Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1239 Operation Overlord

Chapter 1239 Operation Overlord
Now that the Hall rifle is equipped, it will inevitably affect the tactical use.At present, the army has spent a lot of effort to establish a system: whether it is organization, logistics, or training, it is all carried out around the weapon of the Minigun.If a large-scale replacement of the Hall type is required, it will take a great risk.

In contrast, the scale is small, and small-scale combat missions are often carried out. It is more appropriate for the marine corps, which mainly focuses on skirmish combat, to undertake experimental troops.Moreover, the faster shooting speed of the Hall type is more suitable for the naval team's tactical mode of skirmish warfare and precise shooting.

The two hit it off.Shi Zhiqi's plan for the new establishment of new equipment was approved, and it was used for small-scale experimental equipment and troops for testing.Using the personnel of the original Hong Kong detachment, a first expeditionary team with only three companies was reorganized as an experimental force.

In the command room of the Zuoying base, a large-scale sand table model of Weitou Bay has been made.Including Anping, Xiamen Island, Gulangyu Island and Kinmen Island.

There was some controversy about how to fight Zheng Kaizhan, but in the end it was decided to adopt the strategy of "go straight to Huanglong" and use the main force to assault Zheng Zhilong's lair, Anping Town.In one fell swoop, the Zheng family forces in these places were wiped out.If possible, take advantage of the situation to hunt down the main leaders of the Zheng family, and wipe out the Zheng family's power once and for all.

Although the Qing army's surprise attack on Xiamen failed to destroy Zheng Chenggong's military power once and for all, it looted the grain, grass, gold and silver accumulated by the Zheng family over the years, severely hitting Zheng Chenggong's economic power and severely hurting his vitality.

Now it is the start-up stage of the Zheng family, and it is far less rich than Zheng Chenggong's time.If he can plunder his savings and destroy his fleet through a powerful land and water strike, even if he can't kill the main head of the Zheng family, it will be enough to make Zheng Zhilong completely devastated.

This plan was approved before the summer, and military forces were mobilized for this purpose.After intelligence synthesis, the General Staff and the Navy proposed that it would be more appropriate to launch this offensive in late September.In late September, the typhoon season has basically ended, and the strait is calm and calm, which is conducive to the sailing troops.Secondly, the Zheng family's ships to Japan all set sail in June and usually returned around September.It can seize the Zheng family's main trading ships to Japan to the maximum extent and severely hit its sea power.

However, the intelligence department also reminded the General Staff and the navy that Zheng Zhilong's sea power recovered very quickly.It takes less than a year to quickly build a large-scale trading ship along the coast of Fujian, and a large-scale marine ship can be launched in seven or eight months at most.Although the quality is not good, there is no problem sailing to Japan or Southeast Asia.In the history of the old time and space, Zheng Zhilong lost many times and the number of ships decreased a lot, but each time he was able to rebuild the fleet quickly-this is related to Xiong Wencan's support and his strong foundation in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.

Now that Xiong Wencan has been transferred to Guangdong, although the new governor Zou Weilian has a lot of reliance on Zheng Zhilong in coastal defense, he is far less trusting of Zheng Zhilong than Xiong Wencan——Zheng Zhilong's power is growing, he acts on his own in many matters, and does not completely listen to the governor's orders.So the relationship between them is far less "harmonious" than in Xiong Wencan's time.

According to the analysis of the Intelligence Bureau, it is necessary to shake the prestige of the Zheng family in the Zhangquan area, and at the same time make Fu Zou Weilian doubt Zheng's ability-many officials in Fujian have no choice but to recruit Zheng Zhilong. "——making it difficult to recover its strength in a short time.It is necessary to carry out a heavy blow and completely destroy Anping, Xiamen, Gulangyu and Kinmen Island.It would be even better if the main head of the Zheng family could be killed.

The final combat plan formulated by the General Staff is to launch a joint landing operation of the army and navy on 9.20.The main force of the First Fleet of the Navy broke into Waitou Bay and destroyed all the ships moored in the bay in one fell swoop. At the same time, the navy and army landed and occupied Anping, Xiamen Island, Gulangyu Island and Kinmen Island.

After occupying these areas, a comprehensive sweep will be carried out on the fortresses and cities on each island, and they will be destroyed one by one.The population, food and property were all looted, and the city was burned.This made Weitouwan "scorched earth" and lost its foreign trade capability.Both the Great Library and the Intelligence Bureau believed that it would be difficult to completely wipe out the Zheng family through a single campaign. It was necessary to destroy its economic and material foundation to the greatest extent, and then cooperate with the next step of trade blockade and military strikes, in order to finally wipe out the Zheng family.

In this plan, the army and navy will only destroy Anping, Xiamen Island, Gulangyu Island, and Kinmen Island, but will not occupy them.The General Staff considers that once these areas are directly occupied, it will inevitably result in a large-scale division of troops.Moreover, for the Fujian officialdom, the occupation of Xiamen and Kinmen is tantamount to a direct threat to the Zhangzhou and Quanzhou areas, which is bound to cause a greater backlash.The Fujian officialdom will desperately support Zheng Zhilong's counterattack.

