Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1277 Resignation

Chapter 1277 Resignation
"You mean, let's let the bandit become the magistrate, and then expose him?" Wang Ding asked.

"That's right. It was a troublesome thing to intercept bandits, but now we let him do it, and we'll expose him after he takes over." Li Yan said, "It's not uncommon for bandits to kill officials. It’s rare to see him, and when Lao Wu exposed him, he made a great contribution at the very beginning of his tenure—the word “competent member” is already appropriate.”

"The problem is that his meritorious service is worthless," Wang Ding said. "It's not always possible to give him a promotion immediately. I think it's better to let Lao Wu use this to threaten him, and come to Leizhou with a fake magistrate."

Jiang Shan shook his head: "The bandit can just walk away, why should he be coerced by you? You must know that if this matter is exposed, it will be a matter of losing your head. He can still tell which is more important. Even if the other party agrees for a while, There are too many variables in it. It's not appropriate."

"I also have the same opinion." Li Yan said, "Actually, you should think this way. Once Lao Wu exposes the fake magistrate, won't the prefect position be vacant?"

"Wu Mingjin is the acting magistrate? The second is the prefect of Leizhou!"

"Can't we let him fall ill and die?" Li Yan said lightly, "Who else can go up now?"

"Whether it's the magistrate or the magistrate, the court will always send a new official to take over. It's impossible to let Old Wu act forever."

"The appointment of the magistrate has to go through the Ministry of Officials. Here the sky is high and the emperor is far away. It will be at least a year before the new magistrate takes office after the paperwork is done. The epidemic is prevalent, and there is no guarantee that you will catch the disease and die halfway... A year and a half has passed, and the form is different from what it is now."

"There is one more question." Wang Ding said, "What if there is no bandit in this time and space?" He looked at the crowd, "This is very likely to happen."

Li Yan said: "Whether there is this bandit or not, the prefect of Leizhou who came to office in 1632 must be fake."

Wu Mingjin looked at the courtyard of the inner hall in front of him, and a burst of emotion welled up in his heart.

In the courtyard of the inner hall, the grass and trees were still under the autumn sun, but he was about to leave here soon.

Two or three years ago, when he received the order of transfer, he would have repeatedly called on the gods, Buddhas and ancestors to bless him, packed his luggage in a hurry, and hurried away with his family on horseback.Like a bird out of a cage.In the past few years, at the end of each year, when offering incense to the ancestral tablet, he silently prayed for him to leave Lingao, a place of right and wrong as soon as possible—he didn't even want to be an official, he just wanted to go back to his hometown Nanzhi safely .

But now, he didn't feel happy at all, instead he felt a little melancholy.

In the past few years, he has been eating vegetarian meals at the Lingao Corpse, and at the beginning, he also had some folk lawsuits. In the past year or so, he has been completely forgotten.In addition to Wang Zhaomin, Wu Ya, Sun Ruiwu and other county officials would only come to visit him during the holidays.Judging from their appearance, it seems that they are doing very well in the hands of the Australians, all of them are flushed and full of energy.I heard that Wu Ya brought all his family members to Lingao, so he meant to settle down here.

Compared with them, Wu Mingjin is lonely.He doesn't want to do anything for the Australians, so there is almost nothing to do except go to the county council bureau every month and talk to the local gentry; preside over the county school's monthly exam every month, and offer sacrifices at Anshi— ——The official documents and so on are all made by Wang Shiye.He spends most of his time sitting in the small world of the county government office, either reading lessons, or entertaining himself with poetry, tea and wine, living a leisurely "fairy" life.Besides Master Wang, Mr. Xiong Yuan would definitely visit him once every three to five days to play chess and drink with him.From time to time, gifts and "perks" are given.

Earlier Wu Daling's visit to Xiong Yuanlao was vigilant and disdainful.He knew that Xiong Buyou's actual position was the "county magistrate" of the Australians, and his "yamen" was next door to the county government office, needless to say, he was also tasked with monitoring him.Several times, Wu Mingjin was ready to be "poisoned to death"—especially when the imperial army approached.

His attitude had almost softened by now.Most Australians are humorous and knowledgeable people. Although their words are unavoidably vulgar, in the past few years they have suppressed bandits in Lingao, repaired water conservancy, provided relief to the common people, encouraged industry and commerce, taught farming and mulberry, and set up education and schools... Lingao is changing with each passing day. , He just turned a poor and barren frontier county into the richest county in Qiongzhou.

As long as he wants, he can go out for a walk at any time, and he can even go to the southern mountainous area where he never dared to go deep when he was a county magistrate. The changes in Lingao are obvious to all.He, Wu Mingjin, is not blind and deaf, and he is even less willing to speak against his conscience--Australians are out-and-out good talents for helping the world and masters in governing the country.I, and even many other scholars, are far from being able to compare with it.

