Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1237 The Phantom of the Beginning of Spring

Chapter 1237 The Phantom of the Beginning of Spring
His eyes did not escape the sly Paul's.He thought: This is the best, this is the best.

"Then when will the goods I want be delivered?"

"It depends on how urgently you need it." Che Chidan said cunningly.

"You are such a greedy devil." Zheng Zhifeng laughed, "I will add [-]% of the expedited fee. According to the Spanish calendar: I will get all the orders on November [-]st, including those ammunition."

"If it doubles, I can promise to deliver it to you on time." Paul showed a bewitching smile like a businessman.

"Deal." Zheng Zhifeng nodded, "But only if your goods can satisfy me. I will pay—just like today."

Chezhidan sneered: "What I say, Paul, is valid at any time." He picked up the glass wine glass that had been prepared by the firepit, "Toast to our business."

The two drank it down.Zheng Zhifeng put down his glass and said, "You are very bold."

"I never do business with fools," said Paul. "Thank you for the wine—very nice, real rum."

"It's Australian wine." Zheng Zhifeng said, "Although one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. But I don't dislike them at all. They are a group of capable and smart people."

"Excuse me, are you planning to attack Dagou in November this year and start a war with the Australians?"

Zheng Zhifeng was silent for a moment: "You really want to know?"

"I don't care at all who you want to fight. But as a reward for your patronage: let me give you a little advice-as long as the Lichun ship exists, no matter how you plan, you will definitely lose."

"Even with the cannon you provided?"

"That's right. Even if equipped with the cannon I provided - as long as you fight in the open sea, this ship can seize positions at will, no matter how many ships you have, it won't help. Do you have any ship that can sail against the wind and the current at will? ?”

Zheng Zhifeng's face turned pale, this is not wrong at all.The Zheng family has been planning to attack Kaohsiung for a long time, but there is no good way to deal with that huge black ship. After planning for a long time, the only thing they think is feasible is to carry out a sneak attack. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Lichun to anchor in the harbor, they mobilize a large number of ships to block the harbor. Then attack with a fire attack ship.

"I guess your plan must be to use ship-to-sea tactics, block the mouth, and then attack with fire. Just like you did with the Dutch in Zhangzhou Bay in the past."

"It seems that you have a better method?" Zheng Zhifeng asked back.

"Okay, let's talk about a new deal." Mr. Paul began to sell like the best salesman, "Do you know how many black ships the Australians have that can sail without wind? ?”

"There are four or five ships in Dagou. Except for Lichun, the others are smaller."

"Well, to be honest, all the spies you sent should be hanged—let me tell you, there are at least eight other ships besides Lichun."

Zheng Zhifeng's hands trembled slightly.Nine black ships!This is so shocking.But he didn't doubt the other party's words: the Chichidan in front of him was a very powerful and exceptionally capable person, and he had heard many rumors about him among the Spaniards in Manila.Perhaps the rumors are exaggerated, but Paul's ability to collect and judge intelligence is extremely powerful, but it is well-known.

If the Australians really have nine black ships, even if they can use fire to attack the ships and burn Lichun and several others, the Australians can quickly retaliate.

Once they retaliated, the Zheng family's fleet would be powerless to resist.

"Tell me about your business." Zheng Zhifeng immediately realized that the person in front of him had something for sale.

"Okay. If, I'm just saying, if Lichun becomes yours..."

Zheng Zhifeng didn't say anything, but the disbelief that flashed across his face for a moment clearly felt that the idea was absurd.

However, when he thought about what it meant to own such an incomparably powerful ship, he showed greed again.

"...if Lichun is yours, with its size and firepower, it can at least fight against the smaller black ships that have survived. Then you have a chance of winning. Isn't it?"

Zheng Zhifeng shook her head: "It is said that the Australians have mastered the art of water and fire—that's why these smoky black ships can walk freely on the sea. But this is their secret, even if we get it, we can't use it. We still have to use sails. What's the point of that?"

"It means a lot: first, the Australians have lost the main force of their navy; second, even with sails, how many ships in the sea can counter its size and powerful firepower?"

Zheng Zhifeng was noncommittal, and seemed to be touched.

"Third, there is no need for you to worry about the water and fire technique." Paul had a mysterious smile on his face.

"You know this kind of spell?!" He asked in surprise.

The cunning Qiezhidan avoided answering this question: "They are not the only ones who can use the art of water and fire."

"If you can get it and show us how to use it, I'd love to discuss the business with you."

