Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1219 Do your best

Chapter 1219 Do your best
For this purpose, 1 "blood cows" were specially found. They have the same blood type as Jin Wushun, and they will be responsible for providing Jin Wushun with plasma to maintain normal blood volume before arriving in Lingao.Plasma and normal saline were injected into Jin Wushun's body through an intravenous infusion line opened by Tranquility Hai himself.The medical staff carefully flushes this lifeline with precious [-]% heparin to prevent thrombosis.

It can only be explained as luck. A week later, when the ship arrived at Lingao, granulation tissue had gradually appeared on Jin Wushun's wound.As soon as she landed, she was immediately transported to Bairen General Hospital by the prepared transfer force.

At the beginning of the design of Bairen General Hospital, no special burn ward was considered.When a severely scalded patient caused by a safety production accident and a boiler worker injured by a boiler became the first patient to be sent here alive, the hospital temporarily appropriated a relatively free and well-designed hospital for the convenience of treatment. Infectious wards that take into account the separation of clean and dirty.Change it to a burn isolation unit.This has also become an experience for the nascent medical profession.

Afterwards, more and more burn patients were treated here. At the peak, there were double-digit burn and scald patients being treated here.As a result, the ward of the burn department had to be specially expanded.Even without considering the factors of political propaganda, the naturalized people who can work in factories are the precious wealth of the crossing country, and all their work-related injury medical treatment is under the responsibility of the Senate.So, for a while, Comrade Ma Qianzhu looked at the bill from the Ministry of Health transferred from Wudaokou, and he couldn't hold back his face.

After Jin Wushun was admitted to the ward, Tranquility still felt that the situation was not optimistic.Antibiotics, bacteriophages, polymyxins on the journey...the medicines carried on the 901 were engaged in a tug-of-war with Jin Wushun's high fever and sepsis caused by infection during the journey.However, around the second week after Jin Wushun arrived in Lingao, although the dead skin on the burned part had almost fallen off, her sepsis still recurred.Laboratory tests show that Jin Wushun may become the first naturalized citizen to develop antibiotic resistance in this time and space.

At this time, Jin Wushun's general condition is relatively stable.After the consultation, the veteran doctor knew that although Jin Wushun had missed the opportunity of the early skin grafting operation, but the early application of skin grafting technology to cover the wound could cut off the source of sepsis and Jin Wushun could regain his life.

However, on the issue of how to proceed with the next step of treatment, a few senior doctors in Lingao General Hospital had a dispute.During the last consultation, Shi Yanren pointed out: Jin Wushun's hands were seriously injured, especially the left hand was very serious, and it was difficult to heal for a while. Therefore, the sepsis probably originated from the left hand, which should be amputated.However, Tranquility believes that although her left hand has a serious infection, the infection on her left hand is only part of it, and the degree of infection in her hand is not very serious, and it is limited to her upper limbs. Finally, blaming the left hand for systemic sepsis is not well founded.

The debate between the two sides on this issue continued for several days, and the consultation has not yet come to a clear treatment plan.Therefore, for the time being, continue to carry out targeted treatment only for sepsis.Fortunately, the drug resistance of various microorganisms in this time and space is not yet common, and they bring a wide variety of strains and antibiotics, and there are many alternative antibiotics for treatment—and the Planning Institute has issued a notice that many old The antibiotics brought by time and space are close to the shelf life, and are no longer included in the list of first-level control and control, which is enough to add more means of treatment.

When Shi Yanren put on the isolation gown and came to the ward, Tranquility Hai and several senior doctors arrived.

Jin Wushun was sleeping on the hospital bed with his arms wrapped in bandages.The intravenous infusion is continuously injecting normal saline, glucose and antibiotics into her blood vessels.Her face was a whole circle smaller, yellow and thin.But he seems to be in good spirits.

"Beast... long... good." Seeing the doctor come in, Jin Wushun raised his head again and said hello in her still not standard Mandarin.

"You're welcome. Just call me a doctor." Dean Shi thought to himself, can't your Mandarin be more standard? "how do you feel today?"

This is a customary cliche, but it must be asked.

Although Jin Wushun's pronunciation is not very good, he can understand simple conversations.

"I... well... it doesn't matter." She tried to smile and said.

Shi Yanren nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand in the air, and a nurse immediately sent Jin Wushun's medical records to his hand.He looked through the medical records of the last few days: the patient's sepsis condition has improved, which shows that the targeted treatment in the previous stage is effective.

"Is the situation okay?"

"So I don't think amputation is necessary, and skin grafting should be started immediately to seal the wound as soon as possible and cut off the source of infection," Tranquility said.

