Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1275 The ambition of the Tiandihui

Chapter 1275 The ambition of the Tiandihui
At present, the whole of Hainan is under the jurisdiction of the Senate, and the amount of land infrastructure construction required for agricultural development is very large.While free labor of all kinds is now widely used: slaves from Southeast Asia, prisoners, immigrants, conscripted "voluntary labor," and the mobilization of the military to work, these people still need tools, food, drink, and clothing.In addition to labor costs, there are also massive material inputs.

The development of several enterprises directly under the Agricultural Committee is also very prosperous.The liquidity required is enormous.Especially since the launch of the engine plan, the Council of Agriculture has also undertaken a large number of resettlement work for immigrants.

Although the Planning Institute's investment in agriculture is also increasing, compared with the already high investment in industrial infrastructure and huge military expenditure, immigration fees and administrative expenses, the investment and demand growth of other departments have been disproportionate.Many departments are feeling underfunded.

Money is not enough, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure is the main solution, but the current Senate, under the command of the Planning Institute, has cut expenditure to the point of no return - there are blank spaces everywhere right now, and there is nothing that can really save resources.In the end, it still needs to be open source.

In addition to trade, war and plunder, many elders turned their attention to the interior of the ruling area.

The means of suppressing bandits and measuring the acres of fields by "beating bandits and copying tyrants" have almost exhausted the resources now, and it is impossible to repeat similar methods.Taxation: The current taxation system is not yet perfect, and the economic census has not yet been carried out. It is too hasty to introduce new taxes.

The only way is to use their brains on the private capital in the ruling area.In Lingao, including Qiongzhou as a whole, in recent years, driven by the policy of the Senate to stimulate the development of agriculture, industry and commerce, private capital has developed rapidly.Not only a group of "upstarts" have emerged, but also a considerable number of "middle-class households". The capital in the hands of these two groups is quite considerable.They have a demand for capital investment preservation.However, at present, the investment channels that financial ports can provide are very limited, and there is generally only one kind of savings.

The naturalized people and the aborigines know that the "Australian chief executive" has the ability to "turn stones into gold" and can make a lot of money by doing anything. Many big households have the idea of ​​trying to buy shares in the Senate's enterprises, but so far, only in Guangzhou for the big world The project has been used as an example. In Lingao, only a few large households have enjoyed such benefits.

Wu Nanhai felt that since the society had such a need.The investment of the Planning Institute is not in place. There is no need to rely on state investment. Absorbing and utilizing private capital is a multi-purpose thing.

Under the current national policy of the overall planned economy as the foundation and the state-owned economy as the mainstay, it is impossible to completely open private equity investment.Moreover, many elders in the Senate hated the "deceitful thing" of the stock market, and they could not tolerate the "staining" of state-owned enterprises by "private capital".Any proposal to open equity investment in state-owned enterprises will be denounced as a "feast for dividing up the property of the Senate", and "Senate pills" will be distributed on the spot.

Therefore, Wu Nanhai only proposed to absorb private capital in the form of bonds and invest a small amount of equity on the premise that it does not involve corporate management rights and ownership. This can greatly reduce the resistance of the "pill party" and can also play a role in absorbing private capital. .

In order to increase the success rate of passing the Senate, Wu Nanhai has been negotiating with several elders at the Farm Tea House for a week, and is gradually improving the proposal.According to the rules of procedure of the Senate, at least 5% of the elders need to second the motion to submit a bill to enter the procedure.Through his activities, he has gathered enough joint veterans in the Council of Agriculture and the financial port.The current main task is to try to get as many elders to vote for this proposal.

Last week, Feiyun Society held a party in the cafe in the podium rented by the teahouse. Nan Hai communicated with the Qian family brothers, privately with some people from the forestry department, and frequently communicated with the county directors stationed in various counties.At present, he is sure to pass the bill with a simple majority when the Senate votes.

Cai Jinkou is most interested in this plan: After all, the financial industry currently has almost no business other than insurance and bank deposits and loans. There are much more financial businesses, so the two sides hit it off.

The draft plan proposed by Cai Jinkou is that the Council of Agriculture will be used as a pilot, and Delong Bank will be responsible for issuing government agricultural bonds for counterpart use.The proceeds from bond issuance will be earmarked for special use by the Council of Agriculture as an additional appropriation—the review of specific projects is still in the charge of the Planning Institute.As for the issuance of shares, Wu Nanhai originally planned to reorganize several of his subordinate enterprises into joint stock companies, but Cai Jinkou suggested that it is best not to use the enterprises under the Council of Agriculture to carry out the restructuring—there is a lot of pressure for the approval of the Senate. It is more appropriate to set up a joint stock limited company funded by the Council of Agriculture to raise funds.