"Okay, then let's talk about the specific conditions." Che Chidan began to talk about his requirements and conditions.Obviously, certain conditions are beyond Zheng Zhifeng's scope of power.Finally he said:
"I can't make the decision on some conditions, I have to make the elder brother's decision."

"Of course, of course. Your eldest brother is the BOSS." Qie Zhidan smiled and said a word that Zheng Zhifeng could not understand, "I believe that with his knowledge, he will not fail to understand that the conditions I offered are very suitable. Of course, you used to The conditions promised to me must be fulfilled."

"My Zheng family has always kept their promises."

"I'm sure of this." Paul stood up. "If you have any news, please let me know as soon as possible. You know how to contact me. May God bless you."

The meeting was over quickly.The people inside walked cleanly, all traces were erased, leaving only an empty, lifeless native village.

Li Huamei stood on the deck, looking at Dagou——Kaohsiung, a busy scene here.Ships from Lingao, Hong Kong and Jeju Island crowded the harbor, unloading and loading countless goods and people. She didn't know and couldn't understand what the Australians were doing, but she was the first "reserve navy ensign" A voyage is very uncomfortable.

Sailing is conducted in formation, with all ships following the flagship.The captain of each ship is required to act in accordance with the flagship's semaphore at all times-for this purpose a signalman is sent on board from the navy.

When the fleet was sailing, the scene of [-] sailing boats of different sizes racing with their sails was amazing--extraordinary.

The voyage was safe and sound.Arrived safely in Kaohsiung.So far, though, she and her crew have not been cleared to go ashore.All are to remain on board until further notice.

From the Hangzhou, you can see the large and small ships in the harbor - Kaohsiung's port area is limited, and the water depth is not enough.Some large ships can only berth at offshore anchorages. From the deck, she can clearly see the legendary black giant ship "Lichun".

If this warship is under his command, he will shut his eyes if he is dead.Li Huamei let out a sigh.Thinking that my first task was to try to get detailed information about Lichun, I couldn't help but feel discouraged: Look at this, how much time will it take me to gain the trust of the Australians?She just arrived in Lingao and was sent to Taiwan. No matter if she was an undercover agent or looking for a job for her sister, it was still in the foreseeable future. Even if she returned to Lingao, she didn't know how long it would be... Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking of Qi Yuan, thinking of With his soft fingers and dull smile...

There was a flush of heat on her face, and she involuntarily covered her cheek.

While thinking wildly, a sailor shouted:

"Captain! There are orderlies at the pier."

The messenger sent Ming Qiu's written order: All crew members disembark immediately and accept "purification".

Since the Hangzhou was not systematically adapted in Lingao, many of them were Europeans incorporated by Li Huamei.Therefore, after arriving in Kaohsiung, it is necessary to make up lessons: all crew members of the ship have entered the quarantine camp.The Hangzhou will also undergo necessary "overhaul."

Li Huamei was finally spared from "purification", but it was inevitable that she was taken to the health center for physical examination and to take a bath in the women's bathhouse at the naval base. great humiliation.

No matter how ashamed, I can only bear it.Li Huamei regards this as a test for her by the Australians.After the bath, her long hair that was originally hanging down to her waist was cut short to her shoulders.

"You are much more energetic like this," said the female soldier who brought her a new uniform.

"Really?" Li Huamei looked at herself in the full-length mirror in confusion: She put on a brand-new 32-year-style blue navy officer uniform made of cotton and linen, which was much better than the naturalized civilian uniform she made herself. , this uniform is both crisp and fit, very tall and slender on the body.As a uniform for female soldiers, it comes with a detachable long skirt.Comes with a white navy belt and a beautiful navy short sword.Of course, it's fine if she wants to hang a personal weapon.

The only thing she felt was the beanie that came with it was superfluous: it offered no protection from the sun, nor did it provide protection from dust and sea water like a hood.Presumably it is one of the countless eccentricities of Australians.

She looked at and touched the gadgets on the uniform curiously: collar patches, soft epaulets, armbands, the coat of arms representing the Southeast Asian company... She knew that the patterns and passages on her epaulets indicated her rank in the Australian army: reserve Second lieutenant—to be placed in Daming, probably a general?
"You are a reserve second lieutenant now, and you may be a lieutenant in half a year. There are many tasks now, so it is easy to be promoted." The female soldier trimmed her clothes and cut off a thread from time to time.

"Oh, don't bother, I have a maid, let Li Ying do it." Li Huamei said casually.

"You're talking about that nigger? She's going to live in a quarantine camp for a month." The female soldier said, "I'm your orderly."

(End of this chapter)

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