Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1274 Talking in Jasmine's private room

Chapter 1274 The Conversation in Jasmine's Private Room

There is also an entertainment room on the second floor that is a sand table deduction room, with three types of sand tables for sea, land and amphibious warfare.With exquisite terrain models and weapon models, various military sandbox games can be played from simple war chess games to highly simulated war chess deduction.This is the favorite place for military and martial artists
At this moment, the big entertainment room and the sand table room are brightly lit, and chatter and laughter can be heard from time to time.Wu Nanhai didn't disturb the elders inside, and went directly to the private room on the third floor.

The third floor is all individual salon private rooms-similar to small and medium-sized meeting rooms.There are 8 rooms in total.It is a saloon room used by the tea house for the private and departmental gatherings of the elders.Since its opening, the elder societies have often gathered and entertained here: the Aboriginal Rights Protection Association and the Women's Federation often hold meetings here.Although Feiyun Club has its own place, it sometimes holds small gatherings here.Occasionally, some veterans brought their capable naturalized subordinates here for recreation as a reward.

The boxes here are specially designed, with good sound insulation, good privacy, and a variety of food and beverages are available.The waiters are all well-trained maids who are selected from the office and are below D-rank.The waitresses serving on this floor all have rings hanging around their waists, and they jingle when they walk, which is very pleasant-it reminds the elders who are talking secretly that a waiter is approaching.

Thoughtful and meticulous service makes this place gradually become a main place for private communication among the elders, and the core area of ​​"outside the courtyard" activities.

When Nan Hai looked at his watch, he entered the Ziyun Ying Room, which is the common box of the Council of Agriculture: several veterans of the Ministry of Agriculture had been playing Three Kingdoms for a long time here, and several other veterans were sitting on the sofa while smoking shisha and using their laptops— ―The teahouse box is one of the few entertainment venues with power supply and sockets throughout the day.

Several people greeted him, and he all agreed.Then I came to the small bar of the salon and sat down. The maid serving on the bar saw him sit down, and poured a glass of "Hehui" brand gooseberry wine brewed by the Winery of the Council of Agriculture without waiting for his order. The ratio of the drink: a few pieces of ice, one-third of the wine, then fill it with soda water, and take out a plate of salted peanuts as a snack.

Wan Lihui was sitting next to him, squinting his eyes and smoking a hookah—he didn't inhale the smoke when he smoked the hookah, he just enjoyed the atmosphere, and when he exhaled all the smoke in his mouth into smoke rings, Wan Lihui said Then he said, "Old Wu, what do you think of the report my brother made in Jeju?"

Wan Lihuang has been busy promoting the cultivation of potatoes, citrus and Chinese cabbage in Jeju Island since he went to Jeju Island to do a dungeon.Recently, alfalfa cultivation has also been promoted on Jeju Island to meet the needs of the island's animal husbandry.Agriculture was flourishing, especially potato cultivation. The first batch of potatoes were sown in the early summer of 1632, and by October, the first big harvest of this crop on Jeju Island was ushered in.

Although Wanlihuang only tried planting in standard village farm fields near the three cities of Jeju, it still achieved an extremely impressive yield—the original yield of potatoes per mu was astonishing, and the modern yield of potatoes can reach more than 2 tons per mu.Although Wan Lihuang didn’t have chemical fertilizers in his hands, he knew that plant ash could be used to replace the potash fertilizers that potatoes needed most. What’s more, what he brought with him were good varieties from another time and space. Coupled with the modern field management mode, the average yield of potatoes in Jeju Island was 900% per mu. Reached [-] kg.Even according to the standards of the old time and space, this level is enough to pass the mark.

A large number of potatoes were harvested, and the local naturalized cadres who were caught off guard for a while "did not know how to store them".Potatoes have a high moisture content, and if not processed and stored in time, they will rot and deteriorate. Fortunately, there are many food outlets on Jeju Island.Under Feng Zongze's instructions, potatoes were distributed as the main ration of refugees.

In addition to simple stewing and roasting methods, a variety of potato products have also been specially developed, such as potato cakes, potato cold noodles, potato kelp miso soup and other foods with potatoes as the main ingredient. With the help of other vegetables, the refugees even felt that they were eating better than before.

Naturally, Feng Zongze looked at this special commissioner of the Council of Agriculture in a different light, and he showed great importance to Wan Lihuang, who was not deeply involved in the world.

Encouraged by this situation, Wan Lihuang proposed that the potato sowing area in Jeju Island should be expanded by 200%, and sow twice a year.

In this way, Jeju Island needs more than just potato seedlings.Expanding the sowing area requires larger seedling cultivation bases, facilities for processing and storing harvested potatoes, and more fertilizers—not only potassium fertilizers, but also nitrogen fertilizers.Even soil chemical fertilizers and pesticides require a specialized production plant—these all involve expanding the basic investment scale of the Agricultural Council in Jeju Island.He also proposed to set up a local seafood processing factory.

