Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1276 Ownership and Shares

Chapter 1276 Ownership and Shares

"Of course it's not all about hiring people to do it—the business of three melons and two jujubes, if you hire someone to do it, you won't lose money." Wu Nanhai said, "What I mean is that we are a large-scale merchant, and let self-employed people come to us to buy goods. For example, if we sell breakfast now, we should set up our own beverage service company and prepare breakfast for wholesale to hawkers, as well as candied haws, popsicles, jelly jelly, shaved ice, tofu flower, cotton candy... We can also open a larger scale. A chain restaurant that sells breakfast in the morning, packed lunches at noon and evening, and cold drinks on weekdays—I think it’s called Honghuahui.”

"Damn, then we have to make another iron-blooded youth group!" Ye Yuming said with a cold light in his eyes, "Old Wu, when it comes to selling tofu flowers, do you like tofu flowers sweet or salty?"

"Well, I prefer traditional flavors." Wu Nanhai shot a feint and changed the subject, "What do you think of my idea?"

"Okay, but at present, the governor and the planning institute are not particularly in favor of small individual businesses. Although they haven't said it publicly, they don't want more manpower to flow to non-productive departments..."

"We set up this industry not to make money or anything, but mainly to provide more livelihoods for everyone. Increase social stability. Let more people be self-reliant-we can't all work in factories and farms. The tertiary industry People have needs, and it is also an important supplement to large-scale production! In the future, there will always be intermittent surplus of labor force, which cannot be absorbed by industry and agriculture, so we can plan ahead.”

Ye Yuming nodded: "Can the Senate approve this?"

"It doesn't need the approval of the Senate." Wu Nanhai said, "Tiandihui is not a government agency, but an industry association under the guidance of the agricultural port. If it is exhausted, it will be a public institution. We will report to the Government Affairs Council and the governor will sign it. .”

"The question is, will the Duchess approve it?"

"Have you read the latest issue of "Weekly News"?" Wu Nanhai asked back.

"Not yet." Ye Yuming is a busy person.

"There is an article on the statistics and arrangement of the disabled people on duty in the civil affairs system. It is not signed. I guess it was written by Liu Muzhou. Now there are quite a few indigenous people who have partially lost their ability to work after recovering from work-related injuries or war injuries."

In Lingao, there are no disabled people who are completely incapable of working—with their current level of medical and health care, such wounded people cannot be saved.

These people are currently mainly placed in relatively simple auxiliary jobs, but this is not a long-term solution, so Wu Nanhai believes that some disabled people can be absorbed in the form of the Red Flower Society so that they can support themselves.

"...We can give preferential treatment to these people with experience - Tiandihui can just charge a cost. Coupled with tax incentives, it should be able to make them and their families worry about food and clothing." Wu Nanhai's face slightly showed "worry about the country." Concern for the people" look.

Ye Yuming nodded: In this case, it will be easier to pass through the Government Affairs Council.

The important matter has been settled, and both of them are relatively relaxed. Wu Nanhai made a gesture and asked the waiter to change a pot of new oolong tea. While pouring tea for Ye Yuming, he said:

"After this matter is settled, I plan to ask the Senate to confirm the current equity, ownership and dividend method at the plenary meeting..." Wu Nanhai continued, "We are now in a typical ownership chaos..."

"I don't understand." Ye Yuming was stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while.

"What institution do you think our Senate is?"

"Parliament, of course."

"The Senate is essentially the board of directors of the East India Company!" Wu Nanhai said, "We are actually running a country now, just like the relationship between the British East India Company and India was the same thing back then!"

Ye Yuming felt very uncomfortable with this metaphor, but in terms of the specific distribution of power, he admitted that it was indeed the case.

"Even if this is the case, let's just say that all the properties under the Transcend Group belong to all the veterans, but now our plate is getting bigger and bigger. We need to diversify the sources of funds; secondly, it is not only the construction of this new society Only the elders are participating, and we have to fully consider their interests. In the end, it is inappropriate for a company to run a country anyway. So I think that from now on, we must clarify the responsibilities and rights. The state should be changed. So I think it is necessary to conduct an asset appraisal of state-owned enterprises and confirm the ownership. Separate state-owned enterprises from those owned by the Senate, so that the accounts can be calculated clearly in the future, otherwise it will be confused after a long time."

He took a breath, and seemed to be unsatisfied: "Because of the issue of unclear responsibilities and rights, there are still a series of issues that have not been specifically stated, such as whether land can be privately owned, etc.——If these issues are not clear, our system construction , How can the legal construction continue?”

Ye Yuming said worriedly: "Will your proposal be considered as an attempt to carve up the property of the Senate? Everyone is already worried about restructuring and the shareholding system."