"Okay, just follow your treatment plan." Shi Yanren was having a headache, and didn't care much about it anymore.He thought it was all right, he was very clear about Tranquility Sea's thoughts, that preserving a healthy hero would better reflect the greatness and omnipotence of the Senate than preserving a disabled hero.As for himself, he more hoped to save the poor girl's life.

"As for the skin grafting operation, I plan to use a skin flap from the patient's dorsal interosseous artery of the forearm, and then transplant it to the wound," said Tranquility. I'm afraid I can't afford too many surgeries."

Shi Niaoren knew that according to the general treatment method, abdominal skin flap transplantation is used.However, in this case, the number of operations is high, and the skin flap needs to be thinned.That's why Tranquility Sea thought of another way.

"However, if she does this, she will leave an unsightly scar on her forearm, which may affect the functional movement of the arm joint. She will have to do scar release surgery and physical therapy. The recovery time is very long, and I am afraid it will not be possible to fully recover. function." Shi Youren said.

"These operations have to be done sooner or later. It's better to do it later. We can use this case to train a few physical therapists. Besides, time is not a problem. In one year or two, we must let her recover!" Tranquility continued to insist on her own opinion , "I have studied hand and foot surgery in a higher-level hospital, and have done similar operations. I can bring naturalized civilian doctors."

Shi Yanren said: "Since this is the case, follow your plan." Then he nodded to Jin Wushun: "Don't worry, we will definitely cure you."

"Take it easy, beast palm." Jin Wushun continued to smile back.

He had heard about this girl's deeds and knew that she had never cried out for pain or suffering once in the hospital, so he admired her very much in his heart.

Now that the treatment plan has been decided, there is no need for him to ask more questions about the next step.Skin grafting is not a high-tech technique. I think Dr. Doing it when he was doing surgery in domestic hospitals. It is not difficult, and the cost is only a few hundred yuan.The biggest difficulty in treating burns is anti-infection.Shi Yanren thought, Jin Wushun's treatment is just the beginning.

He changed his isolation gown and went back to his office. Looking at the reproductive report of the elder and the physical examination report of the female slave on the table, he felt that it was necessary to talk to Ai Beibei.

But Ai Beibei is busy now.

The third outpatient department of Bairen General Hospital—"Mother and Child Center" for short—now occupies a newly built three-story building.The Reproductive Department, Obstetrics Department, and Neonatal Department of Bairen General Hospital are concentrated here. Of course, these departments only exist on documents and signs. Only Ai Beibei can be called a doctor, and she is neither an obstetrician nor a pediatrician. Professionalism, and lack of research on reproduction.It is all supported by the foundation accumulated when I was studying books in medical university and doing odd jobs in the hospital.

Because the implementation of prenatal checkups and hospital delivery has achieved remarkable results: both maternal and newborn mortality rates have dropped significantly, making this policy quickly popularized in Lingao. Not only the families of naturalized migrant workers do this, but ordinary The naturalized families of many have also begun to accept this practice.Of course, it’s okay not to accept it: in Lingao, the traditional “Wan Po” delivery has been completely banned. If Wen Po doesn’t attend the study class to re-learn and formally join the health system as a midwife, she will have to quit her job.If she continued to deliver babies in private, she would be taken away and sent to Fu Youdi to "reform her mind".

As a result of such a gratifying situation, the workload of the Mother and Child Center has skyrocketed.The first and second floors are crowded with pregnant women and accompanying family members, and the obstetrics department is on the third floor.No one can say what time of the day it will be quiet there.

Now, Ai Beibei and two other naturalized midwives are cleaning their hands.He suddenly thought: I hate it, why do people who give birth always like to join in the fun?If you don't give birth, you won't give birth. Life is a batch of births.Sometimes, for a few hours or even a few days, the work is very orderly and calmly delivered one by one.Sometimes all of a sudden six women are going to give birth at the same time, and the chaos is turned upside down.That's it for now.
And these six women are all "maids", Ai Beibei sighed silently, poor woman!It stands to reason that she should personally guide the delivery of the elder's child, but now she can't take care of it at all-not to mention herself, even the naturalized midwives she personally trained are not enough.

She originally thought that accepting Wenpo could fill the gap of some midwives, but she was immediately disappointed.Lingao is a small place, and there are only two "professional" Wenpos, and some of them are not "Wenpos", but the women who deliver babies on weekdays don't even have the most basic knowledge of midwifery and midwifery. It is the kind that boils hot water and cuts off the umbilical cord. In case of dystocia, you can only burn incense and drink incense ash water - there is no training value at all.Therefore, she had to draw a few people from the already tight nurse resources to study midwifery courses.

(End of this chapter)

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