Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1233 Sea Patrol

Chapter 1233 Sea Patrol

It stands to reason that Qi Feng is completely uninterested in places like coal mines—Student Qi likes traditional classicism, and he is not very interested in drawing pictures of the beauty of labor and the magnificence of industrialization of the working class.

Yuanying, who he wants to go to the coal mine, is currently presiding over the construction of a Mediterranean-style area and cannot find suitable materials.According to Qi Yuan’s idea, this house is a whole, the walls should be painted white, that’s easy to say, it’s also easy to say that there must be a gravel yard foundation and walls, and the doors and windows are ingeniously matched in blue and yellow, that’s even better.

Only his ideal red tiles can't be found anywhere in Lingao.The redness of Lingao firing is always not quite right, which is completely different from the color in his memory, and it always looks gray.He deliberately went to brick kilns and ceramic factories to find someone to try firing several times, but he couldn't get the color he wanted. Without bright red tiles, how could it catch the eye under the blue sky and green trees on the blue sea?However, it is impossible to import such things as tiles.

After scratching his head for a long time, Qi Feng went to the Central Laboratory of Heavy Industry—this laboratory is a large-scale laboratory that provides various chemical analyzes for the production of various enterprises in the heavy industry system—and asked them to analyze various raw materials for firing bricks and tiles. Element.After laboratory analysis, it was concluded that the Lingao area is a marine sedimentary stratum, without the high-iron quartz clay he wanted, and the rich calcium and magnesium ions in the clay layer would paint all the sintered products with a pale white layer. grey.Let the red brick not so good-looking.However, a similar clay mine came out of Jiazi Coal Mine.

With the efforts of Tang Menglong from the Jiazi Mining Bureau, the original Jiazi mining area was deeply developed to find more lignite suitable for coking.The lignite in Hainan is generally low-quality coal: high ash content, high gangue, low calorific value.The theoretical burial capacity of Changchang Coal Mine is 6721 million tons, but only about 900 million tons of real lignite can be called.The remaining 85% is called low calorific value fuel, that is, coal with a lot of gangue and gangue with a lot of coal.

At the beginning, in order to save transportation capacity, a coal washing plant was set up in Jiazi Mine, and a large amount of coal gangue left over from the washing was piled up in the mining area. After such a long time, several small hills have been accumulated.

The accumulation of these things has become a big trouble, and it takes up land, is prone to spontaneous combustion, and pollutes water sources.Mr. Tang went to the Planning Institute several times to complain about the pros and cons, and wanted to make comprehensive use of it.In the end, the Planning Institute approved him to build a brick factory locally.The Changchang and Changpo mining areas where the Jiazi Coal Mine is located both contain a large amount of mining clay, which can be used in grades [-], [-], and [-]. In addition, a large amount of coal gangue can be used as fuel and raw materials. It can be fired to high-performance refractory bricks and high-temperature crucibles.

Although there is a great demand for bricks and tiles in Lingao construction, it is limited by the transportation capacity.The quantity of bricks and tiles shipped from Jiazi Coal Mine to Lingao is not large. Except for some refractory bricks and special-shaped refractory ceramics at the industrial port, they are mainly supplied to Qiongshan and Wenchang. Liu Xiang presided over the construction of farmland water conservancy in Qiongshan became the main consumer.

Mr. Tang also burned a lot of large and small utensils and handicrafts and sent them to Lingao to sell to the construction industry, industry, and foreign trade departments.There are quite a few Tang's flower pots in the big library, Mr. Qi Yuan asked the native staff to come over and wash them with water... Well, that's it.

So the order was placed, the drawings were taken over, and the goods were also made, just waiting for the ship, but the ships returning from Jiazi Coal Mine were all loaded with coal, and there was also a small amount of tonnage loaded with grade gangue for burning cement, and there was nothing left. To install Class I refractory clay and refractory bricks, if Qi Yuanlao's Class III clay products are arranged as planned, it will take at least the second half of the year.

So Qi Feng shyly put forward his needs to the female pirate. In the end, he unconsciously stared at the female pirate's pupils with two big eyes. As for the feet, Mr. Mei Lang said that the mountains of swords and fires are going to rush up. Qi Feng kept explaining that he didn't have much money to pay for the high freight BLU BLU BLU, Li Huamei just kept showing his loyalty: "Oh, I also want to go to Qiongshan Mansion to see You see... the little girl's subordinates still need to be trained...they don't know how to sail in shallow seas, they need to practice...Thanks to Qi...Chief Qi looks up to them..." It's just short of singing "Ten Niang, I have a treasure chest".It never occurred to her that her Hangzhou ship would not be able to enter Nandu River at all.But in fact, it's just to move some tiles. There are so many strong donkey-like yellow and white-haired ghosts in hand. The big deal is to use a small boat to move more times.

But then Qi Feng mentioned the word "Navy", which made her suddenly think that she still has a task tomorrow - she has to go to Kaohsiung to deliver goods.

Now Li Huamei couldn't help being extremely reluctant. According to her past temper, she would have pushed this matter back a long time ago, but when she thought of the heavy responsibility of being an undercover agent on her shoulders and the whereabouts of her sister, she eagerly wanted to help Qi Feng. It suddenly cooled down.

