Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1284 Mr. Qian

Chapter 1284 Mr. Qian

Since Qian Taichong was captured, he stayed in Lingao for more than two years.He came from a poor family, and although he saved a little money by being a teacher and Youmu to marry a wife and have children in his hometown, he didn't even match the level of a well-to-do family.Therefore, after being captured, no one redeemed him. Seeing that all the officials and staff in the camp ransomed and returned home, but he could only stay in the captive camp and work every day, he felt very resentful.

Chang Qingyun, who was captured together with him, was pampered and could not do the hard work in the prisoner camp, so he "almost died". Therefore, he took care of him in many ways, and often helped him do some hard work.Tears of gratitude filled Chang Qingyun's eyes, and he said many times that as soon as he was released, he would become brothers with different surnames.

Later, Chang Qingyun's family redeemed him, and Chang Qingyun vowed to raise money to redeem him as soon as he was sent back.Qian Taichong waited eagerly in the prison camp for Chang Qingyun to redeem him.

Unexpectedly, Chang Qingyun's visit was as if there was no news.In the end, it was only when he accumulated enough points from his own work that he was freed—this was the spring of 1632.

After gaining freedom, Qian Taichong refused to persuade the civilian cadres in the prisoner camp to settle down in the local area, and decided to return to the mainland.He has seen too many things about Australians on the construction site of the prisoner camp in the past few years, and he feels more and more that the Australians will sooner or later be a serious problem for the court. He has spent several years living here with the thieves, and it is time to return to serve the court.

Qian Taichong took some money that was issued to him in the prisoner camp and a little luggage that was left behind when he was a prisoner, first took a public carriage from Lingao to Qiongzhou, and went to find Shi Bangyao, the former owner of Guangdong Zuo Canzheng Branch, Hainan Road.

Shi Bangyao has been living in seclusion in the sub-shoudao yamen in Qiongshan County since the defeat in Chengmai.He still met the former aide in mind of his old relationship, saying that he was in danger now and could not keep him.However, Shi Bangyao was the magistrate of Zhangzhou in Fujian, and had dealt with Zheng Zhilong, so he wrote a recommendation letter for Qian Taichong, and gave him 20 taels of silver to go to Fujian to join Zheng Zhilong, so that he could make a living.

"The Kun bandits have turned into a prairie fire in Qiongzhou." Before leaving, Shi Bangyao told him, "It's a pity that the imperial court is now trapped by bandits and captives from the East, and they can't look after each other. Let this beast sit on the ground, and Mr. If you get out of the cage now, you will be able to do a lot in the future.”

With this encouragement in mind, Qian Taichong arrived in Anping with enthusiasm, but he didn't expect that Zheng Zhilong didn't see him at all——Zheng Zhilong is already a hot figure now, and people recommended by various big bosses to eat idle food are like crucian carp in the river. Chong is only a scholar, and he is not well-known. Zheng Zhilong already has four NO.50 friends around him, so he recommended him to Zheng Zhipeng.

Zheng Zhipeng didn't take Qian Taichong seriously either, so he asked him to be an assistant to handle the documents. The job was very simple, and he was free, and the salary was of course not high.

Qian Taichong was not as surprised by the collapse of the Zheng family this time as the others.In his opinion, it is not surprising that the gangsters, who have become popular in Qiongzhou Prefecture, want to destroy Wuhewaju sea lords like Zheng Zhilong——Qian Taichong has been in Zheng Zhipeng's shadow for several months, watching with cold eyes, knowing that Zheng's group is nothing but It is a maritime business group, everything is for profit, and there is not much political foresight.Compared with the Kun thief, it can be called the difference between clouds and mud.Once you start a war with the Kun bandits, failure is inevitable.

This contrast, on the contrary, strengthened Qian Taichong's determination to fight against the Kun bandits. He had the same ambition in his chest as the average Chinese literati to do great things.Under the old social system, it was difficult for him to be a poor scholar. Now that the Zheng family has been hit hard, the family is torn apart, and his son Zheng Sen has no one to support him. This is a great opportunity for him to turn the tide.

As long as Zheng Sen can be promoted to the position of the head of the Zheng family, and then slowly figure it out—Qian Taichong quite has the idea of ​​being the "teacher" of the Zheng family—maybe he can plan a new world in this southeast sea area!

The people gathered around the young master of the Zheng family are all low-level figures in the Zheng family. Although Matos and Tongtaro are loyal, they know little about official affairs, and they are simple-minded and easy to be used .It will be much more convenient to operate by yourself.

At this time, seeing that the Japanese had already arrived at the door, he pretended to be profound and smiled slightly, and took out the articles that he had been thinking over and over again in his stomach these days.

"Mr. Tong! It's rare that you are so loyal." Qian Taichong nodded again and again, "You want to help the young master ascend the throne, and your heart is pitiful. Just running around like this is completely useless."

