Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1232 Man

Chapter 1232 Man
This ultra-idealistic patriarch has been living a Puritan-like life. In addition to completing various tasks in the construction company, he just smears every day in his dormitory and practices his painting skills hard.Because oil paints were not self-produced, it was difficult to buy oil paints and brushes at that time in Macao.He can only practice sketching and sketching with carbon sticks.He painted all the buildings with a little history in Lingao City and outside the city.In and outside the city, you can often see Qi Yuan holding a sketchbook standing on top of the smoky vines or ruins, waving at a dilapidated building.From time to time, he could be seen crawling around on dilapidated ancient buildings, so Qi Feng got the nickname "Liang Sicheng of Lingao" in the Senate - he always regretted that he was not accompanied by Lin Huiyin.

Although the paintings are all ancient Chinese buildings, for him, Florence and Venice are the places he yearns for - of course Vienna, Paris, Edinburgh, Nuremberg and Kyoto are also.It's just that the future imperial city will be more perfect and more individual than those.He was never seen in the various political salons of the senators.

Like Ji Runzhi, he often draws sketches of future imperial cities: from details such as a porch cornice to the outline of the entire city, he wants to draw it himself.It's just that the construction company has never given him a chance to realize his ideal.After Ji Runzhi went to Sanya, he served as a guest planner, but the actual work has always been to paint the road, not as good as a structural engineer.

The arrival of Trini made the biggest change in his focus of work—because he speaks Italian and has an art background, acting as a translator for Trini, training the next generation of art talents has become his main task.

As an avid follower of the "Western Art Church", Italy is his Jerusalem, so he chose Italian as his second foreign language at the beginning, hoping to go on a pilgrimage one day.Now a real Italian painter came—so Qi Feng became a good friend of Trini, discussing art issues together almost every day, and he also learned the production of oil painting equipment and many traditions from this Italian technique.

Qi Feng found that Trini's oil painting skills were much better than those of the awesome university professors when he was studying.It's no wonder that when the art world talks about European traditional oil painting, it is highly respected. The skills of such an unknown person are beyond his reach, let alone a painter who can wear the title of master.

Of course, Qi Feng also imparted a lot of new ideas to the Italians, and the friendship between the two deepened day by day, and Qi Feng also gradually reformed the "bad habits" of many Italians - such as the hygienic habits of bathing and short haircuts.

Mei Wan is very happy to kick this planner, who never compromises on any issues related to aesthetics, to the beach to discuss art with his good friends, and by the way, to be responsible for designing and supervising the construction of the commercial area—Qi Feng himself is of course even happier .In his view, the Bauhaus school in Laigao had gone crazy when it applied the artistic concept of this school.

Qi Feng is tall, with handsome features. He has dark skin and strong muscles after working on the construction site for several years.Li Huamei couldn't help but feel an inexplicable heartbeat.

After seeing the ceremony, they all sat down. There were very few female guests here in Trini, so the students were asked to collect the painting tools and leave.I personally went to make black tea and brought it for company—this Italian hated the dirty Dutch servant who didn't want to take a bath now, don't want it.If he didn't know that the other party was sent by the company to monitor him, he would have fired the Dutchman and kicked him out of the house. In Lingao, he could hire cleaner and more capable servants through the Ministry of Colonization and Trade.

Trini had been frowning—since he was fooled by Mendoza out of the chivalrous spirit of a gentleman, and in order to redeem a "noble Spanish aristocratic woman", he carried a usury loan with an annual interest rate of 66%.The worst thing was that the last honor was stolen by a Sir Lando who appeared out of nowhere—it is said that he was also an Italian.

However, the elders who lent money to him rejected his request for immediate repayment without interest: if he borrowed it, he would have to calculate the interest-even if he repaid the loan immediately, he would have to pay one year's interest.As a result, all Trini's savings were wiped out.

He spent all his savings and got nothing.This made him very depressed.Fortunately, the Senate still valued his craftsmanship—orders kept coming, so he had to work harder to serve the Senate.

Qi Feng expressed deep sympathy for Trini, and in order to further reduce his burden and let him strive to earn more money, he brought Trini into the project team of the newly established commercial development zone—responsible for drawing renderings and building exterior design, in addition to being responsible for many interior and exterior decoration projects.

Poor Mr. Trini worked day and night, at least fourteen hours a day, with as much work as many senators.Fortunately, he has a bunch of students that he can drive and exploit. In order to exploit the students to a greater extent, he naturally has to teach his skills.

