think of hearings and committees. It seems that this is why he exists. value."

With these few words, the executive committee has unified their thinking.

This morning, the relevant units received telegrams.Haitian immediately ordered to cancel the vacation, and all boarded the ship, ready to set sail.Captain Li Ziping, who was on vacation in Hong Kong, was also reassigned to serve as interim acting captain.

Bei Wei, who was training on the Kowloon Peninsula, was urgently recalled to report to Li Di's small team for boarding.By the time Beiwei's team rushed back to the base to board the ship, another day had passed.Li Ziping anxiously urged him to set off immediately.On the same day, Lu Yang, the captain of the Daishuang, received a telegram instructing him to return at full speed and there was no need to return for rescue.

Haitian set foot on the southward channel.At this time, the typhoon had turned to the northeast, and they were able to go south quickly by taking advantage of the northwest wind behind the typhoon.However, in accordance with the executive committee's strict order that winds above level six must be sheltered from the wind, they were forced to delay a day in the Babuyan Islands.

When they sailed again on the channel they had sailed less than a month ago, there was a light southeasterly wind again, and the sky was still blue with a few streaks of cirrus clouds, and everything seemed to be the same as before.Haitian traveled all the way south along the coast of the Philippines to the location of the sheltered camp reported in Feiyun's last telegram: the west coast of the North Cape of Samar Island.

"Zhou, Lingao called back!" Mendoza happily climbed off the Feiyun, waving a note, "They have already sent a boat to pick us up!"

"Great." Zhou Weisen was grilling fish and lobsters from the coral reef with the barbecue grill on the Feiyun.In the past few days, they have been waiting desperately for rescue to arrive.Although the life of Robinson here is not too difficult: after all, it is not cold here.Natural resources are also very rich.Relying on my own dry food and the food collected from the sunken ship, as well as the fish and shrimp caught from the sea, and the coconuts picked from the tree, I can not only eat enough every day, but also have a good color.But after getting used to the life of rigorous planning and logistical support, this kind of unresolved and uneasy life is really hard.

In order to maintain discipline and eliminate boredom, the sailors and sailors who went ashore continued to conduct normal drills every day, and the special investigation team also conducted some short-distance field investigations.The whole investigation has not yielded much. There are no Spanish strongholds in this area, and there are not many indigenous people. There are only a few small fishing villages nearby.On the contrary, the mosquitoes here are large and numerous, which makes people daunting, and the thought of malaria and yellow fever makes people feel chills.Fortunately, the camp is close to the sea, so there are very few mosquitoes.But the frequent torrential rains are also a headache, and the humidity combined with the scorching tropical sun make it swelteringly hot here.Mendoza often walked around the camp wearing only a three-point swimsuit and a straw hat—this three-point swimsuit was the only clothing she wore when she was kidnapped by Zhou Weisen and boarded the boat. After three years of use, it was inevitably torn Several small holes were opened, which attracted more and more scorching gazes.Zhou Weisen had to remind her to pay attention to the influence.So Miss Mendoza wove herself a grass skirt out of coconut leaves.

"It's good to go back, but we must be dragged to a criticism meeting." Lin Chuanqing said with a smile.

"This is something that can't be helped, there must be an explanation." Zhou Weisen was also troubled by this matter, "Old Lin, but I just listen to you..."

"Don't mention this again," Lin Chuanqing was a heavy smoker, but he had no cigarettes now, so he could only chew a branch, "But I am responsible for destroying the ship."

"Typhoon is force majeure, what responsibility do you have?"

"Let's put it this way, for a 'big ship' like 901, after encountering a storm, you should go to the open sea as much as possible, otherwise it is easy for the big waves to hit the shore or the reef." Lin Chuanqing said, "This is what happened to the Nongchao."

"But usually when a typhoon comes, don't you call the boat back to Hong Kong to avoid the wind?"

"That's a port, and we're just an open anchorage here." Lin Chuanqing said, "It's called protecting the people but not the ship. If it's a civilian ship, it's absolutely fine, but for a warship, if I get serious, I can go to a military court. gone."

"Damn, which bastard dares to say that the life value of a senator is lower than that of a warship?" Zhou Weisen sneered, "I think this sentence can make him permanently unable to turn over in the Senate!"

Lin Chuanqing didn't think about this, but this wonderful elders' collegiate system. If he was the full-fledged commander, he could return to the voyage in time.There is no need to do such inexplicable things.

Several days passed like this. In the early morning of July 7, the sailors who were watching and guarding found a sailboat sailing along the strait.

"There is a situation!" Lin Chuanqing and Zhou Weisen quickly picked up the binoculars and climbed up to the temporary lookout after a few strokes.

Through the telescope, it can be clearly seen that this is a smaller Galenic ship.The ship also seemed to have been baptized by the typhoon, the deck was tattered, and two masts had been lost, and it was barely sailing with one mast, which seemed very clumsy—although the wind was down, the speed was less than [-] knots.

"San Raimundo!" Zhou Weisen shouted excitedly.

"how do you know?"

"Who else but it!" Zhou Weisen said, "Look at its appearance, it is obviously baptized by the storm. The timing is also right!"

"It makes sense, the Castilian king's flag, the draft is very heavy! That's it!"

The two looked at each other, and sparks suddenly burst out - if the San Raimundo can be taken down, the negative impact of losing a gunboat can be greatly reduced.

But how to catch this big fish will be troublesome. They have no 901 gunboat—of course, the Feiyun is enough to catch up with San Ruimondo. The problem is that the Feiyun has no heavy firepower and cannot suppress the enemy. However, they have all heard of the common tactics used by pirates: quickly approach from the stern, and then jump to help.However, Feiyun's freeboard is very low, and it is impossible to quickly send troops to the deck for gang battles.As for the release of chlorine gas-the tank of chlorine gas was removed in advance, but now I have lost the technical means to use it.

"It's really helpless." The two of them thought about it for a long time, but they still couldn't find a solution.During the period, Zhou Weisen suggested that Mendoza be used as a bait to disguise the Feiyun as a ship in distress-this is also a common method used by pirates.But there is no camouflage material at hand-the difference between the Feiyun and the ships in this time and space is too great.

The San Remondo sailed slowly under their noses for several hours. Zhou Weisen calculated that the San Remondo was less than ten nautical miles away from his camp. With the sails, he caught up steadily.

If I had known earlier, I would have brought the anti-tank missile.he thought regretfully.Machine guns alone cannot do serious damage to this type of Galen.

"If only this ship could run aground..."

"Being grounded is not the same thing," Lin Chuanqing said. "It is necessary to wade from the shore to the ship, and the Spaniards can easily fire at us—and we have to climb the freeboard."

"At least you can sneak attack at night."

"Night attack—" Lin Chuanqing stroked his hair again, "Actually, at its current speed, it is no different from being stranded...Does the special investigation team have night vision goggles?"

"A few pairs," Zhou Weisen understood, "enough." He looked at the sky, "but the weather is so good that the visibility on the sea at night may not be bad."

(End of this chapter)

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