Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1218 The whereabouts of Jin Wushun

Chapter 1218 The whereabouts of Jin Wushun
"The next step is to get out of here quickly," Mendoza warned. "The old Australian who bid to buy you hates white people very much. He won't let it go."

"Of course, I want to go to Manila right away!" Marina said hastily, "But I don't have money, and I don't know how to go..."

"Let Mr. Lando take you there." Mendoza sighed, "Because Mr. Lando bought you, he can't stay here any longer."

Marina felt a little guilty, and whispered: "Thank you so much."

"Where, it's my honor to restore the innocence of a Spanish noblewoman." Mr. Lando said, twisting his mustache, "I'm tired of staying here too. It's time to change places. If this is the case, we will leave in a week—— There is a Chinese merchant ship going to Manila."

"What about my two maids?"

Miss Mendoza lowered her head and said sadly:
"They were sold a few days ago. Mrs. Tolosa sold to an Australian aristocrat to be a Spanish tutor, and the two maids probably sold to an Australian aristocrat."

"Can you redeem the maid? I will pay together when I arrive in Manila."

"I'm afraid it's hard," said Miss Mendoza. "Australians like white slave girls."

Knowing that Mendoza was right, Marina secretly planned to try to redeem them later.It was important for her to escape from this terrible place first - she wished she could escape with wings.

"This noble lady still has a bit of conscience. She can still think of her maid." Across the wall, Li Yan, the head of the Daming Department of the Intelligence Bureau, who was listening to their conversation in the dark room, commented.

The "temporary apartment" that Lando stayed in was exactly a luxury suite in the Dongmen City Commercial Building equipped with a full set of monitoring facilities and a monitoring room.Under the planning of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Lando's Manila infiltration plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

"You don't understand this. This young lady is going to marry a stranger thousands of miles away. The dowry maid is equivalent to her relatives. How can she not pay attention? Besides, there is a Mrs. Tolosa?" Jiang Shan drank mint-flavored marble soda, listened carefully to their conversation, and said with a smile.

"She missed it on purpose?"

"Maybe." Wang Ding said, "Elite always thinks they are talented and noble, and others are nothing more than worthless. Mrs. Tolosa is obviously not a person to please her."

"Where's Mrs. Tolosa?" Li Yan asked, "Someone really bought her to be a tutor?"

"Of course she is still in the quarantine camp, under the management of the general office." Jiang Shan seemed to be evaluating the latest soda, and said playfully, "Mrs. Tolosa is just dressed like an old woman."

"Miss Mendoza and Lando are really two talented actors." Li Yan was full of praise, "I know Lando, but I didn't expect Miss Mendoza to be professional enough. It's really true."

"She's not acting, she's showing her true feelings." A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Shan's mouth, "It's true when it's fake, and it's also fake. Miss Mendoza is in this realm now—but it's okay, so the credibility is high. .”

"With this chick leading the way, Lando's work will be much easier." Although Li Yan is the head of the Daming Department, his actual work is independent of each other. He also contributed a lot to the plan to infiltrate Manila, " But I have to calm down Xiao Bailang."

"He's making trouble on purpose." Jiang Shan said dissatisfied, "I've clearly informed them about this matter: bidding for this Spanish chick can only be done in moderation..."

"I think it's a good thing. Now it's a fake show. The effect is so good! It's like making a movie!" Wang Ding was very proud.The idea of ​​getting Marina to bid was his.

"The next step is up to Lando." Jiang Shan said, "Let's see what secrets the Spaniards in Manila have."

When Shi Yanren returned from the auction site to his office in the General Hospital, he lit a cigar.On the table are the medical examination books of these female slaves just delivered, several thick volumes—he decided to read them again in a few days, this thing gave him a headache, and he will have to train a few graduate students to help him read this kind of books in the future. Stuff, speaking of it, there was a letter from Vest asking him to promise to take Guo Fu as a graduate student.

"Graduate student! Your Guo Fu level is swollen, that is, the level of a technical secondary school student—you have to be a crash course!" Although Dean Shi thought so in his heart, he also knew that Guo Fu, among the naturalized medical staff, was also Can enter the top five.If you don't train her, there is no one to train.

The atmosphere at the auction site made him see the "ambition" of the veterans, which made him worried about the future work of maternal and child health care in Lingao General Hospital.He opened the latest sperm motility sampling test form for veterans, and the overall sperm motility increased by several percentage points compared with the previous quarter.

According to this speed, it won't take long for the sperm motility of the elders to return to normal. Considering that most of the elders are young, a few are in their prime, and they live an extremely healthy life after D-Day, so the sperm quality must be higher than that of the elders. The old time and space are better, and they have high hormone levels, strong sex, maids are close to full coverage, and the second baby boom will come faster and stronger than the first.