Although he had not been in Zheng Zhipeng's office for a long time, he knew the situation of Zheng's group very well, so he was not surprised that after Zheng Zhilong's death, Zheng's generals fell apart.

"...Master Sen is young, and the general is in his prime, so he didn't prepare masters and subordinates for him. So the only thing that Master Zheng Sen has now is the status of a general's son," Qian Taichong said, "He has no power of his own, It is not worth mentioning to the generals of the Zheng family, so no one cares about his status as a legitimate son. Master Mori's mother is Japanese, and in the eyes of many generals, it is even more "not my race", and there is no Foreign forces can support him."

"What should I do?" Totaro was a little anxious.

"Hehe, don't worry, there is still someone who cares about Master Sen. It's just that he still doesn't know about Master Sen's distress, otherwise I guarantee that he will definitely help Master Sen."

"who is it?!"

"Fujian Governor Zou Weilian."

Tong Tailang had heard of Zou Weilian's name—not only had he heard of it, he had also accompanied Zheng Zhilong to meet him, and he knew that this person was the governor of Fujian Province, and he was a very powerful "big name", but He knew that Zheng Zhilong and Governor Zou had always been at odds with each other, which was not as harmonious as the "Governor Xiong" in the past.

"Governor Zou and the general have been at odds..."

"One moment and another moment." Qian Taichong felt that it was a bit difficult to explain to a Japanese. "In the past, the master was alive, but now the master is gone, and the Zheng family is full of heroes, so he has other considerations."

When Zheng Zhilong was alive, the Zheng family as a whole was a huge threat to him, the governor of Fujian.Now that Zheng Zhilong is gone, the Zheng family is falling apart. Although the troubles of his confidants have been eliminated, the situation where the heroes compete for the throne is not what he likes to see.The split Zheng's family is bound to fall into the flames of fighting with each other, the coast of Fujian will suffer, and the situation in the southeast coast, which was originally rough and safe, will deteriorate again. At that time, it will be difficult for Zou Weilian to explain to the court.

A big but weak Zheng family is what Zou Weilian wants to see.If he put himself in his shoes and thought about it, as the governor of Fujian Province, what he most wanted to see was a unified but internally divided Zheng Group.In this way, all the forces within the group will try their best to please the government, and he, Zou Weilian, will have the space to be good at dancing, whether it is for the court or for him personally.

As far as Zou Weilian is concerned, it is not easy for him to win over the rest of the Zheng family. The leaders of the Zheng Group all have their own forces, and Zou Weilian has to pay a high price if he wants to win them over; Becoming another Zheng Zhilong is still unknown.It is far better to let children who have no desires take the throne than to let the adults who are full of desires succeed.

What's more, Qian Taichong thought with a sneer that none of the members of the Zheng family who are now fighting for power and profit in Zhangzhou Bay have ever thought that Zheng Zhilong's success today has a lot to do with him being an official.Zheng Sen is not only the direct son of Zheng Zhilong, but also the successor of Zheng Zhilong's hereditary military position.Now, the young Zheng Sen is the official of the imperial court, and the other generals of the Zheng family are just "grassmen".

Zou Weilian came forward to support Zheng Sen, who was "attacking his post" in the name of the governor of Fujian. Not only did he have an official excuse, but in private, he defended the legitimate rights and interests of "orphans and widowed mothers".It can be called above board.It also gave Zou Weilian ample excuses and opportunities to intervene in the Zheng Group.

Zou Weilian spent little money on supporting Zheng Sen, but he had a lot of constraints on Zheng's group.

With Zou Weilian's intelligence, he probably didn't think of this.Qian Taichong was very confident in his deduction—and he knew that the governor of Fujian had sent someone to inquire about the whereabouts of Tian Chuan and Zheng Sen. Obviously, the governor still attached great importance to the mother and son.

Tong Taro cast all his heart on his analysis, and immediately expressed his willingness to listen to "Mr. Qian" in everything, as long as Fu Song can be made the throne of the patriarch.

"Let's not worry now," Qian Taichong said confidently, and had already calculated the next step several times. "There are people gathered in this county school who refuse to disperse. They are all loyal people of the young master. We should not treat them Ignore them, and distribute some of the money, rice and silver sent from various places to them in the name of the young master."

"But we don't have much money..."

"The general was as rich as an enemy, so would his son still care about this?" Qian Taichong smiled slightly, "We must be sure."

"Congratulations, sir!"

"There are a few scholars outside who are knowledgeable and able to share weal and woe with the young master. We want to pull them here and use them for the young master. You send someone to invite them quietly at night." Qian Taichong said and gave it to him. a note.

There is no one surnamed Zheng on the note. Qian Taichong believes that it is not appropriate to let members of the Zheng clan join in at this time, lest someone intends to use his blood to seize the leadership.In southern Fujian, the concept of fellowship and clan is very strong. Not only do you have a foreign surname, but you are also a foreigner, so you have to be careful.

Wait until it's done, and then consider recruiting members of the Zheng family.

"Mr. Doy."

(End of this chapter)

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