"No, um, my lord... No, Chief, it's fine to take you there. But I'm going to Kaohsiung later, or... Chief, wait for my boat to come back in Qiongshan..."

"Oh, you're going to Kaohsiung, so don't worry about it. I mainly want to bring back more bricks and tiles. It's a pity." Qi Feng rubbed his hands and said regretfully.

"Ah, I will take you there as soon as I come back from Kaohsiung..."

After that, I don't know what I said. Due to the random collision of the deer caused by the unexpected encounter, Li Huamei didn't exchange the gold coins, so I had to come back and talk about it.Along the way, he was still scolding himself for being worthless, and he couldn't even say a whole sentence.

A single-masted patrol boat is sailing at full sail in the Outer Lingding Ocean near Hong Kong.

Although the tonnage of this brisk dhow is not large, it is fast and has a flexible course. With a cannon fired far and hard on the deck, and two typewriters, it can walk sideways along the coast of the South China Sea. What's more, the flag of the Venus is flying on the ship - the flag of the current South China Sea hegemon

Zhao Zhulong—official name Zhulong—is standing behind the bridge, searching the sea with binoculars.His ship belongs to the coast guard stationed in Hong Kong, which is responsible for conducting round-the-clock patrols in the waters around Hong Kong to suppress all piracy and protect the safety of shipping routes and fishery production.

This task is very boring. Basically, it is to patrol along a certain route and check the suspicious ships encountered-especially those ships that do not hoist the Senate's navigation license flag and fishing flag.But for Zhao Zhulong, such a voyage is still easy.His legs and feet were a little bad, and he couldn't withstand years of sailing, so a job that allowed him to sleep peacefully at night as long as he went to sea during the day was very suitable for him.

Zhao Zhulong likes to be called Zhao Da by others, and he can be followed by "brother", but "yeah" is best, "bo" is also acceptable, and "uncle" is also reluctant.He especially doesn't like being called by his first name.

This rotten name was given to him by his father. Zhao Zhulong's father said: "The water in the pig cage is full of gold. We are fishers. If it doesn't enter the water, where will it go?"

Zhao Zhulong's father, Zhao Jinhai, died when Zhao Zhulong was 15 years old. In an unexpected storm, he didn't even return with his boat.

Zhao Zhulong's mother kept saying that his father's name was wrong, Jinhai Jinhai, that was entering the sea, and once entering the sea, how could he get out.

Zhao Zhulong lost his father at the age of 15, went to sea with his second uncle at the age of 16, and joined Jin Daxiong's sea gang.A year later, Jin Daxiong was killed on the spot by a gunfire while robbing a Fujian ship, and his gang also disbanded. Zhao Zhulong and a few good brothers who met each other joined Zhucai's big gang.

After more than ten years in the sea, he was born and died, and finally got a boat of his own, with no worries about food and clothing.Unexpectedly, Zhu Cailao was defeated in the first battle, and the gang collapsed.Zhao Zhulong followed his leader, followed Shi Shishi, and defected to the Australians in Lingao.

Like the bosses, Zhao Zhulong also cut his hair, changed his clothes, and entered the study class.After half a year of "political study", he actually got a Type C diploma, and was ridiculed by his former boss: "Zhao Zhulong, I can't see, you are still a seed for studying!"

Zhao Zhulong just smiled and didn't speak.He has been wandering at sea for many years, and one leg suffers from rheumatism and is a little lame.The purpose of studying is to stay on the shore. Didn’t Hu Jiumei Hu Boss wash her feet and go ashore?
But he still couldn't get ashore.The Australians saw that his legs and feet were not good, so they did not let him enter the navy, but put him on a cargo ship.Zhao Zhulong also changed his name to Zhao Zhulong, and was assigned a small boat to carry freight, so he naturally became a second lieutenant in the Navy Reserve.

At the beginning, I ran on the Linguang line for two years, and later joined Dabo Company as a captain, and continued to run regular freight routes along the coast.Later, the engine operation began, and the escort and security force needed a large-scale expansion. There were too few skilled sailors, and there was not even a qualified captain for a while.Zhao Zhulong had been a captain and had combat experience, so he was called back to active duty again.Because of his leg and foot problems, he was not suitable for long-term queue service. In order to take care of him, he was assigned to the Hong Kong Coast Guard, which has relatively easy tasks.

Zhao Zhulong was a little uncomfortable with this kind of sail boat at first, but he could basically master it after a month of training.The principle of watching the wind and sailing is still the same.

Today, it is still his patrol shift.Hong Kong just experienced a typhoon a few days ago. At this time, the sea is calm and the waves are less than 1 meter high. The patrol boat sails briskly and smoothly, and you can feel the turbulence of the waves.

Zhao Zhulong looked at the sea for a while and sat down again. His rheumatic legs felt more and more heavy. Although the general hospital had prescribed plasters several times, which could relieve the pain, it was not a problem if it continued like this. The idea is to go ashore.

But on the shore, what should I do?He has been living at sea since he was a child. Although retired personnel due to injuries and illnesses are assigned jobs as usual, their income is not as good as before. He has no wife yet...

Just thinking about it, the lookout post shouted: "There is a suspicious ship in front of the left!"

(End of this chapter)

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