"...Actually, it is more appropriate for the Tiandihui Association under the Agricultural Committee to be reorganized into a joint-stock company." Wu Di said, "First, this organization itself is engaged in commercial activities—the service industry is also commercial activities; secondly, Tiandihui The name of the club is very famous in Lingao, and it is very attractive to use it to raise equity.”

"Yes, I originally intended to make Tiandihui bigger, but now it's just a social organization similar to rural cooperative medical care. It's a pity."

"No, the nature of the rural cooperative social organization of Tiandihui cannot be changed," Wu Di said, "You can set up a joint stock company under Tiandihui with Tiandihui as the major shareholder."

"Then how about I set up a Tiandihui Foundation?"

"It's too long." Wu Di said with a smile, "Take your time."

Wu Nanhai has discussed the details with several elders of Caijingkou many times, and now he is concerned about when it will be implemented and enough money will be obtained.

"I'm afraid it won't be very early." Chen Ce, director of the planning department of Delong Bank, said, "You know that the most important thing at the financial port in 1633 was to reform the currency system. It is very likely that there will be such a big move in the financial aspect-when the currency unit has changed, how will the previous bonds and stocks be counted?"

"Hasn't Guangzhou already issued the bonds and stocks of Great World?"

"That was calculated using silver. If securities are issued again now, they must be calculated using negotiable notes—what will the final new negotiable notes look like? There is no official plan yet."

"So," Wu Nanhai was a little disappointed, "I still hope to expand production after I get the money."

A group of people in Caijinkou had enough to eat and drink, and they lifted their asses and left one after another - Wu Nanhai naturally paid the bill.He asked the on-duty waiter to clean the private room, set up another set of Kung Fu tea tea sets, brew "Li Mushan Oolong Tea", and wait for Ye Yuming to drink by himself.

After Ye Yuming arrived, Wu Nanhai immediately talked with him about the issue of Tiandihui's stock raising—the first step, of course, was Tiandihui's business of setting up a commercial enterprise, which he would have done even if he didn't raise shares.The Ministry of Commerce can't get all the great business opportunities, and the family stares blankly.

In Wu Nanhai's calculation, Tiandihui will become the "tertiary industry" department of the Council of Agriculture in the future, and the sideline enterprises under the control of the Council of Agriculture will gradually be brought under this system. Tertiary projects.

Specifically, Tiandihui will set up Tiandihui Holdings Co., Ltd. for public offering.

Ye Yuming, as the chief rudder of the Tiandihui, has long been unwilling to be lonely, and hit it off with Wu Nanhai's proposal, and proposed to try to take back all fishing rights.

"We have now set up a fishery cooperative and have a large part of the fishing rights. The navy will not let go of the fishery corps for a while. We can create public opinion first-the navy is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually looks down on it. Those wrecked ships." Ye Yuming said.

"Yes, it's a pity that the fishery administration fleet is dead." Wu Nanhai said sadly.

The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, and Ye Yuming took out a memo from his pocket:
"This is a summary of my institutional organization for the next step of the development of Tiandihui."

In the document, the organizational structure of the Tiandihui was conceived. In addition to the Tiandi Department of the General Assembly, all existing businesses are now divided into different halls for management, the most important being five halls.

Heyitang: Small and medium self-cultivated farmers organize agricultural cooperative affairs;

Giant Whale Hall: responsible for fishery cooperative affairs;
Monsanto: all agricultural technology and agricultural science services;
Fengzetang: the operation and management of land contracted by Tiandihui;

Xingwangtang: Small loan promotion service business for livestock and poultry breeding.

"These halls, except Heyi Hall and Giant Whale Hall, can set up professional companies," Ye Yuming said excitedly, "If the Senate can relax the openings, we can also set up an agricultural business. Banks and the like, at least set up an agricultural credit union-the Japanese have credit unions for agricultural cooperatives..."

"Let's discuss this matter again. Don't mention the Agricultural Bank of China outside, the people in Wudaokou are very good..." Wu Nanhai whispered.

Ye Yuming woke up in shock: "You're right." He shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity that the Fishery Corps doesn't come back, otherwise a fishery company can be established directly!"

"I have no objection to your Tiandihui reorganization plan. It's just that there won't be so many people who will put on airs for you for a while. Let's make do with it." Wu Nanhai said, "I want to talk to you about small business first. I plan to also Put it under the commercial company shelf of Tiandihui. Get a special company."

"Small business?"

"Yes, there are breakfast stalls, cold drink stalls and the like."

"Isn't this a self-employed business?" Ye Yuming was puzzled, "We don't need to hire a group of people to do this..."

(End of this chapter)

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