His studio has been enlarged, and the useless reception room has been dismantled—the internal structure of this prefabricated wooden structure house designed by Zhang Xingpei is very convenient to modify—and more workbenches and easels have been arranged in the enlarged studio , sculpture table and so on.There were more than forty Guihuamin students who followed him.

The place where they sat and chatted was in the corner of the studio, which was arranged by Qi Feng, and it was specially used for meeting guests and discussing art.The floor is one floor higher than the ground, bamboo railings, combined rattan sofa, floor-to-ceiling glass bay windows facing the small green courtyard, green potted plants scattered around, and two watercolor paintings on the wall , all appear to be full of literary and artistic style.

Qi Feng and Trini often talk about art issues here, and Mr. Trini is very puzzled by Qi Feng's proficiency in Italian art history-even he, an Italian, doesn't know so comprehensively.He has all the genres, inheritance, works and even characteristics of Italian artists since the Renaissance. Among them, Trini has never seen the works of many artists, but this Australian knows everything, which is simply staggering.

"Old Qi Yuan is building in the area of ​​the commercial hall now, and I appreciate his outstanding works today." Although Trini's Mandarin has a strange accent and strange grammar, it has reached the point where people can understand it anyway.

"I would like to ask you to give me more advice." Most of the elders are usually very modest, even a guy like Skaide who regards human life as nothing.

"Miss Li also came to give pointers."

"I... little girl, how can I's... so beautiful! Outside... so many houses outside are all drawn by the chief...the chief, you are so... so amazing," the words behind are brains Li said, "Oh, why am I wearing such rags and rags? I'm about to die, I'm ashamed to see others, the Holy Mother is on top, Mazu is on top, just a thunderbolt will strike me."

"Don't call me Chief, it's too polite." Qi Feng said with a smile on his face, "Just call me by my name."

"Qi...Feng..." Li Huamei thought it was very coy to call it that.

Li Huamei's girlish heart finally wavered.Ever since my sister ran away with a stupid man who was said to look like a monkfish, I didn’t have a good impression of men. When I was 17 years old, I followed my lady and a member of the Macau Municipal Council to socialize. His two front teeth were broken. If Li Siya hadn't appeared in time, that guy's little brother would have been gone long ago.Later, Li Siya made a solid fortune because of this matter.And besides being ashamed, he became more and more disgusted with men.

Li Huamei is not a muscular sister-in-law, she looks a little slender, but she was trained as a young lady's personal bodyguard since she was a child, and has received strict training in Eastern and Western martial arts. However, few pirates from the Li family could get close.As a result, all the men who knew her stayed away from her. Li Siya was not willing to marry this naughty girl out of selfishness, and now she became an older leftover girl.

For so many years, she has been in trouble, escaped from death several times, and has become more and more indifferent to emotional issues.However, the fully mature body kept sending the most primitive instinct signals to her brain.

"This is the best black tea——produced by the Assam Tea Garden of Nanhai Farm. It is a special offering for the elders. You can't buy it outside. Try it."

A smile appeared on the corner of Qi Feng's mouth, the smile was like a ray of sunshine in early summer, penetrating into the girl's heart, it was warm and brought a hot feeling.

Li Huamei only felt that her throat was slightly dry, and she couldn't help pulling down the hem of her skirt.Picked up the teacup.

The mug is finely colored floral bone china with a crystal clear finish.Li Huamei had seen it in Macau and knew that it was the best porcelain made by Australians, comparable to the best Ming porcelain.

She took a shallow sip of the bitter and fragrant tea—feeling that the aroma was quite peculiar and difficult to get used to, but she couldn't help but said: "Good tea." As she spoke, she glanced at him quietly again from behind the hair curtain.

Qi Feng is as stupid and innocent as all the heroines in girl comics, but he just thinks this legendary female pirate who is so powerful and attracts the young and strong faction of the navy is very interesting.Especially seeing her wearing the ill-fitting, fat, short and faded uniform of naturalized civilian workers, sitting there still swaying, I couldn't help but feel secretly funny.

After chatting for a few words, Qi Feng suddenly remembered that he should ask the female pirate to help him take a boat trip: the place is very close, the special wharf of Jiazi Coal Mine, which is a one-day voyage - he wants to go to Jiazi Coal Mine.

(End of this chapter)

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