On the contrary, they just hit Zheng's family hard, and the bureaucrats and gentry in Fujian officialdom who originally disliked Zheng Zhilong's family would instead attack them together.

For trade, the coast of Fujian is not an essential place: the ships of the Ministry of Colonization and Trade can sail from Shanghai, Guangzhou or Kaohsiung to any trading location. From the perspective of purchasing Ming's trade goods, Fujian's goods Nor is it irreplaceable.

This plan was named "Overlord" by Dongmen Chuyubai - once the battle is completed, the Senate will truly become the overlord of the entire East Asian sea area.

The expected force is the entire First Fleet of the Navy, several squadrons of coast guard patrol boats from Lingao, several naval fire support squadrons, the First Expeditionary Team of the Marine Corps and the entire 1st Battalion of the Army's Infantry, Two artillery companies and one heavy artillery company.There are also two special investigation teams.

In the command room of the Zuoying base, Dongmen Chuiyu was pointing the sand table with a baton in front of the sand table, explaining the action plan.

"The first target of the offensive in this operation is Jinmen Island." Dongmen Chuiyu pointed at the sand table, "Kinmen Island is the throat of Xiamen, which is at the junction of Xiamen Bay and Weitou Bay. It is not only the key to Xiamen, but also the key to Xiamen. The barrier at the estuary of the Jiulong River plays a vital role in Zhangzhou's maritime security. For Zheng Zhilong alone, Kinmen Island is also an important maritime barrier for Anping. For Zheng Zhilong, once Kinmen is lost, Anping will be difficult to preserve. So this is an important town that he must defend."

The land in Kinmen is barren and there is no surface runoff. It is a water-scarce area and the natural environment is very harsh.It can't support too many people, but the entire Kinmen Islands has many harbor ports, and there are more than 30 docks that can berth ships, including 17 large Kinmen and 6 small Kinmen.It is a good place to park ships, so Kinmen Island has always been one of the main berths for the Zheng family's fleet.Zheng Chenggong's attack on Taiwan also started from here.

The second target is Xiamen Island.Xiamen Island is 18 nautical miles away from Kinmen Island, and Anping is just east and west of Kinmen Island.If Anping is the home of the Zheng family, then Xiamen Island is the big business station where the Zheng family operates commercial activities.Countless commodities and wealth are hoarded and circulated here.Later, the brothers of the Zheng family repaired luxurious mansions on the island and moved here.The Qing general Ma Degong succeeded in a sneak attack on Xiamen. It is said that 90 taels of silver and [-] shi of grain were plundered from Xiamen at one time.Considering that Ma Degong escaped without a firm foothold in Xiamen and did not carry out a thorough search, and that he was bound to swallow part of it himself, I am afraid that Zheng Zhilong himself may not know how much the Zheng family has accumulated on Xiamen Island.

"The schedule for the battle is announced below."

9.20. The 3th is the D-day, and the D-2 day, the fleet set sail, assembled in Penghu, and set up an advance base on Magong Island, Penghu.Stock up on food and water. On D-1, the first batch of special investigation teams landed on Anping, Dajinmen Island and Xiamen Island, and set up guidance points on the scheduled beaches. In the early morning of D-[-], set sail for Kinmen Island.


"According to the reports from the special investigation team and the reconnaissance ship, part of Zheng Zhilong's fleet is berthed at Liuluo Bay, part of it is berthed at Gulangyu Island, and some is berthed at Anping." Dongmen Chuiyu pointed to the ship model on the sand table.

Moored in Liuluowan is the "fleet" of Zheng's family. The ships are relatively large, including several European-type ships, most of which are equipped with Hongyi cannons dispatched by Xiong Wencan from Guangdong.Although Liuluo Bay faces the open sea and has strong wind and waves, the beach is steep and the water depth is sandy. It is an ideal anchorage for large ships with deep draft.At the same time, it is also convenient to intercept the enemy fleet attempting to attack Xiamen Bay and Weitou Bay.

In Anping and Gulangyu, there are mainly ordinary trading ships, but a considerable part of these ships are also armed, especially near Gulangyu, Zheng Zhilong also has some arson boats - obviously the enemy knows that arson boats can only be used in narrow sea areas. Make the most of it.

According to the plan, the fleet will first attack all the ships moored in Liuluo Bay, and then the ships will concentrate their firepower to bombard Kinmen Island, destroying the defense of Kinmen Island, and the navy will land to carry out the attack-occupation-destroy operation.

The Zheng family on Kinmen Island has several fortresses, guarded by thousands of people.There are also several forts.However, compared with the Humen-Pearl River defense that the navy broke through at the beginning, the defense of Kinmen Island is far behind.The Zheng family's defense of Kinmen Island basically relies on the sea fleet, not the land fort.

After occupying Kinmen Island, the command post and transfer station will be deployed on Kinmen Island.Attacks on Xiamen Island and Anping respectively.It is planned to carry a large number of large, medium, and small boats to sail and land troops in the bay, overcoming the disadvantages of the First Fleet's large ships, deep draft, and inconvenient landing operations.

(End of this chapter)

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