It's ridiculous to say that when he was a county magistrate in Lingao, his performance in the first year was no more than "average". On the contrary, the Australian came, and made several great achievements in succession, and got "excellent".Now that his term of office has expired, he has been promoted to the general judge of Leizhou—this official probably came from the activities of the Australians—Wu Mingjin is not an idiot. And before the successor can take over the seal, he can leave, and the county magistrate will be temporarily appointed by Wu Ya.This is obviously an arrangement by the Australians.As for the purpose, it is probably just out of the consideration of "acquaintances are easy to handle".As long as I continue to "govern with the crown" in Leizhou and continue to "excellent" in the performance appraisal, it will probably not be a problem to be promoted after the term expires.

The steward trotted all the way over and told: "Master, everything is ready, please show me, do you want to start?"

"Is Master Wang in the car?"

"Reporting to the master, I have already boarded the car."

Wu Mingjin looked around the courtyard again: now he is about to leave here—speaking of which, the county government has been repaired by the Australians at present, and it is dilapidated than when he took over. Much nicer and neater.In this courtyard, he and his family sit around and eat "Australian barbecue" in autumn and winter, and eat shaved ice and sour plum soup in summer nights. He also smoked cigars and drank oolong tea here... All kinds of past memories came to mind, and he suddenly felt reluctant to part with it.

"Let's go." He finally said the word, then dusted off his robe and stepped out.

At the gate of the county yamen, many people had already gathered. Except for the miscellaneous officials in the county, most of the rest were squires from the Advisory Bureau, students from the county school, and some ordinary people who watched the excitement.The Australian sent him the most familiar Xiong Buyou.Elder Xiong Yuan was all smiles, leading a group of musicians and several subordinates.

In front of the screen wall is a band, whistling and whistling, playing an Australian "Sound of Delusion". Wu Mingjin heard someone sing it as a ditty, which seems to be called: "When Will You Come Again".

Although it was a melodious sound, it was very appropriate at this time.Wu Mingjin bowed his hands to everyone on the steps of the gate of the county yamen. Seeing Liu Jinshi among the gentlemen who were seeing him off, all kinds of emotions came to his heart, his heart felt hot, and the corners of his eyes were slightly sore.

Xiong Buyou came up to shake hands, and said a few words of compliments such as "he will be promoted", and then Liu Dalin was also supported up to toast——since he received treatment from Lingao General Hospital, Liu San trained him again. He hired several servants and maidservants to be physical therapists, and insisted on taking medicine, acupuncture, massage, and performing various rehabilitations for him every day. Not only did Liu Jinshi not die as early as in history, but he was gradually able to walk on crutches. No more wheelchairs.

Wu Mingjin took the wine glass——Liu Dalin is the "head" of the big gentry in Lingao, and it is a great honor for the county magistrate to receive his toast.This is much more dignified than some notorious state and county magistrates who can only hire a few people to fool the scene when they leave office.

After drinking the wine toasted by Mr. Liu, there was a burst of firecrackers for a while. Two people came forward and took off one of his boots. The vermilion lacquer wooden sign, and a Wanmin umbrella.This ceremony of seeing off the retiring officials has come to an end.

Here Director Xiong has arranged several two-wheeled and four-wheeled carriages to pick up the family members and luggage.The family members had already boarded the car, and Wu Mingjin boarded the red flag carriage. At this time, the band played the folk music version of "Auld Lang Syne".The send-off crowd saluted together. At this time, he heard someone crying in the send-off crowd. Wu Daling couldn't bear it any longer, wiped his tears with his sleeve, and cupped his hands again and again. Then he got into the car, and the convoy started slowly with the accompaniment of the band. Go out of the city along Xianqian Street.

Wu Mingjin's new post is just across the Lingao Strait, but as usual, he has to go to the provincial capital to take up his post.Before Wu Mingjin boarded the liner to Guangzhou, the organization of the Foreign Intelligence Service began to operate.

It is not difficult at all for Wu Mingjin to be appointed as the general judge of Leizhou by the Guangzhou Station Movement-his performance appraisal and term of office are suitable, and Leizhou is an evil army in Yuanzhou that few people are willing to go to. Although the prospects are very good, foreign officials are often dissatisfied Or die from an epidemic, which officials often regard as daunting.The Intelligence Bureau is more concerned about how to continue to effectively control Wu Tongjuan in the new environment.

Master Wang has been "developed", but just this cunning and mercenary master cannot guarantee complete reliability.Therefore, Li Yan decided to form a loyal and reliable naturalized staff team beside Wu Mingjin and others to ensure that they are completely in the hands of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau.

The martial arts team is easy to say, they have a lot of room for choice; but there is a slight lack in the literary team - originally they could not recruit many scholars, and there were even fewer who could be confirmed as reliable.After careful consideration, Li Yan decided to send Xiao Zhanfeng, a scholar from Xuwen County, to Wu Mingjin's side, as a copywriter master to serve as the "supervisor".

(End of this chapter)

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