"Insisting on state-owned enterprises as the mainstay is an unshakable purpose. Now I am worried that the confusion between the Senate and state-owned enterprises will cause disasters in the future." Wu Nanhai was a little excited, "If I really want to, I can pretend Confused, anyway, "state-owned" is "owned by the Senate". Jurisprudence and concepts are ready-made for dividing property. Now we must distinguish and understand clearly, so that we can stop someone from using this name to divide up the property of the Senate in the future!"

Ye Yuming was thoughtful: "I don't think it's appropriate for you to say that." He continued, "There is also the issue of the dividends of the shares of the veterans. It is also a vague concept."

"That's right!" Wu Nanhai nodded again and again, "The senate is the senate, and the country is the country. They can't be confused with each other. Now we are a typical case where government and enterprise are not separated, and responsibilities and powers are not clear."

Ye Yuming thought, Wu Nanhai was right.But from a deeper perspective, if these things are not done in advance now, the future generation of veterans will one day be left with the reputation of "dividing up state property."The naturalized people in the future will not treat the Senate with simple and sincere loyalty like the current naturalized people because of their gratitude for the kindness of regeneration.However, with the improvement of productivity and the improvement of the living standard and cultural level of the whole society, sooner or later they will "pick up the bowl to eat meat, put down the bowl to scold mother".By that time, the image of Wei Guangzheng of the Senate is bound to be destroyed.

Don't underestimate Wei Guangzheng's image: Since ancient times, the most important thing for a government to maintain is its own legitimacy. The ancient monarchs all claimed to be divinely empowered, and all modern countries claim to represent the interests of the country and the people.The new country established by the Senate is naturally no exception.

I don't know how many elders have realized it?Ye Yuming thought of it with complicated emotions.

The two had a discussion on this issue, wrote a few more memos, and talked until it was nearly ten o'clock - which was already very late in Lingao.

When Wu Nanhai returned home, it was already 10:30 in the evening.Under Chu Qing's service, Wu Nanhai finished washing, changed into a loose cotton pajamas and went to the living room to sit down. Chu Qing was also wearing the patriarchal pajamas at home.With the light on, Wu Nanhai opened the leather-bound Bible and said, "Come on, let's study Exodus [-]:[-]-[-] today."

"Three and a half years of hard work, and I returned to pre-liberation overnight." Li Yan said to Jiang Shan with a smile, still holding the telegram he had just received.

"I'm sorry for the words and your expression." Jiang Shan put down the documents in his hand, and thought about the various reports recently submitted by Daming, "What? Wu Ming was promoted?"

"Jiang Bureau really has a plan..." Li Yan nodded with a smile, "Exactly!"

According to the telegram sent from Guangzhou, Wu Mingjin has been promoted to Leizhou General Judge because his term of office has expired and his performance has been outstanding.

Based on Wu Mingjin's performance appraisal, he should indeed be promoted and transferred.Both the Senate and the Intelligence Bureau were reluctant to leave this excellent collaborator out of their grasp, so they linked him with the Tang Seng Project.

It has been nearly three years since the Tang Seng Project was planned, and it has always been one of the main tasks of the intelligence system. There is doubt whether it is necessary to continue, but the thought of being able to directly control a magistrate who is deeply involved in the officialdom is quite tempting to those who engage in intelligence.

However, in the planning stage, the candidates for "Tang Seng" changed repeatedly, although they always kept their eyes on the down-and-out scholars.But they soon discovered that it is not difficult to get down-and-out scholars to take refuge in themselves, but it is rare to let them be spies, and the psychological barrier is still very large.

Being a spy is always a dishonorable thing, let alone pretending to be a court official!For many scholars, the orthodox status of Ming Dynasty has not been completely broken.

Li Yan felt that instead of letting a poor scholar pretend to be the magistrate of Leizhou tremblingly, it would be better to simply support a ready-made official to take the position.His idea was recognized by Jiangshan.

In Qiongzhou as a whole, there were quite a few bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty who were willing to hug the Senate.However, thanks to the Senate, he has the best performance appraisal, and he will be transferred at the end of his term, so he is more suitable as a candidate.

The only disadvantage is that the magistrate of Leizhou is the fourth rank, and Wu Mingjin is only the seventh rank. According to the order, he must first give the general judge, then the co-prefect, and then he can become the magistrate.If it's just an assistant officer like Zuo Er, it's a bit irrelevant to the Intelligence Bureau.

"In fact, we have a way to get him to the position quickly." Li Yan said at the discussion meeting, "Just sell 'Tang Seng' directly."

(End of this chapter)

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