He clearly remembered the number on the "Registration Book of Veterans' Children": 51, and there were 35 pregnant women registered.With so many children and pregnant women, the general hospital is already overwhelmed with maternal and child health care alone—not to mention that the maternal and child health care department also has external outpatient services and deliveries: prenatal checkups and delivery at the hospital are very manpower-intensive of.

No matter how he calculates, he also feels that there are not enough medical staff currently being trained, and the scale of enrollment must be expanded.

"It's really nerve-wracking." Dean Shi couldn't help sighing when he thought that he had to go to the Planning Institute to ask for additional funds and personnel. It seems that Deng Bojun's Guangzhou income-generating plan is still necessary: ​​at least This piece can be paid for by itself.Don't ask for everything.

While thinking about it, a nurse knocked on the door: "Doctor Ning invites you to consult."

"Where is the patient?" Shi Yanren asked.

"It was sent from Jeju Island, an intensive care patient in the burn department."

"I know, I'll go right away."

The patient Shi Yanren was going to consult was Jin Wushun.Feng Zongze was determined to save her life. After hearing about this deed, the executive committee also instructed the General Hospital to try to save her life and let her live as a banner and a benchmark.

With the instructions of the executive committee, all aspects naturally spared no expense.At that time, a 901 gunboat was specially launched from Hong Kong and headed for Jeju Island at full speed.The ship was equipped with medical staff and necessary medical equipment - among them was Tranquility Hai, a veteran doctor. He was going to Taiwan for a medical tour, but this time he was also sent directly to Jeju Island.

After the ship arrived at Jeju Island, Jin Wushun was sent to the ship as quickly as possible. Under the guidance of personnel from Lingao General Hospital, a special isolation ward was placed on the ship and strict disinfection work was carried out.In the next few weeks of the voyage, the medical staff will be here to take care of the hero of the Senate, so that her condition can be balanced, and she can reach Lingao safely, and receive the treatment from the head of Australia, just like a fairy.

According to Tranquility Sea's diagnosis, although Jin Wushun's burn was a second-degree burn, it did not hurt the tendon.However, according to the knowledge she gained while studying in Dr. Ning's medical school, her wound tissue still has the possibility of further necrosis and aggravation.Now, although Jin Wushun does not need to rush to consider skin grafting or skin flap repair—of course, the only place where this kind of treatment is available in this time and space is Lingao General Hospital, and it is impossible to perform surgery in Jeju—but during the long journey, Jin Wushun still needs it. Persist in debridement and dressing changes, and perform skin grafting after fresh granulation tissue grows.

Although Jin Wushun's burned skin has been excised by Feng Zongze, theoretically new skin can grow out by itself.But anyone with a little medical knowledge knows that Jin Wushun needs a protective umbrella to replace the original skin, which is wide open to various pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, Tranquility Sea formulated a plan to use specially treated deep-sea fish skin for xenogeneic skin transplantation to protect the wound surface before departure.With the growth of Jin Wushun's new skin tissue, the allogeneic skin that has completed its historical mission will automatically fall off.

In the 70s when medical science was underdeveloped, using animal skin to rescue burn patients was once a technique widely used in burn departments.In the new country under the leadership of the Senate, the safety production of various industries is not reliable according to the standards of the old time and space, and various accidents emerge in endlessly.In order to rescue workers who were burnt and scalded due to various industrial accidents, the elders picked up this method again due to limited conditions.The medical equipment factory of the Ministry of Health uses the skin of fresh large deep-sea fish, which is descaled, disinfected, soaked, and then placed in glutaraldehyde for sterilization and leather tanning to remove antigenicity.Then store it in the cold storage, and then take it out and cut it according to the situation.For this reason, the bottom warehouse of the ship is specially filled with ice cubes taken from the cold storage in Hong Kong as ballast to refrigerate the fish skin.

The 901 gunboat set sail, and the test for the rescue team began.According to Tranquility Sea’s viewpoint on burn treatment in medical textbooks: After severe burns, patients have to go through three levels: shock level, infection level and skin grafting level.In the first two or three days after the burn, it is very critical to get through the shock level safely.Because a large amount of body fluids (including protein and water) flow from the wound after burns.

This level, Jin Wushun has passed through Jeju Island safely under Feng Zongze's use of private goods and meticulous care.In those days, in addition to closely observing her blood pressure, pulse, and respiration, regarding fluid replacement, the elders and the naive local naturalized health workers, based on their simple physiological knowledge, advocated breaking the routine and appropriately transfusing more blood.

(End of this chapter)

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