Wu Nanhai drank the wine: "Xiao Wan, you came just in time. I have read your brother's report carefully. It is very well said! It is good that he is so enthusiastic about the agricultural affairs of Jeju Island——Old Feng also gave I wrote a letter and praised him very much. It’s not easy to make a big splash in less than a year after going to Jeju Island!”

When Wan Lihui heard the leader highly praised his brother, he couldn't help feeling a surge of warmth in his chest, and hurriedly said, "He's still relatively young..."

"It's good to be young. Young people, you should go out and venture out. Don't be careful about the technical support mentioned in the report. I have arranged for someone to make a book "Jeju Island Agricultural Production Reference "Compilation", let the liner deliver it next time." Wu Nanhai said while thinking that your younger brother is Feng Zongze's first bird, and the items in the report are probably the ones Feng Zongze wants the most.

"I also tried my best to arrange all kinds of materials he applied for. This time, 10 short-term trainees who graduated from the agricultural technology class specially arranged to go to Jeju Island, so you tell Xiaowan not to worry, just let go and do it."

"Thank you, Old Wu." Wan Lihui nodded, feeling a little embarrassed when he thought of the gossip he had said to his brother before -- Wu Nanhai is really a kind person, and his face was slightly feverish.

"Thank you, it's all for work." Wu Nanhai said, "By the way, there are another 10 students majoring in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine in this group of students. The distribution is to send 6 to Nick, and your brother keeps 4 for himself— Don't let Nick take people away, this island is not just about raising horses, other aspects of breeding will be carried out - the breeding stock will be sent soon. These people have also received primary medical training at the same time, whether it is humans or livestock Even if you get sick, you can do it yourself, although the technique is a bit rough, but it is still more professional than the local doctors in this time and space."

"I will get it, I will get it." Wan Lihui nodded excitedly, as if his brother's dungeon had been flashed brightly.Speaking of this, he felt that it was a bit difficult to mention a few more items—after all, Old Wu was quite interesting, but he had to mention it, so he hesitated: "Do you see if there are any of the items mentioned in the letter?" possible?"

Wu Nanhai tapped the cigar lightly on the Jiangxi Jingdezhen brush washer used as an ashtray, letting the long ash fall, and then said: "These projects should be included. However, the finance department said that this year's basic The construction investment has been used up, and it has to be arranged in next year's budget. It is said that next year's budget is a bit tight, and we must unite and work hard for it in the agricultural industry." He specially emphasized the word "unity".

"Didn't you say that you got more than 100 million silver from Zheng Zhilong?" Wan Lihui couldn't believe it.

"When the cannon is fired, the gold is ten thousand taels. There are a lot of spoils, and the money is burned fiercely. I heard that the faces of Lao Ma and Cheng Dong turned green when the military bill came out." Wu Nanhai received vividly, as if he had seen it with his own eyes. Seeing it, he said, "Besides, there are many places to spend money now, and I heard that the currency system will be reformed next year, which will cost a lot of money..."

Wan Lihui could hear something. Isn't Wu Nanhai using "emphasis on difficulties" to mean that the project his younger brother wants to enter "has no money to do it"?

"So, it's very difficult?" Wan Lihui decided to test Wu Nanhai's true thoughts.

"Try to fight for it. Our Ministry of Agriculture and Light Industry will definitely fight for this." Wu Nanhai said firmly, "But you also know that when the Senate reviews the budget, there will be another famine in various departments. When the time comes It’s hard not to get passed exactly as we presented the budget.”

These words are still very lively, as if they hadn't been said.Wan Lihui was rather disappointed.Wu Nanhai felt that the fire was almost ready, and said, "I have another idea about this matter, and I want to talk to you..."

After sending Wan Lihui away who was eager to go back, Wu Nanhai came to the reserved room of Jasmine.On the sofa in a corner of the salon, several veterans of the financial sector that he specially invited today were all present.Wu Nanhai made a gesture, and the waitress brought drinks and snacks, and they immediately cut to the chase and chatted.

This is the reason why he came here today to take care of Chu Qing to reserve Jasmine's room: He wants to discuss with several financial veterans: propose to the Senate to allow state-owned enterprises to issue stocks and bonds.The specific case is the issuance of agricultural development bonds of the Ministry of Agriculture and non-cumulative preference shares of all directly affiliated enterprises in Hainan Island and Guangzhou.

The so-called preferred stock, in simple terms, shareholders have the special right to receive fixed dividends from the company's income prior to ordinary shareholders and to receive the remaining assets in the event of bankruptcy and liquidation of the company.However, shareholders generally cannot participate in the company's business activities.In fact, it is a form of debt financing.

Wu Nanhai plans to issue non-cumulative preferred shares, and he can only receive dividends based on the profits of the year. If the company’s management is not good that year and the dividends cannot be distributed, the undivided dividends cannot be accumulated and cannot be paid later.It is equivalent to a corporate bond that does not promise annual interest.

(End